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Posts posted by OftenWrong

  1. 8 hours ago, robosmith said:

    Zionists attacked Palestine first, back in 1948 when they unilaterally declared most of Palestine to be Israel and terrorized the Palestinians into leaving their homes.

    Things which happened in many places after the first, second world wars. The British were the so-called authority after WW1 having eliminated the former power structure in middle east, Caliphate. 

    Almost every country in the world was similarly affected, but since that time have reconciled with the changes. Not so in the middle east. Why, you may ask? Because says I, they are pawn pieces on a chess board game played by the Great Powers. GB, France, USA, Russia. All want and NEED instability to be maintained.

    It's possible Russia has been meddling, as they are the faction who would support a new war breaking out now, one that will involve US interests.

    The shit is chess, not checkers.

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  2. On 4/5/2024 at 1:59 PM, robosmith said:

    It is CLEAR that Israel's extreme right government is intent on ethnic cleansing of West Bank and Gaza Palestinians which is why they have NO PLAN for SAFELY moving Palestinians in South Gaza before invading Rafah.

    You may be right, but I wonder what other countries would do if same happened to them as when Hamas attacked Israel. The regional conflict goes back many decades and has been worsening. It seems Israel is now fed up, and ready to dish out some good old Hebrew style whoop-ass. Like the biblical driving them off a cliff, or into the sea like. Ramses did in "The Ten Commandments". Or rounding 'em up in detention camps, like Hitler did.

    Kinda ironic, i'n't.

  3. 12 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

    Would it not make a helluva lot more sense for the Palestinians to toss Hamas and their Islamist adherents aside and put some kind of rational, moderate group in charge that is willing to respect Israel's right to exist and work toward's eventual nationhood?

    And don't even mention the Palestinian Authority. They have no support, and in the even of a free election would be swept from office by Hamas.

    Exactly, but it's too late for that now. They willingly voted in a militant dictatorship over themselves, so, ain't gonna be no "free election".

    Besides, democracy is anti-Islamic, don't you know?


  4. 5 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    Hopefully you've learned your lesson and will vote to remove the current corrupt gov't and try something different for a change.  If not - guess who's to blame for this mess.

    You are a smiley-faced optimist. These people have reached a precipice and there is only one way left to go. They see the problem (who don't?) yet still put 'faith' in the lies of convenience. 

    After all, these are the "good guys" (by their own words, so must be true!) who shall lead us to the new futurism. (Where's my carrot?)

    That's why, despite all problems and despite the terrible smell, will still vote for keeping Turdeau (just plug your nose!) and it will be a close race. 

    Yes indeed, the next election will underscore that millions of dipshits shall continue with the herd, willingly take us over the cliff. 

    The batard (no, not the football-shaped loaf!) has got a ton of money and the whole mass-media engine behind him, as well as international support from globalists, China, and wealthy super-elites to prop him up. The same dumbfounded dipshits who swallowed the covid narrative, 911, manufactured wars and post-national states shall vote for him again.

  5. 13 hours ago, blackbird said:

    Don't believe some of the uneducated, presumptive comments made on here.

    Here is a good article on God.  The God of the Old Testament is the same God in the New Testament.


    In the King James Version (KJV) of the Old Testament, we encounter a multifaceted portrayal of God’s character, encompassing both mercy and justice. Let’s delve into how these attributes are revealed:

    Mercy and Compassion:

    The Old Testament consistently portrays God as merciful and compassionate. These qualities are deeply rooted in His character.

    In Exodus 34:6–7, during the account of the golden calf, God reveals His divine name to Moses. This proclamation highlights essential attributes:

    “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin” 1.

    God’s mercy extends beyond mere restraint from wrath; it also moves Him with compassion toward the poor and the broken 1.

    Throughout the Old Testament, we witness God’s merciful acts toward His people, even when they rebelled and disobeyed 2.


    God’s justice is evident in His dealings with humanity. He upholds righteousness and punishes wrongdoing.

    For instance, consider the story of Lot and the city of Sodom. God acted with justice against the corrupt and sinful city, demonstrating His intolerance for evil 3.

    The mercy seat in the Tabernacle (Exodus 25:17–22) symbolized both God’s justice and His willingness to forgive. It was made of pure gold and placed atop the Ark of the Covenant. Two cherubim faced each other, covering the mercy seat with their wings. Here, God met with His people, balancing justice with mercy 4.

    In summary, the Old Testament paints a rich tapestry of God’s character, revealing His unwavering commitment to both justice and mercy. His actions toward humanity reflect a harmonious blend of these attributes, underscoring His love for His creation.


    The Old Testament God of Compassion and Mercy by Miles Van Pelt (ligonier.org)

    Mercy Defined: Its Profound Meaning in the Bible | Christian Pure

    What the Bible says about God's Justice (bibletools.org)

    Exodus 25:17-22,Romans 3:25,Hebrews 4:16 KJV - And thou shalt make a mercy seat of - Bible Gateway

       There are four websites loaded with a massive amount of information on this topic.  Much better to read them than listen to people who do not have any idea what they are talking about.

    I understand. I did say, we make a model. It is we who learn and grow, and so our understanding of that model changes.

  6. 6 hours ago, French Patriot said:

    If that is the case, then we should reject it's commands.

    Do you put God above or below yourself?

    God here I define as a best ideal, natural or supernatural or whatever you gives ther best rules and laws to live by.

    Consider first, that you are an animal first, and anything else after your mental birth.

    The God, or best ideal or type of an ant, is an ant.

    The God, or best ideal or type of a lion, is a lion.

    The God, or best ideal or type of a human being, is a human being.

    We are natural and spiritual beings, not supernatural beings, and should thus follow a natural and spiritual religion, not a supernatural based religion.


    Okay. But there is evolution. I believe in it. So wait- things were not made perfect from the ground up? Things need to evolve? 

    And how far can that evolution go. Physically, mentally. Spiritually.

    Can the creation exceed its creator?

    I say yes, it's possible. Just as I can learn a new and different pov from a simple child.

    Because over time, things get corrupted. Somebody or something made that a law of this "reality" you people live in.

    Don't like it? Who you gonna call?   🤷‍♂️

  7. 1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

    He's become popular on his own and would give any candidate a run for their money.  As it is he'll probably win a pretty massive majority, and then he'll have to deliver.  He'll likely win the next one as well.

    He is the right person for the job. Makes you wonder why we had to put up with these other douche bags - Smilin' Andy and O'Toole. Oh well I guess, pecking order an' stuff.   🤷‍♂️

  8. 6 hours ago, French Patriot said:


    Do you agree with these Jews on their views of Yahweh's justice?


    Perhaps god is so different that we don't understand it. Perhaps to the point we CANNOT understand it.

    We make a 'model' of god, and the model changes over time as we evolve and change. The old testament is the angry vengeful god, while the new one rejects that model and presents a newer, more enlightened, more peaceful and tolerant god. Then the Romans evolved this further, developing it into the foundation for western moral and legal thought.

    Note that the Romans rejected their former god(s), Jupiter et al being warrior-like, in lieu of a new and singular saviour of all mankind. Not just the Jews or the Egyptians, etc. They willingly made the transition from their long established violent past toward a new and modern future. It hints at what god really is.

  9. On 2/25/2024 at 9:49 PM, Perspektiv said:

    Any leader who talks Ukraine, without an end game, isn't in support of Ukraine. They're in support of trying to fight Russia via Ukraine and inflict as much loss to them as they possibly can, while aware this is a futility drill.

    There is no need for a win. As long as the war between Ukraine and Russia continues, the US and EU are winning.

  10. Trump loves Putin so much, he bombed his troops.

    Trump administration confirms the US military killed 'hundreds' of Russians in Syria

    Trump sent 'strong message' to Iran, Russia and Syria with missile strikes: White House spokesperson

    And he did it by HIMSELF, do you understand? That is to say, he ordered it to be done with American equipment and military force. NOT by proxy through a buncha washed up Nazi sad-sack Ukrainians.

  11. On 3/3/2024 at 10:56 AM, Perspektiv said:

    Might as well change Canada's name, to its original Iroquois spelling of Kanata while you're at it.

    Or as in the Mohawk, iennekanandaaa. They would likely prefer that one. Much harder to spell, let alone say it, or sing it in our national anthem.

    It's not allowed to be re-spelled phonetically. Then you've simply anglicized it again. That way it shows more respect, you see.

    As is already happening anyway, incrementally, in drips and drabs all over the nation.



  12. 2 minutes ago, robosmith said:

    You don't know what you're talking about and often wrong, AGAIN.

    Go back under your BRIDGE, TROLL.

    That's not the credentials you gave us. You're the troll. Good for you to try and back it up, but those credentials are ancient compared to the climate modelling we rely on today. Not that's it's any better today, just wrong as usual.

    1929, they didn't even know about global warming. They were still busy burning fossil fuels and blowing things up. That's the research they were doing back then.


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