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Right To Left

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Posts posted by Right To Left

  1. 1 minute ago, BeaverFever said:

    Where did I say that?  In the cesspool that is US politics, he’s currently the the cleanest turd - the least worst option in a system that can only produce bad options 

    No, not buying! The only reason why almost 80 year old Joe was brought out of mothballs was to make sure that the will of America's true rulers would be followed after they dumped out the volatile and unreliable servant - Donnie. 

    As middling and meek as his so called "socialism" is, the last thing the DNC would allow was a win for Bernie Sanders during the primaries. They carefully scripted a plan to rig the first caucus in Iowa (an unnecessary counting app created by a Buttigieg financier) and then made sure other, lesser centrist options dropped out before Super Tuesday primaries....but left Warren in just to siphon votes away from Bernie. 

    Not surprised much of the left still didn't bother with the election and took to demonstrations and rioting instead!

  2. 1 minute ago, Infidel Dog said:

    Seems like something to consider all right. 

    One also might consider something like this one from last year:

    Big Pharma Backs Joe Biden, But People Don't Think He'll Fix Drug Pricing

    Yes, Slow Joe won the money sweepstakes two to one before winning the presidential race against Trump by a much closer margin. 

    I'm surprised your link is from Newsweek though! I'm not sure whether to feel hopeful that they will emerge from their status as controlled opposition, or they have since fired that writer for presenting an honest perspective on his candidacy and the steep odds against a career politician  in the pocket of Big Pharma fighting to lower drug prices.

  3. 3 hours ago, Shady said:

    You'd think with all of Junior's spending, we'd be able to produce our own vaccines.  Nope.  Or Canada's ICU capacity would be significantly expanded.  Nope.  But it goes to show how stupid and reckless his choice to run big deficits pre-pandemic.  

    As debt rises, the cost of financing that debt rises.  Which means more money that could've been spent on health care, education, etc, now gets spent on paying interest on borrowed money.  What kind of retard thinks this is good policy?  Other than the Trudeau crotch-sniffers in this forum, and the other one.

    Were you a Mulroney crotch sniffer back when he was the Prime Minister? 

    Either that, or your rightwing brainwashing is so thorough, you have no awareness that it was the great Mulroo privatizing Connaught Labs for no good reason (suspicious minds like mine assume money changes had behind the scenes every time on privatization deals) Connaught Labs was privatized to private - for profit interests who would..........increase efficiency from 'wasteful' government management!

    When Canada was a world leader in vaccine research and production

    As the Trudeau government struggles to figure out how to get a coronavirus vaccine to Canadians, one thing is clear: this task would be a lot easier if the Mulroney government hadn’t privatized Connaught Labs three decades ago.

    The sale of the remarkable Connaught Labs to foreign interests made no sense back then, and it makes even less sense today.

    Its consequences loom over the country, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau acknowledging last week that Canadians won’t get the coronavirus vaccine as soon as citizens in the U.S., Britain, Germany and other countries because we no longer have sufficient domestic vaccine capabilities.


    This will be stunning news to anyone familiar with Connaught’s groundbreaking work in developing vaccines and other medical treatments over seven decades before its privatization.

    Indeed, it’s ironic — and infuriating — that we find ourselves in a disadvantaged position regarding the coronavirus vaccine since Connaught was a world leader in vaccine development and production.

    If Connaught Labs still existed today, its scientists would almost certainly be involved in the quest to come up with a coronavirus vaccine, working collaboratively with other researchers — just as they played a key role in helping U.S. virologist Jonas Salk develop the polio vaccine in the 1950s.

    From the early part of the 20th century, Connaught created and produced high-quality medical treatments and vaccines for Canadians, including vaccines for smallpox, tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough, as Canadian medical historian Christopher Rutty has documented.  

    And the rest is at:  https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2020/11/30/when-canada-was-a-world-leader-in-vaccine-research-and-production.html

  4. On 1/24/2021 at 7:24 AM, bush_cheney2004 said:


    Inflation has remained very modest by historical terms, and near zero interest conditions will persist for several more years.    Central banks actually strive to keep inflation in a 2% - 3% band as a matter of monetary policy.


    And exactly how much longer do you expect the central banks to be able to keep pumping new money into the banking and finance systems before a critical mass is reached where too many people realize there is no way they will get full returns on investment?

    Inflation wouldn't be low and shouldn't be low...we're talking permanent zero percent interest loans coming from the Federal Reserve banks in the US for christs sakes! 

    Back when Japan went through their much smaller economic meltdown in 2000, their central bank went through to 'negative' value interest rates, and now the rest are doing it as well to try to keep priming the pump and keep the already richest men in the world earning more billions in undeserved riches. Either Japan was going rogue 20 years ago, or more likely -- they were set up to plot out this 'flood the markets with free money scheme,' since Japan didn't pay the economic price expected if they weren't a close US ally. Similar to when banks in Malta made a seizure of deposits to cover their debts. The 'great minds' who come up with economic schemes have a hard time in the transition from theory to practice, since people are unpredictable and they don't know exactly how the public will react. And that's why some, suspicious skeptics considered Malta a test run for asset seizure plans by the big players.

    Similar reasoning led Bush/Obama administrations' cautious bank bailout announced in 08 to be careful not to let the first round of money creation go over the one trillion mark! It was seen as a psychological breakpoiint to just pull up a trillion....now no one has 2nd thoughts about it! And every time since then, when the stock market has faltered, even a bit, in comes Treasury with the money hose to flood the markets with and keep equities rising higher and higher for no valid reasons!  At some poiint.....and I don't know when...but likely real soon, the search for real value will lead to more than a few buying gold and crypto's and there will be a mass exodus out of the Dollar (both) and the Euro and all of the other fiat Dollar-linked currencies, and we will have the economic crash that should have been expected when it became clear that all future recessions would only hit the little people on so called "Main Street," while Wall Street and its Euro and other equivalents continue getting richer no matter what's going on in the real world.

    *a little off the track, but I can't think of a greater example than Elon Musk winning the billionaire sweepstakes now! His electric car company that isn't worth a pot to piss in, keeps going up and up -- way beyond the values of companies actually making a significant number of automobiles....electric cars included! This shit lets you know the system is rigged!



    I for one would welcome much higher interest rates....reward the savers...punish the debtors.   My first home had a mortgage at 12.5%, and passive investment products paid much more handsomely than today.

    Canada has already faced the abyss back in the 1990's (Canadian peso days) compared to U.S. dollar hegemony.  Chretien and Martin drastically cut spending...not politically possible under current circumstances.   Europe has also rejected post Great Recession "austerity" measures.


    I would like to see interest rates rise also, at least a little! Since I'm retiring very soon and have no outstanding loans or debts to pay off. Aside from my pensions, I want to keep my savings in the careful, conservative investments like GIC's and not have to wade out into the market stream where it's impossible to judge stocks by earnings ratios any more!

    So far, I have been ignoring everything I see about the "Great Reset" because it was coming from sources I have long considered suspect. But now that the Great Reset is being announced over in Davos as official international financial strategy, it's time to question what they have in store for younger people, and I mean aside from leaving us ageing out boomers as the last generation of humans who will not be debt serfs to our future overlords!

    • Like 1
  5. 23 hours ago, bcsapper said:

    Ask them if they'll give up their smart phones...

    We're all getting forced to carry our portable surveillance devices around with us now! Maybe time to go on a rant about the so called benefits of new technology....and the technocracy that's been created by it to keep us under constant surveillance and harvest all of our information for fun and profit. 

    I bought my first cellphone (called a carphone back then...cause they were too big and heavy to carry around) 25 years ago. That phone did everything I needed from a portable phone. It was just for making calls, and I paid a minimum monthly plan with no free airtime or long distance cause I wanted it just for emergencies, since I had a 50 mile (80 km) drive home from work at 3 in the morning.

    When it broke down, I discovered that I couldn't get it fixed (because we don't service analog phones anymore....but we got these great deals on digital flip phones....with fake antennas).

    Okay, so I had to buy another one.....which got stolen, I bought a newer, smaller flip phone, and when that one failed a few years ago, I found that there is absolutely nothing besides computerized tracking phones to select from. I'd rather do without internet and just buy what I need, but that's not allowed anymore.

    Same if you bought one of those Ipods or small mp3 players to listen to music and podcasts with several years ago.  I still have an Ipod Shuffle -- I had to pay twice what it cost retail when they stopped making them for no good reason in 2015, because there are other freaks out there also, who just want to carry a small audio player on them instead of lugging their stupid phone around in a pocket or on one of those ridiculous armbands just to listen to music and podcasts because Apple won't produce them anymore because they want us to buy Iphones instead. I refuse to buy Iphone....and my aggravation over this is the first reason why!

  6. 16 minutes ago, French Patriot said:

    Nice to see a thinking brain.

    I do have issue on this quoted bit.

    I say yes, because of exactly what you put.

    The tax system is what give the rich access to those who do the actual work.

    This follows from the fact that the only way to access or gain huge wealth, is to get it from taking advantage of either or both labor or the market place.

    The rich are so rich these days that these days are just another day in the life of the rich. That is why they are still just hording.

    If the rank and file do not care enough to act, against what the rich are doing, why should the rich?




    Thanks off the top!

    My political thinking has kept me moving more and more to the political left over the past 20 years. So, I am living  disproof of that old Winnie Churchill's patronizing quote many years ago implying that socialist thinking is mostly youthful idealistic thinkiing....and you become a conservative when you have to go out on your own and earn a real living, and earn enough to support a family etc. etc.. Well in my life since turning 40, I've been moving the other direction. But, I think this has to do with taking note of the failed promises we were given after the Cold War was declared over and "a new world order" was replacing prior left/right ideologies, with some smeared liberal capitalism going global, along with trade, in a brand new peaceful world where every nation would enjoy "peace dividends" as all of us innate savages were forced to be peaceable with each other through mutual benefit of being so interdependent on each other for trade and commerce........how has that worked out btw??

    So, I've studied Marxism in all its various forms to some degree, but I still don't know whether I can classify myself a Marxist, since Karl himself declared that future generations would have to finish his theory and adapt it to the whole range of conditions around the world. And most Marxists since, are academics who still haven't thought out just how vicious and desperate capitalists and their small armies of supporters dependent on capitalism will act to defend the system. Basically, it looks like they are willing to go out with a bang or a whimper, since the sociopaths with the most power don't care if we all go out with a flash or the slow dying of from environmental destruction! 

    It's one thing to 'fight the system' when we deal with rational actors, BUT I don't believe the superrich today are at all rational! Their greed and obsession over measuring their billions they can never spend, means they have all the power and are willing to keep driving to extinction faster and faster these days!  

    So, I wish I was more of an optimist, and I don't like telling younger people just how pessimistic I am about the future. Maybe something will change to make the picture look better, but I feel forced to be a realist about it and avoid talking about how I really feel most of the time when I'm around family or talking to friends....which I don't see too often now because of the pandemic.


    • Like 1
  7. 7 hours ago, Argus said:

    If organized labour stuck with making fair bargains for their members I wouldn't complain. And in most private sector organizations that's the case. No one wants the company to go bankrupt, after all. Where things go awry is when the paymaster is the government, then there's no restraint on the demands of the union. See the longshoreman's union as an example. How many guys getting paid for doing no work? How many guys with few skills making fifty or sixty bucks an hour?


    You tell me! How many?  Before checking, I'd wager very, very few longshoremen would be getting paid $60 per hour! If that's even close to top rate.....and in a union shop also!  And I'm figuring there are not very many young men hired anymore to do the grunt work on the docks, because........so many cargo ships today are container ships. The most efficient setup is to have containers offloaded by a crane operator who can drop each container on a railway flatbed or truck flatbed trailer. Not many hands are needed anymore at shipyards anywhere in the world these days. That's another example of how high tech and automation have mostly served to eliminate jobs.  And if the crane operator gets paid $60 an hour, that might be more plausible!

    Now, with the declining number of jobs, having a union is extra important, because if the union has any clout, they can protect senior employees from being fired when there's no work for them. Better if the employer has to take some responsibility for looking after the welfare of their employees, instead of focusing solely on executive salaries and stock compensations!


    Yeah, you do that. You have a look at the public schools in New York City, under the control of the Democrats for ages, paying the highest per pupil rate for education in the country, filled with miserable schools falling apart for lack of maintenance and overpaid teachers who don't do any teaching.

    Everything's expensive in NYC! So, I wouldn't expect schools to come cheap either. Certainly private schools don't! 

    It's your value judgment that NY teachers are overpaid; but if they live in New York, a teacher can't afford to live on the same salary as a teacher in West Virginia! Schools falling apart, is the fault of the city and state governments.....and possibly the feds....depending on what the Dept. of Education is kicking in after four years of having a patronage appointment in charge whose only concern was expanding her own family's chartered schooling empire!

    When it's all said and done, after the failures of unbridled capitalism over the past 40 years, you rightwingers have an even steeper hill to climb to try to make your case that 'unions are greedy' while business owners are self-starting, unselfish 'job creators!'


    • Like 1
  8. 8 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


    There is no intention to pay back all the debt (principal).... just keep servicing the interest, refinance with lower interest debt, and debt monetization.

    Debt is here to stay !

    Ultimately, 'debt is here to stay' only until lenders feel they won't get paid back OR receive equal or greater compensation...such as loans to banana republic former colonies that Wall Street banks never intended or expected to be paid back....just seize control of assets or extract other favors from the debt serf nation, out of fear of US government reprisal.

    And, since inflation is continuing to rise,  and rising too fast for the Fed and allied financial manipulators to hide it from average consumers and smaller investors, they are going to have to start raising interest rates, because America's (and allies) adversaries are smelling blood in the water now, and adding to their forex reserves to increase the value of their currencies in an obvious effort to push the $USD further out of the reserve currency basket. 

    China’s forex reserves grow by over $100 BILLION in 2020 despite Covid-19 pandemic

    If the US economy (and Canada and England and the EU) can't deal effectively with either the Covid-19 pandemic or their lack of real economic growth, all they can do is just keep pumping out $Trillions more of fiat currency coming from nations that can't even prove they are financially solvent in the long term anymore! 

    For the past, almost 7 years, the US Dollar has been declining about 1% per year in its share as Global Reserve Currency. It will be interesting to see what the 4th quarter numbers are and what they will be for this first quarter of 2021, because up till last year, it was looking like major investors were looking for safe havens to avoid the Dollar, but finding few other options besides gold. Gold has run up in price, but the volatile cryptos - like Bitcoin look like they are going to make real moves, if big investors become comfortable they can park their money in Bitcoin and feel safe that regardless of hiccups - when billionaires pull back or fear of possible state interference with crypto investments, it will keep rising in value over time....since they are limited reserves ---- nobody can just instantly create $billions worth of bitcoin like they can with paper currencies!  

    US Dollar as “Global Reserve Currency” amid Fed’s QE and US Government Deficits: Dollar Hegemony in Decline

  9. 21 hours ago, Argus said:

    It'll turn out to be another group funded by big public sector unions. Their only purpose is to keep the flow of big raises flowing into their pockets and to prevent any government from cutting spending for any reason. Saying they're there to counter some piddling little conservative group when 95% of third party spending is done by the Left - ie, public sector unions, is on par with the truthfulness of the rest of their message.


    Speaking as a union member, I can say that there is corruption at the top of every international union, BUT as organized labor disappears, so do good-paying jobs! It started with FTA/NAFTA, because employers - from big to pissant 'small business owners' who try to scam both their employees and their customers for their own enrichment, won't pay a nickel more or charge less than they absolutely have to!  Business wants everything and NOW.  While organized labor is just trying to grab a share. 

    As for public sector unions......well we only have to look south of the border to see what you wonderful conservatives will do when you have a chance to privatize public services and schools! 

  10. 22 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


    Ontario had the most sub-sovereign debt per capita even before the pandemic.   The US doesn't worry about that.

    Everyone's going down at once thanks to modern debt-driven capitalism!  Eventually, empires bring the worst aspects of imperialism they inflict on colonial subjects, back home with them. 

    So, nevermind Ontario....you got a federal debt level you can't possibly pay back, along with corporate and business debt and consumer debt that has made everyone owing on skyrocketing medical debts, college loans that never get paid back, and mortgages on over-inflated homes again because inflation is a thing of the past....or so we were being told!

  11. On 1/22/2021 at 11:39 AM, DogOnPorch said:

    Got to love them yelling 'delete that' as they smack the phone from his hand.

    Scanning some of the news blurbs a little while back, I came across that CNN video you posted of their take on the Portland protests, and reading through the transcript, what jumped out at me is that CNN makes it ALL about RACE! As if Covid job losses, lockdowns, poverty, increasing homelessness etc. isn't part of the increasing radicalization that they find so inexplicable in Portland or Seattle and other dot.com bubble clusters that were supposed to lead the way to a bright new techno-driven future and solve all of our earthly problems....including climate change.

    So, when things go wrong, it seems like CNN and the shitlib journalists/narrative spinners they send out into the field very rarely, are tasked with making conflicts all about race, gender, new trans issues that maybe a room-full of people actually have to deal with, instead of mentioning the growing economic divide. And when MSM does let someone talk about debt and income inequality that's now couched as specifically race-bound, they are very careful never to mention the causes....just the symptoms! Nobody at the Times or CNN wants to tell their readers and viewers that these damn tech monopolies have even dislodged the major banks as the prime cause of concentration of wealth at the top.

    A couple of days ago, I heard Thomas Frank (used to be called upon all the time 10 years ago as an MSNBC pundit) mention that what he finds fascinating and disturbing about the 2020 Election is that the major corporations who had been buying politicians and political influence in both parties have all lined up consistently behind the Democrats! Trump and most of the other Republicans running for office were all but abandoned by the corporate donors they depend on......except for the dying oil and  gas industries. Big Oil was the only major corporate sector still standing behind Republicans!  But, the now 'cancelled' Thomas Frank's main concern to watch for are signs that the monied interests running everything are all lined up behind one party. If America didn't look like much of a democracy when only two parties were effectively allowed to compete, what will it be like as a one party state?

    As for Joe, I'm not surprised that one of his first job orders was to cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline that was supposed to transfer Dilbit down to Louisiana refineries. Right now, the braintrusts running the FAANGS and their investors think that windmills and solar panels are going to fill the space that carbon fuels have been doing since the start of the Industrial Revolution...and do it without any carbon footprint. I better not open that one up on this thread too, but the unsupported belief that these products produce energy with no carbon footprint is the biggest modern delusion of them all!

    • Thanks 1
  12. On 10/22/2020 at 9:17 PM, Argus said:

    Yes, I know, every country has gone into deficit to combat covid. But no country has been as profligate as Canada in spewing borrowed money across the land with firehoses, with virtually no assessment of the value of that money. And when the opposition tries to investigate the government threatens an election.

    The International Monetary Fund released its semi-annual Fiscal Monitor report last week. No surprise: it projects bigger deficits for all countries for 2020.

    What is surprising is that Canada will have the distinction of running the largest deficit among all countries — advanced, emerging and developing — at 19.9 per cent of GDP. This even “trumps” the United States, which has the second highest forecast deficit at 18.7 per cent. And it’s almost double the average deficit for Euro area countries (10.1 per cent of GDP).

    Here’s another kicker. Spending by all levels of government in Canada is projected to hit 57.3 per cent of GDP in 2020. That’s more than at any time in our history, including both world wars. Despite the big U.S. deficit, Americans will be spending only 47.2 per cent of GDP, fully 10 points less than us. Canadian governments are projected to spend more than Sweden (53.3 per cent of GDP), Germany (53.9 per cent) and the EU in general (55.7 per cent), reversing a long-standing tradition in which our fiscal policies stood between Europe’s and our American neighbours’.


    Fortunate for us that the rest of the world - especially the US now, are in ruinous levels of debt that can't be paid off either. When everyone's doing it, where is the growing army of billionaires going to put their money when every fiat currency is inflating itself to ruin? Maybe things would be better if Covid relief didn't start at the top and trickle down on us! 

    Pay people who work for a living to stay home if their jobs and workplaces can be closed during a pandemic; cover the costs of closing small businesses also, but how many big corporations have beat everyone to the trough (especially in the US) before millions of working people got a few scraps were left! And some people wonder why there's a dangerous left to rightwing divide now, and people are rioting in the streets! And have to make up stories about Russians or Chinese and others being the culprits, rather than corruption and failing centrist economic policies.

  13. 16 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

    Yeah? Did you see this one? Click the twitter link for the video.

    Unfortunately it's been creeping up on poor ol' Joe for awhile now.


    Looks like they found all the clips CNN et al tried to bury after Joe won the nomination. 

    It's always bugged me that ..... even long before last year, he would start trying to talk ghetto when he's under pressure. Someone should have told him to stop embarrassing himself years ago, so it's too late now if he ever gets riled up by a tough question that sneaks through. 

  14. 23 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


    I could NEVER see myself paying for any of these folks. Democracy Now! is on the local University radio...Tim is free on YouTube...for now. I understand there's a Purge on over at Der YouTube.

    That's FUNNY re: Amy's salary....a good proletariat. What's the old line?

    "There's no such thing as a millionaire Communist."

    History says otherwise...lol.

    I was a sucker in the early 2000's, and I actually thought DN was working on a shoestring budget, until I found out about their generous donors! Why they and other fake or sold out ageing activists feel the need to keep pushing hard on the begging for money all the time is beyond me. The donors set the limits of what topics and areas they are allowed to be activist about (mostly race, gender discrimination and poverty stories) and what they either aren't allowed to talk about or have to parrot the standard line if they do....just about everything connected with foreign wars and regime change ops here. It was a pattern I first notice 10 or 11 years ago. 

    And it's been the same thing with other proclaimed socialists with podcasts and Youtube shows. It's bad enough with bought and paid for 'progressives,' but the progressive label is meaningless to begin with. The approx 100 member Progressive Caucus of House Democrats, includes everything from AOC and other 'Squad' members through neoliberal pro war hawks like Hakeem Jeffries. I'd like to see him define 'progressive' in no more than one paragraph. I'd bet he would start dissembling half way through and look for the exit. 

    So, when I hear about the growing size of the political left in America and the relatively newfound concerns that some may be 'dividing the left,' I want to see some clarity about what this "left" believes and stands for first! If anyone on the left is a multimillionaire and/or they are taking big capitalist donations for their cause, they are not worth listening to....let alone investing in! Because as soon as their funders yank the leash, they have to jump! 

    It's not too different than the same dilemma on the right. How do libertarians maintain clarity of message and purpose when there are loads of corporate funded clowns trying to tell everyone what they are supposed to do? In the end, everyone who's on the left or right has to read, learn and pay attention, and be able to think for themselves. No way around it!

  15. 3 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


    Agreed re: Brennan...a snake.

    Tim is pretty fair. He was once a Fox reporter, I think. I admire the ones that built themselves a media outlet that rivals the MSM. One doesn't have to believe everything that goes on any channel...of course. I assume we're all capable of making adult choices that try to see things from both sides. One my personal favs for...a LONG time...is Democracy Now! If any Left wing type is going to 'angry-up the blood'...it's Amy.

    I used to be a subscriber to DemocracyNow, and then I noticed when Amy Goodman started ignoring negative reports from US regime change targets like the Syrian debacle that I could see the same kind of reports on CNN! Why was I paying to watch some alternative news coverage from the left side when they were skewing to the center on foreign policy and dropping staff who wouldn't follow the new program - like Aaron Mate. And then I found out DN collects millions in corporate foundation money and Amy pays herself one million per year for her services! You wouldn't know it from her appearance, but I tell everyone who's listening that they are contributing to a rich foundation-funded front group by supporting them. They don't need the money, and as we've learned more recently, neither does TYT....could have figured that out from their high production values. Now, not only do they look like an MSM production, they actually are one on most issues. And I'm sure the Ford Foundation, Raytheon and others who have been generous with their funding tell them where the third rails are, and what they are free to be radical leftist on and what they are not allowed to cross the corporate line!

  16. 23 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


    Oddly, before Trump's latest run, I was a bit pro-Bernie as he seemed to want to stir things-up. As did the lovely Tulsi Gabbard...first foxy POTUS?...both were soundly slapped down. Felt sorry for Bernie yesterday...in his chair all alone...cold. Quite symbolic.

    Joe doesn't understand social media. He understands it's important 'to the kids'...but that's all. 

    Kamala...who really likes her? She sucked nearly the worst in the Primaries.

    The whole thing...ugh! A disaster for everybody including...as I mentioned...ANTIFA & BLM who are suddenly a problem rather than helpful allies to their former Masters.

    Want some fun? Go to YouTube before they algorithm the heck out of things and search 'Biden Inauguration'...check-out the likes to dislikes on some of those streams...and I'm not just talking Fox. Joe is in for a rough ride...

    Happy to meet you, btw.

    Well, one thing we know for sure, is that Kamala was vetted by the same inside pros who got behind Obama when they put a lot of money behind an upstart candidate for Senate in 2006...I think it was! Some of these candidates appear groomed, because they are! And to be a handpicked candidate, I'm sure the people with the billions who are doing the picking know what and what not to expect from them when they win! 

    So, lackluster Kamala .... who couldn't explain her way out of direct questions about her early, disparaging comments against Biden and just laughed hysterically until the reporter moved on... was brought back in as the VP candidate, and will almost certainly inherit the top job. Then, she runs for president in 2024, and her success or failure depends a lot on what the economy is doing then. She's already past the first hurdles that everyone else has to clear.

    • Like 1
  17. 9 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

    Why? You mean you don't remember Joe at the debate swearing he never promised to ban Fracking and telling Trump to look it up?

    Yeah, I get it now! I must have lost the scent with all the pundit background noise that goes on down there. So it looks like Biden promised a fracking ban/ then appeared to reneg on it during the primaries/ now says Yes, we're banning fracking. I'll wait and see what he has to say tomorrow. Maybe someone will insert new programming soon. 

    • Haha 1
  18. 5 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

    John Brennan explains on NBC who should be investigated in the USA for insurrectionist beliefs. It includes pretty much everybody not in the Swamp. Now Brennan...you might not recall...was a devout Communist as a younger fellow. He joined the CIA on the ground floor and admitted to being a Communist. The CIA found this useful and hired him. He has been with them ever since.


    No worries...I'm sure he isn't a Communist anymore...heh.

    Personally, I'm not going to listen to a paid liar like John Brennan anymore than I will pay attention to whatever Tim Poole has to blather on about now!  What this attack on the Portland Democrat HQ shows is that the Democratic Party is only considered "left" by the CNN and MSNBC pundit gallery and Joe is about to be given the world's shortest honeymoon in Washington!

  19. 11 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


    Likely a form of galantamine or rivastigmine which are cholinesterase inhibitors. Cuts down on the flights of fancy...to put it mildly. For example, a dementia case might obsess over little things.... 

    "Is the door locked?" 

    Goes and locks the door...trouble is he's done this twelve times in the last hour. You notice...everybody notices...uncomfortably.

    Those drugs can stop that for a time.


    Thanks for that! I'll know what to get when I get a little older! I have three older brothers right now....eldest (71) may not survive cancer...which he's had two operations and radiation treatments for. Our mother lived to 101, and even as her body started falling apart on her in her final five years, she was still mentally sharp till the end.  So, long way of saying, that aside from some crazy old men living in her nursing home, I don't have much experience with dealing with dementia myself.

    Now those drugs you mentioned and their abilities to clear the mental fog so to speak, may be why the Democrat leaders decided to put all their eggs in the Biden basket in the latter part of the primaries. 

    I know that the Americans I know personally were working for Sanders and giving me all the updates I ever wanted to hear about, and they were not happy about the unusually large list of candidates at the start of the race, because having so many candidates shouting over each other and idiot pundits who think it's all just a horserace that has no bearing on people's lives,  it would make it harder for anyone to get noticed early on. According to unproven rumors, Tulsi Gabbard asked Bernie what his opinion was if she ran for president in 2020, and he told her she should run. AND then, he got his own team back together for a second run at the White House, which he wouldn't confirm earlier. Just shows that regardless of appearance and some popular, widely supported positions, Bernie isn't a saint either, and willing to do a little back-stabbing himself when needed. I'm sure that's part of the reason why my Berniebot relatives and friends have been so flummoxed and dejected when he gives first his "Hillary Clinton" and then "Joe Biden is a good friend of mine" tag line at debates where it looked like a politician taking a dive.......because for whatever reasons, that's what he has been doing! His main job was to prevent the rise of third parties and Democrats further left, from getting close to power. So, for all of his promotion of raising federal minimum wage, ending student debt crisis, and medicare for all, he's in there to prevent a challenge to the system from a real radical like the Bernie Sanders of 40 years ago! 

    Went down a sideroad again, sorry! Anyway, in the center stage, the Democrat-fluffing media, most notably CNN followed a pattern in the summer where they would be talking up a particular centrist candidate as a possible winner. At first it was all about Kamala Harris, but the backroom operators can only do so much for a lackluster candidate. And after a few dismal performances, it was time to push Pete (even rig the Iowa Caucuses for him), then when he was done, it was on to Warren and Klobachar. But they couldn't break through either. So when it looked like Bernie was going to sweep the Southern Primaries ..... which are set up to favor the establishment candidate as much as possible, rumor has it that Barack himself (who had been hiding behind the scenes) told the real controlling interests they needed to sweep those distractions out of the way and get a bunch of highly publicized endorsements to push Joe to number one.

    The coronavirus pandemic served the useful purpose of further tarnishing Donald Trump as well as end the active campaigning stage across the country, which made even centrist Democrats ask "what the hell is wrong with Joe?" Even at home, he was mumbling and stumbling around like the nursing home patients a lot of us were familiar with seeing of men his age. And what was really telling about how things went in the 2020 Campaign then before, is how quickly negative Biden video and reports vanished from mainstream media, and could only be found on independent media which gets continually marginalized somehow by Google/Youtube's algorithms as well as the social media monopoly platforms. 

    So, maybe Bernie was smart and realized he couldn't win again, and there was no sense fighting the corporate beasts behind the scenes. Now, if Donald Trump had any sense, he would have understood the power of the new, fast rising social media platform controllers and realized he was an idiot doing them any favors (like fighting the EU's efforts to break up their monopolies) and should have stepped on them using the powers of the presidency when he still had it. it's only since the transition that we can clearly see where everybody stands....including Republican players like McConnell and the schemers he had within his own cabinet, like AG - Bill Barr who calls Trump's behavior "inexcusable" which I'm sure caught him by surprise on the 6th and he never would have expected when he started working for him!

    Anyway, enough of that dementia case, what about Joe! How long have his backroom operatives planned for him to last as president?  I'm sure they got Kamala warming up in the bullpen at any moment, ready to take the helm. 

    What's apparent with the pattern so far, is that neither side of the political duopoly wants political leaders who can think for themselves and might stray from the plans put in front of them by corporate sponsored leadership. In other words, the last thing they would want today would be an FDR in the White House!



  20. 22 hours ago, sharkman said:

    Yeah, he’s not into kids or anything, right?  Smelling and touching hair, patting and grabbing.  Meanwhile Trump the kkk guy just pardoned black rappers.   

    True on both counts, but if Joe tries to grab women or sniff girls' hair now, I'm betting Jill has been told she needs to be immediately ready to grab him by the ear and pull him away!

    And the black rappers...these guys have money or if it's running out, still have enough money to buy influence. So I won't be surprised to find out that Donnie gets some sort of payoff for his good deeds here.

  21. On 11/21/2020 at 12:32 PM, French Patriot said:

    Who will swallow the Corona virus debt? The rich or the poor?


    Honestly, do you even need to ask that question? Who is prospering right now during the pandemic, and who is struggling to survive?


    Poverty is a condition imposed by governments through the tax system.

    NO, it's a condition imposed by the rich who live off of investment wealth and business income rather than earned income. The rich buy the political influence to rewrite the tax code and business rules. Not the people who have to do the actual work to keep the economy running! 


    The world will have to pay dearly, not only now, but in the near future, for the hardships cause by this pandemic and the various other upcoming health crisis.

    No doubt! And it seems to me that right from the start, all of the politicians, bureaucrats and investment gurus keep underestimating the size, scale and length of time these waves of infection last!  Now, we may have arrived at a time in history when we will have to deal with one major infectious outbreak after another.....just like the last time everyone was prospering, becoming 'enlightened' and trade was becoming globalized. That being around the 13th to 14th century. The waves of Black Death or Bubonic Plague sure took care of the globalization problem back then!


    We are already handing our children a dying planet. Will we saddle them with more poverty as well?

    Right again!  A number of infectious disease experts have been saying that massive clear-cutting of tropical forests and factory farming have not only sped up the ongoing extinctions of many animal species, but over-reliance on antibiotics and anti-viral drugs are having less and less effect as we encroach further and further into rainforests and pick up diseases that are able to mutate and infect humans. And the problem with a viral pandemic is that viruses mutate too fast to deal with by vaccine development when millions of people become infected in a short time. 


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