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Everything posted by Exegesisme

  1. Quality is more important than quantity. A good leadership is more than many people. A real scientific discovery is more than many existing knowledge. Even economy, I believe a small quality economy is more than a large quantity economy.
  2. Anything in time is relative, but truth is not in time. Only the images of truth are in time, so they are relative.
  3. Science is in time, so in change. Truth is not in time, so is not change.
  4. Science is not Truth​ By Exegesisme Science is not truth, and also can not be seen as truth. Science is a good way to look for truth, but itself is not truth. If we believe science is truth, we will stop at where we believe, and with an attitude against all sorts of new knowledge, for they are not science. We should notice this phenomenon, any existed scientific knowledge is not new, and any new knowledge before scientific prove is not scientifical. Therefore, we should keep this idea, truth is out of our touch, we can only touch the images of truth. Science is the way of approaching truth, but can never achieve the truth. Scientifical knowledge is useful in finite domain, but is not truth. We can respect science, but we can only worship truth.
  5. My strategy is to follow their election, study their political culture, look for what our Canadians can learn from them, and If possible, try to improve.
  6. Republic is not to represent the minorities, but protect the basic rights of each one in the whole, and the representative system is only working on this foundation. The elites make more contribution to the whole society, it is very fair they have more share of power.
  7. They voted a death sentence to him, and you said they did not want him to die, it is unfair. There is the mood of majority in democracy. Just as Iraq war, before beginning, the majority of American people supported such a war, years later, they opposed the same war. Republic has a mechanism to adjust such a mood. However, the republic of USA still is not complete.
  8. The Summary of All My Predictions My prediction in words: 1, Liberal majority is first likely, Liberal minority is second likely. 2, Conservative will become the official opposition party. 3, NDP loses more than half of its seats. 4, Bloc will have a large gain. 5, Green still needs more efforts in future. All My Predictions of Seats Con NDP Lib Green Bloc Oct. 18, 9pm Seats 338 My EST(1) 97+-15 42+-8 175+-20 2+-1 19+-10 Oct. 18, 5pm Seats 338 My EST(1) 114+-15 47+-10 153+-20 2+-1 22+-12 Oct. 17, 7am Seats 338 My EST 121+-12 63+-7 147+-15 2+-1 5+-3 Oct. 15, 6am Seats 338 My EST 87+-9 59+-7 185+-20 2+-1 5+-3 Oct. 12, 6am seats ES (338) 79 63 182 4 10 Oct.1, 1am ES (338) 108 86 130 5 9
  9. He is highly morally. You can not hope he chose to be a fugitive to betray his own soul only for his own life. I support he chose to obey the law. And similar problem appears in democracy. The majority has a tendency to ignore the voice of minority, except there is actual protection for minority. And the later is republic regime.
  10. I agree your attitude on environment, but disagree you ignore the crucial role of political leadership in USA.
  11. He should not die of his wisdom pursuing. The majority voted to deprive his life.
  12. No. Their huge wealth is from good capitalism, not from the economy of manor.
  13. Not as great as USA. USA has something our Canada can learn for our future.
  14. There are heavy faults of proportional system too. The key fault is the very weak relation between representatives and their voters, and the accountability becomes weak too.
  15. Thank you for your opinion. Maybe I should create a new party to provide one more choice for Canadian people.
  16. Even the candidate gets elected, she or he is only tool of her or his party, she or he is not your real representative.
  17. I know I should compromise with other citizens. However, I should know my compromise to a good being, not to an evil being. Now, our political system lacks this accountability. The unaccountability of government covers and protects evil in its deep.
  18. We deserve a good government in a good political system. If it is not, we should act to improve.
  19. Do you really know he will speak for your riding? As far as I know, no matter what he will speak in the house of Commons, he will vote only on the need of his party. This is the actuality of our Canadian political system.
  20. In Canada, who we pick does not represent us and our interests, and even does not represents her or his own conscience. She or he can only be tool of her or his party! Every Canadian needs paying attention to this crucial point! That is our democracy!
  21. I want to create a new party which will encourage every citizen to take part in at her or his level, and everyone has a position in the political system.
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