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The CPC has no need to dirty their hands..

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So a lovely little flyer, entitled "The Liberal Party and Child Sexual Abuse" was waiting for me when I got home this evening from a filthy little scumbag named Bill Whatcott. You may recognize him as the guy that has been fined over $17,000 in the past for inciting hatred against homosexuals.

Now, if the title gave you the idea that the flyer was about child sexual abuse, you'll be sadly disappointed. No, this little gem is all about the evils of homosexuality (and those fag loving Liberals!), with just enough on pedophilia for this moron to try and plead innocence in court.

Here are some excerpts... I can email the full flyer (it was distributed door to door) to anyone interested. Just pm me.

Liberal politicians, Gay activist lobby groups, Liberal judges, and their friends in the media, claim children should have the “right” to engage in sodomy and sexual intercourse with adults. This pro-pedophile drift in our government and judiciary has more to do with catering to the desires of homosexual activist groups like EGALE, pornographers like John Robin Sharpe, and perverts like Defense Minister Bill Graham, than about caring for the well being of children
In spite of credible revelations dating back to April 2002 about Bill Graham, a sex addicted bi-sexual,                                                                                                                         

sodomizing a 15 year old male prostitute named Lawrence Metherel, Paul Martin allowed Graham to remain Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister and eventually named him to the portfolio of Minister of Defense. Anne McLellan is aware of the “affair” and refuses to comment on her colleague’s alleged child abuse.

.    Paul Martin lied about public accountability and open and meaningful consultation when it comes to appointments to Canada’s Supreme Court. Instead with no meaningful consultation, he appointed a radical left wing and pro-homosexual activist by the name of Rosalie Abella. Abella’s claim to fame was acquitting a 23 year old man of sodomizing a 14 year old girl. Rory Leishman commented in the Oct 2004 issue of Interim Publications on her notorious ruling:                                                                                                                                                              “Abella, with the support of two colleagues on the Ontario Court of Appeal, let the man off on the ground that the Criminal Code violates the alleged equality rights of sodomites in s. 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, by stipulating age 18 as the minimum age of consent for sodomy, but only 14 as the minimum age of consent to all other sexual acts. “In my view,” wrote Abella, “s. 159 (of the Criminal Code) arbitrarily disadvantages gay men by denying to them until they are eighteen a choice available at the age of fourteen to those who are not gay, namely, their choice of sexual expression with a consenting partner to whom they are not married. Anal intercourse is a basic form of sexual expression for gay men.”

Note that the man charged in this case was not gay. Typically, that was of no account to Abella. She views the Charter as a license to roam far beyond the facts of the dispute under adjudication for the purpose of changing the law to conform to her personal, ideological convictions.”

This perverted ruling obviously impressed Paul Martin. He appointed her to the Supreme Court of Canada!

This flyer is being distributed in memory of John McCarthy and Martin Kruze, two fourteen year old boys who were sodomized by homosexuals at the Toronto Maple Leaf Gardens in the late 1970’s. At age 34 Martin Kruze committed suicide. John McCarthy turned to a life of drugs and alcohol to numb his pain. Martin’s abuser, Gordon Stuckless was sentenced to 5 years in prison after being convicted of multiple sex offenses. If Stuckless restricted his activities to 14 year olds we are not convinced he would spend a day behind bars today. 
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The Liberals are obviously pro gay. Just look at their track record.

Oh, and sex offenders? They're about to release one next door to you.

While I am not a fan of Paul Martin, I will applaud their support for "non-discrimination" based on sexual preference, religion, etc... I cannot say the same for your CPC party....

It would appear from your response that your sentiments lie closer to the CPC party and Bill Whatcott....

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You are a childish, immature prick. To link this pamphlet to the CPC is absolutely ignorant.

This drivel has no place in Canadian society and should be considered spreading hate. There is nothing in the CPC platform that supports crap like this.

I support the CPC and am just as offended and sickened as you are by shit like this. For you to connect this guy to the CPC without any evidence is infantile. Homophobia is not part of the Party's platform and never will be. Your sad leap of faith between opposition to SMS and this drivel does not belong on this board.

Grow the f*ck up!

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You are a childish, immature prick. To link this pamphlet to the CPC is absolutely ignorant.

It blows my mind that you're still on this site.

This drivel has no place in Canadian society and should be considered spreading hate. There is nothing in the CPC platform that supports crap like this.

Tell that to Randy White. Perhaps you've also conveniently forgotten Harper's attacks on Martin on this issue and child pornography in the last election, as well?

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Dera I Miss Trudeau,

If you think that's bad, check this out..


I am not sure that you can link Whatcott to the CPC so easily, though. I am sure Whatcott thinks that the CPC isn't 'far-religiously right' enough.

THis is promotign hatred, and you shoudl not have even put this in here even the USA of all countries doesn't deserve this crap that this website is saying about it, and how dare it say you should thank god for executing these people. You should be banned.

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Dera I Miss Trudeau,

If you think that's bad, check this out..


I am not sure that you can link Whatcott to the CPC so easily, though. I am sure Whatcott thinks that the CPC isn't 'far-religiously right' enough.

THis is promoting hatred, and you should not have even put this in here even the USA of all countries doesn't deserve this crap that this website is saying about it, and how dare it say you should thank god for executing these people. You should be banned.

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It blows my mind that you can actually think the Liberals have such a God-given right to govern that linking legitimate political parties to crap like this is anything but despicable. You are a sad, sad man. You have no decency and should learn the value of treating people with respect.

It blows my mind that you're still on this site.
This drivel has no place in Canadian society and should be considered spreading hate. There is nothing in the CPC platform that supports crap like this.

Tell that to Randy White. Perhaps you've also conveniently forgotten Harper's attacks on Martin on this issue and child pornography in the last election, as well?

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It blows my mind that you can actually think the Liberals have such a God-given right to govern that linking legitimate political parties to crap like this is anything but despicable. You are a sad, sad man. You have no decency and should learn the value of treating people with respect.

Spare me the self-righteous BS. You've been here linking all sorts of things to the Liberal party without a shred of evidence.

You also conveniently failed to address my last post,

Perhaps you've also conveniently forgotten Harper's attacks on Martin on this issue and child pornography in the last election, as well?
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So a lovely little flyer, entitled "The Liberal Party and Child Sexual Abuse" was waiting for me when I got home this evening from a filthy little scumbag named Bill Whatcott. You may recognize him as the guy that has been fined over $17,000 in the past for inciting hatred against homosexuals.

And what's this got to do with the CPC?

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It blows my mind that you can actually think the Liberals have such a God-given right to govern that linking legitimate political parties to crap like this is anything but despicable. You are a sad, sad man. You have no decency and should learn the value of treating people with respect.

Spare me the self-righteous BS. You've been here linking all sorts of things to the Liberal party without a shred of evidence.

The Liberal party? You mean the government in power the last 14 or so years?

You don't think there's a difference with linking things to them and linking things to an opposition party?

Perhaps you've also conveniently forgotten Harper's attacks on Martin on this issue and child pornography in the last election, as well?

Why don't you address the way the Liberal Party stood up for adult child relationships and voted down a Tory bill which would have raised the age of consent to 16. Do you support the right of a 40 year old man to have sex with 14 year olds?

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The Liberal party? You mean the government in power the last 14 or so years?

You don't think there's a difference with linking things to them and linking things to an opposition party?

Uhm, unless you're suggesting that making baseless allegations against the party in power is fundamentally different than making allegations against an opposition party, I have no clue what you're on about.

Why don't you address the way the Liberal Party stood up for adult child relationships and voted down a Tory bill which would have raised the age of consent to 16.

Let me address your point, Mr. Whatcott.

Do you support the right of a 40 year old man to have sex with 14 year olds?

Indirectly. I support the right of 14 year olds to have sex with whoever they wish.

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Let me address your point, Mr. Whatcott.

Why don't you stick your smears and innuendo where the sun don't shine, you little pissante.

Do you support the right of a 40 year old man to have sex with 14 year olds?

Indirectly. I support the right of 14 year olds to have sex with whoever they wish.

However you get your jollies, Miss Trudeau. But most Canadians don't agree.

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Anything I have posted has come from reliable journalist sources. CBC, CTV, The Star, The Globe and Mail or Canwest. Nothing inflammatory and offensive.

While I may not agree with the tactical decision made to bring up this issue and child pornography, the language used was nowhwere near as ignorant and repulsive as that crap you linked to the CPC.

Spare me the self-righteous BS. You've been here linking all sorts of things to the Liberal party without a shred of evidence.

You also conveniently failed to address my last post,

Perhaps you've also conveniently forgotten Harper's attacks on Martin on this issue and child pornography in the last election, as well?

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Dear politika,

THis is promotign hatred, and you shoudl not have even put this in here even the USA of all countries doesn't deserve this crap that this website is saying about it, and how dare it say you should thank god for executing these people. You should be banned.
I am merely letting people know that there are other sickos that have the same agenda as Whatcott, and that awareness is important. If you'll look again at my post, I highly doubt that this is the platform of, or affiliation of, the CPC.

Interestingly, Pastor Phelps, who runs the 'godhatesfags.com' website, was in Calgary a couple of years ago (2 or 3) to protest against the 'Pride Parade', and they also 'protested' (or spread hate) at the funeral of Matthew Shepard (a fatality victim of 'gay bashing) and other homosexuals whose violent deaths made news. The problem is, most people vehemently against homosexuality are almost always very religious, but that doesn't mean all religious people are so extreme, and Whatsott's statements can certainly not be so easily equated with 'the right wing', even though they happen to be on the 'same team'.

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IMT, you've made an obvious error which others have already pointed out. You have offered no support at all for the suggestion that this guy is acting as a proxy for the Conservatives.

Joginder Singh Vedanti blasted same-sex marriage when Liberals visited the Golden Temple... is the entire Sikh church also a proxy for the Conservatives? Were the surly homosexuals (with the Sodomobile) who were harrassing and attacking delegates at the CPC convention in Montreal proxies for the Liberals?

Are you suggesting that this guy Bill Whatcott is the Canadian equivalent of the Speedboat Veterans for Bush (or whatever they were called) from the US election? And if not, then would you concede that the title of this thread is hyperbole? (much like "The Invasion Begins!!!" thread you started a while back?)


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IMT, you've made an obvious error which others have already pointed out.  You have offered no support at all for the suggestion that this guy is acting as a proxy for the Conservatives.

Had you, or anyone else, bothered to read the title of the thread, you'd have noticed that I in no way claimed that the Conservatives were involved in this.

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IMT, you've made an obvious error which others have already pointed out.  You have offered no support at all for the suggestion that this guy is acting as a proxy for the Conservatives.

Had you, or anyone else, bothered to read the title of the thread, you'd have noticed that I in no way claimed that the Conservatives were involved in this.

This is true... Trudeau never once linked the pamphlet to the CPC party, but rather stated how distastful and incorrect the slur had been on the Liberal party by the offender. No reference nor suggestion was made to the offender's political affiliation... The other distateful website was not brought up by Trudeau, nor was its contents in any way affiliated by Trudeau to any political party.

Shoop, Argus, et al. are just trying to make a "straw man" of Trudeau here, putting false words into Trudeau's mouth....... Is that a standard CPC supporter's tactic ???

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