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Global warming doesn't exist, does it?

How can we solve global warming?  

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I would surmise that the largest problem facing our planet is global warming. If we don't get a handle on it soon, and it is already too late for some as the following article reports, humankind may perish. How are we going to solve this crucial problem if we can't even agree that the problem exists? People need to start connecting the dots.

Heat Wave Blamed for 11 Deaths in Phoenix

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I would surmise that the largest problem facing our planet is global warming. If we don't get a handle on it soon, and it is already too late for some as the following article reports, humankind may perish. How are we going to solve this crucial problem if we can't even agree that the problem exists? People need to start connecting the dots.
You forgot a choice on your survey: 'Global warming exists but there is little or nothing we can do about it'.

I have read studies that have shown a strong correlation between population and CO2 levels over the last 10,000 years. In the last 200 years, the world population has risen from 1 billion to 6 billion, thanks largely to the increased food production created by fossil fuels. Seems to me that the population is the problem - not the fuel. If you really want to do something about global warming then invent some nasty smallpox like virus that will wipe out 90% of the population. The last time a large drop in CO2 levels occurred was in the 1500s when smallpox wiped out the native americans. Before that, CO2 dropped when the black plague hit Europe.

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Start by connecting the dots to the history of weather in the world, going back way back and not the last thirty or forty years. Because in your life time it may seem to be weird weather but it doesn't mean the world hasn't gone through this cycle many times before. After all, we are talking about the earth being billions and billions of years old. In that period of time today's weather is just a drop in the bucket of time. I don't think weather records go back but three hundred years. So is the "normal" for the earth, how do we know? There are arguements both ways on that subject.

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. In that period of time today's weather is just a drop in the bucket of time. I don't think weather records go back but three hundred years. So is the "normal" for the earth, how do we know? There are arguements both ways on that subject.
The historical patterns suggest that the world should be heading into an ice age now. The weather is definitely been warmer than it should be based on historical trends, however, the warming starting 6000 years ago: around the first time humans started to cut down trees to plant food.
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I would surmise that the largest problem facing our planet is global warming. If we don't get a handle on it soon, and it is already too late for some as the following article reports, humankind may perish. How are we going to solve this crucial problem if we can't even agree that the problem exists? People need to start connecting the dots.

Heat Wave Blamed for 11 Deaths in Phoenix

Are we talking about the same global warming that was a "crucial problem" which would cause "humankind to perish" and required immediate attention 35 years ago?

I assume the 11 deaths in Phoenix from the heatwave is your evidence, well not too long ago I recall an ice storm in Quebec that killed people. Perhaps the globe is actually freezing and this warm spell is a red herring.

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Even George Bush has now agreed that mankind's behaviour is contributing to global warming, so we can now forget the charade. The biggest threat to  solving our global warning crisis is the US and in particular the corporate community.

Over the last 100 years with the population of the planet going from 2 Billion to 6 billion and the advent of industry the temperature of the planet has increased a staggering ALMOST 2F. I'd say it's not a problem.

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What I found troubling in that heat wave deaths story is that they don't include any deaths of illegal immigrants. Jeez what a country - illegals don't even exist.

Global Warming Solutions

These solutions will reduce the amount of heat-trapping gases that we emit into the atmosphere. Among the solutions are ways of reducing the amount of fossil fuels we use to power our vehicles and generate our electricity, and protecting threatened forests, which store carbon in their biomass.
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Don't you think there should've been a huge spike in global warming since we started burning fossil fuels in vehicles and using the amount of electricity we use nowadays?

If people were supposed to be panicking 35 years ago, shouldn't the environment be dramatically worse and not actually improving as reports show?

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Don't you think there should've been a huge spike in global warming since we started burning fossil fuels in vehicles and using the amount of electricity we use nowadays?

If people were supposed to be panicking 35 years ago, shouldn't the environment be dramatically worse and not actually improving as reports show?

Hows does a 10-15C change sound? Big enough? Because that is the change going on in the Arctic. Global Warming is real the only question is whether there is anything we can do about it.
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I presume all you naysayers about global warming get you info from these clowns:

Responding To Global Warming Skeptics

Responding to Global Warming Skeptics

-- Prominent Skeptics Organizations


Global Climate Coalition

[ http://www.globalclimate.org/index.htm ]

Founded in 1989 by 46 corporations and trade associations representing all major elements of US industry, the GCC presents itself as a "voice for business in the global warming debate." The group funded several flawed studies on the economics of the cost of mitigating climate change, which formed the basis of their 1997/1998 multi-million dollar advertising campaign against the Kyoto Protocol. The GCC began to unravel in 1997 when British Petroleum withdrew its membership. Since then many other corporations have followed BP s lead and left the coalition. This exodus reached a fevered pitch in the early months of 2000 when DaimlerChrysler, Texaco and General Motors all announced their exodus from the GCC. Since these desertions, the GCC restructured and remains a powerful and well-funded force focused on obstructing meaningful efforts to mitigate climate change.

Spin: Global Warming is real, but it is too expensive to do anything about. The Kyoto Protocol is fundamentally flawed.

Funding: Corporate members (industries, trade associations etc.)

George Marshall Institute [ http://www.marshall.org ]

This conservative think tank shifted its focus from Star Wars to climate change in the late 1980s. In 1989, the Marshall Institute released a report claiming that "cyclical variations in the intensity of the sun would offset any climate change associated with elevated greenhouse gases." Though refuted by the IPCC, the report was very influential in influencing the Bush Sr. Administration s climate change policy. The Marshall Institute has since published numerous reports downplaying the severity of global climate change.

Spin: Blame the Sun. The Kyoto Protocol is fatally flawed.

Affiliated Individuals: Sallie Baliunas, an astrophysicist from Harvard; and Frederick Seitz.


My goodness look who is behind these naysayer organizations. Once again good ole corporate America.

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Maybe that MP in Ottawa knows something - the one who suggested swimming lessons for all of us:

Global warming is real and under way...

Global sea level is rising about three times faster over the past 100 years compared with the previous 3,000 years.

Perhaps the MP from Ottawa knows more on the issue than chemists at the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine?

Global Warming is a Myth

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Restoring Scientific Integrity

The United States has an impressive history of investing in the capabilities and respecting the independence of scientists. This legacy has brought us sustained economic progress, science-based public health policy, and unequaled scientific leadership within the global community. However, actions by the Bush administration threaten to undermine this legacy, and as a result, policy decisions are being made that have serious consequences for our health, safety, and environment.

Across a broad range of issues—from childhood lead poisoning and mercury emissions to climate change, reproductive health, and nuclear weapons—the administration is distorting and censoring scientific findings that contradict its policies; manipulating the underlying science to align results with predetermined political decisions; and undermining the independence of science advisory panels by subjecting panel nominees to political litmus tests that have little or no bearing on their expertise; nominating non-experts or underqualified individuals from outside the scientific mainstream or with industry ties; as well as disbanding science advisory committees altogether.

These activities are of grave concern to members of the scientific community as well as to those who rely on government information to inform policy decisions. But they should also concern the American public, which places its trust in the government as an honest broker of scientific information and one that will protect our health and safety.

This is quite a sad indictment of our corporate and political leaders. to attempt to try and confuse or mislead societies, concerning issues relating to their health and welfare all in the name of the allmighty dollar. The greed factor is alive and well but what about these people's offspring, their children and their grandchildren. I can understand them not caring about you and me but do they not even care about their own families' future? And how tragic that these scientists are being subjected to such obstructions in their work.

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Even George Bush has now agreed that mankind's behaviour is contributing to global warming, so we can now forget the charade. The biggest threat to  solving our global warning crisis is the US and in particular the corporate community.

Over the last 100 years with the population of the planet going from 2 Billion to 6 billion and the advent of industry the temperature of the planet has increased a staggering ALMOST 2F. I'd say it's not a problem.

People call George Bush a moron, and even he now admits that it is a serious problem... "but heck, it'd wreck our economy to do somehing about it".

Cybercoma, your stellar scientific perspective is awe inspiring.... what's missing.??

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Now we even have a president of the US warning about global warming. Unfortunately it is not the current president:

Clinton issues warning about global warming

Progressive people are going to have to find ways for corporations to make money healing our global warming crisis. Only then will they take an interest in working on solutions to help solve the problem.

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Interesting how the other G8 countries are leaving the US behind once again this time to do with climate change. Oh well, sooner or later the US will clue in to what is going on, but in the meantime the US is going to be left further and further behind in dealing with global warming. Maybe we really are witnessing the beginning of the Decline of the American Empire:

Climate Change: Tipping Point

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global warming is not a "crisis" as you claim. They can't even prove that the greenhouse effect even exists let alone what causes it.

For more inforation feel free to check out the following article.

Around the same time, a scientific controversy erupted with focus in Germany about whether or not carbon dioxide is at all to be blamed for the greenhouse effect, or if there is even something like a greenhouse effect in the first place. The most prominent figure of the dissenters, claiming that there is no greenhouse effect, is a former rather prominent German meteorologist who used to present the most recent weather forecasts in Germany's primary TV news broadcast heute (today), Wolfgang Thüne.


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