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Posts posted by pfezziwig

  1. Funny how those on the Left support Freedom of Expression and fight censorship, but try to suppress anything that differs with their ideals by labelling it hateful racism, the Left are less tolerant then the Right.

    You'ld think after the last 5 years of failed attempts by the Left to paint anyone on the Right as racists and sexist they'ld see the hipocrosity by now, maybe they're so fanatical after doing it successfully for 20 years they can't change.

  2. So when athietists parents do get around to actually indoctrinating their children with their own moral beliefs it's not religious brainwashing but a childs free choice, and when a christian or muslum does it is religious brainwashing? They're just lazy parents riding the coat tails of societies built on formal religous laws, thats right, the westerm world morals you believe in originated from christian and jewish beliefs. If you grew up an athiest in the middle east you would be very different than an athiest in the western world, why do you think that is?

    I'ld like to debate the morals taught by athieists but none of them have the courage to write it down and present it formally or publically so I guess we'll just have to listen to athiesst take cheap shots forever at the bible, koran and new testament. That would be one humorous document to read if someone actually did write down some of their moral beliefs, probably easier to pick apart than the bible, imagine a 'bible' produced by todays generation of athiest, I suspect the commandments would look like: 'Thow shall buy all the useless things you can for yourself with a credit card', 'thow shall glorify sex with multiple partners', 'thow shall not have a two parent family', 'thow shall glorify gangster and corporate ideals', 'thow shalt look out for yourself only'...

  3. I thought Toronto was as tree hugging, left leaning, al gore supporting friendly as you can get and he won there on fiscal restraint and pro-car agenda?

    If it can happen in Toronto is there hope for other left leaning ndp dominated cities across canada to elect a mayor who wants to live within our means? Or will it only happen in provinces that achieve massive deficits like Ontario is achieving now?

    Do we need to be facing bankruptcy before electing someone like mayor Ford? Here in Halifax we are running massive provincial deficits and debts, tax rates are high, the private sector is fleeing our province and politicans are still spending like drunken sailors with no end in sight (or as they like to call is 'stimulus projects' or 'revitalization projects'), do we need to get closer to bankruptcy before changing our ways and trying to live in an economically sustainable manner?

  4. The Left Wing only support free speech when it agrees with their opinions.

    If it doesn't support their radical beliefs they label it racist, sexist or discrimatory and try to censor it. Ironically the Right Wing are more tolerant then the Lefties nowadays. The Right have been push overs for so long now they've forgotten how to stand up for their own beliefs, choosing to let the Lefties run wild, as so they have and will continue to.

  5. I'ld love to see how these athiets do as parents, I'm sure their kids will turn out fine learning moral values from cruising youtube, mtv and half baked hippie philosophies like 'peace and love, man'.

    Athiests stand for nothing other than to oppose people who have moral beliefs, niavely thinking everyone would be loving and compasionate without being taught to be so, sounds like our current shallow and selfish 'me first/consumerism culture' now come to think of it.

  6. A little competition should straighten these wastful spending practices out.

    Let the private sector into the healthcare sector and fund the public sector to your hearts content (ie. steal from the future). Then wait for the embarrassing stories of the private sector delivering the same services at a fraction of the cost of the public sector, watch them get off their butts then.

    What incentive do healthcare bearucrats have now to save money, there's probably more of a dis-incentive, what manager wants to save a department millions of dollars, they'll just receive less in their budget next year and the manager will be blamed for that?

  7. Here's hoping 2011 will be the year we finally start talking about serious healthcare reform...I'm not holding my breath, seems like the only time major policy decisions of long term sustainable practices are made only in the face of an impending disaster, like the state of bankruptcy currently in California, Greece and Ireland are going through. Can't blame the politicans, they're just doing what the majority of canadians want them to do.

  8. Do we really need unanminity among thousands of scientists and government officials to decide whether polluting the environment is a bad thing?

    At best this debate will conclude it's not 100% certain man made pollution is causing global warming. Either way I still want to reduce pollution, does anyone think its ok to pollute seeing as it is not certain to cause the near term destruction of the planet? Who wants to live in in a smog covered city, or next to a coal powered power plant?

    Take your pick of reasons to support the reduction of pollution, there's something for everyone:

    1] companies operate more efficiantly when they waste less, this is an econmic argument much of Europe adopted.

    2] pollution is unhealthy to all living things, a health related argument

    3] pollution destroys the environment, an environmentalist argument

  9. Has the Nova Scotian public sector (or any other province) exceeded a critical mass? Meaning the public sector makes up so much of the workforce that no polician can stop its growth?

    In NS we have seen nearly a 20% decline in enrollment of kids in schools over the last 10 years yet the school budget increased 40% over the same time period (..and no, we did not achieve spectacular results nationally).

    In Greece the public sector was so huge it took a state of bankruptcy before politicians made policies to live within their means, is the same story playing out here, are the public sectors too big to stop with anything other than a state of bankruptcy?

  10. All levels of governments are guilty of the same thing, here in Halifax we pay for consultant reports from political cronies who provide good PR by promptly creating a report in support of what the government wants.

    Government can't even get outsourcing right. In the private sector outsourcing reduces the number of full time employees required, in the public sector the staff levels increase even while outsourcing.

  11. I'm not advocating the removal of the public healthcare system, just to allow the private to compete. It's a monopoly and the government are acting like thugs, strong arming anyone who wants to offer private sector services. We can still fund the public sector as much as we like (even if it is stolen from the future).

    Picture this, politican 'Joe' promises to allow private sector hip replacement surgeries, thereby reducing year long waits for suffering seniors, and saving tax payer dollars. Would that not be a populist move? Are left wing Canadians that intolerant to not allow private sector services where they are terribly needed, like in this simple example? Or would these fanatics still vote 'Joe' out of office for doing this and make seniors suffer so they can make their point?

  12. Yet another report highlighting Canadians dissatisfaction with their public healthcare services was released by Angus Reid (large random sample of 55k across canada).

    Is there anyone left in Canada who thinks healthcare services are going to get better in the future?

    Why are politicans afraid to support the private sector healthcare providers as a solution to unsustainable public healthcare costs? Do unions frighten them so much that they would rather watch our healthcare services decline instead of confronting them with private sector solutions? Or is it delusional Canadian voters who believe more public spending is the solution that they fear more, I suspect it's a little of both.

    The last 30 years of deficit spending was not a long term viable strategy, let's encourage our politicians to talk about the elephant in the room, they need some encouragement and support.

    Looking forward to some replies from canadians who think more public spending is the solution, or 'trimming the fat' and making the public sector more efficient will solve our public healthcare problems in the long run

  13. Finally, a politician who thinks we can spend our own money more wisely than government, what a breath of fresh air.

    Guess those deficit spending lefties will have to post pone driving our country into bankruptcy because if Ford can win Toronto many other cities have a chance for sane politicians to win (ie. someone who doesn't think deficit spending is a viable long term sustainable strategy.)

  14. How can you call it car of the year when no one wants to buy it? They'll be lucky to get a few hollywood millionaire tree huggers to buy it. Pretty elitiest attitude of Motor Trend picking a car the rich and middle class have no desire for.

    I guess the fact this car is totally uncompetitive with other hybrid cars and pure electric cars was not used in the determination of this award, I wonder what was used...maybe who was going to give Motor Trend the most advertising dollars next year perhaps?

    This was car of the year 25 years ago when GM built the first mass produced electric car.

  15. I believe it only affects the new power generating plants that will be built. If there is a way out of the current NL-Quebec contract I'm sure they will find a way to pipe it through NS if they can. And they have the nerve to threaten the Feds not to fund this project. This should help Quebec along in becoming the first province to achieve bankruptcy, Quebec deserves this don't you think? nana na na, hey hey, good bye nana na na, hey hey, good bye ,

    ps. thanks for the advice on buying emera stock, that dividend does sound tasty and eases the pain of being a shafted nova scotian.

  16. Universities are motivated by enrollment as much of their funding is based on it.

    They don't care if graduating students have no real world skills and a massive debt or even if they do not plan on living here after graduating like most international students. That fact that candians subsidize international students university programs is of no concern to senior management at universities who just want the massive subsidies for every student they have, students only need 2 things for these university administrators, tuition and a pulse.

    How many political science undergrads or bsc's in biology does canada really need? I've got a bsc in biology and had essentially no job skills after graduating.

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