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the conservative cult

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The big catch in all of this, is that the existing right-wing policies of the Conservatives will help to prevent you from ever getting to the space where Conservative policies will help you.

This, of course, is nonsense. What have the Liberals brought us? Cutbacks in health care at the federal level, massive tax increases at the provincial level. No improvement in services of any kind. Bigger government, bigger bureacracy, corruption, dishonesty and lies - less services. It wasn't the tories who made it almost impossible to collect UIC even while increasing UIC payments to the point it became a major tax grab. Now I have to pay a special "health premium" at the provincial level for the same lousy health care services, even as the provincial Liberals drastically increase spending in every conceivable area.

Ontario... I know about that... Mike Harris, our last Tory premiere

1. Mike Harris cut taxes ...big time... by $14 billion dollars.

- They cut hospital services to pay for it

- They made other medical services "pay for", to pay for their tax cut.

- They cut education funding to pay for it

- They cut welfare to pay for it.

- They cut enviromental protection to pay for it.

- They moved social services to the municipal budgets so there was more for their tax cut.

2. Mike Harris's "tax break" (for the wealthy only, as it turned out) was still $6 Billion greater than their cuts.... - They left a deficit of $6 Billion because of their tax cuts.

4. Ontario gives Harris the boot ... But the damage was not all done yet folks.....

5. We got a Liberal Conservative government in Ontario... Well... a Liberal one that refused to roll back the tax breaks for the wealthy, because apparently they are Conservatives in sheep's clothing.

- They found that they could apply a "health premium", that would be paid for mostly by the poor and middle classes.

- The cost of basic necessities like electricity have gone way up because the Conservatives sold off most of our electricity generation capabilities to cover some of the deficit they created.

- Our property taxes have gone way up to cover the cost of social services, moved out of the provincial budget's jurisdition and into the municipal budget....

So the Tory Tax cuts have actually raised taxes for the poor and middle classes, and dropped them for the affluent... True to Tory policy.

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The big catch in all of this, is that the existing right-wing policies of the Conservatives will help to prevent you from ever getting to the space where Conservative policies will help you.

This, of course, is nonsense. What have the Liberals brought us? Cutbacks in health care at the federal level, massive tax increases at the provincial level. No improvement in services of any kind. Bigger government, bigger bureacracy, corruption, dishonesty and lies - less services. It wasn't the tories who made it almost impossible to collect UIC even while increasing UIC payments to the point it became a major tax grab. Now I have to pay a special "health premium" at the provincial level for the same lousy health care services, even as the provincial Liberals drastically increase spending in every conceivable area.

Ontario... I know about that... Mike Harris, our last Tory premiere

1. Mike Harris cut taxes ...big time... by $14 billion dollars.

- They cut hospital services to pay for it

- They made other medical services "pay for", to pay for their tax cut.

- They cut education funding to pay for it

- They cut welfare to pay for it.

- They cut enviromental protection to pay for it.

- They moved social services to the municipal budgets so there was more for their tax cut.

2. Mike Harris's "tax break" (for the wealthy only, as it turned out) was still $6 Billion greater than their cuts.... - They left a deficit of $6 Billion because of their tax cuts.

4. Ontario gives Harris the boot ... But the damage was not all done yet folks.....

5. We got a Liberal Conservative government in Ontario... Well... a Liberal one that refused to roll back the tax breaks for the wealthy, because apparently they are Conservatives in sheep's clothing.

- They found that they could apply a "health premium", that would be paid for mostly by the poor and middle classes.

- The cost of basic necessities like electricity have gone way up because the Conservatives sold off most of our electricity generation capabilities to cover some of the deficit they created.

- Our property taxes have gone way up to cover the cost of social services, moved out of the provincial budget's jurisdition and into the municipal budget....

So the Tory Tax cuts have actually raised taxes for the poor and middle classes, and dropped them for the affluent... True to Tory policy.

Thanks for the bold, otherwise we could not have read it. Can you make your letters larger for effect?

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It's not surprising at all.  If you weren't dumb enough to fall for the "I'm going to make it..." dream, you'd see that Conservative policies hurt the masses (including you), and help a very limited few... They're easy to spot... they're the ones who don't need any help.... 

I'm one of those who doesn't need help. That doesn't mean I'm rich. It means I'm okay. I manage to support myself. That, no doubt, is your idea of "the affluent few". I'm white, straight and middle class.

Affluence has to do with finance... not your sexual status, skin colour, or religion. I understand English... I guess that's another difference between us...
The NDP despises me and all the others like me. Given the chance they'd take the money I work so hard for and distribute it to the lazy bums on welfare who dropped out of school to do drugs, and to every ethnic, racial, sexual, feminist and left wing wacko lobby group that holds out its hands.
Maybe you should seek help.... professional help.... for that persecution complex...

The party that seems to fit the "hate" bill best is the homophobe party who wants to discriminate against people based on sexual preference, and take away what little support ther is for "welfare bums"...

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It is beyond me to grasp why you think you are contributiing. If all you can do is agree with an outpouring of hatred, then you are not thinking and your feelings should be shared with a psychiatrist.

Can you refute any of err's points? That is what an intelligent respons would be. Or, in the alternative, express your agreement with THEM and explain why they are a credit to Harris and a benefit to Ontario.

For what err posted is factual and I don't need to repeat it.

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This, of course, is nonsense. What have the Liberals brought us? Cutbacks in health care at the federal level, massive tax increases at the provincial level. No improvement in services of any kind. Bigger government, bigger bureacracy, corruption, dishonesty and lies - less services. It wasn't the tories who made it almost impossible to collect UIC even while increasing UIC payments to the point it became a major tax grab. Now I have to pay a special "health premium" at the provincial level for the same lousy health care services, even as the provincial Liberals drastically increase spending in every conceivable area.

Ontario... I know about that... Mike Harris, our last Tory premiere

1. Mike Harris cut taxes ...big time... by $14 billion dollars.

- They cut hospital services to pay for it

- They made other medical services "pay for", to pay for their tax cut.

- They cut education funding to pay for it

- They cut welfare to pay for it.

- They cut enviromental protection to pay for it.

- They moved social services to the municipal budgets so there was more for their tax cut.

I was never one who agreed with Harris' tax cuts, not at a time of deficits. But his tax cut wasn't entirely responsible for the reduction in services. The Liberals in Ottawa were slashing transfer payments to the provinces by billions, and that principally effected health and education. As to social services, there was a transfer of responsibilities between the provincial and muncipal governments. Yes, municipalities took over some social service costs, but the province took over education funding in exchange.

2. Mike Harris's "tax break" (for the wealthy only, as it turned out) was still $6 Billion greater than their cuts....  - They left a deficit of $6 Billion because of their tax cuts.

Harris's tax cuts affected the middle class, and the deficit Ernie Eves left has been grossly exaggerated by an exceedingly dishonest Liberal government whose book-cooking principal architect recently resigned after coming under police probe.

5.  We got a Liberal Conservative government in Ontario...  Well... a Liberal one that refused to roll back the tax breaks for the wealthy, because apparently they are Conservatives in sheep's clothing. 

Yeah, I've heard this sort of nonsense before. They're conservatives whenever they do anything you don't like, Liberals when they do things you do like.

- The cost of basic necessities like electricity have gone way up because the Conservatives sold off most of our electricity generation capabilities to cover some of the deficit they created. 

Nonsense. It was due to poor management of Hydro, a tradition which continues.

- Our property taxes have gone way up to cover the cost of social services, moved out of the provincial budget's jurisdition and into the municipal budget....

I dunno where you live, but my municipal taxes have gone way up because of incompetent, ignorant, peurile left wing city councillors who believe they're on a mission to change the world.

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