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Posts posted by olp1fan

  1. They didn't choose to be stuck where they are with nowhere else to go. Those are the parcels of land we stuck them on or left for them. Now that they're struggling there, your answer is: tough shit... pack up your culture and hertiage and join the rest of us.

    People come from poor countries all of the time and find work here and make a life...sure, its hard but its not near as impossible as you make it seem

    I left a culture I was in for 18 years ...very tough but I did it and I have a good paying job and an okay apartment

    I am doing fine, I don't see why they can't do the same

  2. Huh? Where does that come from?

    I said

    I will always admire Quebec for the protection of their culture..hopefully other provinces join suit with them in that regard

    You said

    Its kept them relatively poor in comparison with the richer parts of Canada.

    So I concluded with the fact that Quebec's culture comes first before anyone else is what you were implying is the reason Quebec is poorer

  3. You see, this is the kind of bigoted undertone that your posts have, yet you get pissed when people call you on it.

    First of all, there is no Quebec citizenship. You can be a resident of Quebec, but Quebec doesn't have its own citizenship.

    Secondly, and this is where your bigotry shows, someone's religion tells you nothing of their citizenship. There are thousands of Muslim citizens, as well as many other "religious minorities" that have Canadian citizenship. However, you're such a bigot that you don't even conceive of them as citizens.

    The world isn't black or white man, it is not possible to love everybody's religion and culture and if you say you do you are full of shit

    so lets hear it cybercoma, are you real or are you full of shit?

  4. First Nations are living in Third World conditions, they're the responsibility of the federal government, yet Stephen Harper drives a nice car, wears nice clothes, and probably has a pretty nice house. You don't say, however, that Harper has stolen from his people while they live in miserable conditions, but that's exactly what has happened.

    That is your opinion, in your mind you are right and in my mind I am right

  5. Prove it. Otherwise, you're a liar and I'll assume that former Indian Affairs Ministers like Chuck Strahl and the Auditor Generals that have reported on the issue are right and you're just a racist punk that's blaming the victim to suit his bias.

    I've proven it to myself with all of the articles and statistics I've read, and it stays as my position even if an oaf like yourself screams at me on the internet and calls me racist

  6. I am betting these were for North Korea .. any other guesses? Clutch catch by the Fins!


    Police are questioning the crew of the MS Thor Liberty after what were described as 69 Patriot anti-missile missiles were found aboard.

    Interior Minister Paivi Rasanen said the missiles were marked "fireworks".

    The MS Thor Liberty had docked in the Finnish port of Kotka after leaving Germany last week.

    Dock workers became suspicious after finding explosives poorly stored on open pallets, and the missiles were then found in containers marked "fireworks".

    The managing director of the ship's owner, Thorco Shipping, expressed surprise. Thomas Mikkelsen told AFP news agency from Denmark that he was unaware of the matter.

    Another company official, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed the ship had been detained in Finland and said the missiles could have been loaded on to the vessel by mistake, AFP adds.

    Police did not confirm Finnish media reports that the ship had also been scheduled to stop in South Korea, Reuters news agency reports.

    'Quite unusual'

    The MS Thor Liberty left port in Emden, northern Germany, on 13 December and docked two days later in Kotka, southern Finland, to pick up a cargo of anchor chains, said Finnish Customs spokesman Petri Lounatmaa.

    It was bound for the Chinese port of Shanghai but there was no indication for whom the military cargo was destined.

    Routine checks by Finland's traffic safety authority revealed a load of up to 160 tonnes of improperly packed nitroguanidine, a low-sensitivity explosive with a high detonation speed.

    "Actually in our investigation at the moment, we have got the information that we found 69 Patriot missiles on the ship and around 160 tonnes of explosives," said Detective Superintendent Timo Virtanen from the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation.

    Interior Minister Rasanen said she had not heard of a similar case.

    "Of course, there are legal transports of weapons or defence material [through Finland] but in this case the cargo was marked as containing fireworks," she told Finnish media. "That is quite unusual."

    Mr Lounatmaa said customs officials and police had launched a joint investigation into a possible breach of Finnish export and weapons trading laws.

    He said that the crew of about 32 were being questioned.

    Patriot missiles, designed by the US company Raytheon, are supplied to "US and allied forces", according to the company's website. South Korea is among states which deploy them.

  7. This is lack of public housing, education, medical care, and proper water treatment facilities. All of those things are covered by the various levels of government in non-aboriginal communities. A lack of those services is a direct result of the federal government not doing their job, since Reserves do not fall under municipal or federal jurisdiction. If those conditions existed anywhere else, the government would respond immediately, as they did in Wiarton, as they do when schools are on contaminated properties or have mice infestations, as they do when public housing has sewage backups or there aren't enough homes to go around, etc. etc. etc.

    Give me a break, the native leadership are the ones at fault..they give themselves lavish salaries and pork barrel while barely half of it goes to the people and infrastructure

    There is a reason they don't want anyone micromanaging their money...gravy train ride would be OVER

    but hey whatever, blame the government for everything, you do it anyway

  8. Is it ridiculous? yes BUT there is no problem here, at least the school did not cancel music altogether ..I remember being a JW and sitting on a chair in the foyer of my school when my class or school did anything that i didn't believe in like christmas, easter, halloween, birthday parties etc ..I'd not stand up during the anthem or prayer either in the morning..schools these days cancel christmas shows and instead do a winter theme..which is weak

    I see nothing wrong with giving the kid headphones but that is whacked that the kids can't hear music

  9. Aboriginal children are the poorest in the country


    According to the report, First Nations children face terrible daily living conditions and are more likely than other Canadian children to suffer health problems. Among the problems listed:

    One aboriginal child in eight is disabled, double the rate of all children in Canada.

    Among First Nations children, 43 per cent lack basic dental care.

    Overcrowding among First Nations families is double the rate of that for all Canadian families.

    Mould contaminates almost half of all First Nations households.

    Almost half of aboriginal children under 15 years old residing in urban areas live with a single parent.

    Close to 100 First Nations communities must boil their water.

    Of all off-reserve aboriginal children, 40 per cent live in poverty.

    Is this that Native culture that is oh so important to bleeding heart liberals? If they were treated the same as everyone else things would be a lot better because they wouldn't be reliant on their elders or the government to give them money and do things for them

  10. From 2010


    OTTAWA - Canada should ban burkas in public, according to more than half of the people polled exclusively for QMI Agency.

    The Leger Marketing online poll found 54% of people surveyed said the government should follow France's lead and not allow women to wear burkas in public for safety and transparency reasons.

    Only 20% of respondents said Canada shouldn't consider a ban because it's an issue of freedom of religion and freedom of expression, and 15% said it didn't affect them either way.

    Older Canadians were more likely to agree with a ban, with 71% of those 65 years and older choosing that option. Only 40% of Canadians 18-34 years old said burkas should be banned.

    Leger Marketing vice-president Dave Scholz said the poll surprised staff at the research firm.

    "This is Canada -- we don't ban anything," he said.

    Sentiment was particularly strong in Quebec, where the debate over reasonable accommodation for new Canadians has been raging, with 73% of respondents saying they want a ban.

    Morton Weinfeld, a sociology professor at McGill University, said the strong response in Quebec could be a result of spending 50 years cutting down the place of Catholicism in the province.

    "Why should they fill that void with Islam?" he said.

    "Quebec is perhaps the most strongly feminist place in Canada and the burka is a strongly anti-woman phenomenon."

    Weinfeld said people should be careful when interpreting the survey results because the burka is the most extreme Islamic covering. He said nobody knows how many Canadians wear the burka.

    The survey question didn't explain the difference between the burka, which covers the entire face, the niqab, which has a slit for the eyes, and the hijab, a headscarf.

    The poll shows there's a need for more outreach and education, said the executive director of the Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations.

    "It's understandable that practices that might be unfamiliar to people cause tension and unease," said Ihsaan Gardee, adding it's a minority within a minority who cover their faces.

    "When it's a woman's choice to practise a sincerely held religious belief ... it must be protected under the charter, provided it does not infringe on the rights of others," he said.

    Muslim Canadian Congress founder Tarek Fatah, however, has been pushing for a ban on burkas.

    "Progressive and liberal Muslims have been leading the fight against this abomination for the last 100 years," he said.

    "This is one of the ugliest aspects of political Islam that has been imported into Canada and other western countries," Fatah added.

    The web survey asked 1,526 people to choose the statement that best reflects their view of France's move to ban women from wearing a burka in public. The survey was conducted July 19-22. Leger doesn't measure margin of error in online surveys because it's not a random sample.

    Burka: Most concealing of all Islamic veils. Covers entire body with mesh over the face.

    Hijab: Arabic for veil. Square scarf covering head and neck is the most common style worn by Muslim women in the West.

    Niqab: Veil for face that leaves only the eyes uncovered. Common across much of the Arabian peninsula and Pakistan.

    QUESTION: Which statement best reflects your view on France's government trying to ban burkas in public?

    54% Canada should follow France. Nobody should be able to cover their faces. It is a matter of public safety and business transparency.

    20% Canada shouldn't even consider banning burkas. It's an issue of freedom of religion and expression

    15% It doesn't affect me either way

    11% Not sure

    1% No answer

    Percentage of population who think burkas should be banned

    39% B.C.

    45% Alberta

    43% Saskatchewan, Manitoba

    53% Ontario

    73% Quebec

    54% Atlantic

    Due to rounding, not all figures add up to 100%

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