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ron Young

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Posts posted by ron Young

  1. On 5/6/2021 at 7:36 PM, Army Guy said:

    Well educate us then which Conservative PM has been worse than Justin ? maybe you can throw in how they are worse,    1 st , it is not hatred that has clouded my judgement when it is based on facts, what baffles me is how liberals can continue to defend this jackass and all of his antics...They only way i can see it as Those Majority of Canadians are as corrupt and morally bankrupt as Justin and his band of lairs are. 2 and my opinion has already been clearly defined, i don't think the liberals stand for much, they prefer to kick shit down the road let someone else figure it out, add to that they are horrible lairs but that has not stopped them from doing it constantly, not just the PM but the whole party again they are morally bankrupt, and have lied so much it is hard to determine fact form out right lies... And I'll be honest with you not a big fan of the current Conservative leadership either, but then again my goldfish could lead better than the current liberals.

    This would be where you tell us all what Justin has accomplished in the last 5 years that makes him stand out as a leader of our nation.

    1st off stop reading or watching anything associated with: Rebel News, epoch times or the post Millenial. Next leave the fluffy news sites alone as well. Get your news from : Associated Press, The Canadian Press, Reuters or choose your own source but check the bias and proceed with caution. Could give you all a list of the current goverments accomplishments but it would be in vain and you  and I know it. Wouldn't matter if our current PM cured covid all by himself it wouldn't change your opinion one bit. We could explore why that is but again it would be a waste of time and energy.

  2. 21 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

    O'toole's an idiot already, though he hasn't done anything yet... Good thing your partisanship doesn't mislead you.

    Man, you are a piece of work...   ;)

    He got his law degree on our dime. He spent 10 yrs on bay st lawyering for fat cat corps so they could A: park cash offshore to avoid taxes B: layoff Canadian workers so they could produce their crap in the 3rd world. 

    He then moved into politics and wound up in Harpers cabinet where he proceeded to dry fork our vets. Remember having them prove they still were missing limbs? That's our buddy Otoole. Let's not even look at his fathers legacy in provincial politics. 

    Perhaps you should inform yourself a wee bit more before making such general statements.

  3. On 5/4/2021 at 6:00 PM, Army Guy said:

    Once again this is just an excuse, a poor one at that, you are free to vote for anyone you want, what everyone is questioning is this "that you actually think O Toole or Sheer are worse than what Justin has done in almost 6 years of reign. which is Based on what ? spending 400 bil in one year, 3 trips to the ethics committee, scandal after scandal, after scandal. all the outright lies, and deceit to all Canadians. and much much more, and some how O Toole is worse than this guy...  one would have to ask where are your moral values, if this piece of S*** is your your idea of the leader of OUR nation.

    Yes in fact I can and I do. Otoole is a bay st lawyer who took a free ride through law school whilst shooting blanks. Then spent 10 yrs on Bay st dry humping average Canadians for big corporations so they could A: Park their cash offshore B : pay themselves grotesque bonus chqs while laying off Canadians.

    Scheer surely showed his true colours on the way out the door. How you wanna spin that?

  4. On 5/4/2021 at 6:05 PM, Army Guy said:

    You can't stand there and tell me that any PC PM has been as bad as Justin in ANY category. Stop making excuses and face the facts Justin is the worse PM ever... but Liberals are going to stand in line for hours and vote for the pri** again...

    Yes in fact I can. As can a majority of Canadians. You however let your hatred 1st cloud your judgement 2nd define your opinion. In my books that has always been a recipe for shite. The old adage stands up pretty well. " Garbage in=Garbage out. No way around that.

  5. On 4/28/2021 at 11:29 AM, blackbird said:

    Punishing the rich and innovative is one of the tenets and fetishes of Marxists, Commies, and Liberals.  That's why Canada had no companies producing Covid vaccine when we needed them.  Companies and investors can see the writing on the wall and will take their investments elsewhere to investment friendly places.

    Please tell me you haven't typed that with a straigh face!!

  6. On 4/20/2021 at 8:28 PM, Army Guy said:

    Not "US" shady, just the entire left , the right already knows how to be fiscal responsible, and what drives our economy.

    That is a lie one need only look to harpers fire sales and mandy pandy accounting practices to prove you wrong on that account. Then we can start to pull a few threads that are loose for the conservative premiers in Alberta and Ontario to further prove that statement patently false.

  7. On 1/30/2021 at 7:22 PM, Army Guy said:

    I've been asking these questions to the left for a long time now, and yet none of them are willing to answer, it is like all sides have been brainwashed into thinking the left is always right , and the right positions are straight from hell, and should not even be listened to. Our nation is about to face a crises beyond what it has ever faced in our entire history, thats saying something as we as a nation has been at war on 4 separate occasions, faced many financial crises, and even a few pandemics, today we face historical debt, to which we have little to show for it, leadership that does not want to make those tough calls, and the calls they do make are not decisive, more like wishy washy at best..

    Kelly McParland: Why do Canadians keep supporting this error-prone government? (msn.com)

    Quite simply put the right hasn't offered up any suitable alternatives. Would love to vote out Trudeau alas you fools keep putting up idiots like scheer and otoole. 

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  8. Argus I've read many of your posts your opinion is well known to anyone reading these boards. What I can't figure out is what really drives you to continue saying the same thing over and over and over again. Is it the need to say the same thing every time you post because you just can't get your point across? Or more likely the need for constant argument, disagreement and conflict that floats your boat?

    Trust me no body hates politicians more than I do but hey the guy has been in power for less than 2 months give him some time. Heck the constant negativity and campaign buffoonery didn't work before the election it is far less desirable after the election. The country isn't going bankrupt that is just more negative political stupid talk that the adults don't like. Are you really going to sit their typing that the Harper government had no graft? Or corruption? What planet are you typing from?

  9. Since some feel it is productive to spend time and energy dissecting a government after 50 days in office I'll toss in my .02 cents. It just feels more like the Canada I grew up loving under PM Justin Trudeau and his cabinet of Liberals. The previous government under Stephen Harper just felt bad, dishonest, uncaring, un-Canadian. Most who voted for Justin Trudeau did so because they were sick and tired of the way in which Steven Harper was taking our country. Sure there will be mistakes by the new government but at the end of the day it still feels better to me. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau won't please everyone no matter what he does. There is always some who will never agree with anything he does because they have that us against them attitude which is so counterproductive. Makes me wonder what we could actually accomplish as a country if everyone just accepted the fact that the conservatives messed up and will be in the corner for at least 10 years.

  10. All of the Liberals did this and Conservatives did that does absolutely nothing but allow all politicians to continue doing what they do best. Screwing us. The problem isn't split between Liberals and Conservatives the problem is money, power and greed. Always has been and always will be as long as we allow it to continue. Solution is to fix the larger problem and all of the small problems will vanish. Trouble is the only folks currently able to fix the larger problem never will because of well....Greed, Power and Money.

  11. Upon reading most of this thread I have concluded that some people are just unwilling to help anybody that is not as fortunate as they are. My family lives on 100K a year we live in a modest house drive 2 modest vehicles we save very little obviously vacations are a luxury we can't afford. Having said all of that we are willing to pay a little more in taxes so that others living in poverty can live a little better. We donate to charity when we can, give to the food bank Ect,,,Ect. The outright mean spirited ranting's of some in this thread are disgusting to me and quite telling of the greed which permeates society today. If you are fortunate enough to be in the upper tax brackets you should feel it is your duty as a Canadian to help those that may need it via what really is a small amount of money to people making more than enough to live very comfortably in this country. It has been proven time and again that by raising up the poor and middle class the entire society benefits. Unfortunately way too many of the people in a position to help don't simply because they are greedy and have the me first and I'm better than you because I am in a higher tax bracket mentality which is detrimental to the good of society as a whole. So go ahead and take your toys out of the sandbox and go home simply because someone with no toys wanted to play with yours. We normal folks hope you sleep well at night and when you are at deaths door we hope your mean spirited ranting doesn't haunt you as you take your last breath. Me I want a clear conscience when I go I want to look back at my life and know I wasn't a greedy immature asshat who cared for nothing but myself.

  12. Besides all of that it may just be that the "do gooders" aren't looking to completely solve a problem. Maybe they just want to be caring human beings and ease suffering and reduce harm to those that choose to live life as an addict. All along hoping and helping the addict to possibly some day get treatment and start recovery. It has already been stated in this thread that the east side of Vancouver is an attraction to addicts for various reasons. Let's use that to learn how to deal with this problem on a national level. Maybe the entire world can learn something from Vancouver's East side.

  13. Such an easy fix. We live in a society that is on the forefront of the technology revolution. If a person wants to become a Canadian citizen while wearing a

    Niqab it couldn't be any easier to accommodate them. We have security screening measures that will totally eliminate any concerns people may have about terrorists or other undesirables becoming citizens. Retinal scans, fingerprint ID to name just two. But then again it wouldn't be such a polarizing issue then would it? This is fear monger political maneuvering at its worst. Why on earth are the Liberals and NDP even engaging with the Harperoids on this issue? If they simply offer up the solution then the sheeple have no where to go with this issue and it dies as it should.

  14. How bout we just deny drivers licences to people who can't drive. I'm all for cancelling licences for people who: Refuse to signal lane changes or turns, Tailgaters, reckless speeders, and those folks who think the road is there for them alone. Having driven professionally way more KM's than I care to remember the lack of skill and utter disregard for other motorists is so apparent no matter where you drive in this country it is by far the biggest cause of fatal accidents. Install that technology in a car or truck. You act like an idiot behind the wheel and your vehicle parks itself and refuses to start until a good drivers ed course is completed.

    Honestly if you can't park or back up a vehicle without cameras or sensors I really hate sharing the road with you. Is it so hard to start, park, brake, manage your speed?

    GPS units are a handy tool but why on earth would you mount them in the middle of your line of sight on your windshield? Better yet why do you need it on all of the time including night time? The darker it is inside of your vehicle at night the better you can see outside your vehicle....Baffles me to see people with 7" screen brightly lit pointed right at their eyes. The stupidity of that is so ridiculous if it wasn't so dangerous it would actually be funny.

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