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Jack Weber

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Posts posted by Jack Weber

  1. I think using the term Israeli Apartheid (referring to Palestine) is valid political comment. I also personally have said that Isreal seems to be following a policy of Lebensraum. Both of those are easily labelled as antisemitic, but I disagree. The Israelis aren't Nazis, but they are emulating a specific policy of Nazism, and for the same reason - our Volk deserves it. What's happening in the West Bank isn't the same as South African apartheid, but again, there are similarities.

    All this is different than if the protesters were chanting "kill the Jews" or such.

    But, I think Gay Pride is shooting itself in the foot by allowing these people to march. Didn't know Gay Pride was about politics. They should just make it about gay acceptance. They should also keep out the exhibitionists who just want to shock people - that's no way to get acceptance. There's lots of gays that are against that bullshit too, and realize it just makes them seem like drama queens. (The dykes too)

    1.Then perhaps the phraseology is incorrect??

    Apartheid was a race based government sanctioned form of bigotry that had more inclination to Jim Crowism in the US than NAZI Germany...Distasteful,for sure,but there is a distinction...

    And as for the 2nd paragraph...

    2.You are 100% correct...

  2. Hre's the thing for me...

    I'm not interested in anything "Gay" so I don't go...

    I don't see men wearing ballet tutu's then asking society to accept them as normal...

    I don't see anti-Semitic sloganeering by people so misinformed that if they knew better,they would realize the people they think they're defending would slit their throats in a New York minute...

    And,I don't see any flying ejaculate by Gays Gone Wild in the Streets...And I'm not intersted in the film footage...

    Basically,they ain't gettin' gay on me so they can have their little parade and do whatever they want to do...Out of sight/out of mind...

  3. Good thing you were there hoping to get some footage of hot male on male action and instead were able to witness racial slurs. I'm sure the authorities will be happy to review the tape, and appropriate action will be taken.


    Mr.C has a long history of filming those disgusting public sex acts by gays at the Pride parade...

    Get him to discuss the issue of "flying ejaculate" from a few years ago...

  4. Exactly !!! A worker should have the right to not to have their union dues going to support political causes they don't personally value or support. IMO union dues should be going towards bettering and enhancing work conditions rather than supporting union campaigns against Israel and so on.

    Ending closed tendering for government contracts will open up the market place to more competition giving non unionized companies a chance to bid on lucrative contracts - gosh just think, maybe the school board wouldn't be billed a few thousand dollars to change a light bulb . Not to mention removing the artificial restrictions on the number of young people able to enter skilled trades, something that will open doors for more people rather than denying them a chance for an apprenticeship. BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan are also working similar changes in order to open up the job markets to more people.

    Voices for Fair Apprenticeship Ratios


    I agree with Hudak and the above about the unfair restrictions on hiring apprentices as the current ratio is just 1:1. possibly it should be something like 1:3 too many apprentices and the journeyman can't teach or make sure safe practices etc. are in place.

    Wow scribblet...That's quite a list of advocats working for apprentices in Ontario..

    The PC party...Openly advocating for Open Shop/RTW policies in the province...

    The Canadian Federation of Independent Business...Catherine Swift's anti labour organization...

    The Ontario Chamber of Commerce...'Nuff said...

    The Ontario Electrical League...I wonder if their contractors deal with the IBEW???

    And the kicker....


    Openshop is linked with MeritCanada,another employer driven union busting outfit, and is advocating for open shop policies through the federal billC-377...

    Gee..I wonder why this happening considering the skill trades shortage and what wage nd benny plans may be required during a labour shortage???

    Hmmm..I wonder what their gameplan is here??

  5. Absolutely...

    I assume they are the few that feel we should still be singing "God Save The Queen" and kissing the ring of the folks in Buckingham Palace...

    Those folks were deemed non-essential personnel in April of 1982...

    Happy Canada Day,everyone...

  6. Unions are tax free like a charity but are not required to open their books. "Unions should be forced to release information on their finances and what they spend money on." That seems inappropriate as

    workers and the public should know if dues are going for nefarious purposes. seems to me a union dues payer should know and what their dues are going to support or 'buy.'

    I am Peeves and I endorse this 'white paper.'

    Labour overhaul

    Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives released a “white paper” calling for an overhaul of labour laws to give unions less power in the workplace. “The world has changed, and our economy has changed with it,” Tory leader Tim Hudak said. Among the suggested changes:

    Provincial rules should be changed to block the mandatory paycheque deductions of union dues, and give workers the option of not joining a union in workplaces with collective agreements

    Unions should be forced to release information on their finances and what they spend money on

    Workplace insurance, currently exclusively provided by the Workplace Safety Insurance Board for some industries, should be opened up to competition from the private sector

    End the practice of “closed tendering” for government contracts

    Who cares who you are AND you advocate for a poorly informed "white paper" because you don't even understand the labour legislation in Ontario...

    Still on the compulsory union membership thing,huh?

    I hope you also are advocating for all PRIVATE business to open up thier books to public,as well...

    Being a former union member,you should know that all financials are available to any member who requests it and is announced at the monthly meetings for DUES PAYING MEMBERS...

    MeritCanada,The Fraser Institute,and,The National Citizens Coalition thanks you for defending workplace "FREEDOM"...

  7. Union agenda is not necessarily their workers agenda!

    I wonder if Gerry Nicholls is assisting MeritShop Canada in it's advocacy for Bill C-377??

    'Cause it's all about "the freedom",right?

    Another spectacular diversion,Peeves,from Wine Tasting Tim's attempt at RTW by stealth in Ontario...


  8. "The rest of your overly verbose drivel is blathering about the public sector and doesn't even scratch the surface of the real issue here..." Typical union negotiation .

    I'll leave you with that and the right to defend a anachronistic breed of Public (LIP Service ( Hah!) Workers. :P

    All one need do is read the papers where cities and other levels of government workers are now facing the reality of near bankruptcy and outrageous taxes do to decades of feeding at the taxpayer trough.

    Good luck on the union defense. All union supporters today can expect more disillusion from the public and more whining as unions shrink and shrink....to quote another 'Wicked" source..." I'm MELLLLLLLLLLLLTING! :P

    See I don't really care about your spouting off. More power to you. You are faced with the reality of defending the mainly indefensible, the unions of today. An impossible job. But, keep trying while the revelations of kick backs and over charging hit the fan in Ontario, Quebec and Wisconsin.

    I admire your quixotic enthusiasm, dead-ication, purse-erverance and rose coloured glasses.It's a thankless job like deck chairs on the Titanic, but some one has to do t. Sadly I see unions (most, not all) of today as akin to the last DoDo bird as it looked into the face of the guy with the outstretched hand not seeing the ax, just the apparent request for another buck, $$$$$.

    "Je te dis merde!"

    Is this your best "Don Blankenship" impersonation???

    The NAM thanks you for your obedience...

  9. Jack, I think you are so upset you are confusing me with other posters. Those were not MY contentions!

    I would never deny that some companies bargain in bad faith. Just because I criticize one side does not make the other all saints. The world is not so black and white.

    Nonetheless, you didn't answer a single bloody thing I asked!

    Yes I did..

    But in your "classic liberal" infantile mindset,you can't get past your "Let the market be the market" foolishness...

  10. They are however forced to pay union dues, and, they are at times harassed if they won't sign a card.

    No I endorse the initial need and cause for unions.

    Those unions that work for their members and don't accept kick backs like in the example I posted. I worked for union wages when we had 48 hour weeks little vacation/health care or Ministry of Labour inspections/WCB or pensions. I know what a union can do.

    I maintain that what we have today is not what a union should stand for. The Public sector unions are a farce. The teacher's union gives a shit for no one but teachers. The cops won't give evidence but expect the public to do so. Construction unions work on kick backs. Poor teachers can't be fired and are rehired after retiring. Union workers were paid to switch jobs when there was no wage loss. A public service union worker can surf porn 5 hours a day and not get fired.

    Dues are spent promoting personal 'causes.'

    These aren't unions, they're just another form of fraud.

    I was a union rep, and I am ashamed that the union movement has become. Often a fraudulent black mailing supporter of over payment for civic workers jobs (and others) to the point of insanity.


    They are not forced to pay union dues...They can have those dues directed to the charity of their choice AND get the resulting tax break for this...

    I shouldn't have to tell a former union negotiator? about these legal matters,should I?

    This is done under the express knowledge that those INDIVIDUALS are declining representation and are on their own...

    Agency Shop...Look it up!!!

    This is far fairer than the corporate silliness that Mr. Hudak,and any other RTW loving fool,is promoting...

    The rest of your overly verbose drivel is blathering about the public sector and doesn't even scratch the surface of the real issue here...

    Back to "steward school",kiddo...

  11. Ok I'll pass that brilliant observation on if you don't object. B)

    And this too. (Assuming they are indeed unionized workers.)

    So Peeves..

    Would your public sector union legislative union busting (essentially RTW legislation) apply to the private sector,as well?

  12. Hah! and add a derisive snort.

    70% 0f workers are non union. Just 16 per cent of private sector workers now belong to unions. Do you think for a minute that any union cares about non union workers beyond concern if they lose a job to some firm/individual that isn't unionized? They couldn't give a shit if a non unionized worker is drowning if they don't get dues.

    30% of Canadian 'workers' belong to unions, including, nurses, teachers, journalists and professional athletes, as well as the more traditionally (sometimes) unionized occupations like retail store clerks, manufacturing workers, miners, electricians and other construction trades workers. Cops and others have unions by another name. Try to get any of them fired for most any cause including non competence.

    Now since 70% of workers aren't union members and (probably) a sizable number wouldn't be had they a choice, just who do you think gives a shit about the 70%?

    Hudak has the right idea. Just where else does a law like our Rand formula force a worker to pay dues whether they want a union or not.

    This is what a union does when not controlled.

    And I quote!



    And I repeat,as someone who knows better than to believe the crap you've just posted...

    Under 'Agency Shop",no one...NO ONE ...Is forced to join a union if they don't want to.."Agency Shop" is the framework we work under in the province of Ontario..But,of course,you knew that...

    Hudak has the right idea??

    To legislatively bust individual union locals to drive down the standard of living even more??

    We know this will inevitably happen because we all know that the "Union Wage" sets the bar in industry...

    So does he and his willing legislative and corporate aparatchiks....

    My suggestion is that you look at wage and benny plans in RTW states in the US to see where this would go if it were to pass...

    Let me guess..You're an advocate for the "meritocracy" of non-union employment??

  13. Slow your role here people. In actual economics not what you guys are talking about there are actually wage models. Now because of the union wage premium, organizations may want to avoid unionization. The easiest way for them to do this is to offer supracompetitive wages which means just for the fact that unions exist lots and lots of people get paid a higher wage. Just because they exist. Stop trying to make a very complex problem a simple one because you don't to put the time to understand all the variables.

    Very true...

    Two examples that I can think of off the top of my head are the non-union auto sector in Ontario that pays very similar wage and benny packages as the Big Three plants...


    The steel producers,particularily in Hamilton....Dofasco (now Arcelor/Mittal) and Stelco (now U.S.Steel) have very similar wage and benny plans but only one is unionized (U.S.Steel)...

  14. Socialist has helped me to see the error of my ways. Together, we will free the world from oppressive spelling, grammar and punctuation laws, which have been created for the sole purpose of controlling the masses. Viva le revolution!

    WORKERS...er...(unemployable illiterate wannabe teachers)...OF THE WORLD....UNITE!!!!

  15. Perhaps you're simplifying this just a bit. I paid dues. I signed up workers that didn't hold cards but paid dues under the Rand formula.

    I also knew what our union spent the dues on, contracts, working conditions, grievances and salaries for our executive. No big problem.

    Today the Sid Ryans and CUPE and other unions have their own political agendas and pet projects and expend monies worker dues to support demonstrating students in another province, boycotts in another country, demonstrators over G8- G 20, Occupiers and the like. That should not be funded by workers dues when dues are paid to provide leadership in union working conditions.


    I don't disagree with any of this...

    And I can relate to this from something that happened to me recently...

    I'm a USWA member and I got robocall from Ken Neumann back in early March asking me to vote for Brian Topp for the leadership of the NDP.I'm not even an NDP member!!!

    So a small portion of my dues went to Ken Neumann to record a message to call me to vote for Brian Topp when I couldn't vote in that leadership event even if I wanted to!!!

    HOWEVER...This is small potatoes compared to what Mr. Hudak is proposing.Because,if one looks into what RTW legislation is all about,it's about legislative union busting under the guise of..You guessed it...

    "Individual Worker Freedom and Liberty!!!"

    Like the NAM or The Koch Bros. ever cared about that!!!

  16. Jack, I don't pretend to understand all the ramifications of changes to the law about unions but one thing I do know - we are going to keep losing jobs no matter what new laws might be enacted!

    That being said, can you name any instance in the last decade or so where having a union had saved jobs?

    Can you name any instance where having a union has attracted new employers to any town or region? Where having a union has CREATED jobs?

    Seems to me we're arguing politics on the deck of the Titanic...

    Saved jobs or tried it's very best to save jobs only to be rooked by management in the end???

    In the last 17 years I've worked at 3 unionized establishments where the union backed off and took less than it could have asked (in one case took a 5 year contract with no wage increases except for CPI) and still both companies effed the membership...

    The most recent case is just last weekend where we avoided a strike by signing a 4 year deal and took less than 2% in the first 3 years and 2% in the 4th...This is after management informed the bargaining cimmittee 3 weeks before potential job action that they had not paid a cent into the pension fund for two(2) years in direct contravention of the law.The bargaining committee came back and ssaid that we can,by law,compell you to make a 15 million dollar lump sum payment to top up the delinquent deficiency...The company shot back that they would have to liquidate assets to make good (which is total BS and even they knew it!)...However,the UNION came up with a comprimise solution to remedy the situation by allowing this upstanding individual to make up the $15 million deficiency over the life of the 4 year agreement...Nevermind the fact that we have mant retiree's,AND SOON TO BE RETIREE'S, who wont see a pesion increase because,by law,no increases can be made until the deficiency is topped up.AND THIS IS A FUND THAT IS FULLY AND COMPLETELY FUNDED AND ISN'T INDEXED!!!!

    So,to save the owner sorry,delinquent,law breaking hide,we had to take a hit...

    As to your contention that business doesn't want to deal with unions..Of course they don't...Unions are a correct check on their way to extreme profiteering.Look who's behind the Right to Work movement as it relates to lobbying in the US and it should tell you all you need to know about the reasons for anyone advocating for any form of RTW legislation...

    Then please look at the links I've provided from the AFL/CIO website...Before you assume the statistics are "union biased",most of the stats are from the US Department of Labour and are simply a reflection of the numbers provided...The ask yourself if that's the type of workplace environment you would want to work in???

    Because that's what Mr. Hudak is aiming for and that is certainly what Minister Raitt and the Corporate Conservative Party of Canada is advocating for with Bill C-377...

  17. I get it! Social justice is about a departure from capitalism! And you are underscoring this by refusing to capitalize the first letter of each sentence you write! Down with capitalism, and it's bastard cousin, capitalization!

    We can bring Capitalism down with complete and total illiteracy taught by a self important,narcissistic kid who thinks spelling and grammar don't matter but Karl Marx does...

  18. Like I said before. Iv never such contempt directed at the people in society who do the real work... by a bunch of people that shuffle paper for a living.

    That's it,isn't it...

    Over the last 30 years,people have almost become conditioned to demand those that make more than them make less!!...

    Never understanding that if that happens,thier standard of living will stagnate or even drop!!!

    And the downward spiral of our standard of living and working conditions continue and the folks at the top laugh at all of us because we've allowed ourselves to be conned and duped by those who would want to keep us down...

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