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I Thought They Were Going To Try Harder


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After NATO forces blew away over 1000 innocent Afgani civillians in 2006,at the beggining of 2007 it was said they would try harder to kill less this year!!!!!!


A NATO official says its forces killed too many civilians in Afghanistan in 2006 but the alliance is hoping to reduce the number in 2007.

"The single thing that we have done wrong and we are striving extremely hard to improve on [in 2007] is killing innocent civilians," Brig. Richard Nugee, spokesman for NATO's International Security Assistance Force, said in Kabu


Well today NATO soldiers filled two more civillians with bullets.

Same old made in the USA excuse used again.


We told him to stop but he ignored our warnings


Yea right.

Didnt catch the nationalities of the soldiers who did the killing but with our reputation it was probobly Canadian soldiers.

But dont qoute me on that

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That's great bud, why don't you bash our soldiers more often, or go say that to the soldier who lost both of his legs in Afghanistan.

It takes alot of courage to sit behind your computer, and bash the men and women over in Afghanistan who have to deal with ambushes, IED's, and suicide bombs, every day on tour.

Great job...

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It takes alot of courage to sit behind your computer, and bash the men and women over in Afghanistan .

Takes even more courage to sit behind a computer and basically say who cares about Afghani citizens being killed by our soldiers.Or cops indulging in kiddie porn

A real man/women would agree that its not a good thing.

But no not you CB.

You just want,as the saying goes,to shoot the messenger and not the message.

So how about it.

How do you feel about Canadian soldiers blowing away innocent civillians ?

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Recently on CFRA Ottawa there was a program about a person who sent letters to a war widow telling her that her dead husband deserved to die because he was a killer of innocent civilians?

Would you be this person?



It takes alot of courage to sit behind your computer, and bash the men and women over in Afghanistan .

Takes even more courage to sit behind a computer and basically say who cares about Afghani citizens being killed by our soldiers.Or cops indulging in kiddie porn

A real man/women would agree that its not a good thing.

But no not you CB.

You just want,as the saying goes,to shoot the messenger and not the message.

So how about it.

How do you feel about Canadian soldiers blowing away innocent civillians ?

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The troops today were Canadian. If you ignore warnings, ignore warning shots you are no longer an innocent civilian, your a target. Great job on the Canadian troops. You ignore warnings, you die, it's war baylee, you can't stomach reality, grow up...

I am sure if it was a suicide bomber, and he killed the Canadians that would be OK with you. Real brave hiding behind the computer though....

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The troops today were Canadian. If you ignore warnings, ignore warning shots you are no longer an innocent civilian, your a target. Great job on the Canadian troops. You ignore warnings, you die, it's war baylee, you can't stomach reality, grow up...


Well no its not war,As the CONS put it,its retribution for 9/11 and helping to clean up the American mess.

As for the excuse for killing these innocent people.

As I said,its a made in the USA excuse.." we warned him and fired warning shots but he ignored"

No one buys that phonney excuse anymore.

Now because they know how bad it looks they are saying..

" we thought we saw wires coming off his body"

Of course there were no bombs,no wires,jus dead innocent people

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It is really easy to hide like a coward behind a computer and whine about Canadians killing inocent people. You have no idea what your talking about, just more tired left wing garbage....

You run a road block, ignore warnings, you die, sorry....

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Well no its not war,As the CONS put it,its retribution for 9/11 and helping to clean up the American mess.

As for the excuse for killing these innocent people.

As I said,its a made in the USA excuse.." we warned him and fired warning shots but he ignored"

No one buys that phonney excuse anymore.

Now because they know how bad it looks they are saying..

" we thought we saw wires coming off his body"

Of course there were no bombs,no wires,jus dead innocent people

Hold on, this is what is being reported.

Canadian troops in southern Afghanistan killed an unarmed man Saturday as he walked toward their convoy chanting and wearing what appeared to be explosives around his torso, a military spokesman said.

Lt.-Cmdr. Kris Phillips, a spokesman for the Canadian military, said the man had 'unusual mix of wire, straps, tubes and other materials fastened to his torso.'

(CBC) It was the second deadly shooting of civilians that day by NATO troops in Afghanistan.

Lt.-Cmdr. Kris Phillips, a spokesman for the Canadian military, said the man began walking down the middle of a highway toward the convoy near Kandahar.

After the man ignored orders to stop and warning shots, Canadian troops opened fire and the man was killed at the scene, Phillips said.

He said the man had wires, tubes and straps protruding from his clothing and appeared to be chanting.

Continue Article

"Upon closer investigation, no explosives were found but the man did have an unusual mix of wire, straps, tubes and other materials fastened to his torso," Phillips said.

"We don't really know much about him. His behaviour is perplexing to say the least. We're not sure why he was in the middle of the road. We're not sure why he was approaching one of our convoys. We're not sure why he was behaving the way he was.

"So there are some questions that need to be answered."

Canadian military officials and Afghan police are investigating the incident.

Takes even more courage to sit behind a computer and basically say who cares about Afghani citizens being killed by our soldiers.Or cops indulging in kiddie porn

A real man/women would agree that its not a good thing.

But no not you CB.

You just want,as the saying goes,to shoot the messenger and not the message.

So how about it.

How do you feel about Canadian soldiers blowing away innocent civillians ?

I don't know, what would you do if you saw a guy chanting and having wires on his body running towards you in a war zone???

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The troops today were Canadian. If you ignore warnings, ignore warning shots you are no longer an innocent civilian, your a target. Great job on the Canadian troops. You ignore warnings, you die, it's war baylee, you can't stomach reality, grow up...


Well no its not war,As the CONS put it,its retribution for 9/11 and helping to clean up the American mess.

As for the excuse for killing these innocent people.

As I said,its a made in the USA excuse.." we warned him and fired warning shots but he ignored"

No one buys that phonney excuse anymore.

Now because they know how bad it looks they are saying..

" we thought we saw wires coming off his body"

Of course there were no bombs,no wires,jus dead innocent people

This just in: people get killed in a warzone.

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It is really easy to hide like a coward behind a computer and whine about Canadians killing inocent people. You have no idea what your talking about, just more tired left wing garbage....

You run a road block, ignore warnings, you die, sorry....

weaponeer - remember now - this has been going on for years. So the "run the road block" is completely planned.

I suspect it is similar to the 'suicide by cop" syndrome. Except these folks are told to do this - it creates bad press and weakens the resolve of citizens in Canada.

I figure you give one warning and then provide them with a bullet.

And no - not sorry.

If you are a plain old citizen of the country out on honest business - you will stop - if you are one of the bad guys you will run at the road block faster.

Another goes to heaven. Just when will heaven run out of virgins?


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true enough, unless you have been in the situation you cannot even begin to explain it to people. I know why my grandfaters never talked about WW2. It is really easy to critic the police or military when you have never spent time in their place...

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e no bombs,no wires,jus dead innocent people

Hold on, this is what is being reported.

Well I know some people have a hard time with the real world.

But that is not what is being reported

The news report is simply passing along the excuse being used as to why they blew away innocent people.

And we have seen far too many times in the past these made in the USA excuses turn out to be lies.

Over 1000 innocent civillians blown away last year in Afghanistan by NATO soldiers.

The " we warned them " excuse just doesnt work any more

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Sure baylee, whatever....

If you were in that soldiers positions you would be on ther ground sobbing, sh$%$ting your pants and crying for your mommy!! You could not handle it, your a coward. Cowards cannot handle seeing real men & women standing up to the talibs, AQ and every other fool in the world. They cannot handle seeing better people than themselves risking their lives, stopping criminals, fighting in wars etc.. They cannnot stand it because it show's them for what they are, cowards, plain & simple.

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Sure baylee, whatever....

If you were in that soldiers positions you would be on ther ground sobbing, sh$%$ting your pants and crying for your mommy!! You could not handle it, your a coward.

Ahh yes.Words like only an imature right winger can come up with.

Did I read elsewhere about someone bringing the inteligence of this forum down?

I,m surprised you left out that I support terrorism and am a friend of the Taliban

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Well Baylee - lets go at it from a different angle. And the - "we should not be there" or "we must leave" - excuse is not a suitable answer. The soldier is there because the politician put him there - to stab the soldier is to attack the wrong person.

This story actually took place - but I will disguise it a bit and use Afghanistan as the country - although it might have happened in Iraq.

This is a short story about a soldier - who might be British, American, Canadian or Polish.

I want you to forget about skiing and collecting your unemployment cheque and actually put yourself in the following position.

You know that human bombs are in the country and you know that you are to follow the rules of engagement. You do not need to know the rules of engagement - they are not important for this exercise.

Last week you either were nearly blown up by a walking bomb - or you had the honour of picking up the pieces of one of your friends who was literally "mistified" because he was very close to the actual detonation. Or one of the Afghan soldiers you have worked with as an advisor was killed the day after you had supper at his house with his family - and you were there to see it.

It is now early afternoon - you are tired, hungry and probably shit scared - the crowds of people are closing in on you - enormous numbers of people in a very small area. If you have never been to a third world country you might not understand - but there are literally thousands of them on the street and you are getting lots of "looks". All you have at the check point is you and three fellow Afghan soldiers you are working with. The others are behind the sand bags with the heavier weaponry - you are out in front - alone and afraid.

Suddenly someone ignores the written warnings of the signs you have prominently posted. This same someone ignores the the voice commands - in the local language from your Afghan soldier who is standing guard with you - and continues on foot to the barracade.

Weapons are pointed and the Afghan soldier now shouts his commands to stop - the person begins to sprint to the barracade. A soldier - which one is not important - fires one short burst and this person drops to the ground - does the rubber chicken - bleeds out and stops moving. No one approaches the body - it might be rigged.

I will not tell you who the shooter was - it is not important. I will not tell you if the person was carrying explosives or not - but I will ask you - what would you have done in THIS situation?

I was not involved - I do know what the runner was / was not carrying.

This person - the runner - was carrying out orders from someone - somewhere. Testing the resolve of the soldiers.

Testing for a reason.

To repeat - first question - what would you have done?

Second question - what would the the bad guys test this resolve for?

Answers please.

Put down your beer, your joint and think before responding please. I would like an honest response. I would hope you have the moral fibre to produce this honest response.


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As stated before, it takes a REAL coward to hide behind a computer and critic. Real coward......

Takes a real coward to hide safe and sound at home a critic soldiers whose lives are in danger, who have solid ROE and follow them. It is pain to anyone with the slightest intel that you have no idea what you are talking about, just another "know nothing know it all". Never been there, never done anything, but an expert none the less......

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This Bay Lee character is a nut. Nato forces did not kill 1000. 900 were killed by the insurgents that Bay Lee seems to want to protect. Here's an excerpt and the link:

KABUL (AP) - More than 1,000 civilians were killed in Afghanistan in 2006, most of them as a result of attacks by the Taliban and other anti-government forces in the country's unstable south, a rights group said Tuesday.

Human Rights Watch said that at least 100 of those civilian deaths were caused by NATO and U.S.-led troop operations, far below another estimate by an Afghan rights group.


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Hold on this also is being reported.

Pig farmer Willie Picton pleads not guilty.

Says he did not kill all those women

So your blaming our soldiers for killing innocents based on nothing but speculation and pure hatred.

This is just cowardice, and once again go to a different site to spew your BS.

Michael Crook, is that you?


I think Baylee has broken every single forum rule so far.

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It is really easy to hide like a coward behind a computer and whine about Canadians killing inocent people. You have no idea what your talking about, just more tired left wing garbage....

You run a road block, ignore warnings, you die, sorry....

That to me is part of the problem with the military view of the 3 block strategy.

Soldiers can't be caretakers and protectors while at war with an assymetrical enemy. Many Afghans see their country as their place not ours. The freedom of movement is blocked by the various forces that hand out aid and security candy and wheat. These aren't an educated people and many don't even speak the same language. So you might have been calling out the warnings in Pashtun and they aren't.

I don't want to see Canadian Soldiers killing any innocents. And the Army knows that the repurcussions of such killings go further then the initial sorry.

THere is a problem with the procedure if innocent Afghans are being shot up in a Canadian/Nato roadblock.

There has to be a different reason the information isn't getting through and Afghans are running the block if they aren't bombers.

Regardless of whom you are calling a coward here, I am upset with these same people challenging our "reputation" in the field.

There needs to be made corrections. We are trying to protect people who walk into a dangerous situation and these people will be shot and killed. So are these innocents or are they Mujahideen?

If they are innocents, then why isn't their a layer of Afghan Army Protection at each road block. Whom should stop straying Afghans?

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If you give two warning shots, then that should be a sign to stop, and perhaps lay down. I don't see a problem with the current ROE's. As well it will unfortunately happen that some Afghan's may get shot, that's unfortunately war for ya. We in the west do are best to minimize civilian casualties, something that can't be said of the Taliban or Al Quieda.

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