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About JustOneGuy

  • Birthday 01/30/1981

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    Edmonton, AB

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  1. It is almost impossible to not see that the conservatives must not have anything on these tapes - and if they all of a sudden do when, sorry if, they are ever released I will find it very suspicious. If Mr. Grewal really had anything on these tapes that’s criminal or highly damaging why didn’t he release them before the budget vote? He released his bits and pieces the day before but nothing in them was very damaging and has since then hid behind the excuse that the rest of the tapes need to be translated. Seriously do any Canadians really buy this?? If there was something actually damaging to the Liberals on those tapes the conservative party would have them translated in a manner of hours and released them to the media on May 18th with the rest of Grewal’s conference. They would have seized on the opportunity to highly influence the NDP vote by showing the Liberal government was doing something illegal if they had that information, after which I doubt Layton would have continued to support Martin – $4.6B deal or no deal. Does anyone really buy that the Conservative party really has something on these tapes that has taken 2 weeks to translate? Doesn’t Mr. Grewal speak both Punjabi and English - couldn’t he have translated them? And if they had released the tapes in Punjabi I’m quiet sure the media would have had no problem translating the tapes for themselves in a manner of hours? What is the conservative party trying to hide or perhaps plot some make believe story for themselves?? Any ways that’s my 2 cents
  2. Correct me if I’m wrong bigdude but didn’t Mr. Layton only get 27% in that poll, which isn’t all that much to begin with, and when compared isn’t much better than Harper at 19% and Martin at 18%, when considered that the choices of ‘I dont know’ and ‘None of them’ received 28%. Besides based on the fact that Duceppe got 8% I’m willing to bet that this poll was a national average and to see how the seats will turn out in the next election you would really need to look at the numbers on a provincial basis. And add in the fact that in polls where people are asked how they will actually vote the NDP still comes about the same as the always do. I wouldn’t be popping the champagne for a significant NDP increase just yet. Really IMO this poll was a bit of a joke and does nothing but show us what voter turn out already shows us – a large chunk of the Canadian populace just don’t care because the just don’t trust any of the players in Ottawa anymore period.
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