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Goh Shenas

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Everything posted by Goh Shenas

  1. Bunch of perverts looking looking for 72 underaged girls. All in the name of religion.
  2. As long as they take this filthy religion to justify means all of them.
  3. Ooops my bad....Islam's indoctrination reminds me of commies. Only islam is worse. Submit or die.
  4. Yeah...kinda like events like Manchester bombing is a fairytale. The majority moderate sheeps are told to believe islam is pissful ooops peacefull
  5. Metaphorically you are submitting to them.
  6. Not hypocritical but reality check. Muslims with their growing population want to eradicate jews and kill us infidels! Buddy...
  7. How many other cases like Salman Abedi would you like to witness before you submit to Allah?
  8. You cannot reason with these people. Relativity is not applicable here. This is a lost cause.
  9. But...you cannot correct a tree that is corrupt to the root. It is irreplacable and must be eradicated to allow room for progression. Again metaphorically....
  10. I don't care if Muslims want to practise this barbaric filthy teligion in their own country. They can blow up eachother as many times as they like. Over here they are just guests by the rules. Don't like the way things work go back home and leave us infidels alone. Metaphorically.
  11. Ever since its inception in Saudi Arabia this religion has brought nothing but misery for its people. It is a backward religion filled with filth.
  12. The difference is Muslims are declaring war on us not the other way round. Pakistan is birthplace to some of the worst terrorist with their madrasahs.
  13. Theses are a bunch of people who follow a backward doctrine. The analogy to rape is irrelevant...
  14. I am fairly new here. Can't talk for DOP obviously.
  15. Which bit is that? The very fact that you are still alive not being terrorised by a Muslim or me showing concerns for those who follow this religion? Again you are free to defend them.
  16. All of them. No exception. Complicity in the actions of a few is the same thing in this murderous cult.
  17. Islam is the same...Not sure if it is a better version but they keep revising it.
  18. Islam brings joy! No thank you I don't want to be beheaded or stoned to death for being a non believer. Apparently I am confused.
  19. How is that relevant? We are discussing Muslims. You are free to defend the moderate ones and have sympathy that they are horrified. I am not. They follow the same faith that makes some of them a suicide bomber.
  20. This is what you wrote: You are assuming those Muslims are horrified. How do you know?
  21. Send them back o wherever they came from.... Their values are not compatible. Moderate or not. So long as they have allegiance to this religion we are dealing with a cult that cannot be trusted.
  22. Granted. But sanity and common sense are not virtues compatible with Islam as Bcsapper makes us believe. All Muslims follow same faith...
  23. I am not prepared to take that risk if one of these so called moderate Muslims (home grown) turns into violence and decides to commit a suicide. You cannot disagree that most of terrorism today is committed by Muslims. There's no way of knowing which one is sane and which one isn't.
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