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Posts posted by monkeyman

  1. I think it's Muslims who are xenophobic not us. Why else would they segregate themselves away from the rest of us? Muslims need to change not Canadians. They came here, we didn't got there. This is my country, not theirs they need to change to adapt to me not I to them.

    If they don't like Canada and how we live they need to go find somewhere else to live that's more suitable to their needs.

    What Muslims are you speaking about ? The huge majority that integrate perfectly well in OUR country, or the exceptions that are assholes and that don't want to know anything about Canada. Or Both ?

  2. So tell me, when you are a teacher and one of the kids says something you don't like, are you going to call them 'dumb" also? Or perhaps if the kid is white you'll call him a "racist" and take away all his stuff and give it to the other kids to "equalize" the situation?

    Not at all.

  3. This proves nothing. Just because a minority doesn't get every job they apply for doesn't mean that it's discrimination. That absurd.

    As Bonam has said cursing at people and using all capital letters, denoting yelling, is extremely rude. No one else is yelling or swearing at you so try to control yourself. What is it they say about swearing being the last gasp of a person losing an argument or some such...hrm seems to fit here.

    Of course it doesn't prove anything, of course not.

    On a serious note now:

    My parents came to Canada, they are well integrated, I am Canadian and proud to be and I love this country. I never really suffered from discrimination having a different name and sometimes people say I'm an ethnic minority, some say I look like Canadians....

    The point is, Canada is more open to its minorities than a lot of countries in the world, I realize that. I conceed that Quotas are bad for ETHNIC MINORITIES because they tell us that we ask for more and some people think that "we" are lazy bums that are not competent and we are stealing jobs from White people.

    However, you guys are doing a HUGE VICTIMIZATION OF WHITE PEOPLE saying that ethnic minorities are in front of them in EVERY JOB. The fact is that a whole lot of ethnic minorities face the same problem, but you say nothing about that. That's why I argue with you guys.

    You seem very mad that we have QUOTAS (which is a form of Discrimination) but you say nothing about the discrimination that ethnic minorities suffer of, and sometimes you even say that they don't suffer of any. Which makes no sense

  4. I also see the point he is making. He's only typed it out in all caps like 20 times. Would be hard to miss. I happen to think that it's irrelevant though. Whether racism exists among a few old employers out there that would rather hire someone white doesn't matter, the new generations are growing up without such prejudices, or at least they would be, but for the government's use of institutionalized racism to advantage minority groups, which only breeds renewed resentment. Quotas and affirmative action are ultimately self-defeating policies, regardless of their intent, because they perpetuate the perception of "otherness", the notions of victimhood, and breed resentment. Not to mention their inherent unfairness, which in a just society would be grounds enough to abolish them.

    What about the article I just posted ? 2009, of course the new generation is perfect!

  5. It's not the radicalness, it's the thought process (or lack thereof), way of speaking, stupid use of all-caps (which indicates yelling in an online context), lack of reason, and the perception of victimhood. A teacher should be one that has good critical thinking and reasoning abilities, can speak well and get their point across, and who instills in children a sense of responsibility, not victimhood.

    I'm sorry if English isn't my first language and I USE CAPS LOCK! Perception of victimhood??? What planet do you live in.

    You're saying that White people are SOOOOOOOOOOOO discriminated in CAnada, I say that minorities are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO discriminated in CAnada.

    Lack of reason? Of course no minorities suffer for discrimination, now I'll be as dumb as you are!

  6. That woman did NOT look like her photo at all imo and I can see why she was delayed in returning. We need to protect Canada from the massive amount of fraud cases coming from Africa trying to sneak in. This is where a lot of fake passports come from.

    Yeah, she had credit cards, liscence driver, a whole bunch of cards. You really belive that 3 months is the amount of time she had to wait??? CAnadian governmetn called her an imposter.

    Man what planet do yo live in????

    Even if you saw a White man stabbing a Black guy and yelling "Die Nigger Die, I hate you people" you would still say that he's not racist.

    You would even go further and saying that Muslims like to punch people, Mohamed Ali was like that...Give me a break

  7. You better hope whoever is hiring you doesn't see your posts here cause you make yourself look quite foolish and I sure wouldn't want to have anyone who thinks like you do anywhere near anyone's kids, let alone teaching them.

    Well congratulations for expressing your useless opinion by the way.

    I have a simple point,

    Ethnic minorities suffer of dicrimination WAY MORE than White Canadians. Of course I must be wrong since someone who's name is John will be discriminatd when he will try to apply for a job and the one that's called Mohamed will have the job right away. Of course this is 100% the case most of the time and not some little exceptions.

    You believe what you want to believe

  8. What proof do you have that so called "minorities" suffer discrimination when looking for a job?

    Perhaps in the 50's this may have been true but I need proof from at least the year 2005.

    Also no need to shout governor I can hear you just fine. Unless you just enjoy being rude for rudeness sake. In that case carry on.

    White people are being repogrammed to feel sorry for minorities and always help them. Making constant victims out of them. How will they ever cope in life without that handout is beyond me.

    To answer your question:

    http://www.prlog.org/10242364-ethnic-minor...-in-canada.html THERE YA GO



    It's in 2009, is it too old for you? Mr Xenophobia

  9. What proof do you have that so called "minorities" suffer discrimination when looking for a job?

    Perhaps in the 50's this may have been true but I need proof from at least the year 2005.

    Also no need to shout governor I can hear you just fine. Unless you just enjoy being rude for rudeness sake. In that case carry on.

    White people are being repogrammed to feel sorry for minorities and always help them. Making constant victims out of them. How will they ever cope in life without that handout is beyond me.


    That's of course not discrimination!

    Anyways, as for me, I'm Canadian but an ethnic minority (not that clear to see though) I always said that I will find a job no matter what, I'm studying to become a teacher and I know that I'll become one and find a job because I'm competent. But it's not the case of all minorities, especially the ones that were not born here.

  10. It should be the best man/women for the job not have any quota's at all.

    If the "minority"( I use this in brackets because in Toronto/ Vancouver the so called "minorities arein fact the majority) is just as smart as the "white" candidate then why do they need so much help yet "white people" require no help at all?

    Are we really that brilliant? If Canada is so racist why don't the "minorities" go live someplace else then?


    It's sad, but people like you don,t like minorities so they tend to avoid hiring minorities, and on top of that, they go live in the country so they don't deal with the "dirty and bad minorities"


  11. You obviously missed my bracketed comment, I'm not surprised mind you. Ok we'll keep this game going then...

    If minorities are just as smart as whitey then why do minorities need so much help? Why do they need to be given jobs ahead of a white person even though a white person may be more/better qualified?

    I've seen this many times. Please explain for me.

    Red neck doesn't equal racist. Just thought you should know.

    I live in an affluent area we like to separate ourselves from the rest and live peacefully and quietly. Around here the streets are quiet after 8 or 9pm.

    What do you mean by that ? Minorities are too dirty and noisy for your little person ?

    With you it's black or white, you often forget to consider that GRAY is the color.

  12. If minorities are just as smart as whitey then why do minorities need so much help? Why do they need to be given jobs ahead of a white person even though a white person may be more/better qualified?

    I've seen this many times. Please explain for me.


    #2, SOME MINORITIES ARE JUST LAZY that's how things are, some people come here and they take advantage of our generous social system.

    #3 THESE QUOTAS ARE THERE TO PREVENT DICRIMINATION (YES IT CREATES SOME ALSO WHICH IS NOT PERFECT). But if a Black person is welll qualified, a red neck like you will chose the WHITE ONE BEFORE even if he's less qualified, because you're a red neck. That's how things are.

    It's funny how you complain about QUOTAS and you don,t say a word about MANY PEOPLE THAT CAN'T GET A GOOD JOB because they are from a MINORITY, I guess this doesn't happen and it's just an anecdote.

    Keep whining

  13. If we were all treated as equals whites would get the majority of the jobs due to our intellectual superiority and ambition. If this weren't true then why do minorities need so much bloody help? ( I'm being incredulous for the thick ones out there)

    If they're just as smart as we are then they would be able to compete in an unbiased playing field but they are constantly given a hand out, pandered to and given the job for quota's sake while sometimes a more/better qualified white person is passed over. Reverse racism at its finest.

    Intellectual superiority??? You're 100% ignorant. Immigrants that come here have more degrees and are well educated. You think it's easy to come to Canada? Of course you'll say yes because you're a red neck

    You must believe that Black people are genetically less intelligent than Whites.

    You are a red neck, you're lucky to have Internet so you can say your bullshit online. The same bullshit that you could not say on the streets because you don't have the balls to.

    Idiot and Ignorant red neck you are

  14. Yes, we will be once we retire. We're still making money atm...no I don't cash a government cheque, I work for a living and I live outside the city so I at least get the illusion that this is still my country.

    It's really sad that white people are treated much better in black majority nations then they are at home isn't it? Do they treat white people very well because we have money when we go there?

    Probably, I have no delusions there. If all it takes is some money for me to be treated the way I deserve to be treated I'll gladly move to a poorer nation in order to receive the respect I deserve.

    What about the Natives, are they in their country ? This country is the country of Donatello, Mohamed, Slobodan, Mike, Pierre, John, Ismael, Eduardo, Lee and cie.

    If you don't feel at home than you must be intolerant and/or a red neck. If you want to have a White country, go live in Iceland.

    You pathetic Red Neck, racist.

  15. I have a feeling you have never seen such evidence because you refuse to see evidence that conflicts with your rigidly ideological world view.

    In most Canadian cities that I'm aware of, certainly including Toronto and Ottawa, there are regularly large numbers of people applying for the police and fire departments. These people take a number of tests and wind up placing on a numerical list as to who places higher. Left leaning city councils in Toronto and Ottawa decided that they would bump up visible minority and female candidates who had passed the tests, and hire them ahead of all the white males who had finished before them. This is not exactly a secret as the decisions were well-publicized.

    I don't see al ot of cops that are Black or Arabs in Montreal. You're are still speaking about rumours, stuff that you heard on tv, a couple of anecdotes, bla bla bla bla bal.

    Red Neck

  16. Monkeyman, looking through your posts you generalize often, on everything from religion to TV. You've even made a judgement on Argus's family.

    I have muslims in my family who left their mosque because it was becoming too radical for them. As a non-practicing muslim, you might not have been exposed to this, but it is happening in Canada.

    There are many variations of the Islamic religion just as there are of the Christian religion. Christian variations have been able to define themselves in Canada (i.e. United Church, LDS, etc.). For the purpose of this discussion, it would help if there was a Radical Church of Islam, because that is the variation moderate muslims and other Canadians have a problem with.

    I'd agree with you that we need to blame the individual, but in my perspective it is the individual variation, not the individual person. If a person gets high and goes out and shoots someone, you won't say the cocaine didn't have anything to do with it would you?

    As far as immigration policies go, I have no problem discriminating against the extremist or uncivilized variations of any faith. Canada doesn't need to embrace people like the Khadrs, people who want to burn you wife because they think she's a witch or people who want to sacrifice their children by throwing them into a volcano.

    You can learn a lot on TV by the way.

    I agree 100% with that. The thing is that people like Argus categorize people, whatever they do it's because they are Muslims, Blacks, Jews or whatever. I mean if someone will kill his wife and he's Greek, people won't say that he did it because he's Greek, but if a Muslim does it, they'll say that it was because he's Muslim.

    Some of these people will even say that Muslims are violent people and that we just need to take a look at MOHAMED ALI to prove it!!!!!

  17. There is a difference between being stuck with a no-account loser because he was born here - and setting up an incredibly expensive program to bring foreigners here who turn out to be no-account losers. The system ought to be tightened so that we don't bring over such people. A much longer period of residency should be required, along with more stringent condictions for acceptance.

    We might not be able to do much about you - although to my mind there's plenty we could do - but there's no need to add to the numbers of non-contributing people here.

    Let's kill them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll be happy then mister red neck

  18. Would you like me to hold a poll? I think the results would be pretty close to unanimous.

    Unquestionably true. You think otherwise?

    You don't attach much importance to honesty do you? Or do you even know what you're saying half the time? Is it that you're just basically dishonest or that your lack of communications skills means you don't really understand what other people are saying?

    Shut up red neck.

    Keep watching T.V. to become more and more ignorant. Get out of your jungle

  19. Any Canadian who knew anything about the world would tell you that the VAST majority of Muslims who are attacked and/or killed suffer from the violence of their co-religionists.

    No, you just say stupid things because you don't know any better.

    Of course Of course.....

    Again you deny the fact that Us troops killed thousands...

    By the way, saying that people who live in Pakystan are Arabs is silly. Don't say it again please.

  20. Don't mind monkeyman, he's just probing out Holocaust denial to see if it's his cup of tea or not.

    Was just replying to a silly comment. He said that MORE PEOPLE were killed by Muslims in Irak since the war than by American, which is a ridiculous comment.

    So I said the same thing about WW2 with the Jews, saying Jews were killed mostly by other Jews. Just to please so people and say stupid things like they do.

  21. The thing is, the kid didn't make his juice, it was provided to him, so taking some away to 'equalize" with the other kids is not a problem.

    The problem comes when the kid grew the orances himself, picked them, prepared the juice, and then has some of it taken away by some pompous ass who says it's not fair that the other kid - who was too lazy to work as hard - didn't have as good a crop and so doesn't have as much to drink.

    Welfare is a very humanitarian idea to provide for those unable to provide for themselves. Unfortunately, all too many of the people on it are just lazy, drug-addicted or alcholics being indulged by pompous ass social engineer types.

    You think that because you're an ethnic minority you're not Canadian????? You must think like a bunch of fools that Obama isn't American!

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