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Everything posted by fellowtraveller

  1. I don't. Since the 'surplus' results from overtaxation and voodoo economics, I'd like to see the 'surplus' applied either to a refund of the money I've unwittingly lent them, or to legislated debt repayment. Letting the federal government have carte blanche, tacit permission to spend every penny and then some has brought us to the current mess. The two truly unforgiveable aspects of the huge debt is that it will be passed on to future generations, and that this generation is so eager to add to it. This year we will pay over $37 billion alone in interest on the national debt- and this in a time when interest rates are very very low. Watch what happens to this 'surplus' when rates start to increase Imagine what we could do with an extra $37 billion, and then think again about clling for new spending and new programs.
  2. What an astonishing set of assumptions! It's little wonder you get so few responses. I've challenged your premise, that a by-election anywhere in Canada means much in terms of forecasting results in a general election. How do you get from there to class wars, evil parasites, good Christians, etc etc?? Are you desperately seeking bogeymen? Look elsewhere comrade, look elsewhere. May I suggest decaf?
  3. No, what I meant was that I have no interest in who wins or loses in BC. I'm trying to find any relationship between your post/rant and mine - any connection to the subject which I thought was a BC by-election, no luck. I've read a few posts now and can see how it works here. I like discussions, you folks are preaching to the choir. Enjoy!
  4. If your argument is reduced to railing against capitalism, I don't think there is much to discuss. I would point out though that the last ten or more years have been pretty good to excellent for Canada and many Canadians in terms of low unemployment, low interest rates, low inflation, increased levels of home ownership, disposable income and many other positive economic indicators. Not coincidentally, our dollar was relatively weak as compared to the $US for that period(as were most of the currencies world wide). It meant that our goods were attractively priced for US buyers. It meant many jobs for Canadians. Not 'fat cat' Canadians, ordinary working people.
  5. The results of by-elections in mid term are almost always against the majority government. To read impending defeat of the Liberals into any result in a by-election is naive. Keep thinking this way, the Libs will benefit from being so badly underestimated.
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