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Layton talks tough.


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So Jacko is talking tough. The Liberals better not take the NDs support for granted ... or else!

Or else what? Force an election in the middle of the Christmas holidays?

Thankfully the CPC and the BQ aren't onside with that one.

The Reform/Alliance/Conservative party isn't onside for trying to tear down the government.... really....

Or is it that the Reform/Alliance/Conservatives are against what Layton is pushing for?:

Layton said his message to Martin is simple: "Get to work on the key issues. If you're unwilling to do that, if you produce no action whatsoever, then don't count on us, when those non-confidence motions come up, to prop you up."

It's expected that the NDP will use its first opposition day -- which likely won't come until the third week of November -- to propose a motion to strengthen public health care and block expansion of private medical services.

It is a good thing that at least one of the three parties is making avial of our present political situation to try to benefit Canadian citizens.... Because we can't accuse Harper's Reform/Alliance/Conservative party of that... can we ??

PS: You'll note that Layton did not say that he'd call the non-confidence vote.... just that he wouldn't support Martin when the non-confidence calls came in.. and we know theat your beloved Harper's party will be obliging in that department.

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PS:  You'll note that Layton did not say that he'd call the non-confidence vote.... just that he wouldn't support Martin when the non-confidence calls came in.. and we know theat your beloved Harper's party will be obliging in that department.

boy the leader of the CCF/NDP/NDs (doesn't that make me cool by naming all the previous incarnations of the party you support?)

To be exact he said "If these Liberals want to get to work on issues like those I've mentioned, we'll be there to get things done. But if not, Mr. Martin should understand he better not count on the NDP's support in the weeks to come."

PS why do you think Harper will 'be obliging' and what will you do when proven wrong? oh yeah, make fun of the previous names of his party after finishing your minimum wage job. good on you buddy!

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boy the leader of the CCF/NDP/NDs (doesn't that make me cool by naming all the previous incarnations of the party you support?)
Just not too sure what they'll be calling themselves after their next flop...
To be exact he said "If these Liberals want to get to work on issues like those I've mentioned, we'll be there to get things done.  But if not, Mr. Martin should understand he better not count on the NDP's support in the weeks to come."
I just cut and pasted the exact text from the linked article so that people could see what you were ridiculing... Maybe you should complain to CTV for not quoting Layton they way you would have liked...
PS why do you think Harper will 'be obliging' and what will you do when proven wrong? oh yeah, make fun of the previous names of his party after finishing your minimum wage job. good on you buddy!
Harper will oblige because a leopard can't hide his spots for too long... And if I'm proven wrong... won't we all be surprised...

And you cannot assume that a person is in a minimum wage or unionized job just because they believe that the government should represent the majority of its citizens.....

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It's expected that the NDP will use its first opposition day -- which likely won't come until the third week of November -- to propose a motion to strengthen public health care and block expansion of private medical services.

Strengthen is code for "spend more tax dollars". Why shouldn't Canadians have the choice of private healthcare instead of having to go to the USA? Three countries in the world disallow private healthcare--Cuba, North Korea, and...Canada.


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It's expected that the NDP will use its first opposition day -- which likely won't come until the third week of November -- to propose a motion to strengthen public health care and block expansion of private medical services.

Strengthen is code for spend more tax dollars. Why shouldn't Canadians have the choice of private healthcare instead of having to go to the USA?

If they want private health care, they can go to the USA and get it..... CANADIANS DON'T WANT PRIVATE HEALTH CARE.....

You'll note that your hero, Steven Harper won't dare breathe a word about private health care... do you know why... BECAUSE CANADIANS DONT WANT IT !!! and he'll NEVER get elected promising private health care.

You might want it... and your beloved Fraser Institute might want it... but CANADIANS DONT WANT IT....There are other threads where you can spout off your ridiculous ideas about health care...

Three countries in the world disallow private healthcare--Cuba, North Korea, and...Canada. 
And there are more Americans without healthcare than there are Canadians, Cubans, and North Vietnamese citizens ...combined...

Now go play somewhere else Montgomery.....

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If they want private health care, they can go to the USA and get it.....  CANADIANS DON'T WANT PRIVATE HEALTH CARE.....
Do you realize the vast majority of health care dollars in Canada today are paid to private for profit corporations? The corporations provide medical supplies, doctor services, pharmacuticals and laboratory tests. The NDP always forgets that doctors operator as private for profit enterprises - the system works better as a result because doctors have an incentive to work harder. Every system that puts doctors on salary has huge problem with shortages of doctors. This obsession the NDP has with private health care preventing any useful reform.

What Canadians don't want are private health insurance companies. Most Canadians (excluding union hacks) are not that concerned about private companies delivering health services.

Even when you take into account the aversion that most Canadians have towards private health insurance companies you will find that they feel that they should be allowed to pay to get an operation sooner if the system cannot provide it for free fast enough. The number of people who are willing to suffer on long waiting lists if they can afford to pay for faster service is extremely small.

So please get you facts right: Canadians want to preserve the system where the gov't is the primary insurer for all Canadians - that's it. Stop extrapolating that desire into a dislike of all private health care.

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It's expected that the NDP will use its first opposition day -- which likely won't come until the third week of November -- to propose a motion to strengthen public health care and block expansion of private medical services.

Strengthen is code for spend more tax dollars. Why shouldn't Canadians have the choice of private healthcare instead of having to go to the USA?

If they want private health care, they can go to the USA and get it..... CANADIANS DON'T WANT PRIVATE HEALTH CARE.....

You'll note that your hero, Steven Harper won't dare breathe a word about private health care... do you know why... BECAUSE CANADIANS DONT WANT IT !!! and he'll NEVER get elected promising private health care.

You might want it... and your beloved Fraser Institute might want it... but CANADIANS DONT WANT IT....There are other threads where you can spout off your ridiculous ideas about health care...

Three countries in the world disallow private healthcare--Cuba, North Korea, and...Canada. 
And there are more Americans without healthcare than there are Canadians, Cubans, and North Vietnamese citizens ...combined...

Now go play somewhere else Montgomery.....

Rightwing columnist Mark Steyn was profiled today at the National Post for its Beautiful Minds contest (Canada’s most important public intellectual). Steyn is quoted on Canadian healthcare in the article:

“Unlike Britain but like North Korea, in her Majesty’s northern Dominion, the public health system is such an article of faith that no private hospitals are permitted. Canada’s private health care system is called “America”.

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You'll note that your hero, Steven Harper won't dare breathe a word about private health care... do you know why... BECAUSE CANADIANS DONT WANT IT !!! and he'll NEVER get elected promising private health care. 

Now go play somewhere else Montgomery.....

Why won't Jacko breathe a word about legalizing pot? Pulling outta NATO? Lowering the voting age to 16? Those corporate 'tax cuts' he won by bending over for Mr. Dithers in the spring?

Because he is an ineffective leader - who has been portrayed as doing a good job by the sad, sad, sad CBC.

Never thought you worked a unionized job. Your childish rantings and ignorant putdowns are symptoms of someone unlikely to be able to hold a long-term, or responsible, position of any kind.

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It's expected that the NDP will use its first opposition day -- which likely won't come until the third week of November -- to propose a motion to strengthen public health care and block expansion of private medical services.

Strengthen is code for spend more tax dollars. Why shouldn't Canadians have the choice of private healthcare instead of having to go to the USA?

If they want private health care, they can go to the USA and get it..... CANADIANS DON'T WANT PRIVATE HEALTH CARE.....

You'll note that your hero, Steven Harper won't dare breathe a word about private health care... do you know why... BECAUSE CANADIANS DONT WANT IT !!! and he'll NEVER get elected promising private health care.

You might want it... and your beloved Fraser Institute might want it... but CANADIANS DONT WANT IT....There are other threads where you can spout off your ridiculous ideas about health care...

Three countries in the world disallow private healthcare--Cuba, North Korea, and...Canada. 
And there are more Americans without healthcare than there are Canadians, Cubans, and North Vietnamese citizens ...combined...

Now go play somewhere else Montgomery.....

Private Health Care is such a misnomer it's laughable, because quite frankly morons like you can't wrap their mind around the difference between two-tiered care and American private health care.

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If they want private health care, they can go to the USA and get it.....  CANADIANS DON'T WANT PRIVATE HEALTH CARE.....

What Canadians don't want are private health insurance companies. Most Canadians (excluding union hacks) are not that concerned about private companies delivering health services.

They should be... Private companies exist to make a profit... usually a healthy profit (no pun intended)... Thus, if we are to run our own shop it should be cheaper than running one at a profit.

An excellent example of this was today's announcement that the Bruce Nuclear station is going to be re-furbished, and the government has guaranteed them 6.3 cents per kilowatt hour.... as opposed to 5 cents right now.... Our electricity costs will instantly go up an additional 25%... more than the 30% it has already gone up since we've had the pleasure of having "more efficient" private enterprise running our generators...

So if we have to pay more for the privatized health care delivery, there will be either less money for it, or we'll have to pay more for it... Neither option is appealing...

So please get you facts right: Canadians want to preserve the system where the gov't is the primary insurer for all Canadians - that's it. Stop extrapolating that desire into a dislike of all private health care.
OK... Those who have any forethought disapprove of private health care....
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Rightwing columnist Mark Steyn was profiled today at the National Post for its Beautiful Minds contest (Canada’s most important public intellectual).  Steyn is quoted on Canadian healthcare in the article:

“Unlike Britain but like North Korea, in her Majesty’s northern Dominion, the public health system is such an article of faith that no private hospitals are permitted. Canada’s private health care system is called “America”.

Some realities Montgomery... He doesnt stand a chance of winning... sort of like Don Cherry didn't stand a chance of winning the greatest Canadian... but who did... Tommy Douglas ... The guy who is responsible for us having public health care when the Liberals and Conservatives were calling it a "commie plan", etc... And it was in a minority government situation like we have today that we got our health care and many other benefits....

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You'll note that your hero, Steven Harper won't dare breathe a word about private health care... do you know why... BECAUSE CANADIANS DONT WANT IT !!! and he'll NEVER get elected promising private health care. 

Those corporate 'tax cuts' he won by bending over for Mr. Dithers in the spring?

He was holding the gun... not bending over...
Because he is an ineffective leader - who has been portrayed as doing a good job by the sad, sad, sad CBC.
I think he's quite an effective leader, and that's probably why you're in such a huff... And that CBC being too open-minded, won't portray the extreme right wing party as the only "smart" party.... they must be commies.... eh???
Never thought you worked a unionized job. Your childish rantings and ignorant putdowns are symptoms of someone unlikely to be able to hold a long-term, or responsible, position of any kind.
Speaking of childish tantrums....
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With Martin and Layton in talks today I thought this old article by Zolf was worth reading again.

Wealth and Politics Jan. 27, 2004

Layton has never been in business himself. His entire career is in universities and socialist politics. He would have real trouble building a shipping empire like Martin did, but that makes it all the more fun for him to tease Martin, who doesn't like to be teased about himself, or anyone or anything he holds dear.
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With Martin and Layton in talks today I thought this old article by Zolf was worth reading again.

Wealth and Politics Jan. 27, 2004

Layton has never been in business himself. His entire career is in universities and socialist politics. He would have real trouble building a shipping empire like Martin did, but that makes it all the more fun for him to tease Martin, who doesn't like to be teased about himself, or anyone or anything he holds dear.

And I suppose neither of them would know how to build a dog house, but that shouldn't take from their ability to lead the country...
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