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Posts posted by CITIZEN_2015

  1. Politics aside regardless of our views most of us wish to help children. Save the Children is a charitable Canadian organization asking for donation to help with desperate children in Gaza and Israel. It has no political affiliation. You can donate as little as $50 if you wish and can save lives. Regardless of race or religion, a child is a child.. 



  2. 12 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

    I believe all humans have these tendencies - we struggle to control them in each generation - but many Arab countries have a particularly reprehensible history of involvement in the slave trade and still treat their Asian migrant workers quite abominably. The level of misogyny and homophobia is truly spectacular as well. 

    The Arab conquest of much of the world may have been a rather fortuitous event. As I am sure you are aware, the Persian and Byzantine empires were at a particular low ebb at that time after endless wars against each other. 

    But they still do to this date. In my personal life I avoid them because they are so violent. Even the best of them (from Lebanon) think low of women to this date.

    Yes that is unfortunately very true. I wished it was Byzantine empire who had captured Persia instead of Arabs and Christianity would have been spread instead.

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  3. 1 minute ago, CdnFox said:

    well we have to get you a date somehow - obviously you haven't been getting laid so far

    You started it sparky. I wasn't the one who started calling you 'zionist' and the like.  What a coward - you start the fight then cry when someone else finishes it. What a bully,

    What were you saying about name calling loser? :)  

    And do you notice it' not just me -  MANY people have now pointed out you're a terrorist supporting dishonest twat.  Funny how that works isn't it.

    the ground war should start any day - we'll see how your buddies do when real men show up to make them pay for their crimes. Bet they wet themselves.

    You called me terrorist first.

    It was a response. An eye for an eye. This is not Israel where you can intimidate with gun against unarmed defenseless settlers.

    Only you and your buddy. The third one took back his word and apologized.

    Yes I look forward to that too but not for the reasons that you think.

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  4. 21 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    Holy shit kid :)

    well if anyone ever doubted you were a scumbag terrorist supporter - that little rant will have made it clear :) 

    Old man who talks of pimps in his debate (likely  you are so ugly too who have to pay as why this is your mindset) . You disgust me who try to debate with fierce personal attacks and name calling. You are piece of sh*t and a worm in dirt. The only reason moderators don't ban you is because you have made so many posts, all sh*t posts I may add.

  5. 1 hour ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

    Actually, there are many good reasons for not wanting to get too involved in this particularly emotional scrap. Given the adversarial nature of online debates, nuance tends to be lost and one is often forced into a more extreme position than one really holds. 

    You are so right!!!,  I was a pro-Israel all my life but this guy and the other extremist with their posts turned me into a pro Palestinian!!!!!.

    I believed that Arabs (men) are culturally violent and woman-haters who in the past invaded and raped women and captured and sold them in markets and destroyed lands and ruined advanced civilizations so they deserved what is coming to them. Many civilizations fell to these gangsters. In previous war I defended Israel as a tiny country surrounded by hateful and violent enemies who are determined to destroy and massacre them so they have every right to respond with brutal force against these haters. Look at Assad, Sadam Hussein, Ghadafi all mass murderers and violent people.

    Why was I turned by 180 degrees?, because they showed me the nature of Israeli settlers and soldiers as how they treat their defenseless neighbors. They are likely equally vicious and extreme and full of hate and want to kill all defenseless women and children as he has said in post after post in order to remain the ruler of Jewish state. In all good conscious I cannot defend atrocities being commixed in Gaza against women and children, Arabs or else.

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  6. 1 hour ago, blackbird said:

    OK, if I accused you falsely of supporting Hamas, I apologize.

    Ok, If you are not an Arab, I apologize.  I am not exactly sure in which post I said that, but if I did, I apologize.  

    I did ask you where you came from but you never answered.  I assume from your endless comments about Iran that you came from Iran.

    Since you have been such a strong supporter of Palestinians and seem to be blaming Israel for all the problems, it does look like you oppose Israel's existence.  You called them Nazis, and condemned Zionism, which is only the movement defending Israel's right to have their own state.

    What evidence do you have that Israel is the criminal in all this or that they are Nazis?

    Do you believe Israel has a right to defend themselves against terrorist attacks?

    Apology accepted. I too apologize to you.

    I have seen pictures and videos in all news media and live report from Gaza that women and children have been killed in Israeli bombing. That is an Israeli fighter carrying heavy explosives dropping the bombs on civilian residential targets knowing that they will kill tens of civilians, families, women and children in the hope that a terrorist or two may be among them. This in my book is crime. Race and religion does nor matter to me when it comes to murder.

    Absolutely Israel has the right to defend itself and fight the terrorists but there is a limit to that. As long as it doesn't result in mass murder of defenseless women and children. I will strongly oppose to any attempt to murder or harm women and children regardless of my or their national origin.

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  7. 25 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    I am not reading his posts.  You are commenting to me.  Comment to him, but why try to accuse other people of agreeing with his posts.   This is why I said you need help.  You don't know how to talk to other people.

    You have some nerves to tell me not accusing you falsely? You have accused me of worst things yourself falsely. First you accused me of supporting Hamas and its killing spree and I challenged you TWICE to provide evidence of that and you did not because there was none. It was a lie. Then you stated or accused me of being an Arab or Palestinian, or sympatizer again false. Then you accused me of wanting the destruction of Israel or want Israel to not exist, again false.

    10 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    Canada can't change Iran.  The people in Iran allowed a revolution in 1979 and got an extremist Islamic republic.  That's not the fault of the west or anybody else.  That's what happens when people worship false gods.  The west doesn't have the power to change Iran.

    I said the West not Canada. Clearly you don't know Iran's history. But that is not the subject of debate in this thread.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    Ever heard of the 1979 revolution in Iran when the terrorist Islamists took over?

    Please don't preach me the history of Iran. The 1953 coup prepared the ground for extremists to penetrate Iranian society and tricked people into establishing democracy which Iran had before the 1953 coup. It galvanized opposition to the monarchy and gathered masses behind the evil forces and hence revolution. It was not even a revolution. It was the peanut brain President sending General Huyser to neutralize the Imperial army in favor of the  Ayatolah.

  9. 1 minute ago, blackbird said:

    You are clearly making this up.  Nobody believes Israel or Zionists means that.  Nobody anywhere wants to destroy all other races.  What garbage you post.  You are living out of reality in some kind of fictitious world.  Perhaps you are in need of counseling because you're not making any sense on here.

    As I asked, what country did you come from?  I am trying to understand why you think in such a bizarre way.

    I don't support any such thing.  Why do you assume I support someone else's comments?  This just shows how mixed up you are.   You read some comment on the forum and this certain others believe the same way or same thing.  That is also bizarre.  You really need help.

    Just read the guy's posts for God's sake. He keeps posting about killing them all, kill, kill, kill, destroy, kill ...... Read carefully before you like a post then.

    I have been a Canadian citizen all of my adult life but lets not take our debate to personal level as this is not constructive like personal attacks the guy has made on me calling me the worse things like pimp when I said I go out to dance with girls Saturday night.

    So why did not not support my peace proposal but instead accuse me again falsely of wanting to destroy the state of Israel?

  10. 6 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    That's what Zionism means, a movement to support the re-establishment of the State of Israel, which was done in 1948.

    No Zionism means what this guy is posting. Destroy and kill all other races starting with Palestinians because Jews are the superior and chosen people. Israel must exist because overwhelming majority of people of Israel oppose to this.

    Even on this forum with many having extreme views only one or two are posting Zionist minds even though I proposed a fair peace agreement, but he settles for nothing less than killing or murder of all people in Gaza including all one and a half million defenseless women and children.  How can you preach bible and support this?

  11. 23 minutes ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

    That's quite a bizarre take coming from you, but we're quite habituated.

    You promoted western intervention against the iranian regime, saying that Islam was the worse cancer the persian civilization had to endure, yet you're saying that Zionism is worse than everything.

    Not sure where you got that I asked for Western intervention in Iran. I repeatedly said no military action against Iran but help Iranian people to topple the regime and establish democracy (the West is responsible for the events in Iran now as per 1953 CIA-British sponsored coup). 

    I also did not say Islam is the worse cancer in Persian civilization (why you are putting words in my mouth), I said the Islamic regime is the cancer organ in the world and should be taken out. It is debatable if Islamic republic is Islam an overwhelming majority debate against that.

    I also did not say Zionism is the worst. I said posts made by this guy is worse. When it comes to evil, it is hard to say which is worse. Is fascism worse than communism?  Is Zionism worse than Islamic fanatism? They are all bad and civilized people must fight them all.

  12. 1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

    But you don't want a peaceful resolution.  You want a break in the fighting so your terrorist friends can re equip and attack isreal again in a few years.  There's no 'peace' just because there's a break in the fighting

    Gaza makes a peaceful resolution impossible.   And when you make peaceful resolution impossible you make violent resolutions inevitable.  Which is where we're at now.

    My point is that it should be RESOLVED. Permanently.  And that means getting rid of the people who are the problem who refuse to live in peace, and that would be the occupants of gaza.  Kick e'm out and take back gaza.  The best way to prevent further attacks from gaza is for there to be no more gaza.

    When I see a post like this, I become a Palestinian sympathizer as the kind of sickos they have to deal with in their day to day life like armed settlers, Israeli soldiers, extremist Zionists.. I can never support Hamas as they did evil but I an leaning towards actively supporting the people of Gaza  in their struggle for their legitimate rights thanks to extremists like you (as much as I dislike Arabs and their women-hating culture and their historic bad deeds to the world but you Zionists are as bad if not worse).

  13. 12 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    The Hamas gov't was elected and supported by the people, they are equally complicit.

    The citizens in gaza ARE responsible for the actions their gov't takes

    1 - the war should continue until Gaza surrenders unconditionally

    2  -  See 1.

    Then Isreal moves in, arrests who it wants, deports the rest to whomever will take them, blows up the tunnels and paves over the whole thing.

    And THAT is what happens when you invade a neighbour. Thats a fantastic message  to send the terrorist scumbags of the world. Hope you're listening.

    I did say in my post any person who is not bloodthirsty and who is not full of hate and revenge would want a peaceful resolution but of course at the time I knew this qualities do not apply to you sicko, so I am not surprised.

  14. The Hamas government responsible and should be punished according to the law of Israel for murder and rape. The citizens of Gaza are NOT responsible for the evil deeds and must not be harmed or killed.

    1 - Cease fire by both sides. Stop bombardment of Gaza and stop rockets from Gaza.

    2 - Unconditional release of all Israeli and foreign hostages.

    3 - All Hamas members disarmed and surrender to Israeli police and put on trial individually

    4 - United Nations govern Gaza till a government can be elected. Hamas banned from election.

    5 - Israel pay compensation for those civilians killed or lost their homes.

    6 - The future government of Gaza pay compensation to those civilian Israelis killed.

    7 - An independent state of Palestine formed in Gaza with guarantees of no more attacks by either side.

    8 - United Nations help to rebuilt Gaza.

    Something like above peace deal is fair and humane. If you have humanity in you and are not full of hate and revenge in order to stop bloodshed and more suffering on both sides will agree that some kind of peace deal is urgently needed.


  15. All Hamas fighters dead.

    I read somewhere that ALL the 1500 Hamas terrorists who massacre Israeli civilians and likely raped women and killed defenseless children were killed by returning Israeli soldiers so FU*K THEM ALL. They committed vicious crimes against unarmed civilians and I hope they burn in hell.

    No matter how oppressed their family or nation have been in the past and crimes committed against them by Israeli government, there is no excuse for their violent vision actions against defenseless Israeli civilians. I hope the entire Hamas membership follow the same fate soon.

  16. 7 minutes ago, CdnFox said:


    What gaza did was initiate a war by killing thousands including innocent women and children with intent, and for that isreal has declared war which they are right to do morally and legally.

    If this is an example of how smart gaza is - they kinda deserve to lose it all. Natural selection and all.

    Israel started it by declaring war on Palestinians in 1940's when armed Israeli terrorists massacred tens of thousands of civilians into leaving their homeland. It is all over the history. 

    5 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    Because countries like Canada said no to Jewish refugees.

    So where the current Jewish community came from if Canada said no to them?

  17. 45 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    Israel said it was a global war we're all involved in now so I guess these are the apples Israel gets - deepening stark division's amongst their allies.

    Canadians are finally fighting the battle we should have fought following the 2nd world war when given the choice between welcoming Nazi refugees or Jewish refugees. I wonder which side Israel, in hindsight, would have chosen.

    I wonder how many Israelis are thankful we forced them to occupy someone else's home?

    This is the nature of Israel. To play victims and have others to fight their wars. American young men and women died in Iraq as just one example so that Israel remains safe. 

    I cannot comment. Not aware of welcoming Nazi refugees. Argentina did but may be Canada did to lesser extend.

    It was the British who brought Jews from Europe to Palestine, protected them with their guns and then armed them so that they kill Palestinian civilians and terrorized them into leaving their homeland so that the criminal terrorists can occupy their land and have continued terror and killing of defenseless Palestinians till to day.

  18. 6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    Umm - then he was telling the truth actually. He said you were wrong when you said it was the isrealis.  And that is correct - you admit saying it was the isrealis and you were wrong. 

    I reported what the news media reported at the time. I The difference is that I correct a mistake but the Zionists try to suppress the facts and twist the truth and victimize yourselves.

    For God's sake, learn how to spell the country you so strongly blindedly support. It is ISRAEL not Isreal.

  19. 55 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


    your assertion that "The Israelis attacked a hospital and killed 500 women and children" was as wrong as wrong could be. It was a Hamas rocket that did that damage. 


    Another damn lie. I said that soon after the news reported by all news agencies. We still don't know for sure who did it but two days later I posted and I said it was the Islamic republic who ordered the attack on hospital to one of its legs, the Islamic Jihad and asked the west to target the head of the Octopus (the Islamic republic) and not only Hamas which is one of its legs)

    On 10/19/2023 at 9:40 AM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

    Who Killed 500 people in the hospital attack in Gaza?

    Iranians are the only nation who know who did it. Because they know the nature of mullahs.

    It was the same people who set fire to the Rex theater in 1978 and burned hundreds of people to death and blame Savak for it.

    It was the same people who shot down the Ukrainian flight  in 2020 and killed their own citizens in order to blame the US.

    It was the same people who murdered their own citizens on streets for peaceful protests including many children.

    It is those people who blasted a hospital and killed women and children in order to blame Israel.



  20. 45 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

    they are still raping hostages,

    You are full of shi*t.

    Totally suppressing the murderous acts commixed by the state of Israel, falsifying news in favor of that fascist state and suppressing news about Israeli crimes. Hamas crimes happened in one day but Israeli crimes has continued for 14 days and still going on. You magnify the first day crimes and totally ignore and try to suppress the massive crimes committed by Israel in the following days.

    Tell you what. Because of you and your Zionist buddy I have tripled my anti-Israeli state activities on various social media recently exposing Israeli crimes. I refuse to be intimidated into silence while so much crimes against humanity is bring committed.


  21. 1 hour ago, eyeball said:

    Bullshit. What I want are negotiations and peace. And fu ck you too for thinking I was cheering on Oct 7. 

    He said the same thing to me. Yes right on.

    He (and his buddy) attacks everyone who comes out even slightly criticizing Israeli actions in Gaza by falsely and throwing worst of accusations to intimidate the person into silence. It didn't work on me. It made me more determined to expose the extend of Israeli crimes in social media.

  22. 27 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

    Buddy, you're Hamas. 

    They can never do any wrong in your eyes. 

    Just admit that if the Israelis are wiped out in a genocide, you'll be fine with it. 

    You play dirty games only expected from extremist Zionists. I am not playing your dirty game.

    You accuse falsely without evidence or contrary to all evidence available. You suppress and twist the truth and try to victimize yourself while committing worse atrocities to others.

  23. 15 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

    Palestinian people are Hamas...



    This was a very bad start of your post so I didn't read the rest of your post.

    Say saying this. With the same token, Israeli government is the same as Israeli citizens. So it was legitimate and must be equally fully accepted (to you and these kinds of mindsets) for Hamas to kill 1400 Israeli civilians. So what is your problem. If you support killing of Palestinian civilians also support the killing of Israeli civilians. This war started in 1947,

  24. 18 minutes ago, I am Groot said:


    It was a Hamas video taken in the Gaza strip while they paraded her in front of cheering Palestinians. The location of such things is easily pinpointed nowadays through matching images online.

    Kill those bastards in the video. Not women and children who happen to be of same nationality or race. If someone commits rape in your neighborhood, killing the entire neighborhood is not acceptable, This is what Israel is doing.


    1400 Israelis killed versus over 4000 Palestinians died as reported by biased pro-Israel news media.

  25. 4 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

    I would have thought the video of Hamas gleefully riding in a pickup truck with a virtually naked Israel woman they took prisoner would have been sufficient evidence.


    How do you know it was Hamas video?

    I wouldn't put raping women beyond them. I just said there is no evidence. I do absolutely not believe in beheading babies, not even for Hamas terrorists, There is nothing to get from it but worldwide hate for them.

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