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NDP as an alternative

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Sincemost Canadians are fed up with the two big parties , why is it that the NDP are still ignored as a real Alternative Choice for a Government.

I cannot figure out the Canadian mindset lately if they are truely fed up as they say, yet still ignore the only real alternative.

Guess I really want explanaitions on why you each think that your vote still needs to go Con or Liberal, both proven unfit to lead anymore, and not to the untried NDP.

Especially the West where many NDP Provincial Governments have been elected over the years yet still the Federal NDPs are ignored.


Sir Chauncy

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Sincemost Canadians are fed up with the two big parties , why is it that the NDP are still ignored as a real Alternative Choice for a Government.

Remember the National Action Committee on the Status of Women? It used to represent women in Canada, or at least had a claim to that. It was an umbrella organizatoni for hundreds of other organizations which had millions of women members. It lobbied parliament, met with MPs, cabinet ministers, and was a force on the hill.

Then it was taken over by idiots who were enthralled with political correctness. They "elected" a series of immigrant women as their leaders. It disdained womens issues in favour of the issues which affected minority women, immigrant women, lesbians, etc. Its support trickled away until it became a joke. No one cared what it said or wanted because it represented almost no one.

Witness the NDP. The NDP appeals to ordinary Canadians for votes. But the NDP does not want to represent ordinary Canadians. I'm not sure it even likes ordinary Canadians. The NDP, like the NAC, cares deeply for poor, minorities, immigrants, gays and lesbians, and other fragments of society. It's a given it hates the rich, of course. But there is no evidence it gives a good godamn about the middle class either, though, except as a source of funding, which it wants to transfer to the fragments it does care about. In fact, as far as the NDP is concerned the middle class ARE the rich, so screw `em! Especially those filthy white heterosexuals!

Gee, and you wonder why the NDP's support never gets beyond a certain point?

It's because to guys like me, the NDP are the enemy. They hate me. They want to take all my money away and spend it on their pet fragment groups. And you want me to vote for these people!? :blink:

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I was PC for fourty years till Mulroony sickened me of them.

I voted Liberal once for Chretien, and will never vote Liberal again.

The new/old Reform/ Alliance/Conservative joined party of Conservatives is just a bunch of crazies in my view and I will never vote them.

I was Reform from their beginnings here in Ontario and even through Stockboy Day. But Harper is just too much. I wouldn't trust that man with my laundry let alone my country.

So I have NDP left to vote and I guess that is where my vote will go.

And in all honesty I like their leader.

Sir Chauncy

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I used to vote exclusively NDP, but that is when they actually represented ordinary Canadian's views and family values values. That all stopped when Alexa McDonough was chosen as their leader, and she decided to take the Party closer to the middle, that was not what the NDP was traditionally all about. Now they seem to more concerned with the rights of vocal minorities than they do about traditional religious values. As a result of this switch in policy ordinary working Canadian's no longer have the NDP to hang our political hats, and the Party has abandoned their traditional roots. With the choosing of Jack Layton as leader, that situation has gotten even worse. We now have another middle of the road party to represent the affluent and to hell with working Canadian's, yraditional family values, or anything else that matters to the working people of this country.

This leaves me with the prospect of voting for the present bunch of thieves and liars, the NDP, or one of the other nut-case fringe parties like the Green Party, The Marijuana Party, Marxist-Leninist Party, none of which represents what I would call traditional family values, and ideals. This leaves me with the Concervatives who on surface at least portrays to represent many of my values, including the traditional definition of marriage.

The federal legislation dealing with same-sex mariage does nothing to protect religious beliefs. It does not even protect clergy since that issue falls under Provincial jurisdiction. It does nothing to protect churches and other religious organizations from threats from the Canada Revenue Agency, and the Charitible status of these organizations if they speak out against same-sex unions. Any guarantees in this Bill can be trumped at any time, with another challenge citing discrimination, by a liberal minded judge who deems that to deny either recognition or the performance of such a ceremony by a clergy member is discriminatory. It does nothing to protect religious organizations who refuse to rent facilities for gay/lesbian wedding functions, such as the case presently before a Human RIght's Tribunal for refusing to rent a Knights of Columbus Hall for a lesbian wedding reception, when the fact is that many Knights of Columbus Hall's are inside Catholic Parish Halls, and it is the Knight's themselves who run the kitchens and bar facilities. Paul Martin himself has said that as far as he is concerned the Supreme Court IS the final say in this country, and that attitude is just not acceptable to me.

I for one believe that we elect MP's and MLA's to make the laws in this country, and therefore accountable to the people for their decisions, but accountability is not part of the mandate of our Supreme Court judiciary. Somehow the Charter has changed to somehow allow the judiciary to upserp our elected officials, and has allowed these non-elected, unaccountable judges to make law, and allows them to instruct Parliament on how the law is to read.

The Conservatives seem to be the only Party that wants to bring back to Canada a traditional role for the Supreme Court of enforcement of the laws that have been written by Parliament, perused by the Senate, and then decclared by the Governor General as law. If we are going to allow the Supreme Court to have this type of power what is the purpose of electing and paying (overpaying) MP's. the Senate, or the Governor General? We may just as well elected our judiciary, at least they would then be accountable. Thank you very much, I will vote Conservative in the next election.

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Ok. Liberals say- 'We're tryin g to represent the popular opinions of Canadians'.

Conservatives say 'We're trying to represent the popular opinions of Canadians'.

They happen to be conflicting on everything. Canada, like hte States, has two majorities: Centre and Right of Centre. There arn't enough socialists in Canada to even consider that plastic man Jack Layton without laughing or making a joke. Even I can't help calling the man plastic.

No one seriously thinks what th NDP believes in is entirely right. Addmittedly, they're on to something SOMETIMES, but they're ideas are too far from the Conservative ideals. Thats excluding, what, almost half the voting population.

Someone said this before on this thread, I think.

-Democracy caters to the majority. Majority wins. Catering to minorities, like the NDP, is stupid. NDP thinks that true diversity is working for people who look different.

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every province the NDP has ran they ran it into the ground.

I think I'm the lone voice from Manitoba on this board, so I better defend my province! We are doing quite well with an NDP government, and I don't anticipate change any time soon.

Yeah how hard is it to run Manitoba? Just sell wheat!

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every province the NDP has ran they ran it into the ground.

I think I'm the lone voice from Manitoba on this board, so I better defend my province! We are doing quite well with an NDP government, and I don't anticipate change any time soon.

Yeah how hard is it to run Manitoba? Just sell wheat!

Ouch! Just wait, as soon as we figure out how to export mosquitos, you'll regret those words!!!

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Ouch! Just wait, as soon as we figure out how to export mosquitos, you'll regret those words!!!

Hmmm... mosquitos...huh? I sense opportunity...

*Technocrat quickly runs out and buys all the shares of mosquito repellant companies he can*

Ill take em... :D

As far as the NDP has run every province into the ground statement... I think that can be said for every party in every province. The Liberals, NDP and most notably the Conservatives(Mike Harris F'd us good) have all run this province into the ground at one point or another.

That said IMHO a minority liberal government with a NDP ally is the best thing for this country. Im not a huge fan of the NDP... they are a little to close to some unions which is unfortuante. But they have a vision for canada moves Canada in a direction that I am happy with. I cannot say the same about the Conservative party. The only vision of canada I see coming from the right is a more Americanized canada... which is unfortunate the 'progressive' part of the conservatives has evidently gone the way of the Dodo :huh:

I don't think i would want a full on NDP government until they have sat in the official opposition spot for at least a few years. There is a component of the NDP that is rather crazy hippy like that im not so sure they are quite up to the tast of full on governance yet... however I think Jack Layton is moving the NDP towards offering the NDP as a real choice for governance.

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If the NDP were ever to make a government in Canada, we would be broke, stoned, heating our homes with solar power, driving electric cars and making $1000/month. Jack and his buddies would be making $1,000,000/month and the welfare people would be getting $2000/month. Our deficit would be through the roof and we'd be the laughing stock of the world. Fortunately, we'd all be so stoned, we'd think they were"laughing with us"!!!

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Ouch! Just wait, as soon as we figure out how to export mosquitos, you'll regret those words!!!

Hmmm... mosquitos...huh? I sense opportunity...

*Technocrat quickly runs out and buys all the shares of mosquito repellant companies he can*

Ill take em... :D

As far as the NDP has run every province into the ground statement... I think that can be said for every party in every province. The Liberals, NDP and most notably the Conservatives(Mike Harris F'd us good) have all run this province into the ground at one point or another.

That said IMHO a minority liberal government with a NDP ally is the best thing for this country. Im not a huge fan of the NDP... they are a little to close to some unions which is unfortuante. But they have a vision for canada moves Canada in a direction that I am happy with. I cannot say the same about the Conservative party. The only vision of canada I see coming from the right is a more Americanized canada... which is unfortunate the 'progressive' part of the conservatives has evidently gone the way of the Dodo :huh:

I don't think i would want a full on NDP government until they have sat in the official opposition spot for at least a few years. There is a component of the NDP that is rather crazy hippy like that im not so sure they are quite up to the tast of full on governance yet... however I think Jack Layton is moving the NDP towards offering the NDP as a real choice for governance.

HEY! I am from Alberta and I take you to task on every party running every province into the ground. Here in AB we have no debt, are running multi billion dollar surpluses and are doing very well thank you. Sure, oil has helped, but we balanced our books back in the early '90s (when oil was at $10/barrel) so that we were in an enviable position to benefit from the current upcycle. We have been very happy with a conservative government for several decades now...the ROC should sit up and take notice.

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Ahh but mother nature is fighting back, now.

Must be Bad kharma.

That would have been a rather clever remark if the people getting hurt most from the flooding didn't happen to (on the whole) be the people least benefitting from the oil money.

Granted, while I'm happy about the economic position my province is in, I'd rather have the NDP in control.

A lot of the NDP's proposed changes help the middle class as well as the poor. Education funding, for example, really helps everyone.

As there are some Albertans on here, I'm sure you'll be able to note that, for example, Calgary has an enormous "working poor" problem. Being that a staggering number of homeless people actually have full-time jobs! The Tories haven't done much about that for quite a few years.

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That would have been a rather clever remark if the people getting hurt most from the flooding didn't happen to (on the whole) be the people least benefitting from the oil money.

Yes but my guess is they probably voted for the Tories.

As there are some Albertans on here, I'm sure you'll be able to note that, for example, Calgary has an enormous "working poor" problem. Being that a staggering number of homeless people actually have full-time jobs! The Tories haven't done much about that for quite a few years.

My all time favourite Alberta PC "Social" program was when they offered all the people on welfare a one way bus ticket anywhere in Canada. So they could reduce there welfare rolls.

Alberta is the Texas of Canada. Just ask Stephen "W" Harper.

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Yea, life is real hard out here in Alberta. Keep telling yourselves that.

This is a great, innovative, beautiful, hard working, honest and, yes, rich, province.

And why does everyone try to pick on Stephen Harper for being from Alberta? Heaven forbid the rest of the country "suffer" the wonderful standard of living we have here.

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Ahh but mother nature is fighting back, now.

Must be Bad kharma.

That would have been a rather clever remark if the people getting hurt most from the flooding didn't happen to (on the whole) be the people least benefitting from the oil money.

Granted, while I'm happy about the economic position my province is in, I'd rather have the NDP in control.

A lot of the NDP's proposed changes help the middle class as well as the poor. Education funding, for example, really helps everyone.

As there are some Albertans on here, I'm sure you'll be able to note that, for example, Calgary has an enormous "working poor" problem. Being that a staggering number of homeless people actually have full-time jobs! The Tories haven't done much about that for quite a few years.

What is your definition of a "staggering amount"? Alberta has the highest GDP per capita and lowest unemployment rate in the country. That means the average income here is higher than anywhere else in the country, and more people have jobs here than anywhere else in the country. Look it up. So if your suggestion is that "life sucks in Alberta", it simply sucks more elsewhere :0

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Avg Income is an inaccurate stat.

As it would still come out to the same if 99% of wealth was in 1 % of the population.

Cost of living is a factor the Unemployment figures don't factor.

You could be making $50k per year but if the cost of living is $60k then your screwed. My guess is a lot of people in Calgary work so they can afford to work.

Plus when things go bust and they will and do. The tories will just ship the trouble else where. Maybe they will give 1 way West Jet tickets next.

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Avg Income is an inaccurate stat.

As it would still come out to the same if 99% of wealth was in 1 % of the population.

Cost of living is a factor the Unemployment figures don't factor.

You could be making $50k per year but if the cost of living is $60k then your screwed. My guess is a lot of people in Calgary work so they can afford to work.

Plus when things go bust and they will and do. The tories will just ship the trouble else where. Maybe they will give 1 way West Jet tickets next.

You bring up a good point about cost of living. Since Alberta has the lowest tax rate in the country (11% flat tax), in addition to no sales tax, our cost of living relative to other "have" provinces such as ontario is relatively low.

In addition, your stat about "99% of the wealth in the hands of 1%" is baseless. You obviously haven't been to Alberta recently. It is BOOMING. People aren't migrating out here from the maritimes because they're WORSE off. There is a shortage of tradespeople out here. Therefore it's not uncommon to see a welder or boilermaker making $80-100k.

And if you want to get technical, look up Median income (a more telling stat) by province. I'm sure you'll find, again, that Alberta leads the way.

Alberta rocks, live with it.

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Alberta is a beautiful place.

But its hard to enjoy with all the red necks.

Imagine if you had substituted the word "Indians" in place of rednecks? It would be offensive wouldn't it?

Hmmm. Your statement sounds a bit like an intolerant generalisation. But wait, aren't only rednecks capable of those? So poll question:

1. Is your generalist comment accidentally exactly redneck type of comment? or

2. Is it not only rednecks, but others as well who are capable of vast generalisations?

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