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OftenWrong last won the day on February 4

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    Playin Leftist Whack-a-mole

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  1. "Severe over-representation" of indigenous children in Canada's child care services.

    "Lets not use safety as an excuse to extract children from their culture.” - Carolyn Bennett, Canada's Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs.

    Safety is an excuse? Lady, that sounds like you are living in a fantasy land..

    1. Argus


      Most of them are. There was another one in the paper the other day demanding prisons put an end to solitary confinement. Period. None. She said absolutely nothing about how violent men spending decades in prison with little or no hope of getting out were to be controlled, of course, let alone punished for misdeeds. Not her problem.

    2. DogOnPorch


      Remove the excess, then.

    3. OftenWrong


      No surprise that the Minister responsible for this service is out of touch with reality. Easy for these people to pontificate, but they should leave the real work and hard decisions up to the people on the ground.

      My inclination is, the kids need to be removed from the danger or neglect where parents are drug addicts who don't look after them. That needs to be done.

      The real problem then is how these kids are cared for, within the system.

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