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Posts posted by H10

  1. 23 hours ago, ?Impact said:

    No, they loose because the last time the were in power they betrayed Ontario, selling it away for pennies on the dollar to their friends including foreign ones. They continue to loose because they pick useless leaders.

    Please explain to me how that is any different than liberal policies?  Did you forget Wynne selling off public assets like Hyrdo One to foreigners for pennies on the dollar.  Do you forget how useless Wynne is?

  2. On 1/26/2018 at 12:15 PM, ?Impact said:

    If this is true, why the frig didn't anyone, including her, do something long ago. This reeks bad.

    Because this was the hit job.  Conservative Party of Ontario is paid to lose, they are a paid phony opposition.  What kind of conservative party favors abortion, carbon taxes, tax and spend and large deficits. The PCs in Ontario stay losing because they are Liberals.

  3. On 1/31/2018 at 6:44 PM, OftenWrong said:

    My comment relates to earlier conversations we had here in which we tried to identify the reason people voted for Trump. There are several reasons of course. What I meant was that it was the disenfrachised conservatives on the right that have felt ignored by their political leaders for many years, disregarded in the media while the left happily engaged on a campaign of political correctness, vilifying any views from right wing conservatives as if they were poison. This group felt it had no voice, not even from conservative leaders. When Trump came along with his attack on political correctness, they heard a voice that was saying at last what they wanted to hear.

    Here is one article which related to this:


    ...what impassioned the core of those who swung the Electoral College balance, it is clear in retrospect, was a sense of being outsiders in their own land. Those alienated voters saw themselves as the bone and sinew of the nation... They had been waiting in line for years for their time to arrive only to see others cut in line ahead of them, what sociologist Arlie Hochschild calls the “deep story” they tell themselves.... Although they live in an echo chamber of self-confirming social messages, they feel themselves voiceless. That is why, in spite of their anger at the global capitalism that made Donald Trump’s fortune, they felt empowered when a man of his super-wealth and media stardom spoke the words they know they are not supposed to say in public themselves...The result was a vote in which anger overrode optimism, a corrosive sense of failure overrode hope, and in which the very impracticality of a Donald Trump presidency proved one of his strongest drawing cards. 

    @Michael Hardner what we talked about yesterday... voting based on dissatisfaction and a kind of anarchy

    Sorry, that explanation just won't do, Ted Cruz was very far right and he got hammered by Trump.  Bobbie Jindal even tried to play the race card from the right of Trump. Huckabee was very right wing, as was Rand Paul, Carson very right wing, Graham and Scott Walker.  This had nothing to do with far right conservativism feeling alienated.  They had the tea party take over congress, alienated by what and whom?

    The views from the racist alt right are poison, that is why 70% of Americans reject them. Most conservatives had abandoned these racist views.  Trump came along with his racism, his white supremacy, his KKK background and German heritage, and they said, this is a fine white supremacist with credentials we can back.

    The only difference between Trump and Clinton is Trump says in public what Clinton really believes.  This is the real reason Trump won. Clinton is a racist, the African Americans figured it out, stayed home and let Trump win to punish the democratic party.  African American turnout turns the reddest republican states blue if it is high, and when it is low, it can mean a Republican can win basically every state.  There is a reason Repulbicans have been trying to stop them from voting since the voting rights act became a law.


  4. On 1/30/2018 at 7:54 PM, OftenWrong said:

    I know. I suggest "ignoring is bliss"... or at least, confine the insult so that you're not pissing off some of the conservative members in good standing here.
    This attitude that all conservatives are shit-trolls who need to be put down is how people like Donald Trump or Doug Ford get elected!

    Should mention I'm guilty of doing the same sometimes. Just sayin

    Doug Ford couldn't even beat Tory, who was a life long loser who couldn't win for dog catcher previously.

    Donald Trump won because he ran against the worse democratic candidate (from a progressive perspective) in the history of the democratic party.  You take almost any other generic boring democratic and he/she beats Trump.  We seen it even in the reddest conservative states, Trump's deep seed unpopularity causes whoever he endorses to lose, even a senate seat in Alabama that was previously won by Republicans with such a heavy Republican majority 97%, that the democrats couldn't even field a candidate who was willing to go threw the embarrassment of losing to him.  Trump managed to turn a 97% red district into a democratic blue one.


    How unpopular was Clinton?

    1.  She was so unpopular with African Americans that they chose to stay home and let Trump win reliably blue states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, etc.

    2.  She attacked women and protected sexual abusers, losing the women's vote.  She attacked the women who accused Bill of sex assaults, and hid the abusers in her own campaign.

    3.  She stole $100 million from Haiti, she was so despised in the Haitian community that when they had the earthquake or hurricane, the liberal media refused to cover it because every group was complaining about Clinton stealing.  This is why Trump went down to Florida's large Haitian community and asked for their vote.   Allowing him to win Florida.

    4.  She alienated the democratic labor base by favoring more job destroying trade deals like tpp and opposed a $15 min wage, opposes regulating wall street, opposes expansion of most social programs like medicare for all.


    In alienating all of the democrats main supporters, she made herself unelectable.  Because although Trump only has a 30% approval rating, his 30% supporters realy love him.  Hilary's supporters are at best luke warm on average. This is why even Sanders would have been a better candidate, because at least all those poor people could justify taking the day off of work to raise their wage.  clinton deserved to lose, worse campaign ever.

  5. On 8/18/2016 at 1:00 PM, bjre said:
    Did you think about what US can take from Canada when hundreds of Canadian companies were acquired by US companies in recent years like Zellers, Tim Hortons, ATI. Did you asked what they had taken?


    Why you care so much about what China get and care nothing about what you can get? Did you even think of what you can keep if exclude China?



    Even in 2nd rate cities in China, they can build a new subway line each year, why Toronto cannot add even one station in 10 years? Did you do it yourself? Did US help Canada do it? Exclude China might be a good idea, but we care about the real improvement of our life, why for do many years, no one can make us see something real except Mayor Ford.



    What is your idea, you would rather hunger to death in order to not let China to get one cent? Why? Just because of decades of brainwashed?






    (p.s. China's human right situation is better than Canada, see my other posts.)


    Burn, he got you there.  China can build in 6 months what we take 3 decades to build.  That is why Canada is probably doomed, too much corruption with all the developers bribing off the politicians.

  6. 8 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    I guess if you're ok with a politician showing his dick (unsolicited) to an 18-year old girl working in his organization then you have the family values required to be a conservative - congratulations.


    Was she legal age

    did she go to his bedroom willingly

    Did she stay after he showed his dick?

    Did she file a police report after.

  7. 14 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

     In the political arena, what is fair does not always count. How many careers were destroyed by the anti-communist witch hunts of the 1950's. Remember what happened to Edmund Muskie. What happened to Brown is no different than the campaign to destroy Secretary Clinton and President Trump. Many people don't care if an accusation is true, only if they want it to be true.

    The best advice my dad ever gave me was "get out of politics." I had no idea how right he was.

    How is it no different?  Everything about Clinton bad is true.

  8. 17 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    Well, it wasn't that bad but honestly I was surprised at the actual lead:




    43% to 24% almost 20 pts.

    Yup, Brown was stomachable to many liberals because he wasn't too conservative, now they will probably put in another Hudak wacko type and scare off the voters and ensure they lose again so Wynne can steal more money.

  9. 12 hours ago, capricorn said:

    IMO, Lisa MacLeod just disqualified herself from the top PC job.


    If she had any aspiration of running for party leader she should have kept her trap shut with the media.

    Well now we know it was not the liberals who leaked this but obviously the Conservatives who were bitter against Brown, Brown was viewed as too liberal by his caucus, they never wanted him to win and opposed him from day one.

  10. 1 hour ago, ?Impact said:

    They may seem to you that way, but I expect that CTV did a lot to vet the story. Not only the two reporters with the byline, but there was no doubt several editors, members of senior management, and legal council involved before they would print a story of this high profile. They would have interviewed the women involved and at least in one case others that support her story. I can only speculate that others might have been interviewed with other stories, but deemed not credible enough at the time to be included. The last thing the media wants is a story like this to be printed and then have to be retracted at a later date.

    So they interviewed a woman, so what, does that mean he did it? Nope.  Media prints phony stories all the time, and in some cases people get killed for it, did you forget WMDs and the massive journalistic failure to properly investigate the claims.  The media lead the war drums for George Bush.

  11. 3 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

    The timing of this is highly suspicious, especially given that the alleged incidents happened many years ago. Not that I necessarily doubt the story, but for now that is just what it is... a story.

    What I find concerning is how the media takes hold of stories like these and makes them go "viral". At that point it doesn't matter if you're actually guilty of something- your life is over as you know it. You are a dead man walking. In the past there was always some effort to show restraint when someone was accused in the name of responsible journalism. Today the emphasis is on making lots of money by running a profitable media company, and the more sensational a story is, the more viewership and associated sponsor money comes in. It is now to the point that anyone can be destroyed just by mere accusation.

    I agree, what if the accusations are false.  The media seems to not care if some of these accusations are false.

  12. 9 hours ago, Rue said:

    Hang on. He was not the strongest candidate he was in fact a compromise candidate.

    Secondly it may be having a new leader come in gets the PC's elected now not the opposite.

    Will Kathleen Wynne be given a different standard of treatment by the public? You might be right the public is awful stupid but a good Tory leader could clearly dettach the PC's from Pat Brown's transgressions far better than Kathleen Wynne can from the Liberals filthy dealings and cover-ups.

    Compromise candidate?  If there was a stronger candidate, they would have won.

    Please do explain, prior to the scandal, Brown was polling at 40% to Wynne's 18%, and he worked very hard for 3 years to get there.  The problem with the Tory's has nothing to do with Brown, at this point, they may not even get name recoginition.  How do you assemble a campaign this late.


    9 hours ago, Rue said:

     Some in the PC party is asleep at the wheel. This kind of crap should have been vetted long before he ran for the leadership. The rumousr of Pat Brown being a pervert were not new. They were known to the press for many years so the question is, why did they only get released now? Look at the timing. It was done in direct response to detract from the criminal conviction of a Liberal hack who erased info that would have made the Liberals look bad and the person in charge of the election -Kathleen Wynne. Amazing turn around in less than 48 hours from that Liberal hack's conviction. Coincidence? I think not. Now whether the Liberals led the story or someone in the PC's did it, back stabbing Pat  Brown is not known but I suspect it was someone in the PC's explaining the immediate dumping of him. However whoever in the PC's is trying to replace him might get exposed and caught. The timing is blatant and clumsy.

    If the "liberal media" wanted to really derail brown, they'd have released this a few days before the election and watch as his campaign collapsed when it was too late for them to find a replacement.  I do agree this was done with unusual haste, and I believe it was an inside job because his entire staff ran away before the details of the allegations were even fully out.  Brown has lots of enemies in the conservative party who don't like his socially liberal views.


    9 hours ago, Rue said:

    The Tories have to choose a leader asap and focus back to the Liberal failures and say the personal failures of Brown have nothing to do with the policies of the PC Party, but on the other hand the failures of Kathleen Wynne directly deal with how she runs the party. In fact the PC's could say look when our leader did wrong out he went-the Liberal leader does wrong- she refuses to take responsibility. In fact it could come back to haunt the Liberals in giving the PC's a higher moral ground.

    To exploit the PC higher moral ground the Tory's need to appoint a dynamic person asap. t Other than maybe Vic Fedeli they are a party of very bland speakers.

    Focusing on liberal failures won't get the Tories elected.  The obvious retort will be if they cannot vet their own leader and candidates how are they going to stop any failure?  How can you stop corrupt government when your leader is corrupt and sexually abusing people?  The PCs could never have a higher moral ground because as bad as liberal corruption is, they never killed people with tainted water or through lack of hospital beds.  Plus isn't this the party accused of rigging nominations in ridings to get in the right conservatives.  I don't believe Brown is corrupt, but I do believe his party is.


    9 hours ago, Rue said:

    I think someone in the Tory party knifed Brown in the back. Why? He had months if not years to have headed off this scandal. He could have if it was a Liberal and not Tory leak to the press, gotten ahead of it and pulled a David Letterman, stated he acted stupid when he was young and regrets what he did but the personal attacks at this time were a Liberal smear to dertact from their  own behaviour. He could have pulled that position and said they were trying to make it about him and he would step aside for that reason. Interestingly he did not. He appeared at a press conference in a state of panic with no support at all which was career suicide. Politicians have handled scandals of sex far worse than this one. The immediate abandonment of him that quickly within minutes of the announcement was orchestrated not spontaneous. People do not resign that quickly en masse without first planning for it.

    I agree.  He had a great deal of haters in his party.  I don't think what he said would have mattered, his own caucus has decided to vote him out immediately after the allegations came out.  The MPs were not willing to go down with him.  Now as to why he was abandoned even by his own handpicked staffers that is certainly a good question, I don't have the answer to. He couldn't pull a Trump because Trump's people stuck with him when he was accused, his caucus didn't expel him when the accusations and confessions came out.

    I agree that this resignations have the smell of being planned, this is not just spontaneous.

  13. 14 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

    Is he though?  That's still a long way away.  He could lose the provincial election then come back and lose the mayoral election.

    Yeah, he already started campaigning, the officials at city hall were trying to tell him to stop because you are not allowed to campaign outside of campaign season, but he continued sighting that Tory is on TV campaigning every day.  What is really interesting to me, is that you will have two conservative candidates in the largest liberal strong hold running for office and one will most certainly win. Tory couldn't win a vote in Toronto as premier but won as mayor, go figures.

  14. 22 hours ago, ?Impact said:

    Does balancing the budget fit in there somewhere? I believe that would result in about $70 billion deficit.


    Conservatives only pretend to claim about deficit but like Harris, Bush, Bush Sr., Reagan, Trump, Nixon and every other conservative I can think of from Harper to Mulrooney, Conservatives are dedicated to running large deficits.  Conservatives believe you cannot use taxes to get to a balanced budget but you got to make a bigger economy.  Or in the words of John McCain, you don't give the government a bigger share of your pie, you make more pie for everyone.

  15. On 1/22/2018 at 10:14 AM, Pete_Coach said:

    Yeah....the Conservatives had a huge lead going into the last 2 elections too....there is still plenty of time for Brown to step on his di**. 

    Honestly, Brown really does not offer alternatives, nothing to differentiate him form the Libs, nothing indicating he will roll any policies back, nothing new to offer. I mean, he din't even make a good opposition, always seemingly in agreement with the Libs. Why would I want to vote for him except to change the portrait in the halls of the legislature.

    You called it, he stepped on his di** literally.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

    Looks like multiple sex accusations for Patrick Brown.  Multiple resignations on his team, but he isn't stepping down right now.


    He just gave a news conference - emotional is understating it, he was on the verge of tears.   Then a media chase.  


    Very sad day for Ontario.  I hope against hope that people will be able to keep it civil, but let's see...

    CTV was all but licking the tears off of his face and drooling over him being crushed.  Really evil people, he was practically on the verge of tears, it might really be a false accusation.  Imagine having your entire career derailed by being called a rapists on national tv.

  17. Brown was accused of sexually assaulting 2 women, and his entire senior campaign staff resigned.  His Party seems to have abandoned him.  He was probably the strongest candidate that the conservatives has ran in a good decade.  The real question is who will replace Brown in the conservative party once his caucaus gives him the boot. Its quiet sad really because he signed up tens of thousands of new members in what was a party becoming very unpopular.  Now they are talking about throwing in some unknown person to challenge Wynne, the Conservative party is finished in 2018.

  18. 6 hours ago, taxme said:


    So, how much more does old whitey have to keep paying before people like you are satisfied and white people are forgiven and relieved of their past awful deeds?

    So, what do you want to see whitey do today that has not been done already by whitey to make up for past sins?  

    Please tell me as to how much more azz kissing does old whitey have to do to make those blacks and Indians stop their whining and crying forever and forgive old whitey?

    Over to you,  fella. 

    The benefits of racism does not have an expiration date for white people.  As such the payment to those who they stole from doesn't end.  Pay restitution to those who they have wronged yearly.  Pay them billions.

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