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Curtis Smith

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About Curtis Smith

  • Birthday 02/17/1990

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    Canadian and some American Politics, history, religion, hunting and fishing, and music

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  1. Indeed you are right, you make a good point. I never meant to say that I back Dion and his Environment Policy at all, and I do feel sorry for Ambrose because she did try. But hasn't all this propaganda by the obviously left CBC made Canadians believe this is a hot issue?
  2. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2007/01/03/...et-shuffle.html Prime Minister Harper today confirmed he would be making the announcements Thursday morning, to shuffle high profile portfolios in his Cabinet. Mr Harper is expected to replace Environment Minister Ambrose for her miss handling of the Environment Ministry in Parliament. I think this will bump up some of his points he has been losing to the Liberals over the past month, and I think this can help him considering the Environment has become a very hot issue over the past year. Rona Ambrose has indeed miss managed the portfolio, through flip flopping and failing to sell the Clean Air Act, and in my understanding has admitted that her self, and it is a fact she has had no experience at all with the environment portfolio. In my opinion, if the Prime Minister puts in the perfect man or woman to take her post, this could very well save him the next election. The person I think most fit to take her position and why, would defiantly have to be the Indian Affairs Minister or the Industry Minister, as they make good candidates for the post and their are many other Conservative Member's of Parliament that could easily take they’re places, as for the Prime Ministers Pit bull in parliament, he does too well as the Treasury Board President. What do you guys/gals think?
  3. You seem like you know what your talking about, What do you call it than? Your post took little to no thought at all, other than to prove your own arrogance, your post also proved you have no knowledge of what I have said, or that is really going on in Afghanistan, we are fighting to (I will use a different word now, because secure seems to piss you off.) stabilize and keep tabs on the Taliban. For a heads up, I only keep saying the same thing over and over again, is because, people like you come a long trying to contradict the actual facts of Afghanistan, so I have to keep saying over and over again until, people like you get the point, and stop trying to slip some "made up fact" about Afghanistan in to this thread. Done?
  4. Thank you for the help Greg, and every one else as well. Have a great day, Curtis
  5. Well said my friend, well said. I tried going to the Armed Forces website to get that information as well, but it does not work, even though I have typed in the correct URL Address, but that said I also can't get on to the Government of Canada's website www.gc.ca, it is weird.
  6. No, my friend, if you read my point, clearly you would have noticed that you said we were posturing to the United States with this mission and I said we were not, we were doing the exact opposite, we are taking the load of this mission, in order to stabilize Afghanistan and to secure our freedom. Here is the information on the VETERANS FIRST motion with regards to injuries… Back to you Thank you, but my point still remains, that we are in Afghanistan now, no matter how contradictory Harper’s policy was before that. Well how else do you figure we do it? The Liberal way?(Pay for rehabilitation) 60 years is long indeed, but you kill one terrorist and ten more are trained and ready for battle, so we have to battle it out until we have blown up every last training camp, shoot every last Taliban fighter and blow to hell any country that supports them in the process, IE, Pakistan, Iran, hell if we can do it we should take out Kim while he is watching a movie at his home theatre! What we need to do to win this war, is to simply be ahead of the game, we need a way to be able to tell that a mile away one of those rats has place an IED on the road, that way we can take out the IED and sniff our the rat and strangle him, easy as that, but unfortunately it is not. So we have to fight like hell, and that unfortunately has a terrible consequence and army guy has most likely had first hand experience with that terrible consequence. War is war and just like world war two it needs to be done in order to keep the world secure and free.
  7. All right, thanks for the knowledge and the heads up, and of course my contributions shall be worthwhile, you shall soon see my well thought out posts. Happy New Year
  8. I........No comment, I refuse to feed the Islamic troll.
  9. Thank Paul Martin for his ignorance and anti-Americanism. Not to mention the Liberal Conspiracy theories that think it is going to lead to weapons in space, and who told us if we joined, we would be jumping in to Bush's pocket. I think I would rather set up some silo's that risk being blown to hell if we piss of North Korea some how, even if it does lead to putting pre-emptive strike weapons into space which is probably a few decades or centuries away.
  10. Actually, I am pretty sure it is the exact opposite my friend. I am sure the majority of posters here do not side with the enemy, and actually find some value and valour in our brave men and woman fighting like army guy.
  11. We are in Afghanistan to hunt and kill the Taliban, it is our duty, we owe it to NATO and to our selves in the name of freedom and security to hunt and kill the Taliban before they hunt and kill us. We have not been attacked yet because of this exact reason, we collect intelligence in Afghanistan about pending attacks on Canada and NATO allies, let us keep it that way, and god bless Canada, the Mission and our troops.
  12. . No, We do not have any reason to kiss Americas ass, we are working just as hard as them to restore freedom to Afghanistan and security to us, we may be doing even more than they are in fact, as we are currently in the most deadly region of Afghanistan well the United States is in Iraq and currently what few troops they do have in Afghanistan are only patrolling already contested regions of Afghanistan. If you ask me Harper is just simply trying to get us back up on the world stage and show everyone that we are not weak, and insignificant Canada that sits back and let's other countries get they're hands dirty. Never heard about this, can I have a reference? Even if it did happen, the point is we are there now. We already have JTF2 in Afghanistan but they are currently focussed on the capture of Bin Laden and in doing so are working in the volatile mountains of Afghanistan. Although you have a point about political pressure on Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, I think we should be doing more than that, I think NATO should be forcing them to either co-operate or risk having NATO soldiers blasting down the gates in to they're country, especially Pakistan, that is the only way this war will be effective. As for how many Taliban we can expect to kill with so little troops, I really can not answer that, if I were Prime Minister, I would be boosting the defence budget significantly (definantly more than Harper has) and work on recruitment. I would say we need at least three times the troops we have in there now in order to be an effective, and more focused force in Afghanistan. The killing will not stop until we have killed, turned, or captured every last Taliban fighter or terrorist supporter in the world. No one said this would be easy; I could be 60 before we ever finish this war.
  13. Cretien and Martin were exactly the opposite of Harper, Harper visited out troops to show that we were behind them all the way and, that he did respect them. Cretien and Martin could not give a damn about our troops slashing funding, and than start pulling them out to safer areas once the going got rough. Someone in this forum stated very well why we are not putting the flag at half mass, and that is because it will turn in to a "yo-yo." To end this, 38 soldiers did not die since "Steve" was elected, 38 soldiers died because they are fighting courageously in the heart of the Taliban land to restore freedom to Afghanistan, and security to the western world, and to rebuild. As much as you do not want to here this our soldiers are KILLING Taliban and that does not come at no cost to our troops.
  14. I am new to this forum, and I have one question about it, Does Greg own this entire website or has he just been given the title as administrator/moderator for this discussion forum?
  15. I agree, and I think in a few years CBC will have no government funding and move in to mainstream television and marketing. But if they have bored all its viewers to death by than, how can they possibly make profits through advertisements to keep they're programs running? They need to gain an audience now before they go from Government funded program, to a public corporation.
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