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Posts posted by err

  1. However, I would like to see it legalized completely because I believe prohibition of marijuana makes it impossible to have sensible conversations with kids about the really dangerous drugs (because of the 'i know they are lying about dope so they must be lying about crystal meth' logic). That said, I agree that it is not a practical thing to do at this time because of the US political environment.
    I completely agree with this argument pertaining to children. The USA... I think what will piss them off the most is the boost in US tourism to Canada that such a move would make....
    I also have a theory about why marijuana may be a 'gateway' drug: ...... forcing people to consort with drug dealers in order to get a product that is not particularly dangerous makes it infinitely more likely that they will try other drugs.
    makes sense to me...

    I once heard the stats on marijuana useage in Canada and was blown away by the numbers... I don't have them on front of me, but it was higher than 10%... Reducing the sales of billions of dollars of drugs to the underground, and putting them in the country's coffers might make sense...

    Further, think about how many drunks beat their wives... crash cars, etc... It is my understanding that marijuana causes its user to become more introverted, and highly unlikely to wish to participate in any form of violence, mad driving, etc...

    However, there are those who take black and white views, and will condemn marijuana use and in the same breath, approve the social use of alcohol... which I think that evidence shows to be the worse of the two....

    I'll leave you with a quote from George Washington's diary:

    There's nothing more relaxing at the end of a hard day than sitting by the fire and smoking some hemp.
  2. Dear FTA Lawyer,
    And I make this comment to every Canadian, not just Argus...if changing the system is necessary...and it is a priority...then do something.
    Would that we could...our 'democratic system', such as it is, doesn't give the people the power to effect change, especially policy change.

    They inevitably say "You gave us the mandate to have the power to make policy, so thanks for your input...now run along...well call you at election time." The worst part of it all is that all the parties are pretty much the same in this respect. Four-year elected dictatorial powers.

    I suppose this might be a time to investgate Canada's third party.... the party that got us health care when the two big parties fought them tooth and nail. The NDP (then CCF) fought the Liberals and Conservatives who said the system would bankrupt the country, etc, and vowed to have this "commie" idea destroyed. They didn't do it then, and they cannot be seen to be trying to do it now... so they have to do it a bit at a time, chipping of a bit here, and another bit there... the result being longer waiting times, inadequate equipment, etc... All great reasons to dismantle it and bring in private health care...

    If we look at the last year in politics, the NDP was the only one who appeared to be on the side of "the public". I think that next time around, if we really want to fix health care, lets elect a party that has an interest in doing so...

  3. Nope, the Liberal plan is to buy 'credits' from Russia at an estimated cost of $12 billion to meet the Kyoto targets.  It won't reduce emissions anywhere, but it will let the morons who vote for them think the Libs are doing something noble.
    I agree that buying credits defeats the spirit of Kyoto. With the 'credits' system, he who has money escapes the rules...

    There is a real problem with global warming, and maybe it won't destroy the planet in my lifetime.... but how about our kids and grand-kids ??? Everyone should have to tow the line...

  4. A good place to start would be to close the valves on all pipelines leading to Ont.

    "What kind of pain is called for," they ask. For starters, the pummeling of Alberta's oil industry, binding emissions-reduction quotas, and a job-killing 150% increase in the amount of emissions that businesses are required to make. Next they want higher gas prices and costlier home energy bills to reduce business and individual oil consumption. They conclude that "infliction of such pain is politically viable."

    Do I read in this quoted tripe that "Alberta's oil industry is taking a pummeling"... I think that if you participated in the "real world", you'd see that it is the rest of Canada that's taking a pummling from Ralf Crime (or however you spell it).

    I note that the quoted article specifies that businesses are required to increase their emissions by 150%. Again, I think the authors might have bought seeds from Mark Emery.... Under Kyoto, the general idea is to reduce emissions.

    I looked at the attached "link" and then understood why the facts were all scrambled, the spelling incorrect, and the grammar all wrong.... it was from "The Canadian Taxpayers Federation". Why don't you try quoting a reputable source next time.....

  5. we are in fact nothing but an elected dictatorship.
    The Canadian public is so dumb... why don't they vote for the guy who isn't a dictator ??? ... Or do they hide the fact that they are dictators when they run in the election, and only suprise the public once they get in ???
    We don't get to pick our leaders as they do in the United States, those leader in Canada are picked by the Party at a convention, and once picked we do not get to vote for them.
    No ??? I must have been confused all those times I went to the polls....
    All the leader then has to do is get elected in their particular riding and they remain as leader.
    Wait a second... you're going too fast... If we don't vote for them, how do they get "elected" in their riding....
    We have national elections in this country being decided by one Province, Ontario, so it makes the votes of the rest of Canadians useless.
    Doesn't it peeve you off about how Ontario voted the Block Quebequos as the official opposition ???
    We need to have a equal and elected Senate so as to have real sober second thought, 
    Speaking of SOBER, shouldn't you have waited until you were sober to write your post.????
  6. Please give us business people tax relief.  We contribute something  very important to society.  We contribute J-O-B-S - which creates more tax revenue, and the more successful we are, the more taxes we pay.  We have to stay competitive on the global market and our powerful next door neighbor has a president who has cut taxes twice, which has contributed to a 4.9% unemployment rate and a near record GDP growth.

    Any liberal want to challenge this?

    This article was about personal taxes being too high... worded so it sounds like business taxes are too high. The biased article avoids stating that Canadian corporate tax rates are several percentage points below the American corporate tax rates. Rather, it compares "published" (personal) tax rates that the investor class is taxed at (before deductions and loopholes), with "corporate tax rates" in other countries.... Obvious DECEPTIONS that you would typically see from the CD Howe Institute, and typical of the trash printed in the National Post.

    The article further went on to say that the governement should shift taxation more heavily to a consumption tax.... ie. raising GST which businesses don't end up out of pocket for... because they pay net zero GST, and investors don't pay GST on their investments.... No.. shift the burdon of taxation away from the investor class and corporate sector on to the consumer (middle) class.

  7. The point wasn't how long it existed or who else in the world backed it as well, the point is that the Libs support those things while the Cons don't. Therefore how can you possibly say the Libs are right-wing? I mean, how the bloody h*ll can you call the Cons even right-wing these days? Canada's entire political spectrum is so far left even our most right-wing government is furthur left than the Democrats down south =p

    Learn politics before posting.

    Learn to use the "quotes" before posting, so people can read your message.

    Also, from you arrogant closing line, you assume that you have the "correct" position, and everyone else is wrong... You show your spots when you do this, and diminish any credibility you may have earned by posting reasons... logic... etc...

  8. The Liberal Party is now rightwing?  The Liberal Party of abortion at any time during pregnancy (all on the taxpayer's dime)
    It's been around a long time before Paul Martin....
    , gay marriage,
    something the public supports,
    A worldwide PUBLIC sentiment, not the position of our Liberal government,
    ... been around a lot longer than the liberals...
    Your favourite country's presidents all did it...

    George Washington's diary will attest to his like of the herb,

    Bill Clinton

    George Bush (by reputation)... hypocricy prevents his admitting it...

    liberal-leftist fundamentalism,
    social programs, more social programs, more social programs,
    what do they think the government is for... the people ???
    anti-religiosity, anti-family,
    ... especially those anti-family social programs...
    the culture of death, and not being a white man if at all possible is,
    ... watch out for the men in the white coats...
      according to some of this thread, a rightwing party.
    ... right wing fiscal policy... if the shoe fits...
  9. This while our collection of clowns in ottawa have declared CO2 a toxic substance. Of course it's not.

    Water is not a toxic substance.... unless you're immersed in it...

    Taking statements out of context to try to make your opponent look stupid (instead of addressing the real issue) is called a "Straw Man" argument. When you try such obvious ones as this, intelligent people see right through you, and you do your argument no good.... In fact you lose credibility for valid points (if any) that you have....

  10. Why are you so quick to point your finger at the federal government and not the local government or state government?  If the local and state governments knew the problem was that bad, why weren't they a little more adamant and demanding of changes being made, or why didn't they make the changes themselves?

    It obviously wasn't a big enough problem for them to address.  I hardly see how any of this should be placed on the federal government.

    It wasn't a very big problem ??? really ...

    I guess them Democrat votin' black folk aren't worth the money, are they....

  11. A small example of the power of charity, since mirror and others obviously think it's worthless:

    A huge portion of the money going to New Orleans is from charity.

    When charity money is needed it's there.

    Government money was needed there before the crisis... and maybe it would have been a handful of dead.... The US government should be held accountable for all the deaths and loss that could have been prevented, had their policies focused on the needs of Americans and national security instead of spending the country's resources on acquiring acces to Iraqi oil for the companies that the Bush administration will be working for in a few years....
  12. I'm sorry I didn't make my point clearer. I was contradicting the statement made about the "ideology of tramping down the poor instead of helping them" and "reflect well upon Canada". Mulhroney's government reflected better of Canada with it's .5% than the Liberals.

    Since this thread makes references to  "Right wing governments failing us" I guess I'm confused as to what the topic actually is about or who "us" is. The last right wing government was Mulhroney's  some 14 years ago, and you are right , Lewis spoke of foreign aid ,and  the right did not fail "us" as the Liberals with their "surpluses" have.

    I don't know if you can appreciate it, but Paul Martin is a fiscal Conservative... There's not question about it.... That makes him "right wing" in my opinion...

    Taking money from the poor to fund corporate tax cuts... Taking money from health care funding to fund corporate tax cuts, taking money from education funding to fund corporate tax cuts... Note that there weren't any pesonal tax cuts to talk about.... In my opinion, Paul Martin is and always was RIGHT WING.... even though the Conservatives would like to paint him as a "lefty"....

    When times were leaner, the public accepted cuts because we were told that there wasn't any choice... Now that there are surpluses... every year, why not return the level of funding that we once had for health care, education, the needy, etc... You know why not... because Paul Martin is RIGHT WING.... just like the Conservatives....

  13. Trudeau; a truly loathsome Prime Minister
    Moronic statements like this suit their author well.
    And then you were unable to fund Canada's gun registry, Kyoto junk science, and taxpayer-funded, govt-run, unionized govt-worker indoctrination centres, unlimited taxpayer-funded abortions, etc. 
    MORe ON Kyoto.. you obviously don't consult the real world before you pick and choose which version of reality that you wish to support.

    Unlimited taxpayer-funded abortions... I thought you were against single mothers on social assistance... or was that another moron ???

    Ralphie doeesn't seem to understand that to encourage entreprenuerialship, you must take from the entreprenuer and give to the unproductive.

    That increases entreprenuership....in the Bizarro World of leftist/socialist land.

    Your ridiculous straw-man arguments only hurt your right-wing causes... Perhaps if you had any intelligent, non-malicious comments, your might help your cause..
  14. Should the government write you a blank cheque, and guarentee you a job? Of course not, you have to work to get the job yourself. Work for it.

    The overly simplistic "right wing" answers distort the issues to be a "hand-out to those who refuse to work" type attitude.... the straw-man argument.

    If we look at the article that this thread was spawned from, we'll see that it talks about increase poverty (working poor), reductions in government benefits for those who have been unfortunate, making it harder for them to get back into the game and be "productive"...

    Between 1997 and 2003, Canada's economy was the fastest-growing among G-8 countries, expanding 55 per cent in real terms. The gross national product has surpassed $1 trillion.

    Federal spending stands at 11 per cent of the economy, down from 16 per cent in 1993-94, well below historic averages. Recent increases in spending have not offset deep cuts made in the mid-'90s.

    Only 38 per cent of unemployed workers receive government benefits, down from 75 per cent in the early 1990s.

    The right wing ideology of tramping down the poor instead of helping them does not reflect well upon Canada or those who support the ideology.

  15. Dear August1991,

    This from the BBC news,

    The Lahore High Court had in March acquitted the five who are accused of raping Mukhtar Mai in 2002, allegedly on a village council's order.
    Excellent clarification... There are those who would distort the story .... and say things like "lets be clear", "IOW", etc, before they know what the story is about. Thanks theloniusfleabag....
  16. There is only one problem with Kyoto and that is that it does not have teeth to bite the US. The US alone is responsible for about 25% of the world's total emissions and the Bush company is happy to keep it that way.

    To quote Richard Nixon:

    We use 30 percent of all the energy... That isn't bad; that is good.  That means that we are the richest, strongest people in the world an that we have the highest standard of living in the world.  That is why we need so much energy, and may it always be that way

    Everyone in power in the Bush administration comes from Big Oil, and will return there when put out of power in a few years. Why in God's name would they want to promote reduction in oil consumption.... It's not in any of their personal interests...

  17. Uhm, middle class people don't generally live cheque to cheque unless they're very bad at budgeting. I am entirely middle class, with a nice little bungalow I bought earlier in the year. At the present time I can bank almost half my pay.

    Now what I bank is either going to be spent on something else, as in the big screen TV I bought last month - for cash (I don't like paying on credit), or it will go into my RRSPs, or into other investments for when I'm a doddering little old man - so the state doesn't have to support me.

    So it's not like I'm escaping the GST

    I congratulate you on your good position and prudent fiscal management. Many middle class citizens do live cheque to cheque however, especially if they have children... children who ski and play hockey.... but that's another matter.
    The pre-Mulroney taxation system was fairer.  The manufacturers sales tax, and more progressive income tax.
    The MFT was the same as the GST except it exempted foreign goods instead of food. How was that more progressive?

    The Mulroney goverment found a great new way to distribute who paid how much tax. The GST allowed them to drop the progressiveness of the income tax system (to 3 levels) and reduce business taxes.

    Really, only end consumers pay GST. Businesses get the GST they spend back. So this huge collection of taxes is just from Canadian consumers pockets... Business pays nothing... that's why they didn't fight it too hard....

    How about a another perspective... We don't tax goods that we sell to foreigners... we only tax our own people.... We pay GST on stuff that we import, but we don't pay it on stuff that we export.... Canada loses taxes when we export, and Canada takes from Canadians when we import ....

  18. Senate committee urges tax cuts; Move would aid living standards Seeks forum to boost productivity

    The Toronto Star, Business Section

    June 23, 2005

    The federal government should cut personal and business taxes over the next five years to boost Canada's living standards, a Senate committee said yesterday.

    The banking committee also urged the minority Liberal government to establish a national forum including senior bureaucrats, business leaders and academics to find other ways to boost productivity.

    blah, blah, blah....

    And these objective senators have no business interests... wait... this important news bulletin just came in....

    The Cat Senate says we should lower the price of cat food...  And dogs should be made to sleep outside.... and owners should spend more time petting their cats....
  19. How is Goodale going to boost the standard of living in this country with all that is going on with gas prices?

    Our standard is going down,down,down.

    Canada’s economy and living standards will continue to fall further behind the U.S. over the next few years, a Bay Street think-tank says.

    And does your un-named think-tank think that gas prices in the states are going to go down any faster than our price of gas....
  20. Of course that's totally wrong. There is no majority of scientists who back global warming because it doesn't exist. There are the ones that clinton paid as long as they came up with the results he wanted and those UN one worlders the least credibale of all. If you have the proof of global warming put it up there. The reasons for war have not been discredited, the leftwing media have tried to cover them up and distort them. All pablum for the sheepeople who lost the ability to think for themselves. For the most part, the free ride entitlement sickle swinging crowd
    Beam him up Scotty....
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