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Posts posted by cybercoma

  1. You are reaching the point of meriting no respnse. You have no argument for anything: you merely think that throwing out insults will cover your ignorance.

    He addressed each one of your points with a very clear response. How this shows he has no argument for anything is beyond me. Nor were they direct insults.

    Your response on the otherhand is the verbose equivalent of saying, "you're worthless."

    A verbal tapout, if I've ever seen one.

  2. You don't seem to grasp, Bakunin, what I have posted a few times now that more than 50% of "Anglophones have been forced out of Quebec by the "race" laws.

    That is the biggest displacement of people, proportionately, since the flight of East Germans to the West following WWII.

    And, it was a deliberate policy of the Quebec governments of Bourassa and Levesque to do this. It has also been made virtually impossible for Canadians other than French speakers, to move to Quebec.

    In every aspect of daily life in Quebec it is impossible yo be other than French. Argus is right in that France also has its language police and academies to keep the "purity" of the French language and are thus dooming it to extinction. But France does not go one tenth the distance in outlawing others.

    Don't you see that it's impossible for someone who ONLY speaks french to get along in any other part of our country besides Quebec?

    They have one province that you have difficulty in. You have 9 provinces that they have difficulty in.

    We're a BILINGUAL country...you do know that means BOTH languages should be equally accepted everywhere, right?

    This most certainly is not the case and there is no indication that English speaking Canada is willing to meet the French halfway and learn their language. So tell me, why should the french have to learn English or furthermore CATER to them?

    French at one point in time was in a position to be the only language anyone would speak in the world. It just so happens that at this time that language is English. It's almost a certainty that will end sometime. It's already said that the EU and USA do more business with China than they do with each other.

    It may not be in our lifetime, but there is a distinct possibility that we will all be learning Chinese in the future.

  3. Perhaps we can just hand over our entire paychecks to the government, maybe then the socialist systems will be fixed. [/sarcasm]

    You want to know what the problem is?

    The guy in the public hospitals that makes $18/hr to mop a floor. Having a board of directors for a single hospital campus that fills a two page spread in the local newspaper.

    In the end, the problems amount to the government being horribly inefficient in running any type of business. And why should they be? They have 30 million people giving them billions of dollars a year because those people have no choice.

    Let's add to this the suggestion that businesses and the rich should be taxed higher than everyone else (instead of at the same level) and you give corporations (who create jobs, obviously) absolutely no reason to want to start up or operate in our country/province.

    In the end, I truly don't believe giving the government EVEN MORE funds to waste is the answer to any problem. The less the provincial and federal government do for us, the better....imho.

  4. Quebec is not trying to keep its culture alive. It is trying to create a unilingual nation apart from Canada on one part. On the other, it is trying to create a unilingual, autonomous region within Canada. Neither wants a bilingual Canada nor cares about it.

    I don't know how it is that people cannot understand that Quebec is not and never has been a French society or a bilingual society. It is a dual language province where history, law, and every principle of justice and freedom makes it a province of Canada like every other except that both French and English live in equality, side by side.

    Language is, and has been since the concept of the nation state came into being, the tool for the creation of nations. The Quebec nationalists know this and are using it to create a nation that has no present existence. They are using it to expel the parts of Quebec society that are alien to their sh..ty dream.

    If Quebec didn't distinguish itself as distinctly french, they would be a bilingual province, while all the other provinces (save NB, I know...but for all intents and purposes it's an english speaking province) would be english speaking. Eventually the french will be pushed off the map.

    If Quebec wasn't the only place in the country that french was still alive and well, perhaps they would be more likely to move for a truly bilingual nation. As it stands, they're just trying to keep their identity alive.

    Of course, we're arguing opinions....and y'know what they say about opinions.

  5. In my opinion this is worst than Watergate.

    A Liberal government of Canada will fully and puropsefully misused and misdirect public funds for their own politcal and personal reasons.

    This is something that goes on in directorships and commuusit states not in a supposed democracy that Canada is suppose to be. This is something Saddam would have done, this is something that Castro and Mugabe are doing.

    For a government of Canada to steal from the people of Quebec and Canada their tax dollars which are suppose to go to heath care, education,transportation and police for their own selfish and politcal use is a bytreyal of trust force upon the people of Quebec and Canada.

    They have stolen from the people they are suppose to look out for, the old, the young, the poor, the disabled and the sick. The money that was entrusted to them to make our lives and the lives of every person of this country better was instead use to enrich themselves and their friends at the expense of the public.

    This scandel is worst than Watergate.

    It is a bytreyal of the Canadian people, our history and our democracy.

    If there's a better way to put it, I can't think of one. Other than to look at it from this angle; the Liberals used taxpayers dollars to help with their campaigns, nearly making it impossible for any other party to compete against them. Why not just make up ballots with one name on it?

    Maybe it's reaching....but is it THAT far of a stretch?

  6. Ontario probably profits by more than $23 billion from its exports to the rest of Canada. We pay more in taxes because we take in more from everwhere but Alberta. Canada is now the hinterland to Ontario and we should be paying more to keep it that way.

    McGuinty made one huge mistake and I wrote him off when he did it. That was in signing the "Taxpayer's Pledge" to win the approval of a small ideological interest group.

    An intelligent campaign would have focused on the damage to Ontario done by the Harris mania for cuts and to where the money went.

    We needed to restore a sensible and fair tax regime. The cost of the deficits; of the giveaways, will be wtih us for a long time in interest payments on the money borrowed to amke up the shortfall. They will also require large amounts of money to rebuild the damaged institutions and programmes.

    Funny how most Liberal supporters truly believe that throwing money at a problem will fix it.

    Call me crazy but, increased taxes for decreased service is absurd.

    This whole deficit thing has to be looked at in the proper context as well. If I make $20,000/year and buy a $500.000 home, it's a heck of a lot different than making $150,000/year and buying a $500,000 home. Debt/Credit can and does work to our benefit if you have the means to back it up.

  7. I think more than anything French Canada would be happy with a TRULY bilingual nation. What we have right now is hardly bilingualism, it is French Québec and English Everywhere-Else. Even more than creating a seperate nation, I think it's important for all of us to realize our combined contribution to the birth of this country (including the First Nations).

    Québec, in my opinion, is just trying to remain distinct and keep it's culture alive. The other option would be to sit back and risk assimilation as we've tried doing to the Aboriginals. If it appears as though they're always fighting, it's because they are.

  8. It seriously shatters my brain when I think about how I'm paying more this year for OHIP, yet coverage has been cut, only to turn around and read that there is STILL a deficit budget.

    I mean, what's the solution seriously?

    The whole deal with the Ontario government is completely outrageous. I wish my feeble little mind could grasp these concepts.

  9. Jumped ship would be a more accurate description. He knew with Walkerton, Aylmer Meat Packing and the Hydro One executive pay scandal, he'd never get re-elected.

    His inner circle was shocked to learn Eves wanted the leadership.

    Unfortunately in their place we got higher taxes and less services in Ontario, but hey...the kids at McDonalds now make more money.

  10. It's very hard to believe that much money can slip under the radar.  And let's say that it does, how irresponsible does that make those who are looking after those funds?

    Agreed but everyone seems to be jumping to pretty wild conclusions without hearing all the evidence. It seems to me that we can't do things like, oh I don't know, says its worse than Watergate without hearing all the facts... Right? There is 30 years of hindsight and examination on Watergate....

    We still afford people the right to be innocent until proven guilty, but what fun is that?

    Broad brushing an entire political party is much more fun. :)

    Honestly though, the information we've heard through testimony should be enough to anger even the most apathetic voter. Perhaps my age leaves me a bit naive to the way things work in our government.

    He voted Liberal when he turned 18 and will vote Liberal until he dies -- his words not mine. And I truly can't understand the irresponsibility of voters like him.

    You're right though, to compare it to Watergate is jumping to conclusions awfully quick. I'm certain in 30 years hindsight will prove that this was much worse.

    I'm being somewhat facetious. We can only hope history proves me wrong.

  11. You make it sound like every one knew about it and purposely withheld 1) their opinions and 2) their condemnation.

    As much as you righties would have everyone believe that this was systemic within the Liberal party it wasn't. I t was a few people taking advantadge of a poorly (VERY!)monitored program.

    It's very hard to believe that much money can slip under the radar. And let's say that it does, how irresponsible does that make those who are looking after those funds?

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