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OftenWrong last won the day on February 4

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    Playin Leftist Whack-a-mole

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  1. Canada's Sports Minister is telling people at Hockey Canada to step down, resign so they can put their own government approved leadership in.

    At a hearing today Hockey Canada stated-

    “Our board does not share the view that Hockey Canada should be making more leadership changes at this time. As a board, we continue to support the CEO and management.”

    Exactly. Someone needs to tell the government to stand down. They have no business in the locker rooms of Canadians.

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    2. OftenWrong


      I too do not watch sports that much, and get what you’re saying. This latest move is exactly part of that, insistence that woke culture be expressed in all aspects, replacing traditional culture. That includes cancelling.

      My opinion- The self righteous, tit groping, blackfaced pm should shut up.

    3. Dougie93


      I honestly don't even miss watching sports

      I used to be the consummate Leafs / Team Canada / Junior fanatic

      all day every day

      but now, if Iceni Warrior doesn't bother me to watch the Leafs with him

      I forget that they are even on

      I don't blame Trudeau for it

      it's the same thing with my friends in America too

      many of them don't even watch the NFL anymore

      me neither

    4. Dougie93


      these sports franchises choose pander to the lunatic left & Communist China

      if you're a conservative, how are you supposed to root for that ?

      Team Canada now, is the Red Army team

      all due respect to Red Army, they were indeed great

      but that's just not my team

      Team Canada, once the hockey bulwark against the Communists, has now joined them

      burn in a fire of your own making, evil empire


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