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Posts posted by Griz

  1. The first 12 years of education is free for everybody...why don't you whine about that with your soiled-diaper and snotty-nose dripping? gee you and messed-up mutt dog and lictor would make a good group? It's the likes of you that shoot wild horses in Alberta just to get your cheap thrills

    Ever heard of sarcasm?

    So tell us why natives can't train there own plumbers and fix the sewers themselves?

    Unlike non-natives they do get free post secondary education after all.

  2. it still does not change the fact that they were here when the boats from Europe arrived. SO the question is why do all the dim-wit ass-backwards right-wing scientists try to prove otherwise? Sure they may prove Bering Strait but it still doesn't change the fact that the aboriginal people were here. They were the true leaders--all the chicken-shits stayed in Europe and let mama change their diaper right up until they got off the boat. Fasy fwd the clock a couple hundred years, now all those snotty nosed, soiled diaper types whine about indians on internet forums :lol:

    Claims of 100 million natives in North America are preposterous. The evidence would be overwhelming and incontrovertible if such a vast number had lived here.
  3. The fact that you call it BS just shows how brainwashed you are. The card was called a Blue Card or Enfranchisement Card.

    I am going call BS on that one. Do you have a credible source? The RCAP report would have covered this issue if it was anything close to what you suggest.

    In any case, you are constantly going on about how aboriginals are seperate nations which means you *want* the government to put up customs booths and at the border of the reserves and require passports to cross so you can hardly complain if the government did that in the past.

  4. Are you that dense? Whoah! Wait a minute, did you pull your education on law from a crackerjack box? Opps or maybe you got brainwashed about all the crap. Don't forget the whole SIberia thing is just a theory and still doesn't change the fact that the indians were here before the boat people from Europe got here. Back to your denseness...ever hear of precedence?

    Sorry there are no such absolutes when it comes to government obligations that bind generations of people that had no input into the original agreement. Just like a father cannot compel his children to pay his debts a government cannot compell future taxpayers to support unfair deals. That is why no one should ever sign a deal with a government which is not completely fullfilled within a few years.
  5. You paid diddly you land squatting terrorist If you don't like it go back to Europe. Your dumb mentality is the huge drain. It's idiots like you that are the problem. Everytime I come on these forums I am more and more convinced that Canada is full of dumb rednecks and I am glad I converted. :lol: Do you ever realize how sick some of you sound? Grow up some? How can your spouses even live with the likes of you? They must be using you for money :lol: Goood grief, what a sick, dysfunctional society we live in...and as always blame the indians

    I believe the economic are this. They are a huge drain, contribute next to nothing and want hand outs in perpetuity. I frankly don't know why they stay here. Surely the hunting grounds are better in russia?
  6. The world has gone to hell! There's no more respect...the world is full of cranky arses...everybody is out to take everybody else. The media and curriculum has successfully lied about history to create a brainwashed society that think they've done indians one great big favour when the boats of Europe arrived :lol:


    Here's some blood sport for yez...

    ...funny thing is he let her.

  7. Hey Dog it's true, your type, Lictor and those 3 goof balls get a way with capital crimes in smaller towns. The cops don't give hoot about it. The only reason why these guys are under the spotlight now is because of the fact of being caught on tape. All those smaller towns all have those losers who will gang up on indians, and they get a way with it too. If thats not the case, mothers and children in places like cafes where cranky old farts like Oleg and will sit and watch them enter and mumble stuff about indians. The there's arses lke you who target the women--Highway of tears--and when that's not the case you make sure you have lots of back-up before you launch an attack on a guy, to you 3 on 1 is a fair fight

  8. You got it wrong buster! I am just as white as you! :lol: I'm doing all aboriginals a favour by speaking on their behalf...yes gentle white reader, I too came in a boat! :lol:

    I'm not excusing them and I'm sure our justice system will deal with those that are guilty. This is between myself and Griz who also hails from the area...and is obviously no fan of the 'white man' anymore than I'm impressed by Carriers.
  9. Messed up canadian mutt, I mean immigrant land squattin terrorist :lol: I mean dogon porch Why you being so mean to the PG Citizen Newspaper Carriers. Most are innocent youth trying to make a living and you, the cranky old bat, messedup mutt have to slander them :rolleyes: Grow-up--you're making lictor, and those three arse losers in Courtnenay look normal and you the fool ;)

    The Carrier didn't have totem poles...but they were deathly afraid of the Haida who did...just up yonder over the Grease Trails.

    I find the Carrier's incestuous habits of the past to be rather odd. What's really odd is how some of them still practice it...tradition, yah know. Born n' bred in BC. I can trace my family in the area to Sir James Douglas's time...how about you? Who's your daddy?


  10. By the way Dog, are you one of those brain-washed fools who believe everything you read in the fabricated crap called history? Are you one of those cranky-old bats that sit in a coffee shop all day long and whine about the indians? Are you one of those losers who needs to slam indians just to make yourself feel better? :lol: you Mixed-up Immigrant mutt ;)

    When the Carrier weren't busy being the Haida's slaves, they were busy mating with each-other as none of the other tribes would have them. Inbreeding, unfortunately for the Carrier, doesn't bring out the best attributes in a people (see the Royal Families of Europe). Other tribes had much more intermingling of bloodlines with other tribes and don't exhibit the common Carrier phenotypical traits. Sorry...they're a butt-ugly bunch as a group. If you're one...my condolences.
  11. What's that mixed-up Canadian Mutt :lol:

    When the Carrier weren't busy being the Haida's slaves, they were busy mating with each-other as none of the other tribes would have them. Inbreeding, unfortunately for the Carrier, doesn't bring out the best attributes in a people (see the Royal Families of Europe). Other tribes had much more intermingling of bloodlines with other tribes and don't exhibit the common Carrier phenotypical traits. Sorry...they're a butt-ugly bunch as a group. If you're one...my condolences.
  12. Reputation is hot air, gossip, stories.

    I have hot air, gossip, stories too. What I hear is that in Western Canada, natives do a lot more "pitching" than "catching". I've personally been shoved and verbally abused by groups of natives while walking on Edmonton streets. A relative teaches in far northern Alberta, and states that the school staff are regularly threatened by native students and native parents. In Edmonton, people know to avoid north-end transit stations after dark...


    Many non-natives threaten teachers and staff too, especially at the High Shool level. Many citizens do not walk the city streets at night because of other gangs as well. I think some people in smaller communities of the north are bit sensitive about the redneck label. After all, why should they be subject to sweeping generalizations? Only First Nations people are suppose to be the ones who take all those nasy generalizations. :(

  13. When your ancestors came off the boat they not only smelled like pee and poop but there were only handfuls of them. Some of them showed up in prison camps for the railroad. Then they inbred creating mixed up Canadian mutts like Dog, lictor etc etc :lol:;)

    Many Prince George native indians are pretty dumb, violent and ugly. Too much inbreeding.
  14. All those papers are slanted with BS but good for fire-starter! :lol: Doesn't that rich tycoon now in jail own the Citizen? I remember years ago there was this one twisted editor from that paper. I think he's retired now but man that guy was full of it. Does this mean you should call those radical indians "Honky-necks!" :lol:

    Up in redneck-land, it is the natives one must watch out for. Natives attacking whites = way too common.


  15. What about all those smaller-type communties in Northern BC who have the reputation to be rednecky? How common do you think it is for natives to get jumped by a bunch of arse-holes like the incident in Courtenay? What was captured on tape is only a fraction of what really happens out there. You never even responded to my point about the Highway of Tears? Go live in those small towns or bigger places like Prince George or Ft ST John where hatred towards minorities like indians is common-place. Even with seemingly average white folks like cops, teachers and judges, their attitudes are like Lictor: "We've done you indians one great big favour by showing up in a boat!" :lol: . Talk to some native kid who has gone to public schools in places like PG. Watch the movie "Conspiracy of Silence," or, "Cowboys and Indians," to get a better idea of what it is truly like. If this wasn't captured on tape, those guys would've went on to find someone else to beat-up for their cheap little "Im a big tough guy and this is white town so get out thrill."

    We've been here reading this ridiculous thread about bands of whites who apparently roam the country like wolves looking for poor swarthy people to attack.

    White hatred of others is assumed to be such a big source of evil that people look for it where it doesn't even exist

    (like Topaz here).

    But hark! Finally! Proof of this great wave of white hate! A video, even! Yes! Yes! Yes! The holy grail! Now this wave of white violence has been proven! Now we can do the guilt thing and the "we have so much to learn" thing and the handwringing thing and the navel-gazing thing and talk about how this is just the tip of what must be a vast vast iceberg, and all of that. Finally we can talk about this vast epidemic of white racist violence that permeates our country!

    But along comes some poor hapless slob who has the audacity to suggest that the reverse is much more often the case. And people laugh and ridicule him and accuse him of getting his information from Stormfront and demand proof.

    And provided with statistics that show that this great wave of white violence against others is fiction, and that whites are, indeed, much more the victims of violence than the attackers? Well, that obviously doesn't match with what we know to be true. That just doesn't fit with this big epidemic of white racists driving around looking for swarthy people to kick the crap out of. It's almost as if ... as if this wave of white hate isn't even real. What about our national handwringing on the subject of race?!

    And so we have the rationalizations...

    Well, the attackers are probably ...poor! ...they probably just wanted a sandwich!

    You're one of the ones who demanded proof that whites are more often the victims than the attackers. Now you've got your evidence, and because it says something much different than what you were hoping for, you're here denouncing people who'd actually talk about what your statistics show. Somebody who'd point out the obvious conclusions that can be drawn from these facts that you asked for is obviously just a racist. Facts were a great thing when you thought they would be on your side, but now that they're not, people who'd like to discuss them are obviously just racists trying to oppress Canada's poor, hungry people of colour.


  16. What's that "land-squatting terrorist?" :P

    Don't you dare claim economic conditions may be a factor in violence. Or to talk about how non-whiite criminals tend to get harsher sentence for similar crimes. And don't even consider pointing out that most non-whites are NOT criminals.

    That's not the point. the victims either are not the point. Making sure that everyone knows that non-Whites are dangerous, each and everyone of them.

  17. Lictor would fall into the "complete nutcase category" :lol:

    there's always the rape angle that the media NEVER EVER talks about (less they awaken slumbering americans from their liberal hypnotic trance)

    In 2005 there were just over 37,000 rapes and serious sexual assaults by Black males against White women - in the same year there were LESS THEN 10 white on black rapes (deemed statistically insignificant)... .

    think about that and remember that the US is 66-68% white and 12-13% black. and the disproportionate rate becomes even more dramatic.

    Blacks are a 12-13% minority and yet on average commit 50% of all violent crimes in the US...

    I suspect we have comparable rates here in canada, but as a result of our truly nutty ideology of integral political correctness: we DON'T KEEP RACIAL CRIME STATS...

  18. I wonder if those guys would have carried out the same kind of attack on a white guy? They probably came across the black guy first, in other words he was at the wrong place at the wrong time when these idiot's came along. If it was native guy, or other ethinic that person would've been jumped by these cowards. It happnes all the time in some of the hick-towns of the north

    That is not his point and that is quite clear. I understand what he is talking about, and it seems true for the most part. Black on white, no one gives a hoot, any 'colour' on white simply does not garner the same attention as a white on black crime. All you need to do is sample your daily news sources.

    The notion of a hate crime is completely absurd. I don't get put away because I hate you, I get put away because I caused you harm. The motivation are the reasons I commited the act in the first place. I get charged and prosecuted for the act. The reasons are the root of why it happened. But if I did not commit the act, I am still free to hate you as I wish. Then I get called a bigot or something or intolerant, ect ect...


    Agreed with everything but the castration part. And why the hell are women not 'castrated' ?? Would you support women getting the equivelent of a castration?

  19. And Argus has a hero named Scott Peterson. It would be unfair to label all whites as people with dollar sign bugging out of their eyeballs who'll commit horrific acts just for money. So I'II just label Argus

    I think we pretty definitively established in an earlier thread that you have no familiarity whatsoever with the Canadian Charter of Rights. Ironic, given your pseudonym, but there we have it.

    You mean native culture says it's all right to steal things, to rape women, and to get drunk and have fights in the middle of the street?

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