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  1. You can't rely on a policy of non-involvement as a safeguard against future attacks. These terrorists attack their own people, so what makes you think you're safe. I don't agree with the American policy, but at least they're trying to make the world a safer place. They're a little overzealous in doing so, but at least they're doing it. They're not hiding behind a healthy dose of cowardice. That's what non-involvement is. Cowardice with a halo.
  2. Forgive me if I butcher this discussion, but to me, the problem seems to be with mankind's addiction to the quick-fix solutions. To my untrained eye, the real problem isn't about faith or divinity. It's about fear and the unknown, or more correctly, fear of the unknown. Man has always been, and will always be afraid of the unknown. That's a given, but with applied science, we've broken many of the barriers that caged us. Medicine and Engineering to name a couple of the big ones . However, what about what science can't explain? How do we put the fear of that unknown to rest? The truth is that we can't. So what happens? Some enterprising chap comes up with the idea of creating some benevolent father figure to give us comfort and an explanation for the inexplicable. The genius of the idea is that it can't be proven wrong. But if it can't be proven wrong, then surely it can't be proven right? Ah. He covered that base as well. The answer being faith. So we follow this idea, and soon the idea becomes an institution. Organized religion is born, and for thousands of years, it has remained a significant factor in the life of man. Even in this civilized world, organisations that are thousands of years old, still hold sway in the hearts and minds of many. It's been bred into us, this crutch of ours, and God forbid (no pun intended), that it be taken away, what then? How would we go about our lives? Easy for the atheists, agnostics and secret skeptics. But what about the genuine bible bashers? So to state the obvious, we've gotten ourselves into this mess by listening to the select few, who've nicely consolidated their own powerbase. How do we get out of this one?
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