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Posts posted by drummindiver

  1. 10 hours ago, Omni said:

    Why do we need to keep going over what's already in the history books? The detention was unconstitutional, and the Canadian interrogation was illegal. Full stop.

    Absolutely horse shit.  The detention was legal as was the interrogation.  Sharing info with the Americans (our allies and the nationality of the ppl killed and mained) was the only thing the SCC deemed illegal. You've been told/shown/linked/proven wrong by multiple ppl multiple times. 

    Full stop.

  2. 11 hours ago, Omni said:

    We all know Harper's record on deficits. Last time around he tried to pull a rabbit out of a hat by robbing the "rainy day fund" to finally show what was meant to look like a balance. 

    We all know Chretein et al stealing ei....a rainy day fund if ever there was one...then making it impossible for people to get to ensure they kept the good times (for them) rolling.

    How much did you say Harper "stole". 53 billion? Did the SCC say Harper broke the law? The liberals did.

  3. 18 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

    I didn't say rising dollar is a good thing for Canadian economy though it is a SIGN of strong economy (to back up my post on rapid economic growth). In fact our export sector already slow will be hurt even more.

    The government can create the environment and confidence in the economy and hence spur consumer confidence and investments and that is what Trudeau government has done and likely why economy is in much better shape than Harper years. Harper government obsessed with eliminating the deficit (for its own political reasons as per promise it made to balance the budget by the end of its term) killed the confidence in economy and hence what was followed a recession at the end of its term

    Shaddap about Harper being obsessed for political reasons. Your Liberals took it to satanic levels.


  4. On 06/04/2017 at 2:15 PM, SpankyMcFarland said:

    In the post-PT era, there is no contest on deficit slaying. Chretien turned the tide and is the clear winner. Look at the figures. He may had some luck on his side but he deserves credit for what he achieved. Only partisan goggles can stop people seeing that.   


    Ffs. His finance minister Martin decimated Healthcare, education, infrastructure.....everything that could be decimated and this is your gold standard?


  5. On 15/02/2017 at 4:38 PM, ?Impact said:

    Canada had a long history of balance in the support in the middle east, and Harper changed to to one of singular support for Israel. Yes, that did cause Canada a loss of standing with Muslim countries, and for the first time ever lost the rotating security council seat. 

    Thanks to Paul Martin. If Harper had his way in the lead-up to the 2008 recession, he would have destroyed this country. He wanted to allow Canadian financial institutions to gamble with their depositors money.

    Unlike Martin who stole 53 billion in ei reserves then his government was charged with making it impossible to get benefits. Actual Canadians who paid in and needed it at the worst time. Or the $153,000 he claimed in government contracts when it was over  $153,000,000, done when he was minister of finance.  Oops! Speaking of that, the drs, nurses, teachers, Healthcare in general....in fact everything that got slashed because of him.  

    Martin has my vote, which is saying something as I truly despise JT.

  6. On 15/02/2017 at 4:02 PM, Omni said:

    Trudeau inherited a country who's international image had been hollowed out by nearly a decade of conservative rule under Harper. It will take some work to revive it but JT is getting there. In his year he has done tours to the G20 and Commonwealth summits, the Paris climate summit, hosted the 3 Amigos, greatly improved relations with the US, impressed the G7 members by his performance at that summit in Japan, and showed renewed interest and participation at the UN. How's Trump doing so far?

    A totally demonstrateable, proveable confabulation. http://business.financialpost.com/fp-comment/canada-regains-title-of-most-reputable-nation-despite-harper-derangement-frenzy

  7. 5 hours ago, jacee said:

    Your definition of terrorism is just obfuscation, Rue, which I would 

    In fact, the west created 'Islamic' extremists to serve it's own greedy purposes.


    Wtf ever. There have been Islamic extremists since the beginning of Islam.... nature of the beast.. mpbuh

    • Like 1
  8. 14 hours ago, hot enough said:

    Torture chambers may be alright with you, dd, you've exhibited your "moral base" a number of times. 


    Lol....cells to hold criminals are now called torture chambers? I guess we better let Bernardo et al out and start saving the money to pay the settlements.

    • Like 1
  9. On 11/07/2017 at 8:07 PM, Omni said:

    Politically, who knows, we shall see. But your use of the term "payoff" undermines the credibility of you argument. Trudeau didn't create the circumstances that led to an ongoing court case, but settling it was probably a smart thing to do, and you try to make it sound like some sort of back room hi jinxs.

    It was backroom hi jinks.  That's what you call secretive agreements being made against your countries wishes/interests.

    • Like 1
  10. On 20/06/2017 at 5:31 AM, BubbleGumYum said:

    You say anti-abortion like it's a bad thing. Pretty sure all scientifically-literate, moral people recognize the evils of abortion. A decent person will be no less anti-abortion than she is anti-slavery.


    Your morality chart is askew if you'd rather have unwanted babies that people are not prepared to look after in a world already overcrowded.


  11. On 06/06/2017 at 11:29 AM, kimmy said:

    I don't presume to know which of those situations would be the most difficult, I just wish to point out that many people do find themselves in such situations.


    My own brief university experience bore little resemblance to the current popular perception of political correctness gone mad. I didn't find campus hostile to my views, or to any views, really. I never actually encountered walk-ins, walk-outs, sit-ins, teach-ins, and all the rest of this stuff. I was in mostly science and math courses, and people were mostly concerned with the course material. This was at the University of Alberta about 10 years ago, perhaps things have changed.

    In my current smaller town situation, I encounter rednecks and older conservatives a lot more than I encounter politically-correct social justice mobs or intolerant liberals trying to silence anybody. I sometimes have to bite my tongue in the interest of maintaining the peace. A while back city hall painted the crosswalk stripes at a downtown intersection in rainbow colors instead of black and white, and local conservatives didn't feel intimidated from expressing their anger in local media outlets. 

    This environment where conservatives have to "stay in the closet" or face social stigma might fit Argus's situation, I dunno, but it doesn't match the environment in my community.


    Your personal anecdotes from small  western conservative towns is not indicative of Canada and the world as a whole. To suggest otherwise is disingenuous. Don't believe me? Pick up any newspaper or turn on any news outlet.

  12. 14 hours ago, The_Squid said:

    Or pass legislation through the lens of your religious conservative views...   like Harper's bone he threw to his base by not funding certain international women's reproductive health groups because they performed abortions.

    Is this really how you want tax dollars spent? Those tax dollars could be better spent given to terrorists who had to change rooms.

  13. 4 hours ago, The_Squid said:

    He absolutely was tortured.  


    Anyone who claims he wasn't tortured is either ignorant or lying.

    The SCC never said he was tortured. They must be lying and ignorant (which I think they are but that's neither here nor there)

    You've linked an op ed piece from the same rag that displayed him as a victim of violence on their cover with some ladies who were actually victims of violence.

  14. On 29/05/2017 at 10:19 AM, Boges said:

    Liberals can't have it both ways. He can't be both Harper 2.0 and a Social Conservative Nazi that will pledge to reverse Abortion and Gay Marriage laws. Because Harper never did that.

    I don't think anyone knows much of anything about this guy. But if you're looking for a youthful face to fight JT, this guy is probably a good option. 

    He's stated that might be his personal opinion but he has no interest in revisiting those issues. I guess we'll see.

  15. 20 hours ago, Omni said:

    Stop engaging in foreign wars and you may find you only have to deal with your home grown variety of terrorist.

    Aren't you the one who wrote and said you were in Afghanistan? Where were your morals then? On sale?


    9 hours ago, jacee said:

    What did the US do with the 99 US citizens captured among the 'terrorists'.

    I'll bet you put them right back to work being 'terrorists' in your fake wars-for-profit.

    30 percent of those released returned to terrorism. Criminals is as criminals do.

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