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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. Maybe Trump could do something constructive than destructive......17 kids dead in Florida ...the twelve school shooting this year.....Ban the NRA as they are the real terrorist organization,not immigrants....anyone's gun that was used in committing a crime weather stolen or taken , should be charged with that crime....you own the weapon you own the crime....also goes true for anyone selling weapons...you Americans are disgusting at letting this happen time after time with nothing constructive to prevent these atrocities. Who cares if Trump phuked a porn star.....there are bigger things to address.
  2. Trudeau dont need to pay for sex with a porn star ...unlike your fat ugly bald phuk president.
  3. The Second Amendment has merely created a means through which violent people can obtain lethal ordnance and act on their dark intentions. The Second Amendment is a failed amendment – a hopelessly entrenched piece of legislation that has continually fallen short of its expectations and has contributed more to depriving Americans of the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness than to protecting those same rights.
  4. This memo does not prove anything....its cherry picked excerpts that are not Representative of the whole truth....More of Trumps lies and deceit.....His world is slowly crumbling could the latest stock market results be evidence of this?
  5. The american people know they have a real problem and its called Trump
  6. Are you implying that the FBI is out to get Trump.....Trump has systematically got rid of anyone in his way to cover up the truth...when everyone around you is incompetent it is time to look in the mirror and see the real answer .....Trump is a crook.
  7. Greed has no morales......but if Trump rains on our parade it may be the best thing that happened to Canada.....the world is a big place.
  8. We dont beg to anyone.....especially a mentally confused president.....did we beg you to join WW2 2 years late into the conflict while our soldiers were making the sacrifice
  9. Agent orange was developed by the USA and tested on Canadians......
  10. I think the world is getting sick of your mentally confused commander in chief....such an embarrassment .
  11. The Canadian government did not officially participate in the war.
  12. Wow now you are making it out as Canada is a major world player....one minute we are insignificant the next minute we are a major evil regime.....make up your mind.
  13. Difference is Canada dealt with it and charged the responsible parties....the USA sweeps it under the carpet.....and that is probably the only incident you could find compared to the thousands of american attrocities
  14. yes but most were women....men would have said going to watch football....
  15. Im glad that he is......no place in society for that type of person......but you must remember that a lot of people in the world hold the Americans in the same view....killing innocents...indiscriminate bombings.....they view you as terrorists also.
  16. Remember they were women.....that kinda explains it.
  17. Canada didnt send them terrorists to the USA either....it was the American policies that brought them to your doorstep. Im glad that the USA is tight with the Russia cause you wouldn't want them to piss on you.....maybe that has already happened....
  18. Again you are talking about snow birds....retiree's spending Canadian dollars ...not someone taking your jobs....a positive for the USA.
  19. Yes Don't trust Canada but Them Russians seem pretty trusting
  20. Pretty weak....staying a day extra to bring back a cheap bottle of booze does not constitute what you call illegals
  21. If you like to gamble try the casino's.....i hope your good luck continues:)
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