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Posts posted by Debo

  1. The majority of people voted for Gore.......FYI


    I dont understand the beating you people give this horse.

    The votes were counted and counted again and again.

    Sometimes they even added the absentee votes of the servicemen that the Dems had gotten thrown out.

    Not one time did Gore win.

    Also, we have been using the electoral colledge voting system forever, why is it now that you have a problem?

    If Gore had won then it came to light that the Dems had the absentee votes nullified, would you have called for a recount?

    No response needed, that is not the liberal operating method.

  2. That's just great, a president who looks out for the best interest of another country with an American Credit Card, courtesy of the American Tax Payers!

    He's upset because the Senate wants $10 billion to be in loans.............Just when I thought this President couldn't do the American People any worse than he already has.............BAM, he comes through!

    He wants us to pay for it, our kids to pay for the tax cuts and accumilated interest and we still have over 2.7 million jobs lost since he took office.........this President is unbelievable!!!!!!!!

    While the Republicans were recalling Davis, you would think they could put 2 and 2 together and recall Bush...

    Surly you know that recalling a Pres is not a stipulation within the constitution.

    Of course the libs could always get judges to change the constitution to fit thier purpose. Again. Again. Again and oh yea, again.

  3. Oh, since Daniel says so there must be..........how do you explain 2.7 million lost jobs since Bush took office.

    Also, this administration wants to GIVE money to Iraq in lieu of LOANING it to them to build schools when he won't put the money here to build schools and create jobs.

    This is the same president giving Arnold S. advise on how to balance his budget..........HAHAHAHAH, what a joke!

    I got this one.

    The job lost is not as bad a thing as most libs are trying to make it sound like. It is an inevitability.

    If it took the same number of people in 2003 to do a job as it took in 1945 then this nation would never progress and most everyone would be farmers.

    It is simply that we have become more efficient at our work. That has to be a good thing, right?

    I know it does not help the unemployed but to be fair to Bush it has nothing to do with him. And would happen regardless of who was head honcho.

    This is also not an American problem. Every country, even Canada, are experiencing this to one degree or another.

    I forget the % rate but it seems China has been hit more than the US by this.

  4. My God man.

    The thought ever occur to you that the life stamped out might have grown up to cure cancer or become the long awaited one? or whatever. Never know, you know?

    Or Hilter, Jeffry Dahlmer, Jac Chirac, John Cretien or some smelly guy on a donkey in the mountains with a three month old grainy cassette tape of OBL. What kind of an argument is that?

    A rash and sentimental one.

    My mind is not as sharp as yours this I am sure of so when at lost for intelligent replys I simply rush to agree.

    Damn ,man that was dark.Smelly guy, hitler and all.

    It also has my mind trying to get around something that should have been obvious to me.Bad with the good.

    Never the less, abortion for the sake of abortion is first cowardly and mruderous.

    Life has been proven, at least well enough for me, to start at inseption. What is the problem, it is life, kill it and you murder.

  5. Unfortunately the Palestinian people have become a world cause and cant be dealt with in an efficient manner

    And what do you mean by that?

    What I mean is that any efficient manner in which to deal with the problem will be cut short by the involvment of every bleeding heart lib in the world. They care not for remedies or reasons only mediocre nothing. That is thier way.

    Israel created a modern state from the desert. I don't see the Palestinians doing the same.

    Israel was given a state in the desert. The palestinians have been caught between Israel's expanisonist ambitions and the Arab worlds manipulations for decades. They've never had a chance.

    Israel cut this barren spot out of the desert with plenty of blood and sweat with no help. Also, they were working on it long before the Brits stripped the area from the Ottomans.

    hey receive $300 million from the EU alone, to fund their terrorist campaigns, nary a whit of that goes to building institutions of peace and governance, yet i hear constantly about the poor Palestinian people. The best thing that could happen for them is to have Arafat dead, a new leadership and some sensible socio-economic governance.

    Proof? Didn't think so.

    Now thats just silly. What would be one downside to this extremly intelligent proposal?

  6. Dear Hugo,

    A valid point, but the unborn is not yet (or always, depending how you look at it) a woman.

    I suppose the biggest line in the sand of 'abortion' vs murder is what constitutes a person. If a person is broken down into component parts, one will find a pharmacy and a compost heap, all in one. Potassium, oxygen, hydrogen, iodine, etc. I read somewhere that the actual value of the components of a human are about 4 dollars. Yet these components aren't a 'person'. A person is made up of common elements, but does not become a person until......what? Life experience? Memory? Decision making"? Conception?

    At conception, those chemicals and elements will 'probably' evolve into a person. The debate seems to be, are you a person under federal law at conception? Not at the moment. Should they be? Perhaps.

    My God man.

    The thought ever occur to you that the life stamped out might have grown up to cure cancer or become the long awaited one? or whatever. Never know, you know?

  7. It seems that the Bible and other religious literature will probably be banned from Calgary Hospitals. What an outrage! At a place where people need spiritual help & info more than most, the militant secularists want to remove it.

    I for one, have never objected when i see a Book of Mormon alongside a Gideon Bible in a hotel room find this to be nothing more than a vindictive attempt to stamp out religious faith in Canada.

    The Story

    When the anti-God crowd gets thier way and religeon is just a memory who are they going to pray to when the dogs and worms of the world open up.

  8. Islam holds no corner on being new or different than most religeons.

    People believe thier religeon says what ever the man of the moment tells them it says.

    I have my religeon, irrelevent what it is, but I am able to hold it true not by changing it to mean what I'm told to, but by clinging to what is right and what I feel.

    Islam is not violent any more or less than the others. The morons listening to the bigger morons is the violent maker.

  9. Debo, you are right, there is no gay gene, there is no fat gene, no tall gene, no ugly gene, no missing teeth gene, no humped back genes nor is there one gene for fat noses. As Hugo said, DNA make up is layered - interacting genomes produce physical, mental, behavioural traits and there is not one master gene that controls your sexuality. Homosexuality from the time of Ancient Thebes has been a social-environmentally induced phenomenon and deviancy. It has more to do with a combination of innate and socio-familial-environmental factors than some genetic hard wiring.

    The main purpose of those advocating genetics as the cause of homosexuality is to rewrite laws, impose a view of the world that is based upon a hedonistic, bacchanalian philosophy where all is equal, pleasure and self love to be elevated and the institutions which have allowed western wealth to accumulate, to be ignored.

    It has nothing to do with science and everything to do with the creation of a new society. The irony is that those who support gay marriage are so intolerant that if you object, you are named as intolerant and inflexible. As with most left liberal tirades, facts, evidence and rationality never enter into their thinking.

    Hell, I thought it was just to make it a little less than totally unacceptable.

  10. Ronda saying that letting two perfectly law abiding decent gays to marry will lead to little boys being legally sodomized by child preadors is fear mongering at its worst.

    its obviously not going to happen so why do you keep trying to pretend its related?

    there is NO consent issue with gay marraige, so it should have no effect on the consent of children. especially considering how touchy society is about protecting kids.

    why do you keep making such bizarre and distastfull claims?

    do you think that letting women become people and not just property will cause men sexually rejected by thier wives to go on raping rampades through society?

    do you think that blacks when allowed to have sex with whites will lower the IQ of the nation and lead to the end of the white race?

    because these all sound about equally plausable..

    is this the only negative effects that people use to scare up support for preventing gay marriage?

    i just dont think its a reasonable discussion to have...


    You are so wrong.

    Here in the US we have that sorry NAMBLA and the ACLU teamed up, God only knows how that will turn out.

    But if you want to look only at the legal aspect, how fair would it be to allow gays to marry and not a farmer and his horse, or, a mother and her son, and how about those that want more than one partner, you would be eroding the safe gaurds against these things.

  11. Wether you are for or against same sex marriage, I was wondering how people feel about religious officials, such as the pope or that bishop in Alberta, publicly trying to influence the decision of our elected officials. I would say the Bishop is a citizen and has a vote, but the Pope threatening eternal damnation somehow irritates me. We criticize other nations and try to exert pressure, mostly for trade reasons or human rights abuses, and it is acceptable for them to criticize us fo the same. Is critisism of our public laws open to religious pressure, and should they be? Would you vote for a MP that chooses his stance on issues, by the dictates of a religious leader?

    Maybe the Pope sees this as a human rights abuse.

    Think I would if I were in his position.

  12. I cant buy into the gay gene. Really it doesnt work when put to the basic tests.

    If a gay gene were a legit thing how could it be passed?If you have non gay parents the gene manifesting would be doubtful. And why now, why has it grown to such alarming proportions in fairly recent times?

    Men and women are bio different, how could the gene rep itself the same in both.

    And , if it was a gene, could we not identify and gut it out?

  13. Dear KK,

    I believe Arnold's first actual challenge (besides asking for federal money) is resolving the "(Wetback) Driver's License" issue. I don't follow US politics a whole lot, but it seems, to me, lunacy to give DLs to non-citizens without legitimate 'papers' such as a work or student visa, etc.

    Even worse, in America if you have a DL you have access to everything else. Kinda like a backdoor to legit.

  14. Brainless thing to do on Sharon’s part, to bomb a place in Syria that is suppose to be a so called terrorist camp. I think he ran out of places to bomb in Palestine and Lebanon. Even if it was a terrorist camp. How hard is it to open a new one? The tax base that Syria has or for that matter any country has, bombing a camp will not solve the problem. What's the big deal with opening a new terrorist camp? This strike does not make Israel safer, infact it will only do the opposite. Other side of the coin is events like these do provide good cheap entertainment.

    What then would you do.

    To be sure Syria and all the other terror dogs nations are niether deminished or even crippled over the loss of one training camp, but Sharone was a little smarter than you give him credit. Now Syria knows that they are not as secretive as they thought and, also Israel has shown they are willing to strike anywhere they find the necessity.

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