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Posts posted by DangerMouse

  1. I don't think Europeans want to go back to living like they did in the 17th/18th/19th century, so what's your point?

    If you jumped on a boat and went back without showering for a few days then you'll surely repeat history :lol: And once you get over there, you can repeat history again, by squatting on the land, raping the women, molesting the children, and commit acts of arson and spreading your diseases :P

  2. If you paid any attention you would no we are past that about 200 years or so but if you would like to come and try to take it I welcome you. but I really don't think you need it because I am probably already paying for the one you are in.

    I would think the difference today is societal evolution but that topic seems to have a tough time here due to a lack of understanding of the concept

    Ahh another lil kid rightwinger emerges---jst after Borg graduated from 40 watt lightbulb to 60 watts and lil night light like JCAN comes along :lol: The cycle of idiots continue :P

  3. DM - you really do not read what I write - do you. If you do you certainly do not understand.

    So call me a dork - but even the wild ducks get federal funding - as do the inanimate lock controls on the seaway.

    It is just that some federally funded projects actually are productive and some are blood suckers that take and take with no care in the world as long as they can keep taking. I think we know where you fit in.

    If you would get off the reserve and see the real world you might just understand what I am saying - but you will always take it the wrong way.

    If you were to ever actually see me you might just understand. If I have my way that meeting will never happen - heck I leave the country in a couple of days for at least a year - probably longer anyway - that way you can continue to insult and prove your personal shortcomings.

    Have a nice day


    I am not on a reserve! I am just like you! I just understand the issues...think about it? How many natives in this country? Couple million maybe--how many others? 35 million? Why do you give the natives heck over a system of laws that weren't even written by them? Whatever country you are off to--as an outsider--try to give them $hit over their laws and watch the reaction--then put yourself in the shoes of the natives--the worse thing about all this--most of you have that narrow perception--hence good luck in your evolution to maturity

  4. C-31 is about non status because they lost their status due to things like marrying non Native men and Those who lost their membership in a band through sexual discrimination in the past, can apply to regain membership. that is a fact so read on instead of as usual seeing only what you want to.

    I guess I forgot that there has never been an example of wife abuse in the native culture HA HA HA! pick up a paper go to a reserve or walk down main street Winnipeg. You are farcical, and if it wasn't for your red skin you might see your red neck.

    List all the other ways status was lost Mr Lightbulb?

  5. Must be nice to have all those tax dollars available to sue - win - win for you.


    Borg! You're such a dork but there is hope. Do you realize what you just said? Look at it deeply and you may just see it...feds and aboriginal people are under the same jurisdiction....federal tax...aboriginal people in same jurisdiction...to lightbulbs like you it may look like tax free but they just fall under same category bozo.... :lol::P there's hope for idiots like you yet :lol: good luck in youre evolution past puberty scotty

  6. The problem I see particularly with blockades of major traditing routes, from the broader standpoint of absolving the issues, is that they in fact hurt the ability of society to pay for land settlements. Which, you would think, to some degree, decreases the likelihood that an offer can be made, or at least the amount that can be offered. I do not see, logically, how that is good for either side.

    There are many natives who do not agree with blockades, yet, when one happens it effects all the natives through nastiness. You should've seen the reaction when Gustafsen Lake, OKa, and the Eastcoast fishery happened. I think I mentioned it here before, but there was this one native guy hitching a ride to Burns Lake and some white screeched his car, jumped out and started screaming at him over the fishery, then jumped in his vehicle and sped off. As far as I am concerned, it is guys like that the cops should check out for other acts of hatred in this part of the world.

    But on the other hand, some natives resort to blockades because they see it as the only way to get the attention to the issue because when you really look at it from a legal standpoint, the governments are in the wrong--plain and simple

  7. Holy Moses! I leave for a few days and all hell breaks loose! :lol: Borg good luck on your evolution beyond puberty--you and others need it, especially with that certain mentality you, and most other possess here. As always CR knows what he or she is talking about...Canadien and Eyeball as well--you others , good grief! Whoever brought up Mozart, Bach and Pink FLoyd! Holy SMokes what were you smoking this weekend? Sure technology was crude but whose to say, and can say where it would've went if the europeans never showed. Thats why the whiteman flew to the moon, because they heard the natives were claiming land up there :lol: What about all the other tecnological contrubutions made by natives? Didn't the USA use a model similar to the Iroquois Confederacy as well? Isn't "caucus" a aborignal word? Those of you who whine about aboriginal leadership, don't forget they are sadly puppets for your benefit. All these years you wanted to have aboriginal people assimlated like you--now that some are--crooked, etc you whine about that? :rolleyes: As for the guy in the hospital bed, I pray that you recover happily, and if you werent so busy worrying about the indians you may have been better off! Finally what I've come to see, is that the people that really complain about natives alot--have issues and need to vent on somebody or something...natives are their convenient avenue...good grief some of you--get a life--get a grip ;)

  8. So they should.

    "White people" in other words. Look around the planet, just about everywhere that Europeans pulled this sort of shit on indigenous people, resulted in a destabalizing culture shock that will likely resonate for generations. That was the whole point of doing it.

    I agree! It's not a wonder some whites will try to deny the reality...colonalization had huge impacts as well as residential schools. Yes gentle white readers, your ancestors did some nasty things just so you can live nicely today...in order to get the land they had to commit acts of murder, arson, squatting, rape of women, and child molestation...no onder you have to lie about your history..at least the natives have culture and songs, you have Bart Simpson, booze, drugs, and Take Me Out To The Ballgame

  9. Does it now. Care to prove that?

    That isn't the origin of the word.

    Really? Then you'll have no problem with someone calling Natives 'chugs' then? Or Caucasians 'cracker'? Or Blacks 'jiggaboos'. Those words in no way suggest skin colour.

    WTF? You do not know me.

    It doesn't suggest all whites are racist. It's a stereotypical description of white people. It suggests whites have a tendancy towards inbreeding, drinking, fighting and perhaps eating roadkill (as mentioned earlier already). I'll let Google Images do the talking. Point out the black rednecks, please.

    My point exactly. Only a certain skin colour can say the "N word" and get away with it. Ask certain stand-up comics.

    No worries. Don't particularly agree with you either.


    I'm your worst nightmare...a nigger with a badge.

    ---Eddie Murphy upon entering a redneck bar: 48 Hours

    The definition varies. According to Don Cherry is along the lines of the burnt neck thing. To me it is someone who can be a total jerk to minorities and like to fight. Beat them up when they have lots of back-ups, and/or older men who will slander an eldery couple in a cafe. The funny thing I heard was that ALberta is full of nice rednecks

  10. Who are you kidding when it comes to women having it better - if you privately speak to young woman they will reveal that they would rather live in the 50s world than this liberated slavery...The only native that live in luxury are the gangsters..the rest are on the bench drinking large bottles of mouth wash and passing out ...call that luxury?

    So what are you whining about? you and countless others who say the natives have it good loaded down with cash? Such sweeping generalizations by narrowminded rightwingers who haven't a clue what they're talking about....what about Bill-C31? Non-Status? You probably havent heard of that before rambling your lightbulb yap off...it would be just like me making the sweeping generalization that all women married to rightwing men live in danger because deep deep down in that so-called man lurks another scott peterson...

  11. An amendment? I don't think so because the last time it started a big fight that the country just about broke up the country...Meech and Charlotte Town....If the indians have it so good then maybe if there was such an amendment, you should rally to start up the Federal Department of Caucasian and European Origins Affairs. Then let the Natives run your lives in the newly formed Caucasian Act. Then the natives can do what they want and put you on reservations called The Caucasian Rez...then watch all the baby boy rightwingers jump up and down like they didn't get their way in a candy-store :lol:

  12. If I am an assimilated Indian then you are simply a lost Asian.

    "I knew I shoulda turned left at Kamchatka."


    :lol: You still didn't get it! You just help me make a point though (TY Very Much)as everyone is saying that the aboriginal culture is lost, and meanwhile we have a bunch of rednecks, and whites, running around out in the country hunting and fishing, throwing spears etc etc and are doing what the natives done to live long ago :lol: They call it recreation, but when you look at it from your perspectives, they are assimilated into the native ways :lol: Therefore the culture is alive and well? Isn't it so convenient for all you lightbulbs to look at things from one narrow minded perspective? Some times I read these posts in disbelief and can only say one thing--if you all knew how you look and knew the truth, then you'll realize the foolishness that you have

  13. Social conditions on reserves are what the natives make it and I and know one else are responsible for those conditions if you can not get things together maybe you should look to your own leaders instead of passing the buck.

    The BNA act of 1867 was not just about controlling natives in some of the same sentences it includes Japanese and Hindu. You might also want to look at what the women of all races, they were subject to restrictions as well. It is clear that it was about all of Canadian rights and laws there were amendments to it as well later giving the natives, women, and other races the right to vote, as well as other rights. You read only what you want to looking at it from a heliocentric view instead of the big picture and that is why your arguments are always flawed and full of name calling.

    That is looking at it from a legal stand point I do not agree with all that was done in the past but the Natives are hardly the only ones effected by it so get of the pore me trip others have been able to do well and the only difference is they were not babied like the natives, which gave them the incentive to do something on their own.

    You still don't get it :rolleyes: Those were laws written by europeans that came to this land and not the natives themselves, so why do bright lightbulbs like you give the natives heck over "your laws?" Where in the constitution does it mention Japanese and Hindus? You do however hold a glimmer of hope by using the term "restrictions" when other brain-wave light-bulbers call it benefits? Man some people are so screwed with their perceptions. If this forum is any indication of what people really think! Then the biggest job in front of us is to properly eduacte the backward thinking rightwingers :lol::P

  14. You know what I think you are right we do miss manage the fisheries and wild life both cultures are guilty but we should limit all including the natives if we did not allow them to over fish and hunt we might not be in the predicament we are in. I think one could argue this on all points the moment you give one group free rain on all resources and they are not accountable there will always be abuses and this fact is at the heart of this discussion, it does not matter who was here first we are all here now and if we do not fix the underlying social and economical issues we all loose. The only way do do this is to treat all equal and give all no mater their race the same responsibilities. One way or another the hand outs must stop for this to happen.

    If the natives are truly equal and capable of running their own lives (though I do not believe we run their lives for them now)they must prove it the lame excuses do nothing but keep themselves down it is time they were left to their own accord like the rest of us and what happens, happens no culture is perfect there will always be vagrants of all races but they should all have the same resources to help themselves not some better than others.

    The opportunities afforded to the natives have been wasted and should be granted to all Canadian citizens. This is the simple formula to make Canada as a whole better. The fact is there are still people immigrating to Canada and there will always be, we are truly multi cultural and we need to quit segregating the rights if it is ever to be cohesive we must have the same rights for all.

    Hey lightbulb...when did the BNA Act come into effect? All you bozo-brains seem to get mixed up with social, political and law...social condition on reserves are unreal...politics are full of rightwingnut phonies....look at it from a purely legal standpoint and your lightbul might flicker brighter....whose law is it you bozo?

  15. No, I think Wild Bill hit it pretty close to home. Natives are trying to keep alive an old-style society, while trying to enjoy a modern lifestyle. It doesn't work. It can't work. One or the other.

    You guys are pathetically screwed... :lol: CR hit it on...the rest of you are all a bunch of bimbos...what kind of cockeyed ethnocentric opinion is that :lol: Are all you rightwing nuts thinkers like that? Good Grief...all you arses can go out and play with your toys and hunt and fish and call it recreation but, in reality your an assimilated indian :P therefore the culture is alive and well...what about easter and xmas etc....go drink some more whiskey wild Bill :lol: font]

  16. So you consider lieing and deceiving or misrepresenting to be "out doing" someone? Thats pretty twisted.

    So far you have not contributed one point with any merit to this discussion, all you've done is insult in a very juvenile manner. Then when caught lieing you claim to have "out done". You truly have a twisted sense of reality.

    Now like I said earlier, run along, you're done here now.

    Angus! Don't believe evrything you think...that's the problem with the world. KNow-everything-in-the-book-perfect-europeans like you always seem to have the answers! You've been trying to run the lives of indians since confederation and look at the bloody mess you made, and bozos like you give natives heck over your system of laws--hence--lightbulb rightwingers ;) Look at the fishery, billions spent on so-called management and the eastcoast still collapsed...what were these so-called managers up too? Good grief--get a life--run along now ;)

  17. Nothing wrong at all with natives assimilating. In fact I would encourage all natives to join our society instead of clinging to a lost lifestyle that was barely sustainable way back when.

    Why would they want to be shallow ethnocentric phonies with dollar signs buggin out of their eyeballs? Why would they want to pay some salon to tan their skin brown and run around without fullhead of hair? Why would they want to be cranky old farts?

    Here's a question for all you bright lightbulbs...how do you define Canadian society? Can't wait to hear your excellent responses ;)

  18. Yeah, fine grasp of tradition. Thats why an old white guy in town here makes their ceremonial drums for them. They don't know how. A truly impressive grasp of tradition.

    All these years overgrown whiners like you whine about how indians should assimlate and now that some are--it's some great wrong in your Know-everything-in-the book arse...angus, you have nothing worthwhile to contribute with your juvenile rhetoric...so run along now... :P

  19. If you weren't such a dense goofball you would get it by now.

    I also eat Indian food (no, not native american food, food from people from a country far, far away --> India!) so does that make me Indian? Should I dress in a Sari and get a Bindi dot?

    The POINT (if you can ever get it) is that we dipped, but we did not profit from it. Our government allows natives to dip for fish (as per tradition) but they are not to sell the fish for a profit. They are to take home and feed to your children. BUT many natives sell the fish and buy booze rather than food for the chldren.

    You people don't give a rat's ass about "tradition" or "nature"... tell me, did the natives replant every tree they took for building longhouses, canoes, totems? Hmmm?

    :lol: So an indian sells something and it's not traditional and you can fish and call it recreation? No No! You are assimilated as a native :lol: At least the natives have tradition that has been beat to the ground by all you fine--know everything in the book europeans--at least it is their songs, dances, and history...you have Bart Simpson, Take Me out to the Ballgame...oh by the way--what is the meaning behind the squaredance? :P

  20. I was at a mall in the parking lot having a smoke before I went in.... the mall is not located on a reserve. So the native was illegally trying to sell cigarettes to me.

    They are also not allowed to sell salmon off reserve but they do.

    When I was a kid, we used to go "dipping" for salmon in the Fraser River. We never took more than we could eat. And yes, it was illegal, but sure was fun (I was the lookout and many times I raced to the river on my Yamaha to save everybody from the DFO) We never once sold the salmon... we ate it -- we did not make a profit from the fish. And isn't that what the natives are supposed to do -- eat the salmon themselves; smoke the cigs themselves? They don't care about "maintaining" their culture -- they care about what everyone else cares about -- making money.

    Hey Drea! I want to use your post to give each and everyone of you a lightbulb moment to ponder :lol: When the natives buy the cigarettes, that money still ends up back to the Feds. Just like fuel...natives also fall under Federal government jurisdiction. So when you think about it, natives are just middle men in this great big mess created by all you bozos who have always slammed natives over your laws. If they tax the natives that basically means that the government would be taxing themselves :lol: (where's the lightbulb icon that I need for all of you fine forum posters?) :lol: But all you lightbulbs view it as tax-free status :unsure: The money goes back to the government anyways. Also wasn't tabocco traditional amongst natives?...and we all know that fishing was...so if Drea claims she does all this! Then congratulations! You are a white assimilated to native culture :P

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