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NDP Leadership

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Clearly it shows when a party is more democratic and co-operative about building policy; it translates to them being more co-operative and harder working in Parliament. I know I would much rather support a party that involves its membership in policy decisions, rather than a party whose leader whips its membership, MPs, and cabinet, then tries to whip the media, opposition, and general public towards his undeniable hatred for Canada and its values.

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No we move it along quite quickly at a policy convention. We can debate most of our policy out side and before the convention so when convention time comes we can knock down a resolution every 15 minutes or so.

Although it is quite clear you have never been to or seen a NDP convention. Typical of your Conservatism even though you know nothing about it you are an expert on it.

<sigh> There you go again! I must be a conservative, 'cuz I'm not a socialist!

For about the 4 billionth time, I'm NOT a conservative, I'm a classic liberal! It's not my fault that the Canadian federal Liberal Party no longer fits that definition, if it ever did! Parties can slide all over the place but that doesn't change a definition in a dictionary. Just because someone wears the jersey doesn't make them a real hockey player.

I always find it interesting though that so many guys keep making that mistake. Makes me wonder about their reasoning...

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Clearly it shows when a party is more democratic and co-operative about building policy; it translates to them being more co-operative and harder working in Parliament. I know I would much rather support a party that involves its membership in policy decisions, rather than a party whose leader whips its membership, MPs, and cabinet, then tries to whip the media, opposition, and general public towards his undeniable hatred for Canada and its values.

Then you would have loved the Reform Party!

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Wow look at that a Liberal saying the Leader determines the policy. Sorry my friend in your party yes in my party we have 72 hours of debate every two years to determine party policy the leader must stick to. I know shocking there is a party that is FOR democracy. Sorry.

Like I've told you before socialist I'm not a Liberal. Can the NDP leader not decide policy, because that's what I've heard? Maybe I'm wrong.

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No we move it along quite quickly at a policy convention. We can debate most of our policy out side and before the convention so when convention time comes we can knock down a resolution every 15 minutes or so.

Although it is quite clear you have never been to or seen a NDP convention. Typical of your Conservatism even though you know nothing about it you are an expert on it.

Except when it comes to dropping New from your name?

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<sigh> There you go again! I must be a conservative, 'cuz I'm not a socialist!

For about the 4 billionth time, I'm NOT a conservative, I'm a classic liberal! It's not my fault that the Canadian federal Liberal Party no longer fits that definition, if it ever did! Parties can slide all over the place but that doesn't change a definition in a dictionary. Just because someone wears the jersey doesn't make them a real hockey player.

I always find it interesting though that so many guys keep making that mistake. Makes me wonder about their reasoning...

If you don't agree punked you're either a Liberal or Conservative.

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Like I've told you before socialist I'm not a Liberal. Can the NDP leader not decide policy, because that's what I've heard? Maybe I'm wrong.

No they can not. They can go to federal council (People from each region who are voted on by the membership to represent each regions members interest between conventions) and have policy passed until the next convention but then the policy MUST be debated and passed at convention and if struck down the leader must follow this. The leader is bound to stick by the policy which the grass roots membership decides on. All policy MUST be passed my the membership. Sorry we just aren't Liberals.

As I have told you I am not socialist I am a Social Democrat. Get it straight next time.

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We already have a party that does all those things it is called the NDP and it existed before and after the Reform party's short stint in history.

Yeah, that's why we took so many of your members in those days! :lol:

At the time, we were the first and ONLY party to be governed from the bottom up! I'm glad to see the NDP has finally followed our example!

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No they can not. They can go to federal council (People from each region who are voted on by the membership to represent each regions members interest between conventions) and have policy passed until the next convention but then the policy MUST be debated and passed at convention and if struck down the leader must follow this. The leader is bound to stick by the policy which the grass roots membership decides on. All policy MUST be passed my the membership. Sorry we just aren't Liberals.

As I have told you I am not socialist I am a Social Democrat. Get it straight next time.

If you can't get it through your head that people who disagree with you aren't necessarily Liberals or Conservatives then I'll have trouble accepting that you're not a socialist.

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Yeah, that's why we took so many of your members in those days! :lol:

At the time, we were the first and ONLY party to be governed from the bottom up! I'm glad to see the NDP has finally followed our example!

I have no clue what you are talking about. Seriously I think you only need to learn some actual party history to know the NDP governing from the bottom up has been the partys way for a long long time. In the end though you are left with a Conservative top down party which you support Bill and a Grass roots NDP party which I support. You ready to put your money where your mouth is or are you all talk about the grass roots. Still vote Harper do you?

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If you can't get it through your head that people who disagree with you aren't necessarily Liberals or Conservatives then I'll have trouble accepting that you're not a socialist.

Newfoundlander you being a Liberal has nothing to do with you disagreeing with me it has everything to do with you being a Liberal. You post non stop about Liberal leadership races, who will run in Toronto Danforth for the Liberals, their new policies. I am sorry friend but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a Duck it is a partisan poster. Which is fine but lets not pretend I am not for the NDP and you are not for the Liberals because you think it gives you more of the independent voter credibility because that is just silly.

I have no problem with you being a Liberal but I call them like I see them.

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The NDP does not whip its members?

Ask Bev Desjarlais about that, or ask the Dippers who had a sudden change of heart on their vote on the long gun registry.

Bev Desjarlais you mean the NDP MP who voted the way she thought was right on Gay marriage stayed in the Party and remained a NDP MP only to be voted out when she ran for re-nomination by the GRASS ROOTS MEMBERSHIP of her ridding association? You mean her? Can you explain to me why you think it is wrong for a ridding association and its membership selecting who they want to run for them? Please tell me?

Seriously fellowtraveller I would have thought you would be for that type of democracy but I guess you are for heavy handed control by leaders instead of democracy from the grass roots.

A swing and a miss.

Edited by punked
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Newfoundlander you being a Liberal has nothing to do with you disagreeing with me it has everything to do with you being a Liberal. You post non stop about Liberal leadership races, who will run in Toronto Danforth for the Liberals, their new policies. I am sorry friend but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a Duck it is a partisan poster. Which is fine but lets not pretend I am not for the NDP and you are not for the Liberals because you think it gives you more of the independent voter credibility because that is just silly.

I have no problem with you being a Liberal but I call them like I see them.

I'm trying to talk about th NDP leadership race too.

You obviously have no political instincts or are just stupid then, which would explain a lot.

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Like I've told you before socialist I'm not a Liberal. Can the NDP leader not decide policy, because that's what I've heard? Maybe I'm wrong.

There's a difference between being socialist, a democratic socialist, and a social democrat. Perhaps you should learn what people are, rather than namecalling with meaningless labels.

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I'm trying to talk about th NDP leadership race too.

You obviously have no political instincts or are just stupid then, which would explain a lot.

I think you have made it quite clear you hate the NDP. As you say in the Liberal leadership thread:

If the Liberals don't get stronger we may have a Socialist Prim Minster someday

I get that though because you are a Liberal.

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At the end of March (24) the NDP will be holding their leadership convention.

I have signed up and ready to go!

Registration fee is $299 before the end of January.After Feb 1 it will go up an additional $50.So if you want to be there to be part of the excitement hurry!

Hopefully I'll get the opportunity to meet some of the top contenders.I know a couple high ranking union reps welcoming my participation so this should be a good weekend for me!

Vote NDP!


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At the end of March (24) the NDP will be holding their leadership convention.

I have signed up and ready to go!

Registration fee is $299 before the end of January.After Feb 1 it will go up an additional $50.So if you want to be there to be part of the excitement hurry!

Hopefully I'll get the opportunity to meet some of the top contenders.I know a couple high ranking union reps welcoming my participation so this should be a good weekend for me!

Vote NDP!


I haven't decided if I want to make the run up to the convention but if I do I will message you maybe we can meet up.

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