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Everything posted by Vladiator

  1. Here is the email letter I just sent to Sportsnet.ca: November 11, 2019 Regarding the wrongful dismissal of Don Cherry To whom it may concern I was completely shocked to see that your company has fired Don Cherry for what amount to be a patriotic statement. He did no wrong by his statement. Canada has become over run by special interest groups who's main agenda is to attack Canadian culture by using faux political correctness. If Sportsnet.ca does not reinstate Don Cherry immediately and offer him and all the Canadians that love him a published apology for your obvious mistake then let the blood letting begin. By now your switchboard and email contacts must be flooded by people venting their frustrations and dissatisfaction with your company's obvious bias toward patriotic Canadians. How dare you people. I hope that the vast majority of people cancel their "paid subscriptions" to your network as I believe you deserve to go out of business if you do not correct your blundering. I have scanned the online forums and I can tell you that the vast majority of posts are for Don Cherry and against your company and it's political bias. It must suck to be all of you at Sportsnet.ca I for one will be making my case on line to ensure you are sufficiently punished financially and that your bottom line takes the major hit it deserves. Sincerely, Your former customer. send your email to Sportnet.ca and let them know that they made a huge mistake by wrongfully letting go Don Cherry here: [email protected] also see here for local contacts: https://www.rogersmedia.com/contact/
  2. Great board thanks for having me on. 

    1. Greg


      Thanks for contributing!

  3. Don Cherry is a Canadian icon. A straight shooter who does not pull any punches. Support the troops and remember your war dead by wearing a poppy on Remembrance Day has always been a Canadian thing since the years after the First World War. Don Cherry said and did nothing wrong by reminding the people of Canada to do so. It is so typical of the Marxists who have run Canada for years now to imply that there was something more sinister about Cherry’s comments because they are using the opportunity to again make their point by twisting his words to suit their agenda. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and all of the liberal politicians and sympathizers want a Canada that puts Muslims 1st. Remember Trudeau's father and former Prime Minister of Canada Pierre E. Trudeau was responsible for forcing “multiculturalism” into Canadian culture, a disastrous mistake for Canada and Canadians but a great policy for further dividing and conquering the Canadian people along racial, cultural and ethnic lines. "Multiculturalism" is just another term for “Cultural Marxism” imop. To any patriotic Canadians reading this I say wear your poppy till Christmas and support Don Cherry and support a Canada free of these vile Marxists who think they own you and the whole country.
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