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About FNandPROUD

  • Birthday 01/16/1971

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    First Nations Art, myths, stories. Blues music.<br />My son is my #1 priority, loving and teaching him to respect all and learn from those that walked before him

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  1. Yes...I'd rather see these children in a FN home than in a home that thinks that they are doing the poor little "indians" a favor. People that will pretend to care for a child and then talk nasty about their culture or race...no matter which race that might be.
  2. What have I denied? I am speaking the truth from my experience, from my Nation and from the Nation of 7 bands that I work for. Most of your BS I choose to ignore because it is so inaccurate. My Grandmother owns land & a home on the reserve she lived in as does my aunt. I didn't bother reading your article because your view is pretty pathetic so I can imagine what kind of article you dug up. As for treatment centres, they have nothing to do with Chief & Council. As for others taking money for themselves, if they've been audited and caught (which obviously they have because it's in the news or in the paper) they would be now paying back the money. Are you saying there is no one in our provincial and federal system thats never taken money? Never taken a trip overseas with 12-16 of their closest friends, spending millions? Oh thats right......non natives are upright citizens and only the "indians" are bad, evil beings
  3. How are you aware that the Chiefs take the money for themselves? Each dollar that enters a band administration has to be accounted for to DIA and Health Canada, each band office goes through a pre audit in Jan and then an annual audit in May. You would have to have some pretty big loop holes to scam that much money. And yes....many First Nations carry good ideas, wow amazing who would have thought. The "poor me" mantra as you call it, is something that you can't judge. You have not lived what these people have gone through. For so many years until in came to light, these people ignored it, hid it, covered it up with other negative forces and relived it. Many of the abused became abusers, there is just a thousand things I could list, but there is no sense because you would not understand it. Why? Because most with this attitude don't want to. Most with this attitude were the ones that opened and operated institutions that created generations of pain. To the poster that said the girl no longer wanted to live by the rules, in a good home, etc. May it wasn't that she didn't want to. For one, we are finding out that children placed in home that are not of their ethnicity, is damaging. Another, maybe she was fetal alcohol effected. With some of these kids, one taste of alcohol is all it takes, thats it, it then rules their whole lives.
  4. So, your quote was just a load of BS....your own little theory. I never said ALL elders were level headed, I was giving you my experience. Yes, the residential schools were a big mistake, the intention was rarely a good one. If you were actually to look into it, past the tip of your turned up nose, you would understand it. Again, I'm not sure why you think you're an expert on our FN system because the women are held high in our society. Why would you think women cannot own land? Or get nothing? Are you saying thre is no despair in youth of other cultures? Amazing that there are no non native woman in the bar you worked as well. I wouldn't know, I've never had to take a job in a bar.
  5. There may be monies available, it certainly doesn't mean that everyone gets funded. I think at one time, way b4 my time....everyone did get funded. But I can also tell you that if you flunk out or get kicked out, you pay that $$ back to your band. At least that how it is in my Nation and the nation that I work for.
  6. Do you have any reference to back up your statement that native elders do any of the above or is this just more "common knowledge?" I know for myself, I realize the issues our elders carry with them, generations of residential school survivors, sexual abuse survivors. My Mother and Grandmother went to residential school. This is why so many turned to drinking to kill the pain. Even through this, I have always been told and supported that I can do better, that I can make a difference. Not once have I ever been told my someone in my family or my first nations community that I was hated or that my future was bleak. I do know that hateful words spill out when someone is drinking, so I can imagine in some families that this was the case.
  7. Change your name, it's your right. I'm not sure why it sets you off that I am proud to be first nations. Being cute and intelligent has nothing to do with why she was at university. Thats just your way to belittle her. Did you catch her stealing your rings? Or are you assuming it? Did you ever stop to wonder why she drank? Do you care? NO, I highly doubt it beacuse you do not seem like a straight up kinda person (since I don't know if you're male of female...I won't ASSUME). Yes and would you appreciate me saying that it serves your right to get struck by lightening? Get hit by a car, etc etc? Nooo....keep in mind that we are all someone's daughter/son. Do any of you have any connection to your spirit??? Have some compassion in life. Get over your pettiness. How on earth are our children suppose to live with hatred and bitterness like what you people are showing? I was taught to respect all, even when they don't show respect to me. Did your parents not teach you manners and respect?
  8. I can't reply to all of the inaccurate information you seem to think you are so knowledgable on. I am amazed that you have visited all the FIRST NATIONS BANDS in Canada to know that there is so much corruption. See, you seem to think the Society is YOURS. I would like to see you go through some hardships, or to witness your family and friends go through it. To hear what your ancestors before you went through. If you didn't see things in the sense of the color of someone's skin, then you wouldn't even be making half the comments you are making. Either you are a tiny itty bitty man wanting to prove something, or an old man with too much time on his hand, or an umemployed person. Either way, get some knowledge, make some friends. And if you want to do a scholorship in your name with criteria, you are most welcome to. There are many out there that say "First Nations or East Indian or Portuguese preference".
  9. LMAO WHAT free education??????? I mean...did I miss some freaking announcement? Are you serious? GET A LIFE. There is no free education, there are no free homes. GO TO A RESERVE.....ask questions, look around you. If you move to the city, you get no help from your band what so ever. People choose to stay on the reserve to stay near family, harvest traditional foods, learn our culture, this is always a thought because if you move to the city you miss all this. Traditional foods help the grocery bills. Oh yes and let me add that I have a huge student loan that I've been paying for 7 years to prove that we DO NOT get free education.
  10. Again, if we chose to be called FN, that is our choice, regardless of what the government put on our cards. AGAIN...that was not our choice. So what you're saying is that if your family owns hundreds of acres, homes here and there, that you should not have the privilege of having it when they pass on, just because of your DNA connection? Correct? So anyone should be able to have it, up for grabs. As for my remark about reserves, I was not only talking to you.
  11. A few different comments As soon as you title someone as "INDIAN" when you know full well across Canada we call ourselves FIRST NATIONS is just ignorance. That is were the racism starts. If there is more than one nationality involved, include them. Just because your hatred is towards FN people is why you are pointing them out. I'm sure if you stuck a community of East Indians or African Americans or Non Natives into a reserve of just their race, put them on a sand lot, a place where they can't even grow grass, give them nothing, no parks, no halls, nothing for the youth to do...I'm sure you too would see their drinking/drugging levels rise. I am first nations, I am a drug & alcohol counsellor in a First Nations Community. I see just as many non natives drink and drug as I do First Nations. Why don't people choose to educate themselves a bit before spouting off?
  12. Thank you for the welcome, after reading I knew I had to give my opinion as well. A lot of good replies here but a few made by people that are just not aware and need to gain knowledge on a few things.
  13. No it wouldn't. People will always make excuses to dislike other people based on the colour of their skin, the amount of money they make, the gender they choose to sleep with, and so on. You have to rationalise it because deep down inside you know it's wrong. Child-molesters, thieves, murderers all do the same thing. I disagree with you BC Chick. All of my anger towards the FN are because of their privledged status. If they had equal rights and privledges under the law as I had, I simply would disregard their racial status. It's not productive to be racist. But anger at FN isn't racist in a country like Canada, it's a political process. They are a bloc, a movement, a party even in a way. They are generally a unianimous protest group. And for that, it creates anger (justifiable) towards them. If they received nothing special, I'm sure most people could care less and would just 'leave them alone'. It is hilarious to see that you think we have privileged status. Yes....my mom was so privileged to get torn out of her parents arms, go to residential school, be forced to speak a language that was not her own, to not be allowed to speak to her brothers, to be beaten if she were caught speaking to them. She was so privileged to endure what she endured. Would you consider your child privileged if she was ripped out of your home, shipped to the other side of the province and you were not permitted to phone or visit? Think before you speak. And in case you really are that dim.....we do not get free homes, we do not get free cars and we do not get free education. I have a mountain of student loans like many other races of people to attest to that!
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