Once the oil in Alberta runs out Canada will not be able to squander away tax dollars on useless programs that beefit only a small minority of people such as bilingualism. This initiative has become nothing but a make work program for Fransophones, while the vast majority of Canadians speak English as the working language of business both in Canada and around the world.
Let's also not forget the many other wasteful programs initiated by Liberals like sponsorship, the gun registry, etc., etc. Sure we all nedd funding for necessities of life, and I'm sure Alberta does not mind contributing to the pot so that all Canadian's can have those necessities, but every time we turn around the Liberals were dreaming up new programs on which to piss away our tax-dollars. Quebec continues to while and will continue to whine until our federal government grows some balls and tells them that they are not a country, but merely just another province within Canada, and they deserve nothing more than the rest of the provinces are entitled to. If they don't like it the option of leaving is always available, and please don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Good point, and we are at an agrement
But I was not refering to Quebec, I refered to all the provinces geting equalization.