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Everything posted by sally

  1. shhhhh. Conservatives dont want to know that. They like thinking crime is out of control and getting worse.
  2. What are you saying? Before you fucked your wife for the first time ,you had her tested?Maybe thats why she is your X. You are a loser who now spends his time on a forum spreading lies. Ever wonder how the very first case of aids came about? Unprotected sex? An accident beyond your control.Now thats a good one.It wouldn,t be an accident if it were your fault. You are just like a lot of farmers. You are a failure at what you do and you expect taxpayers to bail you out. A$$hole
  3. Judging from the responses to this topic,I think I would use the term juvenile to describe a few others. "EH"
  4. You are saying someone knowingly has unprotected sex with someone who has aids? Yes,you did. My daughter had unprotected sex.She and her husband were trying to start a family.Unknown to them at the time he was HIV positive( another story).Now she also is HIV positive. So go ahead and bitch.Go ahead and say it was her fault and she is stupid and selfish. And that she is now a burden to taxpayers like you. A$$hole
  5. To me it seems quite reasonable to assume the children were killed by American firepower. And now this. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,,2020841,00.html
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