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Everything posted by Dillon

  1. As the western countries are still struggling with the recession and following the growing unemployment rate and dwindling economy, Canada is planning to be the leading country to narrow its deficit and move forward on the growth track. Last week’s budget presented a 5 year forecast based on three main goals – securing jobs and creating new ones, continuing to perform the action plan and lowering the deficit. The Hon. Peter Kent mentioned that Canada is facing big challenges but he anticipates that the Canadian economy can be successful under these circumstances. “The plan may face some challenges but we know that our economy will get out of the recession even stronger then any other G8 country and at the same time we will work on lowering the deficit level.” He added that the way to achieve these goals is through cuts in government spending and freezing the salaries of the officials. He details Canada's action plan here - http://www.shalomlife.com/eng/7879/We_Will_Not_Raise_Taxes/ Very interesting...
  2. This whole debate about Lesner's comments is just ludicrous. He didn't berate the Canadian health care system, he tried it out and almost died--he then went to the states and was recouped to full health. Therefor he claims if he hadn't left Canada he probably would have died, and its true. Our health care system is flawed.
  3. There are a bunch of Auto-Tune the News clips out there, it's funny... but also sad that it genuinely often sounds like modern pop music.
  4. It will continue, I am lead to believe there will always be conflict in the Middle-East. Or this war will finish and a new one will break out in Korea or something.
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