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  1. Sheesh, chill out your making me feel bad for you, if you want to vote greens, go ahead!! All your posts are anything but green, but, go ahead, if that's what you want vote green. Vote Liberal if you want, but you can't even say that's how your voting, it's okay, vote Liberal if you want, but just say it than DUCK!!
  2. Ohhh, give me a break, talk about spewing garbage, how can you even hold your head up. I have always been a Conservative, and proud of it! Let's raise some interesting questions about the Liberals, Adscam is old, but income trusts are new! Liberals are so corrupt it makes me sick! The RCMP are investigating Goodale and soon the PM, WAKE UP, the Liberals are so corrupt, it makes me gag.
  3. Another baseless accusation, get real, read your own posts, you are so Liberal, you can't even pretend otherwise! If, you are Liberal admit it, don't hide behind the Greens! I will still debate you.
  4. Sure, some babble spy trashs a well thought of campaign manager, of course the media would want to get in on it, but, the reason they didn't was that only part of the posts were true, so, the real media, won't touch it with a ten foot pole! All I can say is watch your backs if you have ever said anything online that anyone might disagree with, cause it will be you next!
  5. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LMFAO Funny how Harpers imperfections don't arouse the same anger in you as Martin's. Oh well, the CPC got away with one there. If there wasn't such attention on the RCMP investigation, it may have become an issue. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Umm, Martin's imperfections are legion, that's why the RCMP are investigating!
  6. It is odd support from a Liberal, but talking to my Mom, who has always voted Liberal, even she thinks the tide has turned and that the Conservatives will win!
  7. Hey supposedly HONEST, you still there or licking your whatever?
  8. That would be childcare. Who tells you there is a desperate need??? Not me! I had no problem finding a loving, caring dayHOME, to look after my kids. Might the Liberals be creating a problem that doesn't really exist??? The only organizations lobbying are the ones that can't compete with people who really care about kids, they don't think of them are $ signs, but the ones lobbying do. They want a monopoly on our kids, and I refuse to accept that mind numbing Liberal hypocrisy.
  9. It is doing because the provinces are not attending to this obligation. You see, although you probably don't, we are living in what passes for a civilized country that those who can make such silly comments seem to want a shift to barbarism. The federal government has an overriding responsibility for the welfare of the nation. It can act if provinces fail to do so. The one saving grace of our constitutional setup is this power. It comes under the heading of peace, order, and good government. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Can anyone read that and say it's not babble? To quote " It is doing because the provinces are not attending to this obligation" Not doing what?? I haven't heard anyone here complaining about daycare! Liberal's are creating a black hole without anyone wanting it! You see, although you probably don't, we are living in what passes for a civilized country that those who can make such silly comments seem to want a shift to barbarism. Well have another sip of whatever you a drinking! I do live in a civilized country, except that Liberals, drive around in limos, but call me a barbarian because I want my country to survive! Or, oops, I don't vote Liberal! The federal government has an overriding responsibility for the welfare of the nation. It can act if provinces fail to do so. The one saving grace of our constitutional setup is this power. It comes under the heading of peace, order, and good government. The federal government's overriding responsibility is to listen to CANADIANS, I didn't see any peace, order or good government in Toronto on Boxing day! BUTT out of my area of expertise, and start getting real about locking criminal UP for a long time.
  10. CTV has been airing it all day! But I think the income trust scandal has been in the headlines today!
  11. You see, that woman who left her kids in daycare and went to a bar an forgot about them was reported. Is your mom or friends going to report you for the same thing? Probably not. This is where the trouble with the Conservatives idea of childcare start to fall apart for me. Daycare workers are required to report such neglect to the proper authorities. Most people will be able to talk their friends or family out of such drastic action, by laughing it off in one form or another. This leaves the child in a potentially hazardous situation. A situation they would not be in if there where enough proper affordable daycare spaces. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well if I was late my dayHOME lady would have kept my baby safe, overnight if need be, THOSE wonderful daycare workers, closed the daycare at 6:00 and FORGOT about the child inside in their hurry to get home!!! That's how we found out about it!!! They had to break into the daycare to get the child out!!!
  12. You poor thing, you asked Who knew?? Well it's obvious Paul Martin's personal physician knew, I see you wouldn't post my link on that!! Give your head a shake! It's an official RCMP CRIMINAL investigation! And, the New York Stock Exchange is going to get involved. Liberals can not hide behind Gomery anymore, the bright lights are on them and even if the RCMP say they didn't find anything, the Americans are not going to let the Liberals off! Martha Stewart went to jail for much less than this. Conrad Black is facing charges, next, the Liberals! With the Liberals anti-American stance, good luck!! By the way, you can almost smell your fear in your posts, like Paul Martin's phoney, smile!
  13. It's hard to imagine any space opening in a pro-profit centre at a meagre $100/month. No, wait. It'll be quite easy imagining any dive to literally dump children since Harper won't require any national standards. Some choice. Real spaces currently demand $1000/month. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Explain to me why the provinces are not doing a good job? Daycare is under their jurisdiction, so why is the federal government sticking their nose into this issue?? NATIONAL daycare is a black hole, that the federal government has no right to be involved in. Just giving provinces money, which is what they are doing now, will not guarantee any new spaces, it hasn't happened in over 10 years why will that change now? Maybe the provinces will spend it on "beer and popcorn", or a road? They do not have to spend it on daycare! Ask the provinces if they want more money for daycare, of course they are going to say yes! A transfer of funds from the federal government to the provincial government.....IT"S still government!! Single parents and low income parents already qualify for huge subsidies in daycare, how is a national daycare program going to change that?? I wish the Conservatives had been in power 10 years ago, when I could have used the help they are proposing. This is a plan that helps all parents, not just low income, WHO, I REPEAT ARE ALREADY GETTING HELP! It's helping the stay at home Mom/Dad or Grandma if she looks after the grandkids. I don't care if it's $100 a month or not it's a heck of a lot more than I got when my kids were young...which was nothing!!! Real spaces currently demand $1000/month??? I can hire a nanny for that, have her come to my home to care for my kids and she can help with suppers too! It bugs me no end when I have to work extra to pay for childcare, then I hear about a lady that forgot to pick up her child from daycare, because she was in the bar and lost track of time!! So, don't give me this Liberal garbage about, it's only $100/month! It's more than the Liberals ever gave me!!!
  14. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Clearly blinded by something, uses Honest in their name, must be a Liberal Harper said today that Goodale could stay on, riding his limo, until January 23! The Liberals seriously don't get it! Culture of entitlement!
  15. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Must be due to A LACK OF EVIDENCE. You obviously have never been on the other side of the interrogation table. The first thing the cops to do after they have you dead to rights is to try and get you to squeal on everybody you know in exchange for less punishment. If they had proof that would hold up in court, they would be all over the poor SOB who did it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How's this for a lack of evidence?? Look at the trading in this stock on Nov 22? Paul Martin's physician owns this I think! Clearly someone knew something in advance!! Medisys
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