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OftenWrong last won the day on February 4

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    Playin Leftist Whack-a-mole

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  1. Disconnect, shut down, unplug.

    And do mushrooms.

    -Timothy L. Oftenwrong


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    2. OftenWrong


      It’s a reference to counter-culture. A counter-reference, if you will. I reject modern civilization’s “faith” in technology. 

      The evidence is 2000 years of agrarian society. That is stability.

      While many of today’s ills stem from or are worsened, by tech such as nukes, tactical, biological, and psychological as well.

      Witness that, after a mere two hundred years since the industrial revolution we are on our knees. Environmental catastrophe. Threats of nuclear and biological war.

      Leary prescribed people should “Tune in” and do LSD.  Shrooms are more natural.

      I do not do shrooms, but am thinking about it...



    3. Dougie93


      I can't say I am of the counter culture

      I dreamed of being a Canadian infantryman since I was 10 years old

      I couldn't partake in illegal drugs in the Canadian Army

      then I got married to the girl of my dreams

      had to buy her a fully detached home with a deck, patio & big yard

      I was a barracks room lawyer, I shot my mouth off

      none the less, I obeyed the chain of command

      I did everything right, I never bucked the establishment culture

      but now that I am old & retired

      and Canada is a communist country run by degenerate lunatic Liberal Party scum

      who stab Canadians in the back,

      who sell us all down the river to Chicom Social Credit totalitarianism

      so all bets ate off, there are no rules now, chaos is a ladder

      die in a fire of your own making, burn in Hell after, Canadian culture

    4. OftenWrong


      Not the counter-culture. The counter counter-culture. In other words somebody's gotta tell these zippies they're completely full of crap. Again.

      A lot of Canadians have great respect for the people in our military. Just that they are not loud-mouthed about it. Liberals always have big mouths that tell many lies, like Mr. Trudeua.

      The difference is that today the Canada haters now have financial backing, allowing them to broadcast treasonous lies to large audiences. Where normally government and media types would defend Canada by telling the truth, they now all tell the same lies in unison, repeating them over and over again. That includes that Canada-hater, Mr. Trudeua. What you're hearing in the media is his agenda, his ideas.


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