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  1. You weasels have virtually ZERO military capabilities and you insult our troops? Screw you guys. Some day you'll push too hard and end up our 51st state. Except for Quebec, we don't need any faggot french-like appeasers in our country.
  2. You can have the weasels from Vermont, we'll take the Albertans in exchange.
  3. Oh those evil Americans. Shame on them for sticking up for themselves. Why, a Canadian would never defend him/herself. They would simply bend over and take it like a true Canuckistani. My grandfather, God rest his soul, was Canadian through and through. But, if he were alive today to witness what Canada has become, he would be outraged. A once proud people, now reduced to treachery against it's one time best friend, and still to this day, it's only means of defense from the animals (ragheads) in this world that would wish her harm (I mean come on, the New York Police Department has more cops than the entire Canuckistani "military" has uniformed personnel). I think there is still time to repair this mess. Unfortunately too many Canadians are convinced that the rest of the world is right and we Americans are wrong. Be careful "neighbors", else you might become more like us than you might be prepared to accept (aka our 51st state). We will not allow an enemy on our border. We will take steps to keep that from happening. Be aware!
  4. It is too bad that you Canadians and us Americans (myself being half and half, Mom's from Lethbridge) are at such odds. I don't really understand your viciousness against us. When your leaders come to America they are not scorned and insulted. When Canadian tourists come here they are not harrassed or intimidated. We were attacked on 9/11 and as a matter of fact several times before that as well. Bush, unlike his weak predecessor, decided to fight back with force and zero forgiveness. He invaded Iraq because it was a known terror haven (somewhat like Canauckistan is today). We will attack every nation on Earth that threatens us (you might want to watch your raghead population or you might just be next). We really don't need your help Canadians. You have ZERO military capability anyway, so why should we need it? America has always been the defender of freedom and Canada has always hitched a free ride, hiding behind American muscle and resolve. That's OK Canuckistanis, it's what we do, just stay the hell out of our way!
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