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Canada's Stupid Party

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Canada's Stupid Party

I remember Ralph Nader of "Corvair: Unsafe At Any Speed" fame, coming to Montreal a while back to address a convention for the automobile insurance industry. Nader gave his usual talk lambasting the automobile industry and then the moderator asked if there were any questions. One poor slob got up and tried to attack Nader's arguments. That poor fellow. I don't think I have ever seen someone ridiculed so much in front of their own peers as he was by Nader.

Then the moderator asked if there were any more questions. A deadly silence feel over the room. No one else wanted to appear stupid in front of others from their own industry. For some reason this story about 'Canada's Stupid Party" kind of reminds me about Nader's visit to Montreal. ;)

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Canada's Stupid Party

I remember Ralph Nader of "Corvair: Unsafe At Any Speed" fame, coming to Montreal a while back to address a convention for the automobile insurance industry. Nader gave his usual talk lambasting the automobile industry and then the moderator asked if there were any questions. One poor slob got up and tried to attack Nader's arguments. That poor fellow. I don't think I have ever seen someone ridiculed so much in front of their own peers as he was by Nader.

Then the moderator asked if there were any more questions. A deadly silence feel over the room. No one else wanted to appear stupid in front of others from their own industry. For some reason this story about 'Canada's Stpid Party" kind of reminds me about Nader's visit to Montreal.  ;)

In the real world, they call this guy a huge moron! Whoever gave him the permission to even write should be shot with a ball of his own shit.

It is the most biased bunch of bullshit and I wasted my time even reading it!

Others who see this post keep on going...bigdude once again wasted our time.

Look at this moronic quote "Their most prominent woman walks across the floor and when all the cameras and microphones are pointed at them, the best attack they can muster is that their biggest female star was an ambitious, stupid, heartbreaking whore."

She is not the most prominent woman in politics, she is a waste of skin.

What kind of drugs do they feed this doofus?

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NOw do you wanna hear about the REAL stupid party???

Monday, 13 June 2005

Kevin Libin

Not many people would think that accusing someone of being in the KKK--a group responsible for murdering dozens of American blacks in the century following the Civil War--would be a charge to throw around lightly. But when a couple of Conservative MPs were photographed having a chuckle at a Western Standard magazine, with its cover story satirizing the Liberals by casting them as characters from the The Sopranos, Volpe accused them of being anti-immigrant and members of the Klan. "Notwithstanding that they don't have their cowl and their cape, the Klan looks like it's still very much alive."

If you didn't catch the video footage of Volpe making his remarks outside the House of Commons, you missed the best part: the reporters started snickering at the ridiculousness of his tirade. Volpe, after all, couldn't possibly have believed what he was saying--he was challenged in his own riding in the last two elections by Jewish conservative candidates. A day later, on a Calgary radio call-in show, Volpe claimed that he meant "clan," with a c, as in a family. The host couldn't contain his guffaws.

Journalists are used to lying politicians. We encounter them almost daily. A few days before this issue went to press, we were preparing a story about the danger that then Conservative MP Belinda Stronach posed to Stephen Harper's leadership and what he might do to rein her in. Belinda's people reassured our reporter that she "supports Stephen Harper completely." Days later, Stronach defected to the Liberals, claiming she "doesn't feel comfortable with the direction Stephen Harper is going."

She also said she was displeased with the Tories' "alliance" with the separatist Bloc Québécois to bring down the government on its budget. Of course, the Liberals have "allied" with the Bloc many more times than the Tories. And, besides, it's the Opposition party's job to oppose the government, regardless of who joins in. Stronach was clearly lying--but it was probably just her way of showing she fit in with her new party.

When Prime Minister Paul Martin told reporters that buying Stronach off with a cabinet post had nothing to do with gaining the crucial vote he needed for the coming budget vote that threatened to defeat his government, the press gallery burst into laughter. Finance Minister Ralph Goodale tried the same fib about a surprise announcement that Ottawa would send $170 million and 100 troops to the Darfur region. Darfur aid just happened to be what former Liberal MP David Kilgour--whose vote as an independent was also coveted by Martin--had been trying to get his party to commit to for months, before he gave up and left. Goodale said: "Clearly this plan for Darfur was not devised in the last week or two." A day later, the Sudanese government rejected the offer; they hadn't once been notified by Ottawa about the plan.

Yes, reporters are used to liars, but good liars--ones who make the effort to sound moderately plausible. When the Liberals peddle such blatant nose-stretchers, it shows they've abandoned any sense of shame. They know they're lying, we know they're lying, but what are you gonna do about it?

This government has utterly lost respect for voters. The Liberals don't care what you think of them anymore, as long as they can, through bribes, manipulation, corruption and slick parliamentary manoeuvring, retain their hold on power. But it can't go on forever. Canadians will eventually be asked to decide whether we'd rather be lied to, or face the very ugly truth about the gang that's been running our country over the last 13 years. And when we do, you can bet we won't be laughing.

You like bias bigdude?

Everyone has an opinion!

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NOw do you wanna hear about the REAL stupid party???

Monday, 13 June 2005

Kevin Libin


Not many people would think that accusing someone of being in the KKK--a group responsible for murdering dozens of American blacks in the century following the Civil War--would be a charge to throw around lightly. But when a couple of Conservative MPs were photographed having a chuckle at a Western Standard magazine, with its cover story satirizing the Liberals by casting them as characters from the The Sopranos, Volpe accused them of being anti-immigrant and members of the Klan. "Notwithstanding that they don't have their cowl and their cape, the Klan looks like it's still very much alive."

If you didn't catch the video footage of Volpe making his remarks outside the House of Commons, you missed the best part: the reporters started snickering at the ridiculousness of his tirade. Volpe, after all, couldn't possibly have believed what he was saying--he was challenged in his own riding in the last two elections by Jewish conservative candidates. A day later, on a Calgary radio call-in show, Volpe claimed that he meant "clan," with a c, as in a family. The host couldn't contain his guffaws.

Journalists are used to lying politicians. We encounter them almost daily. A few days before this issue went to press, we were preparing a story about the danger that then Conservative MP Belinda Stronach posed to Stephen Harper's leadership and what he might do to rein her in. Belinda's people reassured our reporter that she "supports Stephen Harper completely." Days later, Stronach defected to the Liberals, claiming she "doesn't feel comfortable with the direction Stephen Harper is going."

She also said she was displeased with the Tories' "alliance" with the separatist Bloc Québécois to bring down the government on its budget. Of course, the Liberals have "allied" with the Bloc many more times than the Tories. And, besides, it's the Opposition party's job to oppose the government, regardless of who joins in. Stronach was clearly lying--but it was probably just her way of showing she fit in with her new party.

When Prime Minister Paul Martin told reporters that buying Stronach off with a cabinet post had nothing to do with gaining the crucial vote he needed for the coming budget vote that threatened to defeat his government, the press gallery burst into laughter. Finance Minister Ralph Goodale tried the same fib about a surprise announcement that Ottawa would send $170 million and 100 troops to the Darfur region. Darfur aid just happened to be what former Liberal MP David Kilgour--whose vote as an independent was also coveted by Martin--had been trying to get his party to commit to for months, before he gave up and left. Goodale said: "Clearly this plan for Darfur was not devised in the last week or two." A day later, the Sudanese government rejected the offer; they hadn't once been notified by Ottawa about the plan.

Yes, reporters are used to liars, but good liars--ones who make the effort to sound moderately plausible. When the Liberals peddle such blatant nose-stretchers, it shows they've abandoned any sense of shame. They know they're lying, we know they're lying, but what are you gonna do about it?

This government has utterly lost respect for voters. The Liberals don't care what you think of them anymore, as long as they can, through bribes, manipulation, corruption and slick parliamentary manoeuvring, retain their hold on power. But it can't go on forever. Canadians will eventually be asked to decide whether we'd rather be lied to, or face the very ugly truth about the gang that's been running our country over the last 13 years. And when we do, you can bet we won't be laughing.

You like bias bigdude?

Everyone has an opinion!

Go back to Texas

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I got a good laugh from BigDude's contribution.

RedNeck's, while not quite as funny, did not ring any less true.

I will be voting against the Liberals in the next election, whenever it happens to be.

But I will not be voting for the Tories.

The time has come for both these parties to be put in their respective places.

The past century has taught them that between the two of them, they rule the roost.

They have both become complacent as a result. Neither party much cares for its constituents.

It's time for some new political blood, in the form of one of the the young new parties, to get a kick at the can.

I mean, they can't really make any worse a mess than we're seeing currently, can they???

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I got a good laugh from BigDude's contribution.

RedNeck's, while not quite as funny, did not ring any less true.

I will be voting against the Liberals in the next election, whenever it happens to be.

But I will not be voting for the Tories.

The time has come for both these parties to be put in their respective places.

The past century has taught them that between the two of them, they rule the roost.

They have both become complacent as a result. Neither party much cares for its constituents.

It's time for some new political blood, in the form of one of the the young new parties, to get a kick at the can.

I mean, they can't really make any worse a mess than we're seeing currently, can they???

As long as you're not voting for a fascist socialist regime, that's cool.
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As long as you're not voting for a fascist socialist regime, that's cool.

I wouldn't worry in that regard.

In fact, in another forum site, I had quite a debate with a neo-nazi. A young fellow whose opinion I thought I may be able to sway with a bit of common sense.

Alas, although he was not without intelligence, he was more stubborn than he was smart.

I'm still undecided, but it will be neither Lib nor Con for me. NDP is also unlikely.

That doesn't leave a lot of alternatives.

I guess I'll have to do some research, or simply wait and see who and what are on the card at the polling station.

Hey, maybe I'll run myself as an independant.

At least then I'll have one person whom I can trust to vote for :P

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As long as you're not voting for a fascist socialist regime, that's cool.

I wouldn't worry in that regard.

In fact, in another forum site, I had quite a debate with a neo-nazi. A young fellow whose opinion I thought I may be able to sway with a bit of common sense.

Alas, although he was not without intelligence, he was more stubborn than he was smart.

I'm still undecided, but it will be neither Lib nor Con for me. NDP is also unlikely.

That doesn't leave a lot of alternatives.

I guess I'll have to do some research, or simply wait and see who and what are on the card at the polling station.

Hey, maybe I'll run myself as an independant.

At least then I'll have one person whom I can trust to vote for :P

a lot of independants have very good ideas...and as current politics have shown, they can have sway in parliament.

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Guest eureka

They can indeed make a bigger mess. And, given the inexperience they bring would inevitably do so.

The only way to go, for anyone who really cares about change, is to join up and work from within. The major partiws will rule the roost for the foreseeable future.

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I sometimes think we should totally scrap the party system and go strictly independant.

In this way, an idea would be considered on the basis of its own merits, rather than on the basis of the party who introduced it.

I'm sure coalitions would still be formed, but without the "party whip" type system we have now, I think there would be a lot less time wasted in parliament, and a lot more good ideas coming out of the house.

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I sometimes think we should totally scrap the party system and go strictly independant.

In this way, an idea would be considered on the basis of its own merits, rather than on the basis of the party who introduced it.

I'm sure coalitions would still be formed, but without the "party whip" type system we have now, I think there would be a lot less time wasted in parliament, and a lot more good ideas coming out of the house.

I agree with you. There is only one fundamental reason none of the politicial parties in BC supported STV in their most recent referendum, and that is because the leader's office or the party would lose power.

More people supported STV than they did the winning party but who cares what the people think, eh! :ph34r:

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Isn't this pretty much exactly the kind of thing Greg was bitching about in his last letter? These idiotic mass insults directed at one party or another? I mean, this one isn't even clever. It looks like it was written by a smarmy high school boy.

And admired and posted by someone of the same apparent maturity level.


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That was a brilliant summary and analysis. I'm going to have to read this Lietch more often.

This part especially hits the nail on the head:

“They ... act like self destructing robots when faced with a situation they can’t understand and they actually spew smoke and rattle and jump up and down,” says Nerenberg.


In the real world, they call this guy a huge moron! Whoever gave him the permission to even write should be shot with a ball of his own shit.

It is the most biased bunch of bullshit and I wasted my time even reading it!


She is not the most prominent woman in politics, she is a waste of skin.

What kind of drugs do they feed this doofus?

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Isn't this pretty much exactly the kind of thing Greg was bitching about in his last letter? These idiotic mass insults directed at one party or another? I mean, this one isn't even clever. It looks like it was written by a smarmy high school boy.

And admired and posted by someone of the same apparent maturity level.


And yet folks who post here are quite prepared to label Canada's mainstream political parities as fascist or communist, even though it is apparent they don't even know the difference between the two terms. And this is acceptable?

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I sometimes think we should totally scrap the party system and go strictly independant.

In this way, an idea would be considered on the basis of its own merits, rather than on the basis of the party who introduced it.

I'm sure coalitions would still be formed, but without the "party whip" type system we have now, I think there would be a lot less time wasted in parliament, and a lot more good ideas coming out of the house.

FINALLY! It's good to see someone else agrees.

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I sometimes think we should totally scrap the party system and go strictly independant.

In this way, an idea would be considered on the basis of its own merits, rather than on the basis of the party who introduced it.

I'm sure coalitions would still be formed, but without the "party whip" type system we have now, I think there would be a lot less time wasted in parliament, and a lot more good ideas coming out of the house.

FINALLY! It's good to see someone else agrees.

At the present time the vast majority of Canadians would probably agree with this approach to politics as well. :)

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At the present time the vast majority of Canadians would probably agree with this approach to politics as well.  :)

Such a change would make the wheeling and dealing of the last few weeks look tame in comparision. The party system has flaws but it is necessary to have a stable gov't.

Mythology without a shred of evidence to back up your claim. Anyone else looking for a little substance here? :lol:

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Isn't this pretty much exactly the kind of thing Greg was bitching about in his last letter? These idiotic mass insults directed at one party or another? I mean, this one isn't even clever. It looks like it was written by a smarmy high school boy.

And admired and posted by someone of the same apparent maturity level.


And yet {SOME}folks who post here are quite prepared to label Canada's mainstream political parities as fascist or communist, even though it is apparent they don't even know the difference between the two terms. And this is acceptable?

I corrected your statement there, dude.

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