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Posts posted by DangerMouse

  1. That makes zero sense. Perhaps you should add me to your ignore list as well. Eventually you'll be left with only opinions you agree with. What a perfect world...


    Here's Johnny!!

    ---The Shining

    FUCK THE WHOLE GOD DMN WORKS OF YOU ASSHOLE REDNECK LOSERS!!!!!!!!!! go to other forums and its the same old crap--CANADA is shit pile full of dumb fuckin redneck losersssssssssssssss BUNCH of BACKWARDS ASSHOLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU ALLLLLLLLLL!! IF YOU SKIN IS WHITE YOURE GOIN TO WIPE OYUT YOUR FAMILY FOR THE INSUANCE YOU LOSES!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I actually write in my own party when I vote: 'The Let's Party'. My party demands that you watch 'Animal House' at least once a year while consuming a keg of locally produced beer. Seems quite popular amoungst the rank n' file.

    The racist around here is you. I feel everyone should be equal. You do not. You want some sort of race-based solution. Shades of yester-year...Herr Maus.


    Christ. Seven years of college down the drain. Might as well join the f***ing Peace Corps.


    Who wrote the laws you retard? Dumb twits like you give natives heck over your laws--whine about equality when you're the idiots who wrote the laws--grow up retard or better yet ask your local politician to write laws if the indians have it so good and call it DUMB REDNECK ACT! and rewrite the Canadian Constitution and call it the Dumb Redneck Constitution of Canada.

  3. Born here. Don't need your permission. Come to my area of this country...you're the visitor. Beer's cold for my friends.

    No use playing the poor bedraggled victim living in the past if you want respect from the rest of your fellow Canadians. It just makes you a welfare case. Or do you already line-up at the office? Perhaps you're one of those that block roads and act all tough? Either way...no respect. At the moment, your attitudes aren't a threat to my values and family.


    Always overpay your taxes.That way you'll get a refund.

    ---Meyer Lansky

    :lol: Why would I want respect from a bunch of lightbulb clowns from some dinky assed forum? You guys are hilarious and make me laugh with your twisted so-called conversation, racist jibberish, DOP do you actually call those people that are out to use you your friends? :lol: I got you oon everyone of your points! No matter what the dumb scientists say--the aboriginal people were here first! The rest of you squatted! In fact all you rightwong nuts should lobby to change the name of your party The Squatters Party of Canada...the biggest welfare bums around who got free land :P

  4. I don't need your permission to be a native of Canada. Interesting that you feel you can hand out blessings. My suggestion to you would be to keep off of my land.


    You cannot hate other people without hating your self.

    ---Oprah Winfrey

    Hence the term squatter...you didnt get permission you just squatted, squatter..

  5. What country were you born in? I was born in Canada. Probably BEFORE you. That makes me NATIVE Canadian. What makes you so special? Skin colour? Hmmmm?


    Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason.

    --- Abraham J. Heschel

    If it'll make you happy native canadian DOGONPORCH then so be it--I mean really--who gives a crap whatever appeases that lttle brain of yours. Native is not used in the constitution ehh...

  6. So now Europeans are a disease?

    If one were to call anyone else besides Europeans a 'disease' surely they would be banned, but it is ok to be a filthy racist when you are being racist against whites?

    What is this garbage and why is it tolerated?

    Why is this acceptable?

    Well they did jump off the boats and spread their diseases to millions of aboriginal people...yes gentle caucasian reader--great gramm and pappa were murderers

  7. I'm a native Canadian...born here...how about you?


    1. Existing in or belonging to one by nature; innate: native ability.

    2. Being such by birth or origin: a native Scot.

    3. Being one's own because of the place or circumstances of one's birth: our native land.

    4. Originating, growing, or produced in a certain place or region; indigenous: a plant native to Asia.


    a. Being a member of the original inhabitants of a particular place.

    b. Of, belonging to, or characteristic of such inhabitants: native dress; the native diet of Polynesia.

    6. Occurring in nature pure or uncombined with other substances: native copper.

    7. Natural; unaffected: native beauty.

    8. Archaic Closely related, as by birth or race.

    9. Biochemistry Of or relating to the naturally occurring conformation of a macromolecule, such as a protein.



    a. One born in or connected with a place by birth: a native of Scotland now living in the United States.

    b. One of the original inhabitants or lifelong residents of a place.

    2. An animal or plant that originated in a particular place or region.


    How it infuriates a bigot, when he is forced to drag out his dark convictions.

    ---Logan Pearsall Smith

    Native is very general term nowadays. I think that is why aboriginal, First NAtions are used instead. Are you either? Or are you playing a twist with the term "native."

  8. I live close by a Band of First Nation and I've seen how the non-native treat them, I've gotten to know some among them and I can say that not ALL First Nation people are as bad as some would like you to believe. Then again, not ALL non-Native people are against the First nation either.

    I find it hard to believe that Dogonporch is a native. But I have noticed one thing--some of the real hated\ful ones are prt First Nations themselves...maybe Dog is one of them...people like him bleed the system then blaime the natives for everything. Nothing can be farther from the truth with Topaz's statement. There are a lot of dickhead arses in Canada who treat the natives like crap ovr laws that were written by whites--Go figure? It is those arses that give the decent ones a bad name on both sides...why do some of the non natives complain? Because they are sadly misinformed on the truth...basically they base all their opnions--including the right-wing nuts--on gossip and when things don't go there way--they jump up and down like some little kid who didnt get his way in a candy store--these are so-called :lol: grown men

  9. So in Canada the natives are not dispossessed, that is indeed good news. So what is it you are going on about then CR?

    Your entire argument then is that you own the entire nation because you got here first. Bad argument. That concept doesn't hold water my friend. You have to be able to hold onto land in order to lay claim to it. For whatever reason, native Canadians have FAILED to do so. Try reading a history book or something, the entire planet has been overrun at one time or another. To use your logic you should just sign over title to the Africans because they are the genetic forefathers of all of us.

    Your argument is like that of the Six Nations who came to Canada after the US war of independence, the entire Caledonia issue is a joke. A nomadic people, such as many of the North American natives, never had any real claim to lands other than the we are here so its ours attitude. Borders were never formalized and infighting amongst tribes adjusted limits of territory all of the time. To continue along those lines makes no sense at all. You are far better off now than what you were before the arrival of the Europeans, even if you lost your lands. Besides, isn't it true that individual natives can hold no land? Only the tribes or bands can have claim to the land. Native society is communistic by nature, and we all know the success rate of communism. Grow up for God's sake and recognize the reality of the situation!

    Natives could achieve a great deal with the right mindset and the right leadership. However the guys snorting pam and gasoline seem to have the market cornered on native logic. You folks should get together with the crack heads from our culture, since there is so much in common there.

    :lol: You're funny jerry fartin jibberish :P

  10. To me it's all crap! Everybody except natives are running around with dollar signs buggin out of their eyeballs and are out to use everybody they can in this plastic, shallow-phony world. Which begs the question, with such narrowminded phoniness, what is the glue that holds the shallow rightwing element together? Knowing tht you just use and will stab your socalled friends in the back--buy lots of insurance for your socalled loved ones with a scotty petersen lurking underneath

  11. The only dumb ass people posting here are the ones that are not in favour of equality. All citizens must have the same rights, that is the long and the short of it. Government needs to understand that anything less is racist and counter productive. Citizens need to understand that we are all equal, with no more right or entitlement than any other citizen. That is the problem, some people are taking a very childish approach to the current issues.

    The entire issue of land claims is another matter, but rights are simply rights.

    Obviously you don't understand that laws contradict values...and this certain thing called precedence....who wrote those laws Mr Brainwave Lightbulb? The Indians sure didnt and to give them crap over that is childish! Racist? The Indian Act is the most racist piece of legislation that was written by whites you bozo brain

  12. "Most people " would interpret my comments about going back over to Europe as a teasing comment. I mean think of it? DO you honestly thing all 35 million of you "so-called Canadians" along with 350 million yanks would go back to Europe? :lol: You fell for my little joke lightbulb rightwinger? Secondly, you can try to prove otherwise with Bering Strait etc but it still does not change the fact that the aboriginal people were the "first ones here." SO once again we have lightbulb scientists trying to prove otherwise. If is not such a big deal then why did Columbus, and the history books that have shaped your brainwashed brain keep saying that Columbus discovered the America's when the natives were already here? Yet another lightbulb moment...one day you and countless others will graduate from flickering candle in the wind to 20 watt lightbulb, ;) Then maybe the so-called grown, men of the rightwing element will start looking more mature...and Canada and the dumb-asses further south will grow up

  13. The compensation wasn't satisfactory. Yet Jews aren't rioting in Caledonia.

    The only satisfactory compensation would be to ship the whole works of you back to Europe. And take your cranky, bald-headed arses with you and your right wing retarded mentality. And don't take a shower on the boat and when you get back to Europe you'll be replicating history when you walk off the boats smelling like pee and poop. The when you get there start writing laws on how the people there should live and watch the reaction ;)

  14. Not like we do not have our own Western European ethnic violence as well. And I do not mean neo-nazis and white supremacists. Have you not heard about the rash of violence against Chinese sport fishermen? What is that? Just business as usual?

    If they want to start talking about shipping people then Borg and company should be shipped back to Europe...too often lightbulbs like Borg talk as though he was the first here yet his type came in a boat long ago---if you don't like it--go back it's as simple as that...what about the acts of terrorism committed to Canada's aboriginal people? Is that business as usual?

  15. Are you saying the branch of science known as genetics is propaganda? How did you like the documentary?


    Science is here to brainwash us...right. How many things...including your computer...have you used today that were given to you by the efforts of science? Coffeemaker, perhaps? Your car? Your watch? Your...etc, etc, etc? No worries, though. We do need a few nut-jobs on a forum such as yourself...reminds the rest of us that we still have a touch of sanity left...at least.



    That's my money, Paulie...

    ---Christopher Moltisanti to Paulie Gualtieri after killing a waiter for the tip money; The Sopranos

    DOGON PORCH uses wikipedia as a source? :P That proves it right there! Any lightbulb like you and Anus I mean Angus can add and edit on there...in other words it's all crap :lol:

  16. A good documentary on M-DNA being used to mark the march of humans across the planet.

    The Real Eve 9 Parts...it shows how we are all related from a single common mother leaving Africa via Arabia rather than The Levant. North American Indians, too...


    If the mitochondrial Eve is 202,000 years old and the y-chromosome Adam only 188,000 years old, then he was the first man to fall in love with an older woman.

    ---Anthropology lecture joke

    Do you honestly believe all the propaganda crap you see on tv, and read in the papers? It's there to brainwash you which is very evident in these forums and others just like it

  17. Well DM what can I say to your response? You obviously have an agenda, one that seeks to attempt a position of credibility through insults. Not even a nice try DM. Let me respond with this; your arrogance is exceeded only by your ignorance.

    I could say; enjoy your welfare check from your government paid for hovel while you drink whiskey and beat your wife and children you fool, but I shall not! It is your fate to be forever envious of people who work for a living. Keep it up DM, you give us great and cheap entertainment!

    May I ask how speaking the truth is an agenda? It's all true you were:...diseased, boat-people from Europe came here and infested the natives then squatted on the land. They molested the children and raped the women and committed other acts like arson and murder. Fast forward the clock, and now lightbulbs like you make it sound as though you've done the natives one great big favour. It's true isn't it? What's your point?

  18. A play on our good nature and sympathy? :lol: Let's get this straight...diseased, boat-people from Europe came here and infested the natives then squatted on the land. They molested the children and raped the women and committed other acts like arson and murder. Fast forward the clock, and now lightbulbs like you make sound as though you've done the natoves one great big favour :lol::P Go smoke another one as you sip your vodka :P Time for change? Yes JUMP ON YOUR BOAT AND GO BACK!

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