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Everything posted by SirEric

  1. Mr POCKETS Mulroney gave us a deficit three time the Size of Pierre Trudeau...POCKETS Mulroney also gave us the gift of GST...it is not what Canadians wanted or needed for chritmas!!!!! Not Happy with taking us to the biggest debt in Canadian History....Prime Minister Chretien and Prime Minister Martin were writing down the debt for 12 years...you can add more as Pierre Poutine Harper enjoyed Martins work and it took him 2 1/2 years to get the diving deficit back to bleeding....and you shouldn't punish Mr Chretien for the massive deficits Pockets Mulroney was creating..some years were close to 60 billion in Deficits...........almost the same as Pierre Poutine Harper giving a 60 billion tax cut to the Banks and corporate sector...such a nice gift to us!!!!!! Mr, Pockets Mulroney not only spent every cent we didn't have...he needed MORE...love ya GST
  2. @Accountability Now 140 billion of Pierre Trudeau is paid off...by mister Chretien...the whole of our Canadian debt if from the Conservative Republicans....It took Jean Cretien to almost 3 years to stop the Mulroney bleeding......once he did that..he brought our defit down every year.....it took Pierre Poutine Harp 2 1/2 years to get the debt running up to start his bleeding....and leaves it to Justin Trudeau to try and stop that bleeding again....Don't worry he is and is going to get our trade surplus back in the black...Trump is only around for 2 more years,,,maybe!!!!!! Do I have to give you that chart again so someone will show you what it means?
  3. Pierre poutine Harper never got invited anywhere....not even to the white house...Justin Trudeau gets invited not long after his defeat of Pierre poutine..not by Obama or Bush ..BECAUSE OF HIM WE LOST OUR SEAT ON THE SECURITY COUNSIL OF THE United Nations. He had the personality of a chewed piece of gum.. The G7 and G20 Cant get enough of JUSTIN TRUDEAU
  4. your spun!!!!!! hehehehe... its still all conservative debt!!!! genius.....651 BILLION OF CONSERVATIVE DEBT...and not counting the money they pocketed.....the senators did well.....and not including taking military helicopters to entertain your camping quests or jets to hockey games or wiping out our trade surplus with the U.S THAT IN ITSELF IS MORE THAN TWICE THE AMOUNT OF CONSERVATIVE DEBT!....WHAT DID THEY DO FOR INFRASTRUCTURE?.....OH YA.....AN ARENA NEAR HUNTSVILLE
  5. what planet are you from?........Canada's debt is the total of the deficit per year since 1867........get someone to explain this for you...Hint!!!!!!!..its actually in the first question https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2008/10/25/a_guide_to_debts_deficits_and_surpluses.html
  6. I don't think you lie!!!! I just think you are not that smart... I don't think you can read a chart..its the same info as on your link...only you can see it
  7. awwww you act like a child....told you tin head,,,I am independent....anything but conservatives...they are the same as republicans...Identical I will even vote NDP If the voting is close to a minority government...because I now the NDP WILL DO WHATS RIGHT FOR THE PEOPLE AND NOT JUST MAKE THEIR FRIENDS GAUGING RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like Mr.poutine and BAY Street
  8. get someone to help you read that chart...it shows how much and who put us into debt.....he used to give students a grant...and also loan to go to school...
  9. shall I continue? http://www.macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/the-missing-3-1-billion-no-one-is-asking-about/
  10. here ya go genius....http://nationalpost.com/news/canada/government-cant-account-for-3-1b-allocated-to-public-safety-and-anti-terrorism-auditor-generals-reports-says
  11. well google it genius..if you know how...just a minute..I will go find it for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. well how long has he been in charge.....do I have to teach you....you just cant take over ..snap your fingers and have all the policies of pierre poutine Harper!!! just stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it takes2 or 3 years or longer for us tax payers too keep paying for the destruction Pierre poutine Harper has inflicted on us...we still have tp pay for all his mistakes....it took Mr. Chretien 3 year to clean the mess Pocket filling Mulroney made us....show me which conservative wrote down out debt..just one time!!!! you cant count on Pierre Poutine Harper's 1.9 billion's last term in office...there was no spending on anything...he drained the bullion in our bank.....and the Liberals left him 16 piles of 1000 dollar bills stacked to the bottom floor off the cn tower
  13. your link is the same as the chart I posted...only you can compare them all ...whats your point
  14. This a map of Canada in 1867 Quebec is lower Canada and Ontario Upper Canada
  15. Seperation!!!!!!!!! you want to separate?...for Quebec....we give them back what they had as they signed confederation!!!!!!!!!! That was Upper Canada...50 miles on each side of the St. Lawrence RIVER...Quebec City ........ Montreal.......Ottawa ..... Kingston.....If the vote to separate is 51% for!!! and 49%nay you split upper Canada into those exact portions 51/49....... The 51% will call themselves any thing they want... The 49% that voted to stay in Canada will be split between Ontario and and that massive Land area which will be still called the province of Quebec. Give the winners Quebec city and 50 miles north and south of the St. Lawrence....it will be the last time they whine!!!!!!!!!!!!! and do the same for every other province that wishes to leave
  16. @ tax me....I am not a Liberal party super fan...but they have the best we have...I believe that political parties should be abolished....and not have to vote in a dictator...it should be all independents...real politics...where when you vote someone in office..they are their to represent your riding..when independents for for what is good for their people and riding..not a party who has to listen and vote for what ever he wants....or what the special interests want. If you cant figure out where all of our debt came from...then you are not a very smart Canadian...all the information is at your finger tips..just google it........https://ipolitics.ca/2015/04/19/no-matter-how-you-add-it-up-harpers-fiscal-record-is-a-catastrophe/
  17. your right....the conservatives are quite the buffoons every cent is conservative debt and thanks to them...we pay 29.5 billion to service that debt every year...just thing of how much infrastructure could be fixed every year with that kind of money
  18. How come Mr' Pierre Trudeau was at the top of the list for the Greatest Canadian....because he was...Those were the best times to live...as a Canadian...
  19. you take 60 billion Dollars a year out of the economy...and you tell the corporate not to do anything .....don't do anthing..don't hire..dont create work ...just take the money and wait...but do send us some money for campaining
  20. your full of it...I lived in that Era...1982 recession was caused by oil....there was a gas shortage..you couldn't even buy gas on sunday in the states....then Mr Mulrooney came in and put us over 500 billion in debt..thats half a trillion
  21. Chretien was rich for a long time...he managed the economy well...he made a good living in politics ...do you remember what his salaries were....lol...Don't Insult Mr Chretien by calling him a conservative....and Argus...did you not add up the chart you linked us to...if you cant...go ask someone to total that up for you.....and your forgetting about the 16 billion cHRETIEN LEFT SITTING ON THE TABLE FOR HIM WHEN PIERRE POUTINE TOOK OFFICE....AND THE 2 OR 3 BILLION HE MYSTERIOUSLY LOST...YOU HAVE TO BE PRETTY STUPID TO LOSE 2 or 3 billion dollars....oh ya...then sold all of our bullion he dumped so he could try and balance his last budget...and the 2 years it will take Justin Trudeau to Stop the bleeding from Pierre Poutine's polocies... you know....you cant just take over a government and just change or stop the polocies the Idiot left behind
  22. Mr Harper made our recession ...all by his himself...when you drain our economy like it did..When he gave the Babks and corparate secter a 60 billion Dollar tax cut...he told them ..don't do anything...don't hire or ceate work with the tax cuts.....just fill conservative re-lection pockets..when we need you.........have you ever seen the infrastructure so bad?.....Don't you remember????????????? .I was working in Sault Ste. Marie building their new hospital.....before Pierre Poutine Harper took over ......I think there were 7 or 8 hospitals getting built or additions....and that's only in Ontario...... during Mr. Chretien' good reign....and you could buy 70% of the houses in florida at the time for 40,000 Dollars.....the states were in a recession..they were even bulldozing 3 year old houses at the time.....we were going strong here in Canada with Mr Martin handling our Finances.. Then Pierre poutine got in.....even tried to take credit at the G7...for how well our economy was doing.....we were the best economy going and got complimented on it by the G7.......How many billions did he blow at the G7? putting up arena's...and building rivers for canoes.....hehe....you should get someone to help you on google to find the charts and graphs of debt by Prime Minister...I lived during the trudeau years....one never worried about the price of gas...the cost of a house...electricity...any thing really...you could afford a house on minimum wage..1.65 AN HOUR....My aunt bought a brand new 3 bedroom house..front brick..aluminum siding o the rest. ......paved driveway....for 6,000.00 Dollars....the Pierre Trudeau years were the best time to live in Canada..ask your parents...and you people chastise him over Alberta oil...Alberta was an Ontario welfare case for over a hundred years....similar to Quebec....lol......and then they struck oli..and didn't want to share it...But Pierre made then share it with the rest of Canadians ....that's a good Prime Minister
  23. just look at the chart chum...or maybe you don't understand it? try this http://thecanadianpoliticalscene.blogspot.ca/2012/11/conservatives-sink-canada-into-largest.html
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