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OftenWrong last won the day on February 4

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    Playin Leftist Whack-a-mole

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  1. A hashtag becomes "Person of the Year"? Might need to rename that so-called award. Maybe it's "time" to stop giving that magazine the annual free advertising.

    1. Argus


      This award is supposed to be to the individual or group of people who the magazine's editors believe have most influenced news and events of the past year, “for good or ill.” This hashtag thing in no way qualifies. It's only erupted in media and entertainment circles, mostly, in America, and in the last two months. Nobody much cares outside those circles. Trump should have been person of the year, but Time apparently allowed their politics to overrule their journalistic integrity.

    2. Omni


      Or maybe Time is a little ticked off at Trump for making up his own fake covers previously.

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