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  1. Oh my god, that is a department that hacks me out every other night through satellites. I have tracked the departments and they are working with education networks and patents offices in Germany. OMG--- I contacted the patents office in Germany and complained about a patent they took out on my environment and they would not answer my questions. This department is running a biomedical/medical device testing human trafficking network with several free masons!!!!!! WTF is going on here in Canada? There are multiple real estate developers who circle my mothers property and they have repeaters all over her yard. I have gone to police multiple times, have 100% digital forensics, they clearly want her property after development and me for money making. WTF, I have been capturing medical device medtronics which is a pace maker on my home network and I dont have a heart condition.
  2. I pray, as the world prays that the Truckers can end medical experiments in Canada. It has stripped Freedom, assets, lives, minds, hearts and souls. Be brave, stand tall and know that this government and nefarious persons and the military have been torturing and using people's bodies for decades for the ultimate solution... real estate, medical device testing (without consent) for patents and research and development grants which are not regulated GLOBALLY.
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