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Posts posted by Griz

  1. As it says western European which includes France. The Newfies are of British descent and was a colony of England up until 1949 when they joined the Confederation.

    The Natives are assimilated as is obvious by the number of Native people in the Commons.

    As the last question asks, yes it would. If I moved to the arctic why would I suggest that the Inuit need to be like southerners and not hunt seals and game, they need to hunt to live and feed their families. I would need to learn the Inuit ways or I would not be successful and wouldn't be accepted into the Inuit community. The same should apply to newcomers to Canada.

    I for one am appalled at the conditions the First Nation peoples are forced to live in and the reserves need real attention. However the way we currently hand out cash isn't working and the money isn't getting to the people who most need it. This is for another thread.

    I am getting somewhere with this Mr Canada guy :P So going back to an earlier response in here by you to me--Why are you turning this into a race issue? :lol: And as for the ca$h, why is it a hand-out to the natives who don't really see that cash as they live in poverty? Meanwhile there is all those non-natives who "suck up" the billion dollar DIA budget and through the media make it look as though the natives have it good? Furthermore, if you use a kayak, is it recreation, or are you assimlated as an Inuit? :lol:

  2. When I speak of traditional Canadians I am speaking of Canadians of British or at least western European descent. It is these people better fit the idea of what Canada was meant to be when formed which cannot be argued as many countries were barred from entering Canada to live. That is the bar that new Canadians should be trying to live up to. So when I say assimilate, this is what is meant. Live, dress and act like Canadians of British descent to blend in. Forming ethnic ghettos remaining separate from traditional Canadians isn't helping them integrate into the social fabric.If the hell holes they escaped from were really that bad you'd figure they'd be willing to cast off their oppressive ways and embrace western life. However the second generation of ethnic Canadians are showing promise and the young ones are shunning their traditional dress which is encouraging.

    Yeah I'm well aware you are baiting me as I'm sure you think this isn't pc and I don't really care much for that. I don't buy into white liberal guilt as many have been duped into believing.

    Why SHould it be of British Descent? What about the French? The Aboriginal People? The NEwfies and all the others that make up the fabric of Canadian Society? If Mr Canda uses a kayak and hunts seals, does this mean that he is assimilated as an Inuit? :P:

  3. You still haven't defined what Canadian Culture is? How can you make the argument that one has to assimilate if the whole notion of what they are assimilating into is an abstract thought from some self-centered enthnocentric. I was serious when I asked that you to "try" and define what Canada is in a paragraph (The elevator ride example) I'II Bet Mr Canada can't do it ;)

  4. You think anyone could adequately explain a complex mechanism like a national culture in the space of ten or twenty seconds?

    You know what I mean! And the reason nobody has responded is because they can't "sum up" just what Canadian Culture is. I can help some of you get started if you wish:

    1)Beer Bellies, pizza, and Hockey Night In Canada

    2)Crankly People mad at Indians and Immigrants

    3)Indians, Immigrants, Newfies and Rednecks


  5. Except we actually have the power to enforce and assert our interests. The un-assimilated Canadian group still remains a minority, there are many immigrant to citizen inhabitants who cherish the "Canadian culture" and it's values as much as anybody else.

    I'd love to hear your sweeping generalization of what Canadian Culture is? Imagine that you are riding up an elevator--say 5 floors--and in that time you were to explain your definition of what Canadian Culture is...what would that definition be to you...this should be interesting :rolleyes:

  6. Soon immigrants will be able to walk into our homes and make themselves a sandwich and get some juice from the fridge.

    If we complain or call the cops they will just state that we are racists and impeding his human rights.

    That is where we're headed.

    Isn't this what happened to the aboriginal people one hundered or so years ago? I heard the analogy, that the indian great grandparents allowed the European visitors to stay a night. Then that turned into several nights until it became years. Before they knew it--they were in the basement and the European immigrants took over the house. The indians have been complaining for yeasr and just shut out--now that it's happening to non-native, caucasian it becomes and issue--cough cough--what goes around comes around

  7. We are just people that hate to watch our country being destroyed by other people from other countries that don't share our values......... certain people coming from certain countries have no intention of assimulating into our culture....they bring their fanatical religious beliefs here and are destroying everything this country once stood for........if you can't see that then you are an idiot!

    Define Our Culture please?

  8. No one is hopeless - hope is faith and confidence..the only real positive wealth this nation has. I heard they want to increase immigration to keep the so-called economy going...wonder who is lobbying for more slaves and if the common person such as you and I will benefit from more internal displacement of the founding families?

    What the future holds is an image of you and I as aged and infirm. The old folks faciltites will be staffed by those that are not of our race - will these new comers be kind to you and I an be good and faithful care givers or will they slap us around and leave us in dirty diapers? :blink: Personally I remember when my family came in 1950 - we were white and persecuted by the white trash anglos - so I have been black, in a sense. BUT we assimulated and respect the status quo and the anglos that were on top - Frankly I really don't believe that all the immigrants will be abusive - some will be - and so will some of the low end whites working for minimum wage...we are an aging populace - we had better figure out who is the good immigrant and who is not - You can not have prirates and cut throat opportunist taking over - Some immigrants that work in the federal bureacracy are abusive to whites and are racist - the medical profession also has those that are new arrivals that disrespect us the inviters already.

    Well said Oleg! I'm a true believer in "What goes around comes around." I don't see how some can complain about immigration while ignoring the fact that they too came here via a boat. With this recession coming upon us, I really hope all the greedy slobs in this society suffer from their own doing

  9. Do you think it's going to stay this way?

    What will you do when immigrants from India start buying houses around yours? Move further North?

    Here's the solution! ;) Maybe you can force the government through democracy to establish White Reservations and since the indians have it so good you can pass a law and call it the White Act. Add to this the Federal Department of Caucasian Affairs and since you don't know squat about your life--have the indians run the department and the huge beaurocracy and soak up the billions of dollars. Then use the mass media to make the grassroots cauasians look bad on their newly formed reservations.

  10. We need to separate the students who need more help from the smart ones before it gets to High School so the smart students aren't waiting around while the teacher stops the entire class to explain something to the simpleton for the 10th time.

    Keep those slow kids separate from the rest of them. Not everyone is equal and the sooner the kids learn that the better of they'll be. Coddling them just makes them weak and ill prepared for the real world.

    Smart isn't intelligent. I've heard that some high school teacher's are forced to pass some students despite their performance so that those students can get scholorships and go on to post-secondary....the parent goes to the Principal and the principal goes to the teacher and says pass so and so cause mommy and daddy said so and they're taxpayers so we have to do what they want cough cough--so people like Mr Canada advances despite his level of smarts --opps I mean intelligence--and what happens then....he says such things like the english gave indians democracy :lol: SHow me where in history did indians particpate in House of Commons debates etc. Then people like Mr Canada give the indians shit over english laws made by english people :lol::rolleyes:

  11. SO what do you think the indians said 150 years ago? 300 years ago when the first boats of Europe were arriving? I think I heard this saying before and sometimes it so makes sense and that statement is "What goes around come around." SO going back to an earlier post of mine--I honestly don't think millions of Europeans would jump on thier boat and go back to Europe :lol::P

  12. Without Europeans this country wouldn't be what it is today. It wouldn't be here for others to take advantage of.

    Did you know that one of the first boat load of Europeans were stuck in an ice jam on the St Lawerence and would've died if the indians didn't save them? They were suffering from scurvy so the next boat load came with lemons and limes and that is how the nickname limeys came to be

  13. The biggest issue is that there is no respect anymore. It's sad but it is true. We live in a society of contradictions. On one hand, in school they preach anti-bullying, yet all the kid has to do is turn on the TV and listen to people like that Hockey Night In Canada guy with the big mouth. Or, they go home and listen to dad whine about immigrants and the indians. Listen to the mass media and they whirl insults and slander. Watch a hollywood movie and the same crap who desensitize issues by making a joke of it. Add to this, our so-called manly leaders who fight around like little kids and then when they don't get their way--they jump up and down like some kid who didn't get his way in a candy store--that's the problem--the answer grow-up :lol:

  14. Thanks for that well thought out, erudite commentary on the state of public education.

    I honestly don't see how the conservatives view this as a victory. It may show that the Liberals didn't do as well, but also that many Candians do not "trust" Harper. Yeah to all the people who voted against them. I didn't watch much of the coverage as to me it was all crap anyways but I did here Harper say that he was expecting a minority anyways. To me that is BS because I feel that he called an election because he believed he had a chance of forming a majority. I also believe he was trying to play on the supposed momentum of the Republicans in the south, but the winds of that sail flopped too. To me it was all just a waste of time and money.

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