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Posts posted by Shwa

  1. Looks like Ritz may be right afterall:

    CWB ruling will be overturned


    If the law does not actually state that there must be a plebiscite, then the Conservatives have not broken any laws at all. Just another activist judge making a ruling based on what they WISH the laws were.

    Is the bill being introduced under the existing monopoly and, if so, does that bill exclude "any kind, type, class or grade of wheat or barley, or wheat or barley produced in any area in Canada" from the monopoly?

  2. There's an answer.

    That is a 1-3 ratio between direct and indirect jobs.

    The Cod Fishery collapse caused the loss of 40,000 jobs, a number I read often. Using the 1-3 that is 40k jobs + 120k undirect.

    The over-exploitation and mismanagement of fisheries has already led to some spectacular fisheries collapses. The cod fishery off Newfoundland, Canada collapsed in 1992, leading to the loss of some 40,000 jobs in the industry.

    Collapse of the Northern Cod Fishery

    The moratorium in 1992 marked the largest industrial closure in Canadian history. In Newfoundland alone, over 35,000 fishers and plant workers from over 400 coastal communities became unemployed. In response to dire warnings of social and economic consequences, the federal government intervened, initially providing income assistance through the Northern Cod Adjustment and Recovery Program, and later through the Atlantic Groundfish Strategy, which included money specifically for the retraining of those workers displaced by the closing of the fishery. Newfoundland has since experienced a dramatic environmental, industrial, economic, and social restructuring, including considerable outmigration, but also increased economic diversification, an increased emphasis on education, and the emergence of a thriving invertebrates fishing industry (as the predatory groundfish population declined, snow crab and northern shrimp proliferated, providing the basis for a new industry that is roughly equivalent in economic value as the cod fishery it replaced).

    On a national economic scale the impact was minimal and the Canadian economy kept chugging along. No national disaster, no apocalypse, no wholesale destruction of our country. It was a blip and we all helped out our Atlantic cousins until they got back on their feet.

  3. What he said ... :)

    I believe what we're talking about how many people might oppose Harper's "handling" of the pipeline issue.

    Or any other issue. A conciliatory and consensus-seeking government is a good one. There doesn't seem to be that sort of ethic with the CPC to any great degree, if any, and they come off believing that their small majority is synonymous with unanimous consent. And of course, this simply is not true.

  4. nope, not even close...soccer, rugby, aussie rules lead team sports for required fitness...covering a 100+ meter field for up to 120 minutes with no substitutions vs hockeys 30-60 second shifts...

    Seriously? When was the last time you saw a soccer player "covering a 100+ meter field for up to 120 minutes?" It is pretty rare that it is any more that midfielders. And at that, for 90 minutes mostly. And they ain't running all the time either. That being said, to be a top flight soccer player you have to be super-fit.

    Then again, it would be more interesting if they played a best of three during a week or two week period. The World Cup are on, what, 5-6 day schedule and the Premier League is weekly. They could do it.

  5. Any Canadian is free to critisize the government,even abroad.If they choose to do so abroad then they expose themselves to that countries laws.And even then Canada is still obligated to protect them abroad.

    And let's not forget the outrage a few weeks ago when a couple of NDP MPs went to Washington to make a beef about the Keystone pipeline. Why... how DARE they! :D

    Bound for U.S., NDP critics vow to tell ‘whole story’ on Alberta oil

  6. Erm...If one looks at history,boxing programs used to be available at high schools all over the place...

    Admittedly,the sucky-poo's who find anything "violent" abhorrent successfully got alot of high school and college boxing programs killed...

    I would prefer a reimplentation of high school boxing teams than UFC/MMA,but that's because I don't really like MMA and I do like boxing...

    That's interesting. I have never heard of a public school boxing program in Canada and I went to a few of them in ON and QC. I always thought boxing was a private club thing.

  7. so what? There are negotiations on land claim settlements going on today, in some cases for 2 or 3 decades. Your little quote is written in 2009 and refers to a 'suggestion' that extinguishment 'might' not be required. It means nothing, or really less than nothing since many of those claims still are not settled.

    Extinguishment is not just a referral to land right, to ultimate control of land and resources. It also refers to an end of negotiation: here is the deal, it will not be reopened, there will be no more salries paid or operating costs covered in perpetuity . That has caused deals to flounder too, and it is easy to see why. Not everybody really wants what comes with self government. It is much, much more than just land and money.

    Except it is government sponsored agencies telling the government to drop the policy. That is a key point that you have glossed over there. I can see what you are trying to do...

  8. We make changes by voting in new governments, not by going abroad and heaping scorn on Canada. I find myself quite indignant at these young, spoiled, arrogant people who've never known want or need or put much thought into what they're doing or saying insisting that somehow or other they know better than the rest of the country what we ought to be doing. If they do it at home, very well, that's simply the arrogance of youth. But don't go abroad to dump mud on Canada when there are far, far worse sitting in that room which they ignore completely.

    What an utterly nonsensical rant. How they hell do YOU know they don't "put much thought into what they're doing or saying?" Just because you disagree? They can go wherever they want, whenever they want and protest shitty Canadian government policies in any forum they wish. It's the global village gramps, if you don't like it, move to a shack in Montana and start writing out your manifesto.

    And speaking of arrogance, why should we be setting an example? What responsibility do we owe the world to set an example for this sort of thing? Why not let the Chinese and Indians set the example? Between them they make up a fairly sizable chunk of the earth's population. Their example might actually mean something.

    Example? :lol:

  9. Well what type of injuries are we talking about? Black eyes eyes and cuts? OR concussions and ACL tears sprained fingers. UFC fighters have a fight once every few months. Their fight is usually only 15 minutes too.

    For gawdsakes, do you even have a clue?

    Anyway this issue is currently moot. The event the Star was raging about happened yesterday. I haven't heard reports of MMA riots happening in Toronto schools as of yet this morning. But it's early.

    Is that would you were expecting? MMA riots in schools? :rolleyes:

  10. Iron fisted dictatorship of a government if you ask me.

    One person's iron fisted dictatorship is another person's safe and comfy "homeland." (well except for the Aboriginals) But, of course, the present government isn't a dictatorship and any suggesting of that is in jest I am sure.

    But the iron fisted part, well, the jury is still out on that. Is it a sign of the times? This deeply rooted, cynical brand of social politics?

    First you make the public afraid, then you make them safe, then you get re-elected. Repeate step 1.

    The Stephen Harper Government - Making all of our dooms comes true.

  11. every government must fall, every lie, every scandal, every indiscretion, every policy will create animosity until it gathers enough resentment to bring down the government...

    Yes, but timing is everything. That and the public's collective willingness to endure. Or perceive they are enduring since the whole icebergs/sinking ships thing could turn out to be simple metaphor.

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