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Posts posted by moderateamericain

  1. Right and people think rich people all work for their money.... :rolleyes: MOst of them are fishing the marketplace and then demanding fisk market stock when they come up empty.

    Maybe they do or maybe they dont, But I tell you what they dont do. Put themselves in a position to end up homeless. Honestly Charter, a Sly, cool, sarcastic response is not a talking point. Not that Im above tossing out a few one liners myself.

  2. In my 'new world order' no one will make less than $50,000.

    We'll take it off the top 10%, who won't even notice it's gone, and get rid of poverty entirely.

    It will also get us out of these economic difficulties. Think of all those consumers with new money to spend on necessities of life. ;)


    I think wealth ('worth'?) needs to be distributed more equitably.

    Wealth distribution - Canada

    Just off the top of my head, if we take $200 thousand off the top group, take them down to $1m, then everyone can have at least $50 thousand.

    Poverty ... poof!

    Makes sense to me!

    It will not work. Give a man a fish he will eat for a day. Teach him to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. Handouts won't stop homelessness. They got homeless through choices voluntary or involuntary. You can't restore someones pride by giving them a bag of money.

  3. Getting rid of money won't help if its is driven by government. Then they'll just tax our souls....perhaps feed the sick and old people into government furnaces to heat the Parliament Buildings.... :lol:

    Rebellion is a grass roots exercise and would represent the path we need to take against taxpayers not propping up business, as well as institutional spending. The return to a barter system is certainly a grass roots movement and so is the underground economy. However, in order for it to become universal we would have to have everyone stand up against the tyranny of government...which is what we could call the present bailouts, since the government is really borrowing and giving handouts of our present tax base and our future tax burden. Yet people believe the government when they say that the bailouts are protecting citizens. They are really just protecting the top-end investors. Does anyone actually believe that it the economy collapsed that there would not be a need for production of food, clothing, furniture, and other essential goods and services? These are grass root industries that would easily be revived once the foreign goods and major companies have sunk into the ground.

    Getting rid of money just means that in a capitalist system we would have to authorize government to steal directly from the bank, or from our paychecks without any recourse.

    Whoa people? Rebellion? Barter systems? Have you all lost it? Barter systems won't work here because 90 percent of the people in this country would not have anything to barter with. Rebellion is that a joke? The last two time rebellion occured in this country thousands were killed. Obviously that's not the answer. Here is the simple truth. People need to live within there means. If you make 35,000 a year don't go buy a 500,000 dollar home. You can't afford it. The same thing goes with the government. Don't mortgage the future of America to put off payments that we owe by printing more money and borrowing with no method to pay back. And bottom line, we have to fIx the economy before anything else. Stop sending aid to countries, stop the active military operations in Iraq, finish up in Afghanistan, lower trade tariffs and barriers to export, making us products cheaper overseas, strengthen economic treaties with England, Canada, and Latin America. Wind technology to drop demand for fossil fuel, this dropping the price on oil to keep up demand. Create manufacturing jobs. Tell unions to go to hades, offer tax deductions to the super rich based on how much economic purchasing power they put into the economy. This will encourage expansion and more people working means more people spending. And lastly fund technology research devoopment that has practical application in the workplace.

  4. wow that link it total propaganda, the nau is absolutely not a good idea. Its funny how in the link you provided, it says nothing of Mexico being included. The reason america wants canada is for our water and mexico for the cheap labour. once they get our resources, water, we are screwed becuse they way it goes is, we agree to a certain amount of water to go to them, and if we are ever in a shortage for ourselves, we are still obligated to continue the said amont to them.

    another reason why canada should not buy into this propaganda is we will lose our sovereingty and as this link says, we will adopt their constitution, but if you follow american politics, you will notice that their rights are under attack... do some research on the topic, once you are educated on the reprcussions, i'm confident any sane canadian would not agree that this is in the best interest of our country, and our sovereingty.

    canadian action party is a good start to resources

    Dont join up with the USA. But Hey if things go to crap can i come over?

  5. Aha! You beat me to it Kimmy...as soon as I read the title of this thread that was EXACTLY what I was going to say. His performance in Tombstone is often underrated, I think -- especially the bit where he twirls that teacup like it was a gun. If I were American, that's all he'd have to do to garner my vote. But then, I'm simple and easily led. ;)

    I prefer his role in the movie Heat. Deabeat Husband with a gambling problem who happens to rob banks.

  6. I am slightly curious to the rational behind Proportionate Responses and A general idea that keeps popping up in regards to warfare from certain people on this board. Off the top of my head, Myata, and others who generally hold the same view. My question is, why are you so worried about the fairness of whatever conflict is going on? For instance, If hamas lobs rockets into Israel, an act of aggression anywhere in the world, why is the level of response from Israel a problem? I guess my question to you is, Why are you worried about the response when we should look at the root of the issue? Why was Hamas shooting rockets? Why did Israel feel the need to Blockade Gaza in the first place? and why is the Military response Now unjust? Im putting it out there for you guys to answer to the best of your ability.

  7. Humane war is an oxymoron....we each deal with it as we need to. I prefer to understand reality over fantasy.

    I have made this point repeatedly to no avail....not as sexy as Jew baiting.

    A continuum of the human condition that I choose not to ignore, in the past, present, and future.

    And that was my job....on a scale that you can only imagine.

    Bush, Should we or should we not strive to make are selves better than we once were? Should we not try to find a better way then the Romans or Hitler. Should we not strive to do better from Generation to Generation. Should we not strive to avoid war as much as possible? You call that Fantasy. I call your Reality living in the past. Do i think we can eliminate war like some fuzzy headed Prom Queen. no. Can we put ourselves in position to make sure our wars are small ones. yes. I don't know why you think this is wrong to push for a world where total war is unnecessary? Where Genocide is something of the past? Do we really need Nuclear power to impose are will? Are we that simple that are grand philosophy is.."don't do that or ill blow you up!" I think America is better than that. I think we need to push for a future where are children's children don't have to worry about their whole city being wiped out. And for what? Religion? Democracy? I know you think I am a Dreamer. But know that I've looked into the eyes of People my unit killed. I can tell you right now I didn't do it to defend democracy or just a Christian way of life. I did it to protect and secure my families future and to protect the guys in my outfit. I am sorry if my values offend your sensibilities. I cherish the right to feel how ever i want. Because I have earned it.

  8. Bc you right I don't know your life experience but I do know my own. For the record on a lot of things I do agree with you on. But in this particular subject I do not. When we first pushed into Iraq the Iraqi's that had the guts to stand up to us, were given a choice give up or die. Those that choose to meet allah. We litterly bulldozed there bunkers and buried them alive. In Africa, people were little starved skeletons. People missing arms or legs. Barely surviving from one day to the next. The "militia" nothing more than armed thugs who took what they wanted, killing who they pleased. Life was one day at a time. We just sat there and watched mass murder. It may not have made it into the news. But we all knew what was going on at night. Total warfare. they would throw bodies into the Sea and laugh as sharks ate them. When I went over as a civilian I saw the aftermath of an IED. Not pretty. Anyways my point is this, Total warfare has killed off cultures, Shattered countries, and destroyed lives. The south was destroyed by Sherman, Hitler All but destroyed the Jewish culture in Europe, The Romans at Carthage, Native Americans in NA. etc etc.

    People make up your own minds. I cant make them up for you. BC is one person out of many who post and read here. I always have felt its easier to try and live among people then kill them. Even if sometimes we have to do both.

  9. While, I obviously don't agree with nuking Israel, I do understand your frustration.

    Let's look at ratios.

    Currently, the death toll is approaching about 1000, 500 of which are civilians.

    Hamas has killed about five civilians with their rocket fire.

    So, Israel feels they are justified in killing 100 times as many civilians. One Israeli life = 100 Palestinian lives.

    So, if Hamas reversed the ratio. and thought that 1 Palestinian life =100 Israeli lives, then that would justify them killing 10,000 Israeli civilians.

    It's not quite a nuke, but if Hamas was to respond (if they were capable) with a reciprocal level of cruelty and disregard for human life, thats what we would see.

    You cant morally equivicate war. In other words even body counts dont make a war less or more justifiable.

  10. I agree. Who cares who served more and where and how? There are Generals who have been brilliant and Generals who have been morons, yet they've shared similar types of 1st-hand war experience. In the end, its your ideas that matter, not the tours you've been on.

    I disagree. Experiencing war(Gulf war)/ Genocide (africa)/ first hand will change your perspective about life and killing in general. If your divorced from the aftermath your actions have no consquences. I'm not degenerating his service, just that his service did not offer him a realistic scope as pertaining to the subject at hand. IE total Warfare.

  11. Tough bounce....the "West" has invested billions in more accurate bombing technology, but it will never be able to knock on a door and ask "...any terrorists in here?"

    Thats the whole reason we put troops on the group and don't strategic bomb.

    And to Jerry's Point. What do you plan on doing with the people whos homes and business we destroy? Where do you plan on sending them? More importantly how does that make us any better than Hamas? When we litterly wipe Gaza off the map?

  12. Success in any branch of the Military depends on a good education, and a high school diploma is most desirable. Candidates with a GED (General Education Development certificate) can enlist, but some Services may limit opportunities. It is very difficult to be considered a serious candidate without either a high school diploma or accepted alternative credential. In any case, staying in school is important for entering the Military.

    Hey a highschool diploma does not make you smart. It makes you educated.

  13. So what? US military units were engaged in Iraq long before that. US soldiers don't get to pick which conflict they approve of because of political or human rights considerations.

    So what's Canada's excuse in Afghanistan....Republicans?

    Nonsense....US military recruiters are not paid "commissions". Many recruits are more educated than the general population with respect to high school diplomas.

    LOL what army did you serve in? Most of the guys I knew were country and dumb as a bag of rocks. The smart ones went into logistics. I guess the navy and the airforce probably have the higher IQ though.

  14. Then go to jail...because you are wrong. Strategic bombing was specifically designed to inflict wholesale damage on an entire population, not just military targets....in an effort to destroy the very will to fight.

    Yeah but the problem is Terrorist cells don't make up the whole population. Today's warfare is small scale and we do not need Strategic Bombing as a solution anymore. If anythng that will make the Jihadist unite. Rather then keep them killing eachother.

  15. Read the opening post, and tell me which wars have ended, in modern times, for good without an attack that devastates civilians?

    I wish it weren't true but it is.

    War always effects civilians, but what your proposing is total war. Im not saying fight with an arm tied behind your back. Im saying that specifically targeting civilian infastructure to expediate a war is against everything we stand for. If in the process of winning the war civilians get killed accidently is one thing. Its going to happen. But delibertly targeting them. Is just wrong. I would rather go to Jail then firebomb a church.

  16. Good grief MA, you belittle yourself with the pissing contest about who's military service is better.

    No im tired of reading peoples post who think its okay to casually toss aside lives, do you know why they do that? Because they don't have to live with the consquences of it. There is no responsibility involved. They make flippant remarks like "we should just blow em all up". Coming from a Military man thats even worse.

  17. I wish it was that benign...unfortunately....or fortunately depending on your point of view....those "tin cans" have tactical missile launchers which were used to great effect if "real killin" is what you want. An SSBN raises the anti quite a bit, making your understanding of "total warfare" quite trivial in comparison. Other missions shall go unmentioned unless I want a visit from the FBI.

    And how is that "understanding" working out for 'ya?

    Nonsense...history and applied physics laughs at such sentiment. "Entropy" is the natural order of things, even in warfare.

    Your brand of killing does not make you a warrior. It makes you proficent on a computer. As far as I'm concerned I got more respect for a Terrorist than any tin can wanna be warrior computer nerd in a boat that can fire from 50 miles out and sneak away. Then you got the gumption to tell these fine people that its okay to frag a city of people because the end justifies the means? I could tell you about art, and quote Artist, and look at paintings. But unless ive been a painter it does not mean shit. Real war, and not the computer screen kind, involves the killing of someone that is 20 yards away from you. So when you clear the area and strip them of weapons and explosives so some other Tango does not turn it into a high explosive, you get to see what your work does first hand. You see the repercussions of what you do. On a submarine you get to say Oh well.

  18. Actually, I believe BC-2004 operated on both types of nuclear submarines (hunter/killer & missile boat) as well as experimental deep diving types. He mentioned he was also involved in the operation of nuclear weapons. I'm not sure that's a position so easily belittled.

    Either way, I certainly have nothing against you and we shouldn't be exchanging harsh words. So I am to understand you served in the USMC in Lebanon? The closest I've ever gotten to war is the IRA setting off a bomb about a block away from me. Scary enough...but Lebanon '82 must have been insane.


    Ho-Ho-Ho-Green Giant

    No my Bro is USMC. I was Army. and i was a bit too young for lebanon. saw Africa, Eastern Europe and 1991 ME. Also have made two trips to current Iraq as a civilian

  19. bc-2004 served in the USN aboard nuclear submarines.

    So basically BC sat in a tin can and drove around underwater and pretended to fire other tin cans on a weekly basis. Yeah...thats real warfare..let me tell ya. Squibies get as close to warfare as a 12 year old. At least the chair force can see a little bit of what they are killing. But guess what. 1Brig/2-325/82. Got to see all the fun. You can talk about war and how great it would be to stop terrorism by using total warfare but until you have seen the results of it firsthand you can not trully begin to understand what you are talking about.

    I guess my real point is, dont even think of Entropy based warfare until you absolutely have to.

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