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Right To Left

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Posts posted by Right To Left

  1. On 3/4/2021 at 8:39 AM, OftenWrong said:

    I'll leave to you to admire their basic dictatorship. Me and the rest of the world will take our chances and live free.

    Nobody wants to deal with the dilemma that extreme lockdowns are likely the only way these new diseases like Sars-Cov-2, and there will almost certainly be more of these new diseases coming at us as the last of the world's tropical forests are chopped down for farming and palm oil plantations, in an already overcrowded (with humans) world. 

  2. On 3/4/2021 at 3:23 PM, Michael Hardner said:

    1. Regardless of whether you agree with the idea, it is bought into by business and economic orthodoxy, so this is to me what is driving immigration. 
    2. A lot won't agree with you here.  I would say that having cosmopolitan ideas, and especially entrepreneurship is something we can use,though.

    1. Hasn't this been the main source of the Republican Party's and conservative movements' schizophrenia on the topic of immigration! GOP business leaders want lots of immigrants and encourage refugee flows also, to prevent wages from rising and union organizing, because it helps drive down the cost of labour. 

    BUT of course, the knuckle-dragging common louts who make up rightwing activism don't benefit unless they at least own a small business, but they mostly just see dark people moving in to town and becoming more of a presence. So, they represent Fortress America, and want that wall on the border completed. 

    Since it appears they have won...or maybe the business class republicans have fled to the Democrat Party now that no longer represent anything that average workers care about, so now the militia crowd is all that's left of the GOP.

    2. I see cosmopolitanism as an openness to other perspectives and other cultures. I see that as a net benefit that has little to do with capitalism and expanding business.  This has been a general principle since the time when the first large communities or cities were coming together thousands of years ago. And of course, all that tolerant thinking can go flying out the window fast whenever times get tough...as they inevitably do. But, it's interesting to note that the very first large settlements of Asia Minor (Catalhoyuk) beginning around 7000 b.c., exhibit anthropological evidence of being multiracial for centuries until they experienced hard times and invasions from marauding bands of warriors much later.  Catalhoyuk never showed much evidence of violence that became much more common later when populations grew larger and settled agriculture became the standard model for most people. It was a 'city' of at least 8000 people at its height, that grew together in an unplanned, haphazard manner, with no walls surrounding the settlement, or fortifications. Over a period of many millennia, people moved in from all directions until the city was abandoned thousands of years later...likely because of prolonged droughts. 

    So, when times are good, people feel more relaxed and open to outsiders who are different than them, and turn insular and violent during hard times......same old, same old! That seems to be the direction we are heading today, so I would say that rightwingers have little to worry about! 

    • Like 1
  3. On 3/4/2021 at 3:32 PM, Argus said:

    I realize this might be a shocking idea to the ludicrous left, but a lot of people care more about what's in a person's mind than what skin is on their back.

    And those people would not be rightwing conservatives, who taught us that white Europeans were superior to other 'darker' races of mankind, and so had the right to move in and push natives off their lands, as they set up their settler colonies around the world. 


     The far left only cares about race, of course, and considers that far more important than anything involving character, education, skill, values or culture.

    NOOO, anyone left of rightwing who plays the race card is just patronizing poc's for votes and like rightwingers, isn't interested in dark people beyond the elites among black and brown people. In the US, they were referred to as "The Talented Tenth" -- as white northern philanthropists referred to the local business and ruling classes among America's black population centers. 

    And, more than 100 years later, the Democratic? Party applies the same old coercion and fear tactics to win the vast majority of African American votes, BUT if you pay attention, does NOTHING for them beyond symbolism. For instance, the same "talented tenth" black mayors of Washington and Atlanta who put giant Black Lives Matter street murals in downtown centers, increased police funding and condemned BLM demonstrators and those who demanded large cuts to police budgets to maintain other city services. 

    Once again, learn to look past the headlines at what's in the details!

  4. On 3/4/2021 at 8:58 PM, Shady said:


    So, Conservatives are feeling buyer's remorse for the "Free Trade" policies they pushed on us under Reagan and Mulroo back in the 80's!

    And let's not forget that after the quagmire China experienced following the Tien An Mien Massacre, it was Herbert Walker Bush who told America and the Limbaugh crowd in particular, that ending China's "Favored Nation" trade status would be a big mistake. Some blather about a world of trading nations wouldn't be at war with each other because of mutual economic interest. And that open trade encourages democracy and peaceful relations with other nations just by virtue of becoming trading partners.

    Not sure how they explained away that First World War problem that featured the trading nations of Europe sending out troops to kill young soldiers of their trading "allies."  Maybe Neoconservative propaganda was easier to digest back in the 80's -- when at least half the population was gaining in wealth. While today, the winners are a tiny and shrinking segment of the population.....unless you live in China.

  5. 1 hour ago, Owl said:


    1. In your message, I see concepts from the "first vulgar Marxism". But Marx rejected it. In addition, the ideology of building Communism is Marxism-Leninism. Lenin accepted Marx's ideas from Plekhanov, then he developed them .. Therefore, according to Marxism-Leninism:

    1. There is "Private property". It would be more correct to say - private ownership of funds production of goods for sale.

    2. There is "Personal property" that is necessary for life

    3. A person owns personal and private property ....

    (Contrary to misconceptions, in the USSR you could own both personal and private property!)


    where is the misunderstanding?

    Here it is:

    In the USSR, it was forbidden to create "Surplus value", as it is "exploitation of man by man" ... Example:

    1. You are a builder ...

    you have friends who are builders too .. you create a Company, buy Equipment, Cars, build houses, sell them, pay taxes and make a profit.

    Then you divide the profit among yourself according to your labor.

    Was this allowed in the USSR?

    Yes! called "Artel"


    2. You are not a builder ..

    you have friends who are builders .. you create a Company, buy Equipment, Cars, build houses, sell them, pay taxes and make a profit.


    Then you pay your friends' salaries and make a profit ...

    Was this allowed in the USSR?

    Not! Since, in this case, you create surplus value...

    With capitalist economics leading us all to a disaster lately, I've been dusting off my books on Marx and reading more from a growing number of younger socialists who are trying to figure ways out of a range of dilemmas we're all facing today. 

    I don't have an attribution for this, but just recently I heard a claim by a reputable source that it was actually Adam Smith "Wealth of Nations"  fame who first created a 'labor theory of value.' The difference of course was that capitalist merchant like Smith would never agree to a system that declares all surplus value belongs to the workers who created it, but apparently Karl Marx himself, read Adam Smith's book in the 1840's and used his theory to develop a socialist form.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Owl said:



    about "freedom and democracy"...

    1. One day Rothschild and Rockefeller looked across the Ocean and saw "The Island of America" ...

    2. And they said:

    - we will breed Donkeys and Elephants on this island

    - we will convince them that they must abide by the "law of the jungle". Winner and Loser

    - Elephants and Donkeys will swear with each other to make it look like "free speech"

    - we will prohibit other opinions, as they do not correspond to "freedom and democracy" ...

    - etc..

    3. Rothschild began to breed Donkeys, Rockefeller - Elephants ...



    then they tried to offer such "freedom and democracy" to the Russians.


    the Russian Bear just kicked them out.


    I'd say we 'live in interesting times' today for sure. When it comes to which oligarchs actually run government, it's not as simple as the Wall Street commercial banks anymore. The Silicon Valley billionaires and their trillion dollar dotcom bubble machines have swooped in and taken over the Democratic Party over the past 20 years. That's why except for a few mostly inconsequential social agendas, the Dems have thrown their old union members and working class voters over the side, in a rush to curry favor with the new middle class of high tech professionals. While the Republicans still have the oil lobby, but that's about it! They're not even the preferred party of the arms manufacturers anymore. And that is also why every Democrat since Clinton has sounded more and more like a warhawk. 

    Nowadays, if someone is going to run for Congress as an antiwar candidate, they better be libertarian in the Republican Party. Because there's no room for any Democrats who think they're on the left to step out of line on foreign wars and regime change operations...even Bernie has to sign off on it.....to keep his Senate seniority as a non-Democrat Democrat!

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 3/2/2021 at 5:43 AM, Owl said:


    1. when the Russian RT channel broadcasts in America, it is "Russians interfere in the internal politics of the United States" ...


    2. When an American CNN channel broadcasts to Russia, it is "support for freedom and democracy in Russia."...



    At least RT channels do some news coverage. CNN is nothing but one "expert" panel after another of talking heads and spin doctors. They wouldn't recognize a news story if it leaped up and bit them in the face!   

    • Haha 1
  8. 18 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    2. And yet you seem to think there are no benefits to immigration - that governments are simply embarking on a bad idea to get 'votes'.  It's paper thin.  They all believe it's better for the economy, Conservatives too.  That's why Harper increased immigration along with the rest.  

    There certainly is an undisguised vote-buying aspect of lax immigration policy. I got a close up look at this back in the late 70's, when Canada...under Pierre Trudeau agreed to take in 20,000 of a much larger population of Ugandan refugees, who were forced to leave Uganda by the Idi Amin Gov. at the time. These ethnic Indian and Pakistani Ugandans had made up most of the bureaucratic and business classes in Uganda under the British Empire. So, Amin's play at national and racial identity was to drive out all those were a legacy of the old colonial days. 

    A small factory I was working at in 1977 hired an Indian and a Pakistani, who were about the same age as me at the time, and were part of that emergency exodus from Uganda five years earlier. The subject of federal politics happened to come up one day, and I recall both of them saying they voted for the Libs, even though they weren't happy with Pierre's economic performance at the time. In fact nobody was! It wasn't all the Fed's fault, dealing with an economy in recession from high oil prices (this was at a time when Canada - from Ontario east - depended on imported oil from the Middle East, while the west was swimming in much cheaper Alberta crude).

    So, late 70's Canada was not a happy place, but there was more hope things would turn around in the future than there is today. My Indian and Pakistani friends had voted for the first time in the prior year and declared that they were "obligated" to vote for Trudeau, because he got them and their families to Canada...case closed!  It wouldn't matter what happened with the economy, or what kind of Liberal Prime Minister took over after Trudeau was gone, they and the rest of their families who were voting age, would have to vote Liberal .... just out of loyalty apparently.  And I'm sure that example has been repeated many times over the years, and made the difference for the Liberal Party - seen as the most open and accommodating of the three to new Canadians. 



    You don't think driving down wages is good for business, then you don't think driving down costs is good for business, then you don't like productivity and you belong in the NDP I guess.

    Can't follow you on this one!  How does low wages improve productivity? And how do some nations like Germany have high wages and yet also rank high on these productivity stats?

    But, I'm further left than the NDP anyway!

    • Like 1
  9. 18 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    1. Why do Canadian banks want votes then ?  The part that is missing from this entire conversation, and that makes it feel like an uninformed conspiracy-type conversation is that nobody is talking about the obvious benefits of immigration as identified by conventional economics: increased economic activity.  The premise seems to be that there is a fixed economy, and more people means less to go around.  That is not how it works.

    I'm more than a little reserved on all of the 'economic growth' claptrap I see on a regular basis, but we still benefit from immigration in other ways: re-balancing aging demographics would be #1.

    I've heard economic commentators mention that Japan's shrinking population and resistance to immigration is the main reason why they are in decline and not really one of those 'Asian Tigers' we hear so much about from the investment brokers. It's up to the Japanese to decide how to run their island nation, but so far they are very lucky they have one of the healthiest and most active aging populations in the world today.

    #2. cosmopolitan culture. I know, I know, I'm going to get rocks and stones thrown at me from all sides on this board, but even though I'm mostly white (with a Metis grandmother), the only thing I don't like about living in one of Canada's immigration meccas - southern Ontario, is that all of the people moving in to the GTA are the prime motivation for our idiot conservative government to demand zoning changes for new home construction everywhere..........literally - everywhere! No such thing as conservation areas and protected wildlife habitats under the Ford Administration.......bring in the bulldozers!

    When it comes to dealing with more recent immigrants....either they're friendly or standoffish. Their children do well in school, and don't commit crimes at the same rate as white kids from lower income families. There is an added advantage, when you get to know some of your international neighbors, that they might have first hand or at least 2nd hand knowledge of what it's like living in some of the violent hotspots the US is always looking for excuses to regime change.

    A lot of people who come from places like Guatemala, Afghanistan or Haiti may be a little reluctant to open up to some gringo about how they feel about the regime installed in their homeland, but I started learning over 20 years ago, that many people from poor nations of the global south who have been targeted for our benevolent gifts of democracy and loans, have done more reading and have a lot more insight on what's going on and what has happened in their countries of origin than 99% of Canadians, let alone Americans are aware of!

  10. 6 hours ago, Argus said:

    As opposed to the delightful equality women have in India? And if you think gays have it good in India you haven't checked that out either. Oh, and ever heard of the caste system?

    You ought to look into the experiences of black people and Africans who visit China some day. They don't even make any attempt to disguise their racism, and that's not even based on religion.

    And these are our number one and number two source countries for immigrants.


    So your objection isn't immigrants per se, just the ones that are darker than a sheet of photocopier paper.

  11. On 2/25/2021 at 12:45 AM, OftenWrong said:

    It's understandable. Canada, and Canadians are becoming more like the communist Chinese each day.

    You mean we've stopped the spread of Covid-19 and re-opened everything again, and have managed modest economic growth while the rest of the world falls further behind from their inabilities to deal with a pandemic in a serious responsible manner? I didn't know we were doing so good!

  12. The Government should have set up some method of payment that could have prevented small, independent newspapers from either dying out or being bought out years ago!  Now, in smaller towns and cities, there is no coverage of local news that's too small for the FAANGS to take an interest in. So, unless someone posts a story on their Facebook or Twitter account, nobody will ever hear about it.

    And those big newspapers and radio and TV are just shills for advertisers and motivated special interests. For example, when I turn on my local radio station - CHML just to get a quick traffic and weather report and listen too long, a talk show starts where every guest calling in is a prof or dept. head of some public policy or finance think tank who is actually paid by the corporate sponsors giving money to the university. And whatever he or she has to say about what's going on in the world is never going to be original or radical in any sense of the word. 

    If real life blows up a narrative, then the talkingheads put together their excuses or brand new narratives, or just make the whole thing disappear from news coverage to be replaced by more important events....like whether Lady Gaga got her little dogs back! Nevermind what happened to her employee who took four bullets in a vain effort to do his job and protect her dogs.

  13. 2 hours ago, blackbird said:

    Altai,  Pastor Andrew Brunson is on the Jimmy Bakker TV show this morning telling his story of what happened.  He spent 23 years in Turkey as a missionary for God and Jesus Christ.  I wish you could hear him.  He is a sincere Christian.  He described his 2 years in prison.  He believes he was arrested to send a message to anyone thinking of coming to Turkey as a Christian missionary.  He said he then believed it was changed and he became a bargaining chip to deal with the U.S.  He mostly is describing his time in prison.  He said he was surrounded by Muslims and told repeatedly every day that he will become a Muslim.  He suffered incredible mental torment and stress as he struggled through that time.  He at times questioned whether God had left him, but of course even if he felt forsaken by God, God was still there with him.  As the Bible says, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee".  He wrote a book "God's Hostage" which I might get.  It is available on Amazon, as a soft cover book and a kindle book.  This is the true story of Andrew Brunson's persecution as a Christian.


    It is also noteworthy that on the last day Pastor Andrew Brunson was in Turkey, he was convicted of terrorism, then immediately released from prison (by order of Turkey's President), taken to an aircraft, and flown directly to the White House to meet with President Trump.  He then kneeled before President Trump, laid his hand on his shoulder, and prayed for the President.  I just saw him praying for President Trump on the Jimmy Bakker program.

    You'll be happy to know that Turkey is a US and Israeli ally and a member of NATO. And also worth noting that the US proxy forces recruited and cultivated by CIA field agents come from the most extreme and violent Muslim activist groups, which have especially targeted and killed Christians and other non-Muslim (or not the right kind of Muslim) minorities in Syria and Iraq.  That's how much politicians and government apparatchiks care about Christians or so called Christian values!

  14. 23 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


    If the US Navy can build a reactor that accounts for atomic depth charges going-off in the region, perhaps that's the design we should be using for civilian reactors. But damn...three layers of expensive shielding? Do they want to protect the crew or something???

    Clearly no understanding of profit...

    Mini-reactors are apparently safer and easier to manage than the big ones needed to boil enough water to power the turbines that provide electricity to major cities. And nuclear power is perfectly safe.....until something goes wrong at one of them, anywhere, and then all bets are off. And that's why they require government underwriting! No private-for profit insurance companies will take the risk that could completely bankrupt them! That's what governments are for.

  15. 23 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

    Now you went from snows storms to cooling systems to earthquakes. Move the goal posts much?

    I am not in a position to assess the geographic stability of fault lines in that region.

    If you're happy with a nuclear sword of Damocles hanging over your head, GREAT!  But if most people were informed of the risks and longterm costs and all of the costs that private contractors - GE and Westinghouse skip out on, support for nuclear would have never increased over the past 30 years.

    The public is less informed about nuclear than during the 70's or 80's after Chernobyl, and has been brainwashed with false information that nuclear has no carbon footprint...even though the tons of concrete that have to be produced and poured to make the necessary safety containment walls sure does produce alot of carbon that goes up in the air.

  16. Just now, Right To Left said:

    I wouldn't be too concerned that Biden's puppetmasters are going to change US border policy from ............ whatever the hell Trump Admin was actually doing down there. They didn't build a wall....but then again, Mexico didn't front the money that was supposed to pay for it. The revolutionary Biden regime still has kids in cages...just nicer cages, that look more like a bunch of outhouses. 

    And when Joe surrogates say to 'wait,' it's the same message they're giving Americans already 'waiting' for a modest increase in minimum wage to $15 per hour, or WAIT for your 2nd Covid relief check that shrunk from $2000 promised to Georgians if they elected Ossoff and Warnock to the Senate...on down to $1400(added to Trump's $600), which hasn't arrived....yet! 

    So, they're just telling prospective refugees from America's colonies in Latin America looking for something better than the gangster-run hellholes US "soft power" has left them with, to also WAIT before you risk your lives after giving your last dollars to coyotes on the promise that they will smuggle you across the border somewhere, somehow. Now, let's see how long that works!

    The only things that come instantly, no questions asked, are illegal invasions and bombing attacks, like Joe's bombing of illegally occupied Eastern Syria because........some Iraqi militants the CIA claims are Iranian equipped killed one contractor at an Iraqi base. And nobody in MSM land ever asks how an attack in one proxy justifies attacks on a different country.

    *When Trump ordered a bombing in response to a chemical gas attack blamed on the Syrian Government that was actually done by US armed - Saudi/ UAE- trained Islamoextremists, there were a few MSM talking heads outraged that he didn't consult Congress first. But, now that America is a one party state, nobody is going to ask such questions anymore!

  17. 21 minutes ago, Shady said:

    What a disaster.  

    To those looking to cross the border illegally breaking US immigration law.  Just wait to do it.  That’s all the Biden administration asks.  Not don’t do it, but just wait.

    Theres gonna be a humanitarian crisis at the border in the spring that’s going to be out of control.  And Biden will own it because of ridiculous messages like telling people to wait instead of don’t come.

    I wouldn't be too concerned that Biden's puppetmasters are going to change US border policy from ............ whatever the hell Trump Admin was actually doing down there. They didn't build a wall....but then again, Mexico didn't front the money that was supposed to pay for it. The revolutionary Biden regime still has kids in cages...just nicer cages, that look more like a bunch of outhouses. 

    And when Joe surrogates say to 'wait,' it's the same message they're giving Americans already 'waiting' for a modest increase in minimum wage to $15 per hour, or WAIT for your 2nd Covid relief check that shrunk from $2000 promised to Georgians if they elected Ossoff and Warnock to the Senate...on down to $1400(added to Trump's $600), which hasn't arrived....yet! 

    So, they're just telling prospective refugees from America's colonies in Latin America looking for something better than the gangster-run hellholes US "soft power" has left them with, to also WAIT before you risk your lives after giving your last dollars to coyotes on the promise that they will smuggle you across the border somewhere, somehow. Now, let's see how long that works!

  18. 1 minute ago, OftenWrong said:

    These are not RBMK's. They have safety interlocks up the yin-yang, and enough reserve capacity to wind themselves down. Good science and engineering.

    Didn't they say something similar about the GE reactors at Fukushima a few  years back? Now, those melting reactor cores are burning their way through the earth, with the recent earthquake there causing more radiation to leak into the atmosphere.

  19. 21 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    Well that's good to hear.... because the right-wing is being silenced don't you know... 

    There is something very strange going on down there now! It's almost like the US is turning into a one party state, with a small compliant conservative party allowed to present the image of an opposition. 

    I sure as hell would never support Republicans, let alone Trump. But an online oligarch yankiing Trump's Twitter account is just more evidence of who has power and who doesn't in America today. 

  20. 3 hours ago, Argus said:

    How and why to contain the Chinese and their ambitions to take over the world is the subject of an interesting article in Unherd.

    This time, there has to be a better response to Xi Jinping’s “Belt and Road Initiative”, which is building ports, highways and rail lines around the world. The current global response amounts to little more than quoting Proverbs 22:7 — “the borrower is slave to the lender” — to countries desperately in need of investment. The World Bank has degenerated into a provider of very high tax-free salaries to employees who hold up even modest projects with impossible environmental, indigenous rights and rate-of-return demands.

    So, there is room for a “strategic infrastructures” initiative by the US and Japan with Australia, Canada, India the UK, and other members of the China-containment coalition. To cite a very obvious example, a Calcutta-Haiphong road and rail project would provide a horizontal alternative to China’s north-south influence vectors for Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Laos while connecting India and Vietnam, who are already cooperating at sea to resist China.

    At a time when Mr Musk can invest $1 billion in the digital abstraction of bitcoin, a “coalition bank” should be able to outcompete China’s investments. George Kennan managed to wake the world up to the threat of the Soviet Union. Our leaders are awake to China. Truly ambitious action on a Marshall-like scale must follow.


    Rather than read or listen to another Washington think tank generated propaganda piece created to scare us   again about 'The Yellow Peril', I'd rather have the same scrutiny applied at the military/economic empire to our south that controls the world, and started hitting the panic button when they realized that a rival to their power might be rising out of the east! 

    If I was living in the 4th century when the corrupt, despotic Roman Empire was collapsing, I wouldn't have been cheering them on either! Instead I would be pulling for either a collapse or a swift drawback from dangerous militarism and economic policies, that's all!

  21. 18 hours ago, Army Guy said:


    There are going to be lots of people who will survive, the politicians and elite will be in bunkers, you and me, will be dead within weeks, maybe months, but not from radiation poisoning but rather when law and order takes a nose dive, and the strong will take from the weak until we destroy each other from within as resources become scarce,

    NO they won't! Or at least they won't survive much longer than it takes to die in one of those advanced underground shelters they're building all over the world. 

    So far, most of the global elites have been buying up land in New Zealand, because a whole range of climate heating projections for the future, show the Northern Hemisphere....the half of the world with the most land, the most carbon-producing industries and machines (including cars), will once again lose all of its ice before the southern reaches (Antarctic) of the Antarctica melt. And, since the south is heating up a little more slowly than the north, the worst case climate scenarios that feature massive fires burning out mid to northern latitude forests every year, along with increasingly higher levels of stored carbon release of CO2 and methane from permafrost ground, along with methane ice (clathrates) rising to the surface of the melting Arctic Ocean. 


    So Who cares , everything in this topic is beyond our control....Did you really think you where going to live forever....Remember when you see the bright flash stand up face into the light, and within milliseconds you and your body will be nothing more than dust in the wind, or in this case blast wave...

    You just contradicted yourself from the first paragraph, where you think the elites can survive the worst of any nuclear war by hiding in bunkers. 

    But, if a moderate to full nuclear launch leaves a black sky that will block the sun for several years (Nuclear Winter), then they will have to spend the rest of their lives in their underground tubes until they run out of oxygen, water and supplies. Was this Gates's or Branson's, or new guy- Elon's vision of the future when they started plotting their path to riches and power?

    Whether by sudden nuclear annihilation or much sooner than expected mass extinction caused by a rapidly deteriorating climate, I sure as hell don't like the prospects of dying, while the worst of the human race live on and have any chance to rebuild. I think this is why they took a sudden interest in the faint hope of living on Mars or in space colonies. They'd rather spend their billions there than doing what's needed to prevent mass extinction here. 

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