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Posts posted by olp1fan

  1. No. You are a limited breed. Few real Canadians think like you. They abhor the kind of ignorance and bigotry you espouse.

    Thank God your days are limited. I would hate to think what would happen if you were given access to children.....

    I think Canadians are becoming less tolerant of people who expect a free ride

    and my days are limited? sure, but I'll probably live longer than you

  2. I'll call you a racist then.....

    Not only are you absolutely full of sh$t but factually Aboriginal people contribute to the economy and pay as much in taxes as the rest of us. Making a generalized statement like you did is pure racism.

    okay I'm racist then, so what, everybody is a racist some just don't put it out there in public.. most just keep in inside themselves

    but hey if that makes you feel better to call me a racist all the power to you, I think you're full of shit myself so you're a shitist

  3. Nope it doesn't.

    The key is that genocide is directed a a specific group with the intention of reducing the populations of that group. Thus, all First Nations people were targeted by the government when Residential Schools were implemented with the specific goal of erasing the Indian in the child.

    LMAO, you're saying the Canadian government committed genocide against the natives

    Dude, you are a laugh and a half

  4. First Nations are not Canadians and are not obligated to live as Canadians. Since all the money they receive is only half their own trust interest, the actual fact is that the Canadian economy and social services are subsidized by First Nations, not the other way around.

    Why would Aboriginal people want to give up their rights to become self-indulged, legally impotent bigoted wing nuts (of course if you are holding yourself out as an example of what you think a real Canadian is)?

    real canadian? how about a productive member of society which most are not because they pick up their cheques and waste it on drugs and alcohol, do you ever wonder why the high school graduation rate is low for them? They are given money for every time they pass a class ..I know because a quarter the people in my HS were native and barely any of them showed up

    natives for the most part are a burden on our society

    call me what you want to but I've lived around them my whole life and I will no longer be politically correct to appease the pansies

  5. So we can either not fly into Europe which would pretty much kill the EU or charge double the money to everyone from the E.U countries flying into the country..but this whole thing should please the brainless earth worshipers because just like Kyoto it is a money grab and not a solution to save the earth


    Europe’s highest court gave unreserved backing on Wednesday to an EU law charging airlines for carbon emissions on flights to and from Europe, a decision likely to escalate tension with trading partners, especially the United States.

    The court ruled against a group of U.S. and Canadian airlines that had challenged a law requiring that all airlines flying to and from European Union airports will have to buy permits under the EU’s emissions trading scheme from Jan. 1. The initial cost is expected to be minimal but would rise to an estimated €9-billion ($12.1-billion) by the end of 2020.

  6. One of the synonyms of "worry" is "concern," which is exactly how I read it when YOU first referred to "let Canadians worry about it."

    But once again you are telling people how they feel. They say when they "worry" about something they are not "feeling fear," and yet you insist they are.


    Cybercoma is all about the Nanny state, he thinks he knows what is best for everybody and what is best for everybody is pandering to the religious minority because somehow that defines Canada in his eyes

  7. The all mighty dollars speaks first unless you care about the environment and the generations to come, hopeful having clean air to breath!

    1. Yes, money keeps the economy going .. if you don't like it you can move to a country with no resources so you don't feel like a hypocrite for reaping the benefits while "ruining the environment" see that is what you green people are, hypocrites, you will benefit from these companies propping up the country so we don't live in squalor and terrible third world conditions while being opposed to it

    Leave Canada, all of you Green hypocrites, we don't want you here, we don't need you here

    It's one thing for the Tories to throw their weight around the House of Commons but you better be careful with the rest of the world and what Kent did at the environment conference may come back and bite the Tories were the sun don't shine on all fronts when dealing with other countries except the US.

    2.What did Kent do other than the right thing? All Kyoto was is welfare to poor nations.. so boohoo African nations hate us for not giving their dictatorships and crooked elitist governments money... if you honestly think Kyoto was about combating global warming and lowering emissions I have an Idiots guide to the real world for you to borrow

  8. http://www.cnn.com/2011/12/21/world/asia/north-korea-leader/index.html

    SEOUL, South Korea (CNN) -- Kim Jong Un issued his first military orders as leader of North Korea just before the death of his father was announced, a South Korean state-run news agency said Wednesday.

    Citing "a South Korean source," Yonhap reported that Kim "ordered all military units to halt field exercises and training and return to their bases."

    The source called it a sign that Kim Jong Il's son, believed to be in his late 20s, had taken "complete control over the military," Yonhap reported.

    Before Kim Jong Il died, "he was preparing the country for war and death, and to hand power to Kim Jong Un," the man said.

  9. I have a problem with it because it's a television show that is meant to educate children. When I say that society only appreciates women for their appearances, this is the kind of stuff that kids are exposed to, both male and female, that shapes the way they relate to women as they grow up.

    I don't think it was intentional social engineering on the part of Sesame Street. Katy Perry is a huge pop star, so I think they were just capitalizing on that. The sexualization and commodification of women here should not be ignored, though. Once it was brought to their attention, they rightfully pulled it.

    She could have been on the show in less sexualized attire and not singing a song that constructs gender in the way "Hot and Cold" does. For instance, the opening stanza says, "You change your mind / like a girl changes clothes / yeah, you PMS / like a bitch, I would know." Obviously they would change the lyrics for Sesame Street; however, the entire song refers to a couple that is constantly fighting and getting back together. It's the kind of thinking you see in Twilight that suggests it's worth staying in an abusive relationship.

    Dude, you have issues

  10. then there's Chile which has had strong relations & ties with the UK since it’s Independence......

    Since when do strong relations and ties matter? If Canada had to choose between Britain or U.S Canada would choose the U.S even though we have very strong relations and ties to Britain .. same would happen with Chile

    Going against the new Bloc would not be in Chiles best interests since they are major trading partners and neighbours with the other countries in South America.. just like Canada would side with the U.S since they are our largest trading partner and our neighbour and Britain is not

    you really do not have this all figured out Derek

  11. BTW there is only 1 country in South America that is in the commonwealth so you can't make the argument that there will never be hostilities between

    this new major South American bloc and the British Commonwealth


    A South American trading bloc is to ban boats with a Falkland Islands flag from docking at its ports.

    Mercosur, which includes Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, reached the decision at a summit in the Uruguayan capital, Montevideo.

    The dispute involves a vast area of potentially mineral-rich South Atlantic waters and has created a fresh diplomatic headache for Britain, which controls the islands.


    The Argentinian president has accused Britain of taking her country's resources and ignoring UN resolutions, as the Foreign Office condemned a move

    by a South American trading bloc to ban from its ports ships flying the Falkland Islands flag.

    But the Argentinian president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, welcomed the ban, thanking her regional allies for their solidarity and criticising Britain.

    Although refraining from calling for the islands to be declared Argentinian, she asked for fresh talks on the status of the islands.


    A nuclear submarine should be used to show Britain's determination to protect the Falklands following "aggressive" moves by Argentina, a former head of the Navy urged today.

  12. That maybe true, but it doesn't mean that Sesame Street has to mirror MTV. Sometimes parent's like to know that at least there's one channel they don't necessarily have to worry about. Is that too much to ask? Do we have to sexualize every single channel on tv? I don't think so.

    what a bummer of a man you are

    anyone who had a problem with this should be ashamed

  13. I would if I collected $3500 x my age. My family would also assist in that case.

    Cancer is horrible, and it's certainly possible that I will get it at some point in the future. But it shouldn't be society's burden to bear. I could also get a health plan which covers cancer and medical emergencies for far cheaper than $3500/yr.

    what if you get in a serious car wreck the day or months after you collect that cheque?

    your family has 150 000 to lend you?

    good luck finding a reliable health plan then

  14. http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/budget/ontariobudgets/2011/ch2h.html#c2_secH_chart23

    $47.6B is spent on healthcare in Ontario by the provincial government per year (38% of government spending).

    There are 13.3 million Ontarians.

    That is $3578 per Ontarian.

    Would you opt out of Ontario health care for a $3578 cheque per year? I sure as hell would. I go to the Doc maybe twice a year for less than 30 minutes and I usually diagnose myself and just ask the doc to write me a prescription. Last I checked, doctors don't make $3500 per hour.

    Health cards need to have a usage limit. For example, after the age of 10, you shouldn't be able to go to a health clinic more than 6 times per year (without paying).

    Or give me my $3500/yr and let me opt out of the health care program (and make room for private health clinics). I will invest around $3000/yr of that money and have over $100-200k saved up for private treatment by the time I'm in my 60s and actually need to use that health care money. My capital gains and dividends can be taxed to generate more revenue for the people that want to remain in the system.

    Costs need to come down. They are ridiculus.i

    Why do we insist on babysitting idiots? If people are too stupid to save

    that is fine for right now but you will either get cancer or have another medical emergency at some point

    then what? you got 70 000 lined up for that?

    man things you dont forsee could happen to your saved up money

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