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Posts posted by err

  1. Because a few hundred of them, lurking in shadows here and there, declare war on "the west", do you think that means that "all Muslims" want to attack "the West"??  Should they all be punished for the actions of a few ??? 

    A few hundred? Osama bin Laden attracted recruits from all across the middle east, to the extent he had something like 10,000 men in his camps in Afghanistan, which made him a major supporter of the Taliban. Now think of how hard it is for someone in say, Egypt or Libya or even Yemen or Iran, who is dirt poor, to get to Afghanistan. Think of how many more followers he would have had if he'd been easier to reach.

    If my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle....
    If you did the math, or were capable of doing it, you'd see that 10,000 is not that many when you compare it to the total population.

    You said "a few hundred".

    And you left out the differential between those who could pick up and travel across the continent to Afghanistan and those who only WISHED they could.

    If ten thousand Muslim men found their way to Afghanistan there were at least a million who wanted to go, but couldn't, either due to family obligations or lack of drive or money.

    The 10,000 who Osama had camped our in Afghanistan..... How many of them were from Afghanistan, and how many rode their camels there....

    And the ones that don't have any drive... we don't have to worry about them, do we ???

    you might find that statistics will show that more than 1 in 100 thousand men is a rapist... So therefore, it is more likely that you are a rapist than the Muslim down the street is a "radical Muslim"...

    Not quite the same thing. If a woman is raped do hundreds of thousands of men across the country jump up and thrust their fists in the air in delight on hearing about it? Do they then drop to their knees and praise God for the success of their fellow rapist?

    %%%%% Earth to Argus... are you with us.... %%%%%%%

    I was trying to point out the statistics (that's a kind of math that compares how likely the chances of something happening is...) about the likelihood of "radical Muslims" living in Canada. As I've already explained, if there's a billion Muslims, and ten thousand of them are "radical Muslims", then the chances are, if there are 100 thousand Muslims in your neighbourhood, probably only one of them is a "radical Muslim".

    Rape is, by and large, an impulse crime largely driven by alcohol or drugs, and is largely physically harmless to the victim (in terms of other physically violent crime).
    I wasn't saying that you are a rapist Argus.... don't get defensive on me... And I wouldn't go telling what you just wrote to too many people... especially women...
  2. There is a real problem with global warming, and maybe it won't destroy the planet in my lifetime.... but how about our kids and grand-kids ??? Everyone should have to tow the line...

    Funny how an big NDPer like air (or however you spell it) is concerned about his kids and grand-kids.

    And thinks everyone should tow the line....except when it comes to our national debt.

    Who's gonna tow the line down the road for the debt?

    So just keep up the spending Air, Canada's $500 billion debt will belong to your kids and your grand-kids.

    If you're looking to learn how to spell, just look at the name printed on the top of the post, and type it in the same way....

    I do think everyone should tow the line as far as pollution, global warming, etc.. What it wrong with trying not to poison the planet....

    As far as our national debt goes, I'm all for dealing with that as we can. We've been running huge federal surpluses for the past few years. Why, then is our government giving more back to corp. Canada in further tax breaks when our tax rates (the corporate ones anyways) are lower than the US counterparts.... The government should put these surpluses back into the programs they plundered to come up with the surplus, and some of it to the national debt.... Why would you suggest that I wouldn't support debt repayment....

    It would appear that you're using the "Straw Man" arguments that Cybercoma wanted to know about... Making up some story (which is not in the main line of argument) to try to ridicule your opponent about to discredit your opponent's position in the main argument.....

    PS. Cybercoma: You didn't need to tell us you didn't know much about logical argument... we've read your posts....

  3. Under the deal, the two sides agreed on a mechanism to consider amending the constitution after it is approved in Saturday's referendum. The next parliament, to be formed in December, will set up a commission to consider amendments, which would later have to be approved by parliament and submitted to a referendum.


    So why are they voting on a constitution they can just turn around and change (and vote on all over again) down the road?

    Sign the deal, because it's not binding, but at least we'll be able to hold it up and pretend that it is.... and show the American public how "we've built Democracy in IRAQ"....

  4. Why is the right winning? Is it because of a massive socio-political shift? Or is it the work of a massive, well-funded political machine that has been steadily plowing its way across teh talk radio airwaves and back rooms, and overall dominating th epolitical discourse.
    Well, in Ohio, they used computers... the ones that count the votes.... They were proven to have cheated in Ohio, but most newspapers didn't report on the commission's results.... and Janet Jackson's breast was a way more interesting story....

    The exit polls in Ohio showed that the republicans had a 1 in 65 million chance of winning.... but somehow the computers counted more Republican votes than there were registered voters... There was a commission that studied it, and found at least 25 ways that the Republicans had cheated, including re-programming the computers for the re-count.... and nothing was done about it .....

    So just because they got caught in Ohio, it doesn't mean that they cheated in other states... does it... ... well, maybe Florida, but that's understandable, because it's Jeb's country down there....

    (See Harpers magazine, about 2 or 3 months ago for the full story.. sorry, I lent my copy to a friend...)

  5. I think the real, and original point, is that the U.S. had no right to go into Iraq, because they didn't have the support of the United Nations, they didn't have any real evidence, and they lied about what evidence they did have on more than several occassions: remember when Colin Powel brought ANTHRAX into the U.N. for a discussion about chemical weapons in Iraq?


    I admit that the Bush administration erred having Colin Powell going to the UN and concetratng on WMD--WMD was only mentioned in 2 of the 23 clauses in The Authorization To Use Force In Iraq that was passed by Congress--

    And if the USA wants to attack another country it's ok, as long as it is passed by Congress.... The UN is only relavent when the argument is in your favour... right ???
    Oh, and the US had a right to go into Iraq.  Saddam violated the 1991 ceasefire agreement and broke (or ignored) 16 Chapter VII (binding) UN resolutions.
    The UN is irrelavent when it won't sanction the USA's invasion of Iraq.... but the UN's resolutions that are broken by Iraq are relavent, and justification for the USA's invasion... The hypocracy should be jumping off the page at you, Montgomery..... but still you choose to ignore what you don't want to see or believe...

    facts are only facts when they're the ones you want to hear....

  6. Stop supporting the terrorists and start supporting democracy, freedom, and especially the troops!  Stop being clouded by your hatred of President Bush!
    It is interesting that the USA is NOT INTERESTED IN DEMOCRACY for Saudi Arabia.... Where they have a deal with the Saudi Royal Family to KEEP DEMOCRACY OUT. In Iran, in the 1950's the USA organized a coupe, taking out the popular DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED Mossedegh government who wanted to nationalize their oil industry.... If you believe that the USA's primary interests in Iraq have anything to do with democracy then you're as gullible as they get....
    You hear that stupid Cindy Sheehan?  Here it is again!
    Shady... You are obviously an ignorant, insensitive asshole.... Cindy Sheehan lost her son in Iraq so that President Bush, Dick Cheney, et. al. can capitalize on the oil revenues that they will be bringing to their friends in Big Oil once they're out of office....

    She lost her son.... and all you can do is call her "stupid"...

  7. Yes, you are still here, but so is everyone who voted Mike Harris in for two terms. You can delude yourself if you wish into thinking that their mindset has changed, however given the right leader, the same choices will be made again.
    Germany once thought Hitler was a great leader. It is unlikely that they will fall into the same trap that they once did... but you never know... Similarly, there is a chance that Ontarians will vote in a Conservative government, but they will be much more cautious about believing Conservative lies again... (which, incedentally, are even bigger than the Liberal lies).
    As I have said several times, SOCIETY chooses to support our social safety network.  It is the GOVERNMENT that is charged with carrying out the will of SOCIETY.  The government really doesn't have a choice in the matter.

    That means the amount society gives to welfare is up to the choice and whim of society. If it so chooses, it can decide that welfare is less of a priority than another program. There is no entitlement for welfare or other reason we as must fund welfare other than it is our choice as a society.

    I'm glad that Canadian values are such that the social safety net is held higher than the wants of the wealthiest citizens. Mike Harris seemed to think that he could cut support to sub-subsistance levels to give those funds to the wealthiest Ontarians. But that is contrary to the value systems of most Canadians and Ontarians, thankfully.

    What I'm saying is that paying $535/month for welfare is neither right nor wrong. It is simply a choice of what level society chooses to fund it. Socieity is equally right if it decided to fund it to $200/month or $0/month.
    It is not. You don't seem to get it. The right level is one where those in need can receive enough to feed themselves and their families, clothe themselves, and live with some amount of dignity. In some cases it may be $535, and in others it may be $1235. It is obvious that you don't share the same values as the majority of Canadians/Ontarians, and a buying flat-screen TV is more important than helping those in need.
    Mike Harris government never hid what they intended to do, yet they were elected to successive governments.
    Male-bovine-excrement. Mike Harris wagged his finger at the cameras when he said "Not one penny from classroom education".... he lied... he needed more money for his "tax return" and had to invent the "province wide testing" as a means to show that our teachers were "lazy", and "no good", necessitating "reform"... and what was included in the first year of "reform".... taking $500 million from the education system's budget..... to give to the wealthiest Ontarians...

    He sold off huge amounts of public property far below its real value, just to hide the fact that his "tax return" created such a deficit... Had he not squandered the 407 and our hydro-electric generation systems, the public may have found out about the malicious intents of his policies... and how they were destroying our economy... which would have thwarted his chances at re-election.

    When the pubic saw that Mike Harris was not conducting the provinces affairs the way our society deems acceptable (robbing the poor (and middle class) to give to the rich), they gave him the boot.

    Mike Harris' government was focused in his mission in his first term, and was rewarded for it by a second term. The public knew full well what they were re-electing.
    The mission had to do with destroying the social safety nets we had in place... And see above, because he got a second term by treachery and lies... selling off our future to get another term...
    The reasons the Conservatives lost the election was because of they lost their original vision .... 
    It had more to do with the public's vision improving... when they saw how much damage Mike Harris had done to our province....
  8. QUOTE(Toronto Star @ 15 October, 2005


    Planet has warmest September on record

    Second-warmest September was in 2003

    Reliable records go back to 1880


    WASHINGTON — Worldwide, it was the warmest September on record, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said today.

    Averaging 0.63 degrees above normal for the month, it was the warmest September since the beginning of reliable records in 1880, according to NOAA's National Climatic Data Center.

    The second warmest September was in 2003 with an average temperature of 0.57 degrees above the mean.

    For the United States it was the fourth warmest September on record.

    The average U.S. temperature for the month was 1.4 degrees above average.

    Only the West Coast and parts of the Rockies were near normal. Louisiana had its warmest September in 111 years of national records and an additional 27 states ranked much above average.

    It would appear that the Associated Press article, quoted above sees that it's getting warmer too.....

  9. The cost of nuclear-generated electricity fell by 7% from 1998 to 2001 and is now about EUR 3 cents/kWh, which is very competitive in Europe. This is about 4 cents Canadian per kWh.
    With statistics and accounting you can make a venture sound quite different from the realities surrounding the situation. We, in Ontario, can generate nuclear power for a few cents per KWh in many of our nuclear reactors..... especially if you ignore the billions of dollars that the failed nuclear reactors have set us back... and don't put them into the equation....
  10. Another area that has been overlooked in this thread is home heating. Whether you heat your house with oil, gas, or electricity, most of it results from burning fossil fuels.

    Any engineering student can tell you that heat can be produced anywhere there is a temperature gradient (Not being an engineering student, I'm not exactly sure of the nuts and bolts of it).

    Basically, if you sink a pipe deep into the ground, something like a drilled well, you can pump a liquid through the pipe and harvest heat from within the earth. All you need is a small temperature gradient, on the order of 1 or 2 degrees, and this can be done. Of course in Canada, with our bitterly cold winters, we'd get a far bigger gradient than this.

    An added benefit is this system can be used in reverse and you can use the same gradient to cool your house in summer.

    Hi PocketRocket... You speak of Geothermal heating using the earth as a heat source/sink. They boast an energy efficiency of 400%. While many might jump up and say that this is impossible, it's not. You pay for 1W of electricity into your heat pump, and get 4W of heat out of it. (George Bush has this in his ranch).

    Currently, there are only about 900 of these installed in Canada because they are so expensive. I think you're looking at over $10K to put one in. However, as my forecast heating costs will be over $1K per month this winter, it is an optoin that I'm seriously considering...

    Lots of options available, not only nuclear.  The problem is that neither government nor big business wants to upset the status quo which is currently putting huge sums of money into the coffers of both.


  11. Dumb is in the mind of the beholder. Put me down for an international gun ban.

    Mirror is no longer on the forum, so I will direct my comments to you.

    Too bad....
    I would not like guns banned because I know that the bad guys would not turn in their guns.  I have grandparents that live on an isolated farm and I am glad that Grandpa has guns for protection. 

    I remember an excellent picture on the cover of one of the Toronto newspapers... It was of this dead "gun store owner" lying on the sidewalk on front of his big sign that said "Guns don't kill people... People do". It makes sense to me that people with guns shoot people a lot more than do people who don't have guns.

    Bad people can steal guns from the "good people" who own guns, so having lots of guns for good people makes it easier for bad people to get them....

  12. Did your American friends stitch the Maple Leaf onto their clothing? Did they openly proclaim their American citizenship or did they hide it? Did they carry greenbacks or Euros? I don't doubt that Americans are more disliked than ever in Europe, but that's not my point.
    Canadians are very popular in Europe (and worldwide) for the very reasons that you condemn this country. It has long been known that tourists with maple-leaf flags on their luggage are better recieved than those with "Dont mess with Texas" logos....
    We are progressing toward a unified North America identity. The world is becoming indifferent to the minor nuances that we feel makes us special and seperate us from the Americans.
    Let's hope you're as wrong on this as you are on so many other topics...
  13. But I agree we have a problem with fascist governments in Canada we are to way far left in my estimation.
    A facist government is an extreme right-wing government with little tolerance for "lefty" things like "organized labour"... You'll have to get it together, or change your handle to "Clueless" from "leafless"
  14. Then there's the questions of how the infrastructure (you know, cars and such) would operate in a nuclear powered world, as well as how the shrinking supply of uranium would affect such a scheme.
    In the 1890s people thought that cars would make cities less polluted because they would eliminate the horse crap that filled the streets at the time. I see a paralell with nuclear energy: we are just changing the type of pollution not eliminating it.

    The horse shit had practical uses. Stick it in your garden and grow wonderful tomatoes....

    However, the nuclear waste is extremely dangerous to humans, and will be for 100's of thousands of years.... A few cracked concrete encasements that hold the stuff, and we could have millions of people affected before the damage could be contained. I don't think it's a question of IF an accident will happen, but rather a question of WHEN. We're tempting fate if we don't try to change tracks.....

  15. The cost of rebuilding all four Pickering 'A' reactors has risen from $780 million to at least $4 billion. Instead of wasting money on these four old, dangerous reactors (2,000 megawatts), you could build 4,000 megawatts of wind turbines for the same price. The restart of two more old, dangerous reactors at the Bruce ‘A’ station will cost another $3 billion and give windfall profits to Bruce Power (a private consortium).

    If we look at the history of Ontario's nuclear program, it is certainly not nearly as rosy as many would paint it. Ontario Hydro's massive debt is often blamed on bureaucrats, mis-management, etc... The mis-management was Ontario's nuclear program.... how many billions for Darlington... and Bruce B.... and how much power have they generated.... It's hard to find a more positive term than "complete failures" to describe them....

    Sticking our head in the sand and continuing down the same path without really looking at the past failures would be quite irresponsible....

  16. classic example of ad hominem arguments.

    Better check out the definition of "ad hominem" Cybercoma.... If Eureka were calling you the names that you probably deserve to be called, and that most of the readers are thinking, it would be classified as ad hominum.... If Eureka attacked your credibility because of the nature of your employ, or your lack of education, it would be classified as ad hominum...

    However, Eureka simply pointed our that you held up false evidence from shady characters that do not have credibility.... that's just straigtening out the facts...

  17. Didn't any of these 1,866 government slugs qualify to work in any of them?

    Government slugs ??? Your description tells us something about you. You'd call them "slugs" just because they had a good job....

    Good point, he should've called them leeches instead since they feed off their taxpaying hosts.

    Just like you leech of people who are trying to save a few bucks doing thier own renovations.....

    (Cybercoma works in a build-all type place for those of you who did not understand my comment.)

  18. Quoted from Fraser Institute
    (Like asking Karl Marx if captialism is good)
    "Ontario’s economic performance ranges from moderate to miserable

    Although Ontario continues to reduce corporate income tax rates, its overall taxation of capital remains high

    Personal tax rates are too high because they have to subsidise the corporate tax breaks.
    When ranked against the 50 US states and 10 Canadian provinces across a variety of economic performance indicators, Ontario suddenly doesn’t look so prosperous. Specifically, Ontario ranked:

    · 35th in per-capita GDP

    · 52nd in per-capita personal disposable income

    if you discount those living in abject poverty, along with the millions that have no health insurance...
    · 53rd in unemployment rates
    Even though many of the USA's employed make a pittance, well below the poverty line, they can boast that they are gainfully employed....
    Ontario even has trouble competing with border states like Michigan and Ohio, whose economies are very similar to Ontario’s. "
    That's why GM's most efficient plants are in Canada, Toyota says Canada is a far better place to do business....

    The Fraser institute is not a credible source, unless you're looking for contrived propeganda to promote right-wing tight-money policies....

  19. The only thing scientists agree on is that the greenhouse gases (which includes far more than just CO2) trap heat and that the earth is warming.
    CO2 is the major player. When you think of how many millions of barrels of oil per day that are being ignited... the majority of the mass of these 100s of millions of kilograms of oil is being converted into CO2.... That's an absolutely phenominal amount. I don't think there is any chemical that is emitted at even 1/10th of that mass.
    99% of scientists most certainly do not agree on the effects global warming will have on the planet.  They can't predict what the weather will be like 100 years from now because the computer modelling so far has not worked, due to the (as of right now) incalculable amount of variables in the weather equation.
    And they cannot exactly tell what will happen to the inside of a roast of beef when it is put into the oven at 350 degrees (F) for two hours. As with you argument, there are a lot of variables such as the ratio of mass to surface area, fat content, convection within the oven, etc.... However it is probably safe to assume that the meat will be somewhat cooked.... Similarly, it is safe to assume that the earth will be in trouble if the current trend is un-checked.
    Anyway, the point is you're wrong.  99% of scientists agree that CO2 in the atmosphere traps heat, it's concentrations have risen and that the earth is warming.  What they have not agreed on is whether we can even change the balance for better or worse with our activities, how much effect we're having on the climate through our activities compared to other natural occurances and what the long-term effects of global warming will be.

    This is similar to an argument about tobacco.... The chemicals released from the tobacco actually do some good... they help calm the nerves, etc... and while some scientists (certainly not all) think that smoking is bad for human consumption, we should wait and see... individually that is... Why stop smoking when there's no conclusive proof that it's doing more damage than good ????

    Until we know what we're dealing with government intervention is not necessary and should be used as a last resort.
    And quit smoking when the doctor tells you that you have cancer.....
  20. I read all the posts I must say there is  alot of angry people here

    when I Read the article

    I was shocked so went to look into it

    heres what I found

    America has lost freedoms since war started

    america is fighting a preemptive strike war 

    using depleted uranium bombs on a Third world Nation

    all of neocon is under investigation for very serious felonies

    Un investigator is investigating  war crimes and reports that americans are using nazi like tactics that American servicemen fought  and died agaisnt in ww2

    ther was alot more but the point is established that the article  has strong merits although I would not say that they are nazis

    I would however say that they are

    Neo~CON~Artists and twits bent on globalization and shaking in their boots

    with  shock and awe over the term

    Iran ~ PETRO ~ EUROS

    Good assessment.... It's refreshing to hear objective people on such a topic..

  21. Compare to the other G-7 countries from personal income tax - Canada is 47% higher that average, and is 14% higher than the US.  Canadians (combined federal and provincial) marginal rate of tax is 52% on income of $59,000.  In the US the rate is 47% only when income hits an equivalent of $351,000 Canadian.
    Such comparisons leave out many importants facts. For example, the cost of health insurance comes out every American's pay one way or another. It may be hidden by the employer but it is a cost that should be added to the US tax burden. In addition, I heard americans spend much more on private education since the public school system has been starved for so many years. The additional private education needs to be added to the US total before you get a fair comparison. Lastly, with a federal budget deficit of 6% of GDP, the Americans are severly undertaxed. In the future there taxes will go up. On the other hand, Canadians can look forward to falling taxes in the years ahead as debts are paid off.

    This is an interesting discussion on Personal taxes, not business taxes. I'll agree that our personal tax rates are not ideal. As Sparhawk has pointed out, our "progressive" tax system's top bracket starts at $59K. So someone who earns $60K is paying the same tax rate (on paper) as the guy who makes $350K. (Mulroney's government dropped the higher tax brackes with a result of only 3 tax brackets for personal income). However, the guy who makes $350K has more vehicles for sheltering his taxes than does the guy who makes $60K, and usually pays a significantly lower real percentage in taxes.

    Corporate/business tax rates in Canada, (the topic of this forum) average at least 4% lower than corresponding tax rates in the USA. There are organizations (such as the Conservative party and their right-wing "think-tanks" like the Fraser Institute) who would distort this truth, appealing to the citizens of Canada about the unfairly high tax rates.... making it sound like business pays the high tax rates that middle-class Canadians can identify with.... in their aim to have business taxes lowered even further.

    If the public has a complaint about unreasonably high tax rates, maybe they should look at the further tax cuts that our right-wing federal governments are pushing through for business.... resulting in cuts to our social services and escalation of our personal income taxes.... to finance these cuts to business tax rates...

  22. Warming may not even be the most destructive force behind the death of the coral reefs, that's the point.  You're throwing your weight behind knee-jerk policy making and using fear as a tactic to do so.
    Not exactly knee-jerk policy making.... come on... Something like 99% of all scientists are in agreement on this one.... And fear saves a lot of lives....
    No one is sure what effect human activity has had on global warming, nor can they predict the weather for the future.
    Just 99% of the world's scientists... banding together in a communist plot to use some fiction to try to "wreck" the USA's economy....
    So, if you want to push a personal or political agenda, don't try and use science as your scapegoat.
    Scapegoat... you'd better look it up in a dictionary.... From what I've seen, the goal is to reduce global warming... I don't know how you could read other than that from Eureka's posts....
  23. Why don't you email Jack Layton... I guarantee he'll answer.

    I'm still waiting for a response to my e-mail, I think your quarantee isn't worth much.

    I only assumed that you provided you proper email address, and asked in a somewhat social manner.... that being the case, you should have gotten your response by now... but knowing you, maybe that wasn't the case....
    There was a complete page on their web site prior to the last election... I suppose people have a right to change slightly over the years.... It is still a "pro" response....

    And where is their "new" decriminalization instead of legalization page?

    Why have they changed their stance?

    I think your "right to change slightly over the years" is hardly a "slight" change in opinion. There is a big difference between these two concepts.

    Decriminalization is achievable, and provides the main intent of the NDP's stated platform at the previous election. One of the largest concerns was the treatment Canadian citizens receive south of the border if they have even a minor record of possession of a single 'joint' (marijuana cigarette) from 20 years ago. They won't be allowed into the USA for family funerals, business, etc....
    If Jack changes his mind,like a good little NDPer, do you also change yours?

    Or do you stand up for your convictions and demand legalization? Do you ever disagree with Jack or the NPD?

    I see merit in legalization, from a number of points of view. I also understand the difficulties with legalization. However, if I have a conviction (not a police one) about marijuana, it is that it should be decriminalized for the aforementioned reasons.
    Jack and the NDP are no different than any of the other politicians.Say anything to get a vote.
    At least he do an about face three times in one election campaign as did Harper on abortion last time just to "get votes"...
    I think you're contradicting yourself. You gripe about Jack Layton and the NDP being "lefties", but then you say they're "just the same" as any politician. The fact that Layton espouses a less "popular" stance gives him more credibility in having a position.....
    Yes Err,Jack is the best....

    I'm really choked up that you seem to have changed your mind.... Way to go comerade.....

  24. It is our SOCIETY that imposes the benefits and associated costs (not just me).  If you don't want to be a member of our society, then piss off... we won't miss you or your type....

    gee. It was SOCIETY that chose Mike Harris's government. That same government you hate so much. I guess it was SOCIETY'S way of telling guys like you to piss off!! Frankly its YOU we won't miss.

    I'm still here... but Mike Harris and his lot are long gone... lets hope it stays that way....
    Call all the spades you like, you still don't address the question asked. Yes I question why, and don't take it as an assumption. You have failed to answer why  it should be a governmental responsibility instead of any of the other groups I mentioned, because I suspect it is a question you can't answer.

    I have answered you a few times, but you don't seem to be listening. Maybe I'll type a little s-l-o-w-e-r so you catch on. Your original question was:

    Why do you presume it is a governmental responsibility to provide a guaranteed standard of living?
    As I have said several times, SOCIETY chooses to support our social safety network. It is the GOVERNMENT that is charged with carrying out the will of SOCIETY. The government really doesn't have a choice in the matter.

    When the pubic saw that Mike Harris was not conducting the provinces affairs the way our society deems acceptable (robbing the poor (and middle class) to give to the rich), they gave him the boot.

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